Read Lucky Break Online

Authors: April Angel

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #contemporary romance

Lucky Break (6 page)

BOOK: Lucky Break
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“You’re amazing.” He helped her to her feet and kissed her. The kiss was hot, greedy, and he shoved one hand between her legs. “And so fucking wet, I can’t wait devour you.”

She pulled away, so horny she almost saw double. “Then do it. Eat me. Lick my pussy and make me come.”

Air panted out of her as she sat on the nearest lounger and spread her legs wide for him. He kneeled and pulled her to the edge, draping her legs over his shoulders.

He kissed her inner thigh and grinned. “You really do have the prettiest pink pussy. Dripping wet and swollen and…” He licked a spiral over her clit. “You taste fucking fantastic.”

Goddamn, he was good. And not just with the dirty talk—which was such a turn-on, with his deep voice and rough words—but the flicking he did felt amazing. Flames shot from the nipples she was pinching, down to her sex. Her pussy fluttered; she was so close to coming, it would take nothing. Her body was wound tight. She panted. It was hard to breathe when all her focus was on her need to come.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

He swiped at her clit, thrust his tongue into her sex, and sucked on her folds. She gulped, wiggling in his grasp and pinching her nipples harder.

“Oh…” Her breath hitched. “So close.”

He sucked hard on her clit. So much so that she jerked and screamed. Her orgasm tore through her. She twitched, her body shook, and she gasped for air while pleasure inundated her limbs and she floated on a cloud of bliss.




At some point after the third or fourth time she’d been with Jared, they’d fallen asleep. Well, she fell asleep again. It was still nighttime when she woke, but she knew she needed to get back to Nina’s. She hadn’t even bothered to tell her she was fine. Her gaze strayed over her shoulder to Jared. He was holding her in his sleep. She grinned. It was a nice feeling, being in his arms. Too bad she had to go now, or she was sure it would be one weird morning-after talk when he woke up.

The last thing she wanted to hear was “What are you still doing here?”

Sliding out of bed, and his arms, she padded to the main living area and slipped on her skirt and top. She peeked around but didn’t see her panties anywhere. After a few minutes of useless searching, she gave up. Her clutch grabbed her attention. She stopped. Cards were strewn all over the carpet. She located the ace of hearts. Her favorite. She bent and picked up the card and put it in her clutch without a second thought. It was a small reminder of one very sexy night. Then she grabbed the sandals from the spot he’d left them. Back on firm ground, she let her gaze roam over the sleek vessel. It was a thing of beauty, just like Jared.


* * *



“So tell me what happened last night.” Nina’s pretty face was filled with curiosity. “I must have called your cell phone, like, fifteen times but couldn’t reach you. It was Max who finally said I should just wait until you called me.” She lifted her brows. “Only you didn’t call me, chica. I haven’t slept because of you.”

She watched her cousin, in her Tweety Bird pajama shorts and tank top, set up the coffeemaker. She glanced at her again, exhaustion visible in her face. Guilt made Lucky turn her face away from Nina.

“I’m sorry, Nina. I saw your messages, but it was so late when I did, that I didn’t want to worry you, or disturb you with calls in case you were sleeping. I went for the text and hoped it would be enough to keep you calm.”

Nina lifted her brows. “You mean the text that said: ‘I’m OK. I have the keys and will see you in the morning’? That text?”

Lucky winced at how dry it sounded. “I can see it was not the best way to let you know. Honey, I’m sorry. I swear to you I will never do that again.”

Shame was riding her hard. She would’ve never thought to forget the person she went anywhere with, but somehow Jared had not only messed with her hormones—on a nuclear level—he’d also messed with her ability to think rationally.

Nina yawned. The coffeemaker’s drip and the rich aroma of brewing coffee filled the kitchen of the soon-to-be-empty apartment.

“Have you been packing some more?” she asked, noticing the new boxes lining the hallway.

Nina nodded, opened the cupboard, and pulled out two mugs. “I have to, or Max said he’ll get professionals to do it. While I don’t mind them doing the bigger items, I can’t stand the thought of some stranger touching my photos or personal stuff.”

She put the mugs on the table along with sugar, cream, and cinnamon. Lucky grinned. Nina always remembered she liked cinnamon in her coffee.

Once the pot was brewed, she sat down across from her and waited for Lucky to speak. God! Nina always did that. She was, like, frickin’ psychic. Her mom had always said that, but Lucky wasn’t so sure.

“I met a man last night,” she said, filling a cup with coffee, cream, sugar, and sprinkles of cinnamon.

“I saw that.”

Her gaze jerked up to Nina’s. She was blowing on her mug and smiling, her eyes twinkling with delight.

“He was…” Fucking amazing. Incredible. The best lover she’d ever come across. “He was nice.”

“Well, that’s good. You needed to meet someone after Nick the Dick.”

“I don’t know. We didn’t exactly exchange numbers or anything.”

Nina’s eyes went wide with disbelief. “Why the hell not?”

“Well…we had a great time, but I wasn’t really interested in the awkward morning-after conversation, if you know what I mean. That is just not something I am ready for.”

“You and Nick the Dick broke up almost six months ago. He was cheating. He got his ex-pregnant. He—”

“Please,” she said, rubbing a hand over her brow. “Spare me. I know what he did, I was there.”

“My point is that you have let what he did fester inside you far too long already. Look how long it’s taken to get you to come back home. Are we going to have to get married and divorced every few months to see you?”

“No. You already know I’m coming back up here. It’s just the relocating of Jazz and Kaylani I have to worry about, but otherwise we
be coming back.”

“Good. Now back to the man you were with. How much did you like him?” She grinned and waggled her brows.


Nina chortled. “You are hilarious. You say enough and your face is red as a tomato. Hmm…” She tapped her fire-engine red nail on her chin. “Should I believe what your mouth is saying, or what your face is saying?”

“Fine. He was so fucking fantastic in bed, I swear to God.” She bit her lip, remembering Jared’s gorgeous body. “I wanted to tie him up in his sleep and chain him to my bed, just so I could look at his body and take advantage of him whenever I wanted. There. Are you happy now?”

Nina’s gales of laughter reverberated around the kitchen, and after a while Lucky found herself laughing too.

“Wow. That’s one way to put it.” Nina drank from her cup and stared at her. “I have a feeling you and Mr. Fantastic will be seeing each other again.”

Great, just what she needed, for Nina to start telling her what she really didn’t want to know. “Cut out the psychic shit, Nina! You know it creeps me out.”

She giggled. “It’s not psychic. Sometimes, I have this feeling.”

“Look, let’s stop the weird talk and go pick up Jazz and Kaylani at the airport. I want to get going on your wedding plans with the vendors and venue.”

“Fine, but we’re going for breakfast first. And you are paying for my pancakes. It’s one way to make it up to me for my lack of sleep.” She filled her mug again and stood. “I was sitting here all alone. Max ended up leaving because he had to concentrate on work for a last-minute meeting this morning. He said when he’s with me, he loses all track of thought.” She grinned. “Isn’t he cute? Anyway, I was here alone all night, worried about you.” She pointed a finger. “So, yeah, you’re paying for pancakes and bacon.”


Chapter Five



“All right, let’s get this meeting started.” Jazz’s voice was filled with command. He ruined the effect by giggling. “As much as I love to hear how hot Andrew and Max are—which I hate both of you for, by the way. Why can’t I meet a man who’s good-looking, rich, and great in bed?” He sighed dramatically. “The good ones are either taken or straight.”

The women burst into laughter. Alex cleared her throat and grinned. “Jazz, honey, I think you said that wrong.”

“Oh no, I didn’t. See, you girls always say it the other way, but then you meet these hot, sexy men that make you go bow chicka wow wow. So now I’m hoping if I say it my way, I’ll meet my own version of Mr. Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” He winked.

Nina laughed and cleared her throat. “The first order of business is to tell you all how happy I am that you could be here to help plan this. I loved that we came together for Alex’s wedding, and I’m hoping we can make some magic happen for mine.”

Jazz lifted his brows high. “Listen, honey, I’m not responsible for Alex’s getting pregnant before the wedding. Lucky, you’ve explained to them we didn’t make that kind of magic happen for Alex, right?”

Lucky giggled at the way Jazz draped his hand over his forehead and dropped his head back on the cushion as though ready to faint. “I have explained we are not fertility specialists. They will need to go explore those types of miracles with their chicka wow wow men.”

“Oh, Lucky! Tell us how the McKinley-James wedding turned out. You were so excited about it,” Alex asked, and rubbed her tummy over her strapless pink dress.


“It was hell!” Jazz fired. “You don’t even know the half of it. First of all, the venue told me we were not allowed to bring live plants, and we’d have to get fakes.” His eyes went so wide Lucky thought they would fall out of their sockets. “Fake, for such an important event! The nerve.” He shuddered.

Kaylani chuckled and took notes. Lucky’s sister was the quietest one of the group, but she was also the youngest and tended to have a busy mind with a million event setups.

“The food!” he gasped, and ran a hand through his short black spikes. “The food was atrocious. Lucky specifically asked for a particular chef to be brought in, Sev Constanzo.”

“Oh, I’ve seen him on TV,” Nina said, and took a sip of iced tea. “He’s hot and knows how to cook.”

Jazz took a drink and fanned himself with his hand. “He is an artist in the kitchen. He’s also a very good friend of Lucky’s. She’s worked with him a few times. Unfortunately, Mrs. McKinley swore that some other chef she knew was better and made it a point of contention to use her man. Lucky, the doll that she is, allowed the change, even after I told her I’d scratch the fat little man’s eyes out for looking at me weird.”

Alex’s eyes went saucer-wide. “How did he look at you?”

Jazz waved his hand. “He looked at me like I was some kind of freak, and not in the good way.”

Alex was immediately sympathetic. “Aw, that’s awful, Jazz. You’d think people would be used to a fantabulous gay event artist by now.”

Jazz laughed. “I don’t think that was the reason he looked at me like I was a freakazoid.”

Nina frowned. “Then why?”

Kay cleared her throat. “Because he told him that the kitchen smelled like animals had pooped there, the food looked like someone had stepped on it, and the dessert made his stomach turn.”

Both Nina and Alex gaped at him. He sniffed and lifted his chin. “Well, it was true. Besides, that was no excuse for him to look at me the way he did.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Alex agreed.

“I know,” he said, and leaned into Alex’s side so she could pat his back.

Lucky rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak when Jazz whipped up in his seat.

“I almost missed the best part.” Lucky’s throat closed up, and the room began to spin. Oh no. She didn’t want to rehash her breakup with Nick in front of the two happy women.

“Jazz, they know Nick and I broke up there.”

Jazz deflated. “Oh. Well if that’s the case, wasn’t it just awful how he did that?”

Both Alex and Nina gave her sympathetic looks. She tried to swallow past the knot in her throat.

“Yes, it was the work of a prick.” Alex’s face scrunched with distaste. “A small prick from the sounds of it.”

Lucky thought back. He definitely wasn’t Jared size. Her body flared to life remembering Jared’s kisses and touches. Shit, none of her past lovers were anywhere near Jared’s size or matched his performance.

“Girl, he was a little weasel, and I wanted to smack the shit out of him, but Lucky did fine all by herself.”

She flushed, embarrassed that the conversation was still on her ex, a man who deserved to have none of her time wasted on him.

“What time is the pre-wedding party tonight? And what time is it being set up?” Kay asked.

“The set-up crew will arrive in a few hours. Guests won’t be here until later this evening. You guys have time to go home and change if you want to.” Alex grinned.

It was a fantastic idea because Jazz and Kay had come straight from the airport and needed to freshen up.

They were deep in wedding plans, the caterers had already set up, and a band was testing their mikes in the background, when male voices drifted from the front of the club. Using Come Again as a base of operations allowed them to plan and meet without the worry of boxes in Nina’s small apartment and the new furniture being delivered to Alex’s house.

Lucky was writing a list of things to follow up on in the following days when a deep voice floated from behind—a voice she recognized. Her head jerked up. Nina was smiling at her.

“What is he doing here?”

“Who?” Alex whispered, copying Lucky’s soft words.


“He’s the best man,” Nina replied, unperturbed.

“What?” she shrieked. “You mean I—and he—and we…”

Nina’s nod only added to her misery.

“You and Jared what?” Alex asked, clearly confused with her lack of speech. “I’m starting to think I should’ve gone to that party with you guys.” She pouted.

With her back facing the entrance, there was nothing she could do. Panic filled her while she sat there. God, she hadn’t even said good-bye to him, thinking it all a one time thing. And that had been just last night. How the hell was she supposed to know he was that closely connected with Max? His voice sounded closer, and closer, until it was right behind her. She kept her eyes locked on Nina. Her cousin, whom she was going to start calling the devil, grinned and winked at her.

BOOK: Lucky Break
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