Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger (6 page)

BOOK: Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger
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Before I can act, I hear McCormick call an end to the meeting. I’ve missed everything else that has been said. I quickly grab my briefcase, rise, and prepare to make a hasty retreat. A hand on my shoulder stops me.

Chapter 8


“I…I’ve got to go!” With that I quickly turn and hurry away. No one tries to stop me as I leave the room. Stopping for nothing and no one, I quickly head towards my office. I enter, slam the door, and throw myself backwards against it, dropping my briefcase to the ground at the same time. My breathing is labored and I’m starting to feel lightheaded, so, pushing myself off the door, I walk on unsteady feet towards my desk. Once there I collapse into my chair. Resting my elbows on the desk, I bury my face in my hands.
I’m not going to cry…I’m not going to cry…
that’s when the tears start.

I hear the door open and fly back against the wall. I know who it is…I knew it would happen. I’m not going to look up. I can feel my tears start to flow down my cheeks and I don’t want him to see me like this—weak and vulnerable.

“Please, just go! I don’t want to talk to you!”

“Not a chance!” I can hear the anger in his voice. The door closes and I can hear the click of the lock. “Look at me!”

“No! Just go away!” I can hear the tremor in my voice. He’s now standing next to me, so I know he can hear it too.

“Look at me, please!”

“I can’t.”

“Maddie, please!”

“No! Just leave me alone!”

My chair swings around and I am raised into his arms. His arms are wrapped around me and they feel so good, so right. That’s when the tears really start to flow.

His arms grow tighter. “It’s all right baby, it’s all right. Let it out.”

“I can’t do this!” I say between sobs and try to pull away from his embrace. But he refuses to release me. He continues to hold me until the crying ceases. Releasing me slightly, he hands me some tissues from my desk. I take the opportunity to pull away, placing the desk between us.

“We are going to do this!” he yells.

“No we’re not!”

“Yes we are!”

“Why? What’s the point?” I’m moving towards my briefcase, which still rests by the door. I’ve just picked it up when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to the desk and pushes me into my chair. The briefcase again hits the ground and the contents fall to the floor. I try to rise and retrieve them, but his hands are gripping the chair arms on either side of me, forcing me to stay seated.

“Oh no you don’t! You’re not running away from me again!”

“I wasn’t running—I was getting my briefcase. Now if you will please remove your hands, I have something for you.” He removes his hands and cautiously moves back a few feet. I rise from the chair and crouch down to return the spilled papers to the briefcase.

“Here, let me.”

“No, I’ve got it.” I stand and place the open briefcase on the desk. Looking through the now jumbled mess, I find the resignation. “Here,” I say as I hand it to him.

“What’s this? Another note? Do you communicate with all your lovers via notes?”

“We aren’t lovers!”

“Well we did a pretty good impression of being lovers four months ago.” He looks down and starts to read the letter in his hand. “You’re resigning? What…one look at me and you decide to run again?” I can hear the anger escalating in his voice.

“I’m not running!”

“Yes you are!”

“I was already resigning before I even saw you. I was going to hand that to McCormick as soon as the meeting was over. How was I supposed to know that you were going to be there?” With a sigh I walk around the desk and retrieve my briefcase. “You’re the boss now, so I might as well give it to you.” Then I start walking towards the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?”


Before I can even register his movement, he is blocking my exit.

“Oh no you don’t! You’re not leaving until I get an explanation! According to this resignation, you’re giving two weeks’ notice. So that means, as you pointed out, I’m your boss. It isn’t five o’clock yet, so you’re on my time, and you will sit here and explain yourself,” he says, pointing to my chair.

“There’s nothing to explain. I need a change, so it’s time to move on.” I move around my desk and sit.

Again he moves to tower over me and shakes the resignation in my face. “I’m not talking about this!” Then he rips it in two and throws it on the floor.

I flinch and start to move my chair backwards, away from him. A hurt look comes to his face, but it’s quickly gone and the anger returns. “I’m talking about you running away from me four months ago. I thought I was going to wake up to more of what we shared the night before, but no, all I got was a shitty note! I’d just had the best sex of my life, and then—nothing!” He starts to pace the room. “If it meant so little to you then you could have at least had the guts to say it to my face, not run without an explanation.” He moves around the desk and sinks heavily into one of the chairs there. Resting his elbows on his knees, he lowers his head to his hands and runs his fingers through his hair. After what seems like an eternity, he pushes himself to standing and starts to leave the room. “If you still want to resign, then give it to McCormick. I can’t do this…I don’t take rejection well. Four months is enough. So maybe it’s better that you go and I can move on.”

I rise quickly to my feet. “But you were the one who was going to reject me! That’s why I wrote the note—to save you the trouble,” I shout across the room to his back. Then I lower my gaze to the desktop. I can’t look at him. “I couldn’t stand the thought that you were going to wake up and I’d see regret in your eyes. What we did was beautiful and it’s all I think about. I can’t sleep without reliving that night. My work is suffering. That’s why I was resigning. I needed something new, to try to take my mind off it. I can still feel…”

I’m in his arms. He’s kissing my hair, my eyes, my cheeks and…oh yes…my lips. This can’t be happening; it must be another daydream. Then his tongue runs along the seam of my lips and I know it’s real. My lips open of their own accord and our tongues start mingling. His hands are fisted in my hair, he tilts my head, and the kiss deepens.

I can feel my skirt traveling up my legs as his fingers move up my thighs. He grabs my hips and quickly lifts my butt onto the desk. I can hear everything hitting the floor, but I don’t care. For four months I have dreamed of this very thing and now I’m living it. He breaks the kiss and moves his lips down my neck. My jacket slides down my arms, trapping them. Then my shirt is being unbuttoned. I want to touch him, but I can’t. I start to struggle, trying to throw the jacket off. His hands slide over my shoulders and my shirt joins the jacket. I moan in frustration and hear him chuckle. Taking pity on me, he slides the shirt and jacket off my arms. The moment my hands are free, I raise them to his hair and dig my nails into his scalp. I can feel him shudder, so I let my hands continue slowly downwards. He has removed his shirt and jacket, so I continue to his nipples and scrape the hardened tips lightly with my nails. His low groan encourages me to continue downwards across his abdomen. I reach his trousers and slowly start to remove his belt. His head lowers to suck my nipple through my bra while his hands unhook it from the back. I throw my head back and push my breast further into his mouth. Again he chuckles and slides my bra off my arms. I’m frantically trying to undo his trousers as he continues to chuckle around my nipple at my efforts. His hands replace mine and he releases his button and zipper. Without hesitation I move back my hands and slide his trousers and boxers over his hips; then, scraping my fingernails over his hips, I return to his glorious erection. I grab him in both hands, then start to pump them up and down; he hardens and lengthens in my grip. He bites harder on my nipple and I grip him tighter.

“Enough!” he growls and pulls me towards the edge of the desk. The movement moves my skirt further up over my hips, exposing my panties. I can feel his fingers move to the top band and then I hear and feel them ripping. With one stroke he enters me fully. Oh yes…this is what I’ve craved! I can feel every glorious inch of him as he slams in and out of me, his hands controlling my hips. Fast and hard; it’s what I need! I’m gripping the edge of the desk tightly as my butt moves rapidly back and forth, my head thrashing from side to side. I can feel myself teetering on the edge of a climax. He begins to shudder.

“Cum with me…now!”

And we do…together.


One year later…

e now live together in the same house where we first made love. Jake’s friend decided to sell, so he bought it and we moved in six months ago. He said he couldn’t resist the chance to bring us back to where we started. The outside is the same, but we have made the inside our own. All the antiques are gone and it now has a modern décor.

We’re standing on the landing in front of the large window, admiring the view. I’ll never get tired of this view, but the one that interests me more is the one of the man standing next to me with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

I no longer work at Connor and McCormick. We mutually decided that it would be for the best if I left. So now I hire myself out as a consultant. The work is steady but not overwhelming, and it allows me to be here when my man comes home. And this is the only place I want to be. In another six months, I will be Mrs. Jake Connor.

I never did take the vacation I won from the bet. Every day with Jake is like a dream; I don’t need to go to a spa to feel good about myself anymore. He is my every fantasy come true. I couldn’t wish or want for more than I have with him. Every night we make love until we both are so exhausted we fall asleep in each other’s arms. And every time is like the first: new and exciting. My little battery-operated friend is nearly obsolete. He only makes an appearance occasionally for our shared pleasure. And…I buy my panties in bulk.

Of course Sherry takes all the credit for our happy ending, and she reminds us every opportunity that she gets. She decided to take the vacation herself…alone. But that’s another story…

BOOK: Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger
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