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Authors: Allyson Young

Madness (6 page)

BOOK: Madness
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Olivia gasped and pulled away.

“Stay still,” he commanded. “I am going to explore every inch of you, Olivia. Your body belongs to me tonight. Do you understand?” When she did not respond, Cameron slapped one buttock, then the other, popping the cheeks to create more noise than an actual sting, and Olivia jumped and cried out in surprise.

“I understand, Cameron. Please.”

“Please, what, Olivia?” he asked from above her.



“I don’t know. I don’t understand,” she protested.

“When I ask a question, you will answer me, Olivia. And you will call me Sir while I am training you.”

Olivia shivered again, the movement causing her thighs to flex and her buttocks to sway slightly. Cameron nearly forgot that he was teaching Olivia the importance of communication.

“I am Sir to you in the bedroom, Olivia, and you will answer me when I ask you a question. Just as you will ask for permission to speak at any other time. It is my hope that after tonight you will call me Master. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

Cameron decided to be content with that. She had allowed him liberties already that few women new to dominant sex would allow.

She was trying to follow his lead, and he needed to throttle himself back and take things slowly. He shouldn’t need to keep reminding himself to do that, but then no other women had been like Olivia. For a moment he wondered at how he could forget his training when it was such a part of him. His emotional connection, his attraction to her was distracting him.

He gathered more of her cream and coated her tiny pucker with it, pressing insistently until the tight ring of muscle allowed him to insert a fingertip. He would bet anything that Olivia had never experienced anal sex and probably not anal play either. He regretted that he wouldn’t be able to take her there until she was prepared, and that would take more than one night. Anal sex usually represented a woman’s true submission to a man, and it was something he didn’t take lightly. As he worked a finger in deeper, he idly thought of what Trevor would think of Olivia, should she be convinced to attend the Club, but felt the same distaste at the idea of sharing her. Double penetration was an orgasmic delight for many women, and on one hand, Cameron wanted Olivia to experience it, with Trevor in her pussy and him in her ass and perhaps another familiar Dom fucking her mouth, but it didn’t sit well. Cameron pushed the thought away


and concentrated on how Olivia was doing taking his finger. He would insert something in her anus before fucking her tonight, just to stretch her. He hoped to convince her to give him tomorrow and the day after to continue her education.

“Lie on the bed, on your belly,” he instructed her, helping her stand up and ensuring that she was steady on her feet. The sight of Olivia’s beautiful ass in an upright position as she moved gracefully toward the bed took his breath again. He pushed a king-sized pillow under her to elevate her hips and couldn’t resist smoothing his hand over the swell of each buttock, loving the way she felt beneath his calloused palm.

“Spread your legs, honey, and wait like that.” Cameron knew that the position and anticipation would arouse Olivia further but also was aware that he dare not leave her to think too long. He hastened to the bathroom and dumped the contents of Olivia’s purse out into the sink. She was remarkably organized, for there was far less detritus that he expected. He unzipped her makeup kit and grunted in satisfaction. A long, thick mascara wand was just the right size. He grabbed the lube and returned to her. She rested on the bed, her head turned away, legs spread, and ass raised, only the slightest rise and fall of her back indicating that she was breathing.

Was she relaxed? he wondered. He put his hand on her sex and the wetness there reassured him. Olivia had her arousal under control on the outside, but her body betrayed her.

“This will feel cold at first, Olivia,” he warned and then applied the lubricant generously to her anus, inserting the thin nozzle inside and squeezing in a goodly amount. He coated the mascara wand next, now wishing it was thicker but accepting that he would make do with what he had.

“Relax and push back on me, honey,” he urged as he began to insert the plastic into her. It slid in fairly easily, and Cameron’s cock, already at attention, hardened further. He was careful to insert only a couple of inches into her, but the sight of her ass taking the black


container was as arousing as the sight of any plug he had used. He badly wanted to buy Olivia her own plugs and vibrators. He took her by the waist and carefully rolled her onto her back, positioning her so that she lay as if crucified, yet placed so that the makeshift plug wouldn’t have any pressure on it. He longed for the type of headboard he could attach the ropes he had purchased to but would have to come up with a different strategy later when he really pushed her boundaries and needed to keep her hands and her will from interfering.

The sight of her tear-filled eyes brought him to an immediate halt.

“Olivia!” His brusque reaction made her flinch. “What’s wrong?

Did I hurt you? Why didn’t you use your safe word?”

“No, Sir,” she choked. “It’s just a lot to…” Cameron gathered her to him, kneeling on the bed as he did so.

“Shhh,” he crooned, “It’s okay, honey. I’ll slow down.” After several minutes, Olivia’s heart rate subsided, and she relaxed totally into him. Cameron stroked her back one final time and then laid her down. He checked the position of the plug and then turned his attention to her breasts. Olivia’s red nipples were tight and pointed, the areolas puckered with desire. He took one in each hand and reveled in the weight and softness of them, stroking the silky undersides with his thumbs, listening to Olivia’s muted whimpers as he did so. As he slid his fingers together over her nipples, she arched into his touch, and he rolled and pulled each tight nub in concert, steadily increasing the pressure until her eyes popped open at the slight pain. He watched arousal replace the discomfort and he twisted harder. He could smell her juices now, so he lowered his head to one breast, sucking the abused nipple between his teeth before biting down. Olivia gave a little scream and arched up, pushing her breast against his mouth. He obliging sucked as much of her tasty flesh as he could inside and trapped the nipple against the roof of his mouth, while pulling and twisting her other nipple to the limit. Cameron felt Olivia have what he believed was a tiny orgasm just from the nipple


play, and he wanted to shout with satisfaction. She was perfect. Wait until he clamped her at the Club and the others saw her incredible sexuality. Except he wanted to keep it to himself, for himself. Yet showing her off, sharing the experience, was so fulfilling, too. The myriad of feelings for her were confusing him and pulling him away from the present. After laying a final, soft kiss on either soft mound, Cameron grudgingly abandoned her breasts and began to trace her skin with his tongue, starting just below her right ear. He wanted to know all of her sweet and sensitive spots so that he could sensuously torment her later when he had her tied and spread for him.

“Are you all right, Olivia?” he asked.

Olivia moaned and opened her eyes to stare at him. “I think so,” she said. “I feel tired.”

Cameron laughed against her neck. “Sweetheart, you don’t know what tired is, but you will,” he promised.

* * * *


Olivia reflected on Cameron’s last statement. He was tracing her collarbone now and licking the oh-so-sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. She tried not to moan in enjoyment but could only muffle the sound by compressing her lips.

“I want to hear your passionate sounds, honey,” his dark voice warned in her ear. “Do not hold back from me, or I will make you share. And keep your hands over your head or I’ll tie them.” Her sex gushed again at his threat. Somehow she knew he would never really hurt her, but the idea of him smacking her bottom again intrigued her, and Olivia was going to do anything and everything he wanted of her tonight. Tomorrow was another story, but she had decided, somewhere in between him shaving her sex and pushing his finger into her rear, that anything would go tonight. And maybe then she could get Cameron out of her head. Because he was dangerous to her future. He would waylay her and distract her. The seed of


resentment and betrayal planted that night twelve years ago had sprouted and was growing just as she was losing her inhibitions.

Olivia didn’t stop to examine it, distracted as she was by Cameron’s dominant sexual attentions, but it was there, simmering under the surface. She would be his tonight, and after, well, she would see. She might just find someone different to meet her needs, not someone who had missed the boat all that time ago.

“Quit thinking, and just feel.” Cameron’s growl brought her fully back to the present.

Olivia gave herself over to him as his tongue now traced over her belly and trailed across the top of her sex. She felt the silk of his hair brush across her abdomen as he pushed both hands beneath her buttocks to lift her to his hot mouth. The heat and flickering tongue took her breath, and her thighs splayed open even further to accommodate him. His grunt of approval warmed her, and then she could only concentrate on the stiffened tongue stabbing at her opening, pushing up inside of her, then pulling back to circle her clit.

Cameron next reared up and pulled her ankles over his shoulders, pushing and bending her knees against her chest to fully open her to him. She watched him look at her there, saw his pupils dilate with passion, and then he dove back into her privates, her pussy, open mouthed. If the sensation she got from when he had worshipped her breasts was overwhelming, then she didn’t have any words to describe this.

He licked her from anus to clit and back, over and over, and then whiffled over her folds. Olivia felt herself swell in reaction and pushed against the stimulation, stilling when he nipped her in warning.

“Hold still. I will decide when you come again, Olivia,” he said in a warning tone. “You already have a consequence in the near future for coming without permission before.” Olivia protested. “But you did it to me! You never said, oh my God!”





Cameron had just smacked her pussy, the wetness there upping the sting factor. He pushed his fingers into her right afterward, and Olivia flinched against the invasion.

“I am telling you now, Olivia. You wait for permission. You are so tight, honey, how long has it been since you and your husband…?” His question dwindled off.

Olivia froze. She wasn’t telling Cameron about Andrew. She wouldn’t. Cameron didn’t press her. Maybe he realized how insensitive he was being.

Cameron pumped his fingers in and out of her and then added another. Her vagina was stretching, and there was no longer any sense of discomfort but rather a rising prickle of excitement as he rubbed against a spot high inside. She tried not to squirm, clenching her buttocks instead, but that only constricted his fingers against the thing in her ass and pushed them harder against that high spot. Olivia heard herself panting and then Cameron sucked her clit into his mouth and pinched it between his teeth. She vaguely heard him mumble something and then she went over, screaming out her pleasure. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her as he petted her clit with his tongue, gentling it.

“There, sweetheart, just as I told you.” Olivia realized that Cameron had told her to come. She didn’t let on that she hadn’t any choice in the matter when he had done that thing to her clit or that she hadn’t really heard him. He had already promised her a consequence for not controlling herself, and she didn’t want to rack up any more until she determined if she liked it. She contented herself with a sigh.

“Olivia. Olivia, look at me.”

She forced her eyes open and saw Cameron standing at the foot of the bed, now naked and sporting an enormous erection.

“Come here.”

Somehow, she made herself roll over and sit up on one hip to swing her legs off the bed and set her feet onto the floor. She stood


and walked the few steps to Cameron on shaky legs. He pointed to the floor in front of him where a pillow lay.

“Kneel, Olivia.”

Olivia sank to her knees, grateful for the comfort of the pillow.

She wasn’t sure if she should bow her head, look up at Cameron, or keep her eyes level with his crotch. She closed her eyes and abandoned making the decision.

“Open your eyes.” Cameron’s dark, inflexible tone made her pussy spasm just as her eyes popped open. Impossible. She had come twice in the past hour, and she was getting aroused again. But it was his turn and, while she had no experience sucking cocks, she would do her best.

“Now open your mouth, Olivia, and take the head inside.” Olivia did as he commanded and closed her lips around the plum-sized head of Cameron’s penis. He took in a loud breath, and she realized how she was affecting him just by her initial touch. It inspired her, and she sucked him gently, touching him tentatively with her tongue. He tasted of salt and spice. She liked his flavor, which surprised her. Somehow she hadn’t thought a man’s privates would taste good, although Cameron had appeared to relish the taste of hers.

Cameron fisted his hands in her hair, piling it up on her head and away from her face.

“I want to see you suck me, Olivia. Do not tease me. Take me as deep as you can, right to the back of your throat.” Olivia sucked Cameron slowly into the recesses of her mouth. He was large and filled her, and when he bumped her throat, she gagged and panicked. Cameron released her immediately and pulled back.

“Breathe, sweetheart,” he encouraged her.

Olivia fought tears and got her breathing under control.

“Olivia,” Cameron asked in a slightly incredulous tone, “have you ever done this before?”

Olivia ducked her head, hugely embarrassed, only to have him pull her up to look at him via his grip on her hair.





“Answer me.”

“No, I haven’t,” she gritted.

After a moment, Cameron said, “Then I’m honored to be your first. I will teach you, honey. Open your mouth.” Olivia opened and Cameron pressed his cock just inside her mouth. He took her head in his hands again and carefully inched inside, watching her face intently. A bead of moisture dripped onto her tongue and she instinctively lapped at it, causing Cameron to hiss.

Startled, she looked up at him.

“It’s okay, honey. You feel so good, that’s all,” he assured her.

“I’m going to push in until I touch the back of your throat. Relax.” Olivia felt Cameron slide all the way in and then stop. She swallowed nervously and he groaned, releasing more liquid, which caused her to swallow again.

“If you don’t stop that, honey”—he chuckled, although it sounded forced—“I’m going to disgrace myself and come instantly. For a beginner, you are extremely talented. Now put your hand around the base of my cock so you know how much of me you can take.” When Olivia did as he instructed, Cameron pulled back a little and pushed back in, slowly at first and then with increasingly faster strokes, her hand acting as a barrier to keep too much of him going inside her mouth and choking her. Olivia tightened her lips around him and tested him with her tongue, loving how he groaned above her. She remembered how he reacted when she swallowed so she tried that again, too, increasing the suction of her mouth until her cheeks hollowed.

“Olivia, I’m going to come. Fuck, baby, let me out!” Cameron tried to pull away, but Olivia sucked him in deeply and swallowed hard. The hot spurts and volume of his ejaculate poured down her throat, and she swallowed convulsively as he bellowed above her. She was amazed at the sense of power it gave her, coupled with his now-agonized groans of satisfaction. She veiled her eyes with lowered lids


so that he wouldn’t see her feminine satisfaction over controlling his pleasure.



BOOK: Madness
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