Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She was so wet he easily slid into her tight sheath as if she was made for him. Immediately, hot, wet heat enveloped him, drawing a hiss from his lips. This was what home felt like. This is what he had been missing all those years when he thought he had it all but still felt something wasn’t right.

Looking up, he stared into Caleb’s face and nodded. “Perfect. Just perfect.”

The other man nodded and grinned before he bent over Beverly and rubbed his cock against her lips. Jeff watched her eyes light up as she opened her mouth and quickly licked a bead of pre-cum from Caleb’s cockhead. The other man drew in a sharp breath and closed his eyes as she took him into her mouth.

“Holy fuck!” Caleb’s eyes flew open as she closed her lips around him.

Jeff smiled and let the erotic picture of her sucking his partner’s cock deep into her mouth add to his already heated need. With each slow thrust into her tight cunt, Jeff drew closer and closer to losing his control. He wanted this to last. He didn’t want to ever leave the comfort of her body.

Hearing her moans, he realized he’d closed his eyes again. When he opened them, it was to the sight of her throat rippling around Caleb’s dick deep inside her. The other man’s face was drawn up in ecstasy that almost appeared painful as he climaxed. Jeff could well imagine the bliss that overwhelmed him. Jeff wasn’t far behind him as he watched his wife swallow his partner’s cum then lick him clean.

Pressure built at the base of his spine as he tunneled in and out of her tight sheath, increasing his speed as he lost the tight control he’d been trying to maintain. He shifted his angle and finally found Beverly’s hot spot, raking over it with the head of his cock with each stroke. Her gasp of breath told him all he needed to know, but her soft keening as she approached her second climax nearly did him in.

“Come, baby. Let me feel you explode on my cock.” Jeff held her hips in a tight grip as he thrust inside of her over and over again.

“Oh, God, oh, God, oh God. I can’t breathe,” she whispered before screaming as her orgasm took over.

Jeff’s balls drew up, and cum exploded from his cock as she tightened around him almost to the point of pain. Nothing had prepared him for the rapture that took his breath then slammed his heart against his ribcage. He emptied his seed deep inside her womb. The feel of her legs wrapped around his waist as she jerked beneath him pleased him. Knowing that he’d made her feel good added to the pleasure he felt.

He collapsed on top of her but quickly rolled to the side, pulling her with him as Caleb settled down at her back. He struggled to regain control of his breathing and dreaded when his spent cock would eventually slip from her warm body.

“That was fucking amazing,” Caleb said from the other side of Beverly. “Honey, you’re amazing.”

Beverly opened her eyes and smiled shyly. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Done what, Bev?” Caleb asked.

“Climaxed during sex.”

Jeff lifted up on his elbow to stare down at her. “You’re kidding. What sort of jerks have you been dating?”

Her eyes shuttered before she looked away. “I–I thought maybe it was me.”

“Hell, no. You’re the most responsive woman I’ve ever been with. You’re perfect, honey.” Caleb’s words seemed to please Beverly.

Jeff basked in her happy glow. Then she yawned, and he knew she was worn out and needed to rest. They all needed to. They had a lot of work to get done in a short amount of time.

“Go to sleep, Beverly. We all need to get some sleep.”

She didn’t open her eyes back up but nodded her head with a soft hum of agreement. Jeff turned over and pulled one of her arms over his side where he curled his hand around it and held it next to his chest. He needed her touch to relax enough to drift off, something he would think a little closer about tomorrow. How could she have become so important to him in such a short time?


* * * *


Caleb woke up with a jerk. He wasn’t sure what had caused him to do it, but now that he was wide awake, there would be no way he would be able to go back to sleep. Besides, there were only a couple of hours till he had to get up anyway. Might as well start the coffee and watch the sunrise for the first time in their new home.

After slipping out of the bed, he pulled on his jeans and padded barefoot out of the room and down the stairs. He turned on the light in the kitchen and set up the coffeepot to brew. The moons had already set, but the first vestiges of dawn were already peeking in the eastern sky. He poured a cup of coffee and stood at the window to watch the planet come alive. With each second that passed, more of the strange new world they lived in revealed itself like a shy virgin.

There was so much they didn’t know about Alpha, and some of it could easily kill them. How would he and Jeff ever be able to keep Beverly safe and happy? They knew next to nothing about their new home. It scared him a little and pissed him off a lot. He was used to being in total control of everything around him, but now he wasn’t, and that grated on his nerves.

Despite his not wanting to move, Caleb couldn’t help but turn away from the amazing sight in front of him to gaze at the even more amazing one stepping into the kitchen just as barefoot as he was.

“Morning, Beverly. How did you sleep?” Caleb asked as he watched her pour a cup of the dark liquid.

“Morning, Caleb. I slept really well. Much better than I did on the shuttle.”

She sipped her coffee as she joined him at the window. For a long time they just stared out at the emerging world around them as the sun’s rays awakened the colors that still seemed strange to him. Caleb wanted to enfold her in his arms but wasn’t sure how he would be received. Despite their lovemaking the night before, Caleb still wasn’t sure of his place with her. It was obvious that he would end up being the tough one in their relationship. As much as he liked being in control of things, he wasn’t sure he wanted that role at all.

“Have to agree that sleeping on the shuttle wasn’t easy.”

“Coffee’s good. Thanks for making it.”

He grunted and continued to watch the sky grow brighter while the grass and plants emerged from the shadows. Beverly’s presence seemed to make it all seem more, more incredible and more real. She seemed to ground him when he would have plunged into the middle of it all and tried to make it his. It wasn’t his. It was theirs, and that was something he would need to get used to. No longer was he in absolute control, owner of everything within his gaze.

“Soon as we finish eating, Jeff and I will finish up the posts then start on the garden. Probably need to see that plan you have for it.”

“I’ll get it when I finish breakfast and have it waiting for you when you come in for lunch,” she said.

Beverly walked away from the window and began to gather items to make breakfast.

He turned back to look out the window and drink his coffee. He should have hugged her. Why hadn’t he? Turning, he started to walk over to where she was pulling things out of the fridge when Jeff walked in and immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She looked flustered but pleased.

Scowling, he turned back around and glared out the window. He felt Jeff walk up next to him before he actually saw him. The other man had a contented look on his face and cup of coffee in his hand.

“You’re up mighty early,” Jeff said.

“Need to get those poles set so we can get to work on the garden.”

“I’ll start out on digging holes.”

“Fine.” Caleb saw the other man stiffen at his surly tone. He sighed and tried again. “How many more do you reckon we have left?”

“About ten or twelve. Should be finished by lunch or a little after.”

Caleb nodded and forced himself to let go of the bad mood he’d worked himself into. They hadn’t even been in the house twenty-four hours and already he was fighting the bit like a wild horse. Either he took to the reins and shouldered the responsibility or he was going to be bucking against Jeff every step of the way. They needed to work together, be a team. It would take both of them to survive and keep Beverly safe.

He glanced over to where Beverly stood working over the stove. She was a pretty thing and so giving. She wasn’t exactly what he was used to, but she was perfect for the life they would be leading. They didn’t need a simpering woman who couldn’t boil water much less run a house and work in a garden. They needed a strong woman who could handle whatever the planet threw at them.

Maybe she wasn’t his normal type, but she was his wife and one day would be the mother of his children. She deserved his best in all things. He’d learn to accept what she could give him and forget about the rest. Looking over to Jeff, he figured she was right up his alley. He appeared to be more down-to-earth and was definably more relaxed than Caleb was.

He looked down at his empty cup. He hadn’t remembered draining it. Walking back across the room, Caleb poured more coffee before taking a seat at the table. Jeff followed him over and sat across from him.

“Is something bothering you, Caleb?”

Caleb jerked his head up and stared at him. “Why would you think that?”

“You’re awful quiet this morning. You’ve never been like this since I met you.”

“Guess the enormity of the situation finally hit me. I’m just thinking over everything to be sure we don’t screw something up. It’s not just planning now. This is it. We’re here, and it’s for keeps.” He tried to keep his earlier thoughts locked inside so they wouldn’t show on his face.

Jeff nodded and sipped his coffee. “You’re right. This is the real thing. The good news is that we’re not alone. We have each other, and we have the other families here for support.”

“When are we going to meet the others?” Beverly interrupted them, setting plates of food on the table.

Caleb breathed in the wonderful aroma of bacon and eggs. He grinned when she set a platter of pancakes on the table next.

“Once we finish getting the garden in, I thought we might meet our closest neighbors. I’ll call them up on the radio tonight after dinner.” He figured by then it would do them all some good to visit after having been on their own for nearly a week.

“I can’t wait to meet the other women here. I’m sure we can learn a lot about what to really expect from them since they’ve been here longer. I heard someone back at town say that some already have children.” Beverly took her seat at the head of the table and waited as they passed around the plates of food.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure both of the main families have children. Don’t know if they are boys or girls though. We’ll find out soon enough.” Caleb dug into his food and the conversation lagged while they all ate.

After breakfast, he and Jeff rinsed their plates and sat them on the counter by the sink before grabbing their guns and heading out the door. They heard Beverly tell them bye and to be careful as Jeff closed the door.

“She’s a good cook, that’s for sure.” Caleb walked next to Jeff as they set out for the supply shed.

“Yeah, she is. We’re damn lucky to have gotten someone who already had experience with gardens and cooking. Six months of education on a spaceship isn’t exactly a guarantee someone will be able to handle the actual experience, especially on a strange planet,” Jeff said.

“You don’t have to tell me that.” He looked over at Jeff and wondered if the other man knew that she wasn’t the type of woman he would have chosen as a wife.

Shaking that thought off, he switched the subject back to the fence and getting the garden tilled up. They talked about where to put it and how soon Beverly would get to plant while they carried their supplies and tools out to the section of land they were enclosing. Neither man spoke after that unless it was about what they were working on.

Both men kept a wary eye out for anything that didn’t belong. Neither one of them wanted a repeat experience of the day before. Caleb made sure his rifle was close at hand at all times. When they switched places and he was digging while Jeff set the posts, he wondered what their wife was doing. He glanced toward the house but didn’t see any sign of her. They were really too far away to see into the windows. He prayed she stayed inside like they had demanded.

Several hours later, Jeff finished the hole he was digging, picked up his rifle, and walked off. Caleb wasn’t sure what the other man was up to, but he finished up the post he was working on and followed him. As he walked in the general direction the other man had taken, he saw Jeff walking back toward him.

“Where did you go off to?” he asked.

“It’s lunchtime. I wanted to see how many holes we have left to dig.”

“What did you figure out?” Caleb held his rifle across his arms like a baby.

“Looks like we have four, maybe five left. I think we can finish them and still have time to break ground on the garden. May not be able to till it up and row it today, but that’s okay.”

“Think it’s going to be hard to break up the ground and till it under?”

Jeff shrugged. “I don’t really know. Where we’re digging right now seems easy enough. Maybe the area we choose for the garden will be, too.”

They heard their names called and jerked around to stare toward the house. Both men took off running as if their lives depended on reaching the house as fast as possible. When they skidded to a stop at the steps up to the porch and didn’t see Beverly, Caleb’s heart stuttered in his chest.

Chapter Seven


After calling through the window for the men to come eat, Beverly slipped into the pantry to find a jar of jam or preserves. She nearly lost her balance on the ladder when she heard the back door slam open against the wall and her name called out in a panicked voice.


She wasn’t sure which of the men shouted, but she stepped down from the ladder and hurried out of the pantry.

“What’s wrong?” She looked the two panting men up and down for injuries. “Where are you hurt?”

“What?” Caleb scowled and stomped up to stand so close to her she had to hold her breath to keep their chests from touching.

“What in the hell were you thinking to open that door and call us if nothing was wrong?”

BOOK: Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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