Read Mara, Daughter of the Nile Online

Authors: Eloise Jarvis McGraw

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Historical, #General, #Royalty

Mara, Daughter of the Nile (35 page)

BOOK: Mara, Daughter of the Nile
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Eagerly Mara sat erect and peered through the swaying curtains. They were moving down a broad street lined with sycamores, toward the imposing gates of a great white wall. Beyond the wall she could see groves and a spreading roof, the plumes of tall palms waving in the breeze. And still beyond, over all, shone the clear, pink sky of morning …

Even as the chair passed under the last sycamore and through the gates, a great procession of chanting, scarlet-robed priests was winding up the East Avenue toward the palace, trailing the fragrance of myrrh. Nuit, the Great Mother, making her stately way westward to the dark of the underworld, paused at the perfume and the joyous noise, and glanced over a starry shoulder. Something unusual was happening in the Black Land; but her duties were over and she was sleepy. She moved away, blinking, as the great doors of the throne room were thrown open and the procession passed inside, followed by a throng of cheering, white-clad Thebans who filled the streets and ferries and wharfs as far back as she could see.

Then the stars went out, for the bark of Ra, in fiery splendor, burst out of the East. Sunshine flooded the wide desert and the long, green valley of the Nile. The night was over; a new day had dawned for the land of Egypt.


About This Book



Eloise Jarvis McGraw


Mara is a proud and beautiful slave girl who yearns for freedom. But
her escape from her cruel master only places her at the mercy of not
one, but two rival masters who each support contenders to the throne of
Egypt—and who would kill Mara instantly if they suspected her role as
double spy. Although distrustful of both at first, Mara begins to believe
in one of them, Sheftu, and his plan to restore Thutmose III to the
throne. And as her belief grows stronger, Mara finds herself, against her
will, falling in love with him. But before she can reveal that love and
pledge her aid to Sheftu, her duplicity is discovered, and a battle ensues
in which both Mara’s life and the fate of Egypt are at stake.


“The characters are solid flesh and blood beneath their ancient
costumes, and the vigor of their thoughts, emotions, and actions lend an
appeal beyond that of historical fiction. This is a good, full-bodied
The New York Times


Rear Cover


A compelling story of adventure, romance, and intrigue, set in
ancient Egypt.


Mara is a proud and beautiful slave girl who yearns for freedom.
In order to gain it, she finds herself playing the dangerous role
of double spy for two arch enemies—each of whom supports a
contender for the throne of Egypt.


Against her will, Mara finds herself falling in love with one of
her masters, the noble Sheftu, and she starts to believe in his
plans of restoring Thutmose III to the throne. But just when
Mara is ready to offer Sheftu her help and her heart, her duplicity
is discovered, and a battle ensues in which both Mara’s life
and the fate of Egypt are at stake.


“Dangerous espionage, an unusual love story, and richly drawn
background make this a book to capture quick and lasting

Horn Book


“Thoroughly engrossing.”

Kirkus Reviews


Publication Info


Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.SA.
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First published by Coward McCann 1953
Published in Puffin Books 1985


38 39 40


Copyright © Eloise Jarvis McGraw, 1953
Copyright renewed © Eloise Jarvis McGraw, 1981
All rights reserved


Printed in the United States of America
Set in Lino Bodoni Book


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis.
Mara, daughter of the Nile.
Originally published: New York: Coward McCann, 1953.
Summary: The adventures of an ingenious Egyptian
slave girl who undertakes a dangerous assignment as a spy
in the royal palace of Thebes, in the days
when Queen Hatshepsut ruled.
[1. Egypt—History—To 332 B.C.—Fiction]
I. Title.
PZ7.M1696Mar 1985 [Fic] 85-567 ISBN 014 03.1929 8


Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that
it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hire out, or otherwise
circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this
condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
Reading Level 8.1



Version Info


v 1.0 HTML

  • Scanned and proofed 2010-02-22
  • Changes / Corrections to the printed book
    • forbidden words / words.
    • “‘Ai, ai / “Ai, ai
  • Inconsistent capitalization
    • Main Gate / main gate
  • Inconsistent italics
    • deben
  • Inconsistent spelling
    • silver-workers / gold workers
    • half-brother / half brother
    • water-clock / water clock
    • eye-paint / eye paint
  • Ambiguous hyphenation
    • flag-staffs


BOOK: Mara, Daughter of the Nile
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