Martyrs (Forced by Consent Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Martyrs (Forced by Consent Book 3)
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Tae was amazed that he had not achieved orgasm yet, as this was easily the most violent and sexually incredible experience he’d ever had in his life.


Tae thought of himself as a good man, and despite his craven desire to sexually abuse women his kink was to punish willing women. Rape was as foreign and offensive a concept to him as other good men. Though such did not stop him from wanting to hurt his lovers, all that had stopped him in the past was the limitations of the human body. Somehow he knew, from balls to bones, that these women were beyond human. The blonde whose nose he’d broken finally got to her feet and walked towards him.


She reminded him of his short time in Bible school as a child, when his mother insisted and he was of an age where he could not refuse. The stories of the Christian martyrs had always moved him, where little else had. There was something pure in that willing sacrifice for a higher ideal. He’d hurt her badly, and the blood from her broken nose ran bright red down her succulent breasts, across her flat stomach, over her curvy hips, and left droplets from her feet on the ground. It was in that moment, as the wounded woman approached him absolute willingness, perfect humility, and burning passion that Tae realized what was happening here.


They really were martyrs. For what cause he could not imagine, though he knew it as absolute truth in his heart. He was the lion and they were the believers. This was a role he was prepared to fill, and the fighter took the blonde by the wrist and pushed her facedown on top of the other two blondes. Even with all three of the women stacked on top of each other Tae was larger, and he towered over them as he alternated between fucking each one. The fighter was so caught up in the moment that he ceased to differentiate between vaginal and anal, all that mattered was that he was inside one of them at all times even as he worked the others with his fingers.


Tae was a cocksman without peer, spurred onwards by the divine presence of the three mysterious blondes he was punishing, though even he reached a point where orgasm was something he couldn’t keep at bay any longer. When the sensation hit him Tae was in the process of slamming his massive cock inside the top blonde’s tight asshole, and he pulled out. The fighter rushed over to the front of the pile and shoved his cock into the mouth of the blonde with the broken nose. As always Tae’s orgasm was as bountiful as it was powerful, and there was so much cum and hard meat in the top blonde’s mouth that she gagged. When she spit up Tae’s incredible load the semen poured from her mouth into the waiting mouth of the blonde beneath her, who then turned her head and spit some of it into the mouth of the blonde on the bottom. As Tae stood over them the three blondes swallowed the cum still in their mouths even as much of it mixed with the blood that had dripped down onto their faces from the top blonde’s broken nose.


The mere sight of the three bloody and cum-covered blondes made Tae take a step back, and the moment his bare feet left the black satin ground cover he felt as if he were falling. The fighter blacked out, and when he came too he was alone and naked on the forest road. Snow had piled up all around him, and he was wracked with the freezing cold against his naked flesh. He scampered to find and don his boots and shirt, confused and freezing, and looked all around him for a sign of the three blonde women and their satin ground cover. They were nowhere to be found, and in the trackless snow Tae began to wonder in his rapidly chilling delirium if he’d imagined the entire encounter. That could not be, he thought to himself as he ran through the forest towards the House, because his knuckles were cracked and bloody from the punching and his cock was slick and sore from the fucking.


When Tae reached the main House he was aghast at what he saw. The vast stone mansion was decrepit and abandoned, inside and out. It was the pure rush of adrenaline, fear, and confusion that kept Tae warm over the next hour as he searched the drafty mansion for any signs of inhabitation. The entire building was empty save for decayed furniture, broken windows, and cobwebs. Whether it was the cold or his fatigue, Tae could only think to seek out his personal chamber. Perhaps he could find a bed there, or a blanket, something to keep him warm and soothe his frayed nerves. The functionality and admittedly bdsm glamour of his black t-shirt and boots did little to protect him from the cold of the fresh winter storm or the terrible disorientation of finding the House abandoned.


When Tae opened the door to his chamber he saw, much to his relief and deepening bewilderment, a stack of supplies on his former bed. There was a set of thermals, sweatpants, long sleeve shirt, shoes, boots, a knit skullcap, and several woolen blankets. In addition to the clothing and warm blankets he found a satchel of food and water along with a road map, compass, candles, a stack of twenty dollar bills, and a pre-paid debit card with his name on it.


As the sun was setting Tae was beginning to feel sharper after food and warmth, and was determined to solve the mystery put before him. The fighter gathered his supplies, lit a candle, and then made his way to the office of the Sovereign Lady. When he pushed the door open he was oddly not surprised to find the room vacant and abandoned. However, just before he turned to go he saw a simple parchment scroll sitting on the Lady’s desk alongside a manila envelope. He set the candle on the desk and unfurled the scroll so that he could read its contents.










Inside the manila envelope was a passport bearing Tae’s information and a photograph of his face that he could not recall taking. There was a burner cellphone with enough minutes for one phone call, along with a glossy business card for a limousine company that Tae recognized as the service usually retained by the House. There was also a small packet containing a plane ticket to Prague, in the Czech Republic, leaving in two days. Alongside that was a place ticket to New Orleans, leaving on the same day as the flight to Prague, and Tae knew he had to make a choice. 

BOOK: Martyrs (Forced by Consent Book 3)
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