Read MasonsRule-ARe Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

MasonsRule-ARe (7 page)

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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"I guess we do," she whispered.

Mason wanted to learn her secrets. Not one or two. But every deep, dark secret she possessed. He wanted her to give them up to him. He could hire an investigator and probably uncover every detail of her life, sordid or not. But it meant nothing to him if she didn't trust him enough to tell him herself.

He stood from his chair and pushed it aside and pulled her from the table.

"Mason." She gasped.

“You haven't taken a bite in a while. Instead you've gotten lost in your head and need to come back. What's going on in there?" He tapped the side of her face.

"I'm not nearly as complex as you think. I got to thinking about Purgatory and some of the things I saw there."

"Anything in particular you care to share? Something you liked that you want to try? I'm more than happy to accommodate your preferences."

She shook her head. "I don't know. In the club I was always surrounded by so many sights and sounds, some so far out of my comfort zone I found it overwhelming. A lot looked interesting." She paused. "Well, maybe not the fire play I watched. That looks scary."

He threaded his fingers through hers and squeezed. "You definitely have to work up to something like fire, but you might be surprised. It looks scarier than reality. Some even say it's easier than wax play."

He watched her turn to the glass and stare out into the night sky unfocused. "If you say so."

He ignored her sarcasm. “There’s more to this view than just this room. In fact, the second reason I took this apartment has nothing at all to do with this gorgeous space.”

“What do you mean?”

Her bright eyes mesmerized him.

He drew circles on her hand with his thumb. He could think of little else other the silky, soft touch of her skin and what it would look like when it turned red.

“I have another special room with a spectacular view, but it's a lot more fun. A lot more.”

Chapter Five

Rebecca tried to think over the roar of blood rushing in her ears. She was pretty sure he meant a private playroom. She had no idea why that surprised her. He certainly knew what he liked and wanted and it was easy to tell he was the kind of man who got what he wanted, when and where he wanted it.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say or do with you?” She dropped her head down and ended up staring at his chest. “From watching at the club I’ve gotten a good idea of what Doms like to do to their submissives. But I keep my distance and don’t invade their space, so I don’t know what a submissive does.”

His strong fingers released her hand and came up to tip her chin at the same time his other arm wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

“That’s what I’m for, babe. I’m going to teach you. But we aren’t going to sit down with pen and paper and have a lesson in some perverted classroom. This is fucking real and I teach by doing. I already told you I’d get so deep inside your mind and I wasn’t kidding. I may only ask for thirty days, but during that time I’ll know everything. Are you listening, Rebecca? Everything.”

Oh. My. God.

A slight shiver worked down her spine and goose bumps rose on her arms.

“Are you nervous?”

She nodded.

“Good. It wouldn’t be any fun if you weren’t.”

She sucked in one side of her bottom lip and bit down. Wicked, playful, and with a commanding edge that could cut her to the quick if she wasn’t careful. That’s how she saw Mason.

He had a way of pulling her back every time her mind started to wander from the present, making it easy to forget this wasn’t exactly real. Sex with a contract was a business deal and nothing more.

What did it say about her when she stood there turned on and anxious to learn from a Purgatory Master?

“Come,” he said, pulling her away from the window and in the direction of the apartment she hadn't seen yet.

When he stopped and stood in front of an innocuous closed white door, her palms began to sweat.

“What do you want to do, Miss Adams?” His hand was on the door waiting for her to say yes.

“Show me,” she said.

A tiny smile curved the edges of his mouth a moment before he leaned forward and kissed her. Quick, sweet and thorough.

He led her through the door into the room, which was lit only by the moon and city lights from the window. At first she only noticed the repeating windows and view from the living room, until her eyes adjusted to the shadows. There room had a lot more to it than a view. Directly in front of her stood a gleaming chrome frame with chains and cuffs dangling from above. Several oddly-sized benches were placed throughout the room. She couldn’t exactly identify them, beyond seeing the exquisite craftsmanship. But the shiny black leather sex swing, also in front of the window - she knew exactly how that worked.

Along the side wall there were hand-carved wooden storage cabinets with immaculate glass door fronts. Inside she could make out different implements and toys, more so than even Purgatory possessed. Mr. Sinclair appeared to have a well-stocked room.

“Since this is your first time here, I will allow you to enter as is. But know that any time beyond tonight, you enter this room with no clothing or jewelry, beyond a collar. Understood?”

She nodded her head.

“The first thing I need to know is whether or not you have any claustrophobic tendencies. I like bondage and restraint more than most and I think your body was made for it.”

Holy shit. She didn’t know what to say. The more he talked, the more she realized he wasn’t shitting her. He really liked her body just the way it was.


“Sorry. No, Sir. Not claustrophobic that I know of. But I’ve never been restrained, so I don’t know at all how I’ll feel.”

“Fair enough. Tonight we’ll start with something simple and then we can go from there. You need to remove all of your clothes, including your shoes and wait for me on your knees over there.”

He pointed to the window spot inside the chrome frame. A shiver of unease worked over her. She’d be naked in front of the window.

“Do you trust me enough to try this tonight?”

Rebecca looked into his dark eyes and almost gasped at the hunger staring back at her. He wanted this from her and she felt a strange need to please him.

“Yes, Mr. Sinclair.”

He smiled then and her belly flipped at his approval.

“As much as I love hearing you call me sir, I have to admit I enjoy Mr. Sinclair from those luscious lips as well.” He reached forward and brushed his fingers along her cheek and jawline. “Shall we, Miss Adams?”

Without saying anything else, he removed his crisp button-down shirt and pulled one of the chairs against the wall out and sat. “Whenever you’re ready.” he said.

They’d done this part before and still the nerves in her stomach jumped to life. She took a deep breath and lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it in the hand he held out.

“Pretty bra. Very virginal.”

A hot flush crawled up her neck. She chose this one because it was the prettiest she owned. She didn’t have a lot of extra funds these days for lingerie, so she sought pretty and functional at the same time. Even if they were all white.

She unzipped her skirt and wriggled out of it, revealing the matching lacy thong. This time Mason said nothing, only staring at her with those hot, hungry eyes that made her tingle all over.

“That would look lovely with a garter belt,” he said. Although the offhandedness made it sound more like he was making a mental shopping list than paying a compliment.

He looked at her expectantly and Rebecca hesitated as fresh doubts hammered through her. Following her sister’s journal was supposed to be a role she played, a means to an end. It didn’t feel like that anymore. Yes, her nerves were making her inside shake, but they didn’t stop her from acting on what felt like instinct now.

She reached behind her and unfastened and removed her bra. A low growl came from Mason when she dropped it to the floor. That sound gave her a fresh wave of confidence as she straightened her back and thrust her breasts forward. This time it felt easier to get naked while he watched and dare she say empowering?

“Have you ever worn nipple clamps? Your nipples look perfect for them.”

“Not exactly. I don’t have anything like that. Although I did try clothespins once.”

“And how did that feel?” he asked.

“It hurt.”

“Nothing else?”

She shook her head.

“You look embarrassed. Don’t be. Sometimes, without the proper stimulation the hurt has no way to manifest into pleasure. We’ll experiment tonight and see how it goes.”

“Okay, Sir.” Her voice trembled a little, but her nipples had bunched tight at his suggestion and that didn’t appear to go unnoticed. His lips tightened and his eyes widened.

“Remove your thong and take your place on your knees at my window, centered on the mat.”

She curled her fingers around the strings of material and shoved it down her legs, focusing on his exact instructions. Drawn to the view outside, she moved closer and sank to her knees. Yes, someone with binoculars or a high-powered telescope could probably be watching her right now, but pleasing Mason felt more important than someone getting a cheap thrill at her expense.

“Good girl. Now lean forward and place your cheek on the mat and you ass high in the air.” The dark gravelly sound of his voice stroked over and through her as she got wet listening to him. The butter soft leather of the mat felt cool to her cheek but did nothing to cool the heat burning inside her. With little more than a command to get naked and on the floor, she was more turned on than ever before.

As she settled into this position, the silence in the room continued, thickening the tension. A strong sense of vulnerability washed over her as she waited for Mason to say anything.

When the scrape of Mason’s chair sounded behind her, Rebecca’s already tight muscles tensed.

“Take a breath and relax, Miss Adams. I think you’re going to like this very much.”

The first touch of Mason’s hand on her backside made her jerk as if he’d applied an electric current directly to her skin.


He kept his touch light as he traced the outline of her ass, dipping close to her labia without actually touching.

Oh God.

She wanted more.

Her body moved automatically, pushing back against his hand to encourage him.

A firm slap landed on her right cheek, catching her by surprise.

“Don’t try to control what you get, Miss Adams. I determine what happens next.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean—”

“I know you didn’t. But you’ve made a choice to give me control and you’ve got to do whatever it takes to honor that. Now stay perfectly still while I stroke your pussy.”

He no longer got the words out before he slid a finger between her labia. She held her breath waiting for that magic moment when he touched her clit, but it didn’t happen. An inch from the destination, he retreated on a long, smooth stroke and nestled at her entrance instead.

“Take a breath, baby. Don’t hold it. Definitely don’t need you passing out on me.”

She closed her eyes and took the breath he wanted. This wasn’t supposed to be a struggle and she really needed to show him she could do this. The thought of him giving up on her and sending her away made her stomach roil and not in a good way.

“Rebecca, why are you shaking? What’s wrong?”

Her head jerked from the floor. What was he talking about?

“Not shaking,” she said, her voice every bit as uneven as her body.

He withdrew his hand and grabbed her by the shoulders until she turned and he pressed her face into his chest. “You can’t lie, baby. You have to tell me the truth or this doesn’t work. What the hell were you thinking about?”

Oh damn. Now she was having second thoughts. How could she find out if she was like her sister if she couldn’t even handle this one little thing? There had to be more.

From the moment she walked through those doors at Purgatory something shifted for her. The sexually frigid woman she thought she was started to thaw. Only now she was scared and it had nothing to do with the sex. Not really.

“Tell me, baby. Trust me enough to show you what this can be for you.”

His words surrounded her heart, beating at it until she swore she felt a slight crack start to form.

“It’s not that big of a deal. I was just thinking— I mean maybe wondering if I wasn’t able to do exactly as you asked if you’d give up and send me away.”

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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