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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

Melissa's Acceptance

BOOK: Melissa's Acceptance
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Sugar Creek: Melissa's Acceptance

Becky Wilde


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Publishers Note:

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental.

Solstice Publishing2010




Melissa arrived on her sister, Sara's doorstep ten minutes after her final date with Wesley Sands had come to its conclusion.

“What's wrong Mel? Why are you crying?” Sara asked concerned as she opened the door.

“I am never going on a date again,” Melissa announced before she burst into uncontrollable sobs.

Sara pulled Melissa into the entry foyer of her small apartment shutting the door behind them. She wanted to keep her sister away from nosy neighbors in case one of them came outside. Taking Melissa into her arms she held her until her crying diminished.

“Okay let's take this into the kitchen. I'll put the kettle on and you can tell me what's happened,” Sara said as she took hold of Melissa's hand and led her into her small kitchen. Sara placed two mugs of coffee on the table and took a seat next to her sister.

“Tell me what's been going on Mel.”

“I told you I was going on another date with Wesley tonight.”

“Yes you did. So what happened?”

“Well, he drove me back to my apartment; I asked him if he would like to come in for a drink. We were sitting on the sofa talking, than he started kissing me which was fine. I was an eager participant until things started getting out of hand and we were doing some heavy petting. We were both so hot for each other; oh god I can't do this. It's too embarrassing,” Melissa stated as tears began to trickle down her cheeks again.

“Oh Mel, come one honey, you are my little sister.

You can tell me anything. It can't be that bad.”

“You have no idea. I am never going out with another 4

man. I can't have sex with anyone ever again. I was so embarrassed and ashamed; he made me feel dirty Sara. The one and only time I had ever gone this far in my life with a male; and he humiliated me.”

“Tell me what happened Mel. I might be able to help you.”

“No I can't Sara. It's too embarrassing.”

“I'll bet it had nothing to do with what you did, it was probably his fault Mel. I mean, he had to be a weasel with a name like Wesley. He's probably still living with mommy and never had a date with another female in his life,” Sara teased with a snicker.

“Well actually he does still live at home with his parents.”

“See, there you go then. I'll bet he's a nerd too. You are better off without someone like that Mel. There is a man out there for you; don't let your first experience put you off from the entire male race. Just be patient, when you least expect it, some man is going to come along and sweep you off your feet.”

Melissa got up from her chair and gave her sister a big hug. “What would I do without you Sara? You are the best sister I have ever had.”

“I'm the only sister you've ever had,” Sara snorted.

“You know if you ever want to talk about whatever the problem is, I'm here for you Mel.”

“I know. Thanks Sara, you are the best. I think I am going to go for a drive. I just don't want to go back to my apartment right this moment. I've heard of a little inn about an hours drive from here near Sugar Creek. I think I'll head out there just to check it out, to clear my mind.”

“Well you drive carefully Mel. You know, I'll always be here for you honey.”

“I know; thanks Sara and that goes both ways you know.”

“I know.”



Chapter One

Melissa pulled into the parking lot of the Shifters Inn just after midnight. There seemed to be quite a few cars in the lot. It looked like the people of Sugar Creek, Ohio had decided on a night out as well.

Grabbing her purse from beside her Melissa locked her car and headed towards the doors to the inn. For some reason she had a shiver run down the back of her neck to the base of her spine. She felt as if she was meant to be here at this specific moment in time.

“Get a grip Mel. You are full of it tonight,” she muttered to herself as she pushed open the door to the room.

The lighting was so dim Melissa could only just make out the shadows the other patrons made. The room was packed full. As she headed toward the bar, Melissa realized there were hardly any females in the room. The place seemed to be overrun by males.

Mel spied a couple of vacant stools along the bar so she headed in that direction. Once seated comfortably she gave her order of a club soda to the bartender. She let her gaze wander about the room as she sipped her drink. People watching, was one of her favorite pastimes. Mel could learn a lot about people from just watching them, it was a pity she had not learned more about Wesley before she had gone out with him. Maybe she would not be feeling as humiliated if she had.

Turning back to the bar Melissa waited for the bartender to make his way down to her and ordered another drink. Melissa sat at the bar for about an hour before she felt extremely weary. Deciding it was time to either book a room for the rest of the night or head back home, she got off the bar stool and headed towards the exit.


Melissa figured she may as well drive home so she could sleep in her own bed comfortably. Just as she reached for the handle on the exit door, it was pushed open with such force that Melissa was sent flying backwards. She landed hard on her back and she felt pain splinter through her skull as her head hit the floor. The next moment the room went black

When she regained consciousness, Melissa noticed she was in the arms of a very large handsome, muscular male. She was also lying on something soft and comfortable.

Groaning from the drum beat pounding in her head, Melissa tried to sit up and escape the arms of the strange male cradling her.

“Don't move yet sweetheart.” A husky male’s voice warned softly. “You hit your head pretty hard when you were knocked flat, I want to make sure you haven’t got any more injuries before you move.”

“Who are you? What happened?” Melissa asked quietly and painfully.

“My name is Damian Aerth and that great hunk of muscle sitting on the end of the sofa at your feet is my younger brother Luke.”

“I'm really sorry for making you fall down and hurting yourself ma'am. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and because of me, you ended up hitting your head on the floor which knocked you out,” Luke said sincerely and apologetically.

Melissa felt his remorse and knew that Luke was blaming himself. She replied with a soft warning, “That's okay, there was no harm done really. Please just be more careful when you enter a door so you don't knock anymore unsuspecting females on their ass.”

“Yes ma'am, I'm sorry.”

“What's your name sweetheart?” Damian asked as he propped Melissa up so she was sitting on his lap rather than 7

lying with her head on his thigh.

“Melissa Wise.”

“We are very pleased to meet you Melissa. How is your head feeling?” Damian asked.

“Like it's going to explode. I'm feeling a little queasy at the moment. Where am I?” Melissa asked as she slowly and carefully took in her surroundings.

“You are in one of the rooms at the Shifter Inn. When Luke knocked you out, I picked you up and brought you here so you would be more comfortable.”

“Let me go,” Melissa said urgently. She pushed at the muscled arms cradled around her waist.

Damian let go and watched as Melissa struggled to her feet. Luke and Damian quickly scrambled to their feet as Melissa swayed across the room to the bathroom. They each took hold of an elbow to steady her as she made it to the toilet where she got down on her knees and was physically ill.

“Go away, please,” Melissa groaned, just before she started retching again.

“No way baby. This is all my fault, we aren't going anywhere. Damian, go call the Doc to come check her out.”

“I already asked Flynn to call the Doc when I requested a room. He should be arriving any minute.”

“I don't need a doctor. I only need a good night’s sleep and I'll be as good as new. Please leave me alone,”

Melissa begged feeling very embarrassed. “Even my sister doesn't stay with me when I'm sick. I don't like people watching me throw up.”

“You are just going to have to accept the fact we aren't going anywhere Melissa,” Damian stated firmly.

Right after, she retched again.

After the nausea had passed, Melissa tried to get to her feet. Damian and Luke helped her up by taking hold of her elbows. When she was on her feet once more, Luke pulled her against his warm, hard masculine chest so she 8

had something to lean on and would not topple to the floor.

Damian took one of the clean face cloths from the top of the vanity, after wetting it with warm water he wiped Melissa face and neck. Taking the clean glass from the counter, Damian filled it with cold water handing it to Melissa so she could rinse her mouth. When they were done, Luke scooped Melissa up into his arms, taking her back to the room and set her on the bed gently and carefully.

“I think you would be more comfortable out of these clothes and under the covers Melissa. Do you want some help to take them off?” Luke asked with concern as he looked at her pale white face.

Melissa didn't answer as she drifted into
unconsciousness once more.

Luke and Damian removed her clothes until she was left in her bra and panties. Luke picked her up while Damian pulled back the covers on the bed. Luke gently placed Melissa on the sheet. Both the men tucked the covers around her body making sure she was kept warm and comfortable.

“God look at her, she is fucking gorgeous. You know
who she is don't you Luke?”
Damian asked his brother using their mental link.

“Yeah I do. I could kick myself for hurting our mate
like that. If I had not been in such a hurry, I would have
smelled her scent before we even got to the door. We have
to keep her with us Damian. We cannot let her. We have
waited too long as it is to meet our mate and I had to screw
everything up by knocking her over. Do you think she'll
forgive me?”

“I don't think she is the type of woman to hold a
grudge Luke. She knows it was an accident; that you didn't
hurt her on purpose. We will have to give her time to get to
know us first before we can claim her. If we force her to
accept us the way our Alpha and his brothers did with their

mate, we could end up pushing her away from us. We are
going to have to take this slowly Luke. One day at a time,”

Damian advised.

Doc Jonas arrived a few moments later to check over their mate. After he had examined Melissa, he took a seat on the sofa and faced the two weres.

“Melissa is going to be fine. She has a concussion and needs to be watched closely for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours; you need to keep her fluids up. I want you to wake her every hour for the next eight hours and then every two hours after that for the next eight hours. If you have any concerns at all, or if she starts vomiting again, give me a call straight away. I think the nausea has passed though,” Doc Jonas advised.

“We were going to take her back to our cabin with us so we could keep and eye on her. Do you think it's okay if we move her Doc?” Luke asked.

“Yes you can, if you are very careful. Just make sure she is kept warm and comfortable on the journey.”




“Melissa honey, wake up. You need to have a sip of water.”

Melissa stirred as a masculine voice spoke in her ear while a large gentle hand lifted her head and shoulders to a half sitting position. Groaning at the pounding in her head, she took several small sips of cool water from a glass.

She didn't know who was speaking to her, but was relieved as the cool water slid down her dry sore throat.

When the hands settled her back against the pillows, darkness enveloped her again.

The next time she was roused from sleep, she was being held against a warm masculine body, hard thighs were under her buttocks and she was cradled against a warm wide chest.


“Come on Melissa you need to drink to keep your fluids up. That's right honey, drink. Good girl.”

Melissa tried to pry her eyes open to a slit to see who was holding and talking to her; but the pain exploded behind her eyes caused her to whimper, once more sending her into unconsciousness.

The next eight hours were a total blur to her. She had no idea who was taking care of her or what had made her ill. If only she could remember, but the pain in her head was just too much. It made her slip back into a deep sleep.

After a long while, Melissa slowly became aware of her surroundings. She had a headache the size of a mountain, but she pried her eyes open to slits. The sunlight streaming through the window hurt her eyes, so she had to squint to see where she was.

She was in a room which had blue walls with a white ceiling. The bed she was in was so comfortable, she realized it was not her own. Even though the mattress was firm, it had padding on top which contoured to her supple body. Grunting with pain, she pushed herself into a sitting position so her back was resting against the headboard of the bed. The bed was huge. It was much larger than a normal king size bed. The comforter draped over the top of her was a deep navy blue which contrasted with the blue walls of the room.

“Oh god. Where am I?” Melissa groaned painfully.

She held her throbbing head in her hands and didn't hear the door open or the two males enter the room.

“Melissa, are you okay honey?”

Melissa squeaked with surprise at the deep voice speaking to her. Lifting her head, she looked up to see two tall, sexy hunks.

“Who are you?”

“I'm Damian and this is Luke. Don't you remember Luke knocking you to floor of the inn last night with the door?”


Melissa recalled the moment very vividly. She groaned, “Oh yeah. Now I remember why I have a headache the size of Mt. Everest. Where am I?”

“Well, we had Doc Jonas check you out. He advised us to keep an eye on you for the next forty-eight hours.

Luke and I decided to bring you to our home so we could look after you. It was the least we could do after the big lummox over there, knocked you out,” Damian explained.

“I am so sorry I hurt you sweetheart. If I had known you were behind the door I would have been more careful.”

Luke apologized and said concerned, “Don't worry about a thing Melissa, Damian and I will look after you until you’re feeling well again.”

“I'm okay. I just have a headache. If you could show me to a bathroom though, I would greatly appreciate it,”

Melissa said as she pushed the comforter down. Shrieking with embarrassment, she quickly pulled it up to her chin again when she realized she was only wearing her bra and panties.

“Which one of you undressed me and why?” Melissa shrieked to the men.

“We both undressed you Melissa. We just wanted to be sure you were comfortable. I'll get you something to put on,” Damian turned to rummage in a large tallboy. Pulling out a large black T-shirt, he handed it to her so she could slip it on.

Pulling the T-shirt over her head and slipping her arms into it was quite a feat while still clutching the comforter to her chest, but she finally managed. She swung her legs to the side of the bed and stood on very weak, wobbly legs. Damian and Luke were beside her before she could blink. They placed steadying hands at her elbows to keep her on her feet; when she was once again steady they led her to a door across the room which turned out to be a massive bathroom.

“Thank you both, but I can take it from here,” Melissa 12

stated firmly.

“Okay,” Damien conceded, “we will be waiting right here for you. If you need any help just give a yell.”

Closing the door behind her, Melissa made use of the facilities. After washing and drying her hands and face, she opened the bathroom door.

“I don't suppose you have a spare toothbrush, do you?”

“Actually we do. There is one under the sink in the vanity, I'll get it for you” Luke volunteered and he entered the bathroom. Rummaging in the cupboard, Luke found a toothbrush still in the packaging and placed it next to the sink.

“Would it be all right if I used your shower please? I feel like something the cat dragged in,” Melissa scowled as she smelled her unwashed body.

“Sure thing Mel,” Luke replied as he retrieved a towel from the second cabinet under the sink. He placed it within easy reach for her.

“Make use of anything you need Melissa, you don't have to ask. If you can't find what you need, just give a yell,” Damian offered.

“Thanks” Melissa replied gratefully, than closed the door when Luke left the bathroom.

When Melissa had cleaned her hair, body and washed out her underwear and cleaned her teeth, she felt a little more like herself. She still had a thumping headache though. Once she was back in the black T-shirt which, thank goodness came to around mid thigh, she followed the sounds of the two men in the kitchen.

Standing in the doorway she took stock of the two men. Damian looked to be the older of the two brothers and stood just over six feet with shoulder length, black hair and brown eyes. He had on tight black jeans which hugged his long muscular legs and a black T-shirt that showed off his bulging biceps; and a wide muscular chest.


Luke was a couple of inches taller than his brother with dark brown hair and hazel green eyes. He was wider in the shoulders than Damian with more muscle. His long muscular legs were encased in blue denim jeans and his chest was covered with a firm white T-shirt which showed some of his ripped abdomen.

Melissa realized both the men were looking at her expectantly.

“Sorry, what did you say?” she asked as her cheeks tinged with embarrassment for being caught ogling the handsome men.

“Do you want something to eat and drink honey?”

Damian asked.

“A cup of coffee would be nice thank you.” Melissa blushed even harder at the term of endearment.

Luke walked towards Melissa. He ran his hand down the length of her arm and grasped her small hand in his large warm palm. He led her to the table and seated her very courteously.

“Would you like something to eat Melissa?” Luke asked as he took the chair next to hers.

“No thank you. I'm not really hungry right now, but I could use some pain killers if you have some.”

“Um I don't think we do sweetheart,” Luke replied regretfully.

“Oh well, if you tell me where my purse is, I have some I can take.”

“I'll get if for you. Stay where you are Melissa,” Luke stood quickly and left the room. Within seconds he was back with her purse and then retrieved a glass of water for her to wash the pills down.

Damian and Luke brought mugs to the table and sat on either side of her, eying her speculatively.

“She is so beautiful Damian. Her hair is like fire and
her eyes; her eyes look like emeralds sparkling in the sun.

And her body. I have never seen such a fragile little thing.


Even though she is average height for a female she so
slender it looks as is a slight breeze would whisk her
Luke said fascinated with Melissa’s features.

“She is absolutely gorgeous Luke. Her face reminds
me of a pixie. Her eyes remind me of a cat with the tilt at
the end. She is going to be one little wild cat in bed. She
has so much passion behind that cool facade and flippant
tongue. She is going to be such a pleasure to tame,”

Damian smiled anticipating the moments to come.

Melissa was starting to feel very uncomfortable having the two men staring at her. She let her eyes wander from one brother to the other until she couldn't take it anymore.

“What? Why are you staring at me?” Melissa snapped nervously.

“Sorry little one, we don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, but your beauty is breathtaking,” Damian said in a low gravelly voice.

“Oh for goodness sake, please don't lie to me.”

“What makes you think I'm lying Melissa?” Damian asked as he watched her through narrowed eyes.

“Well anyone can see I'm not beautiful. I'm too thin, I have freckles and red hair,” she pointed out factually.

“Who told you that you aren't beautiful Melissa?”

Damian asked growling angrily.

“No one. I'm just stating the obvious.”

“Well little Mel, your obvious and mine are polar opposites.”

“Mm.” Melissa swallowed and changed the subject quickly, “Where are we?”

“We are about two hours away from the Shifters Inn we met inconspicuously at last night, near Sugar Creek.”

Damian knew she wanted to change the topic and allowed her to do so.

“Well shit, that is quite a ways from where I wanted to be. Where is my car?”


“It's still in the parking lot of the inn. I asked our friend Flynn, the owner of the inn, to keep an eye on your car. You don't have to worry about it.” Damian promised.

“Well, thank you for keeping an eye on me, but I really think I should be heading home now. If one of you could give me a lift back to my car I would really appreciate it,” Melissa said as she got to her feet. As she stood, dizziness swam through her head making her sway on her feet.

“Oh I don't think so sweetheart,” Luke rumbled as he jumped to his feet to steady her. “Doc Jonas said we had to keep a careful watch on you for the next forty-eight hours and since it's only been just over fourteen hours, you're not going anywhere.”

“You can't keep me hear against my will. I'm feeling much better.” Melissa swallowed nervously.

“Yeah, we can tell you are feeling much better. That's why you're face has gone as white as a sheet and you're trying not to pass out.” Damian pointed out. “There is no way in hell you are in any condition to drive Melissa. You could be putting yourself and other people at risk if you got behind the wheel of a car today. Don't be so bloody stubborn. You are going to go back to bed right now.

You're not going anywhere until Doc Jonas has given you the all clear. Do you understand?” Damian stood scooping her up into his arms. He strode back to the bedroom where he deposited Melissa gently on the bed. She was asleep within seconds without voicing any more protests.


BOOK: Melissa's Acceptance
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