Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Going to the Chapel (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Colter Family Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Going to the Chapel (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Colter Family Book 1)
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Chapter 5

Justin moaned as he rolled over. The bright sunshine pouring through the window was blinding. He ran a hand over his face. Metal scraped his nose. Peeling his eyes open as much as he could manage, he noticed the gold band.

Maybe I’m still dreaming,
he thought to himself. His body rolled to the other side, away from sun. Movement caused him to wake up a little, though his head throbbed harshly, protesting the motion. A warm body curled up next to him, soft curves covered in soft satin.
“What the hell?” Justin asked loudly. He sprang up, feeling dizzy and nauseous in doing so. As he perused the room, he realized it was the penthouse at the Maddigan. The Colter girl, that’s all he could remember. The girl stirred, mewling as she stretched. Apparently she felt as bad Justin, because she stopped moving and grumbled in pain. Justin looked at his hand again, noticing the matching gold band on Robin’s hand as she covered her face. That’s it, Robin Colter. They had dinner, he was supposed to look out for her. But he was fuzzy on details after dinner. Looking down, he was in his dress pants, his white button down open, tank top showing. Looking over, his jacket was over the back of the chair across the room. His hand slid down his leg, feeling his phone, and money clip were still there. This is not good. Not good at all. What did he do?
“Get up, what the hell is going on here?” Robin tried to sit up, swaying. Slowly she stood, her long dark hair falling from its clip. Without answering his question, she ran to the bathroom. Justin could hear her retching, and it threw his stomach for a loop. He controlled the urge and tried to breath deep, calm himself down.


As the water in the bathroom ran, he slid to the side of the mattress and grabbed a bottle of water. The throbbing in his head was so bad, it was ringing in his ear with each heartbeat. He took a few sips, not wanting to upset his stomach again.
“Oh my god, what the hell?” the bathroom door whipped open. “What. Is. This?” Robin punctuated each word. Her hand waved in the air, flashing her golden band around. She glanced up at Justin, her breath was taken away at the sight of him, his molded chest with his tight tank top spread across it. Her palms began to sweat and she rubbed them down her dress. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, her fingers fluttered to her hair, realizing she must look like she was run over by a truck.
“I was going to ask you the same thing. I can’t believe I let this happen. Julia asked me to watch you, basically babysitting. What did you do to me? I’m running for Mayor.” Justin paced back and forth as his hands ran through his hair. “The scandal, it’s going to ruin me. You’re going to ruin me.”
“What did I do to you? Come on. I came here to have some fun. I just found my fiancé cheating on me. Getting married was the last thing I wanted to do,” her voice rose as she got angrier. “I don’t even know how it happened.” Robin cried out, grabbing her head.
“Sit down, here,” Justin handed her water, watching her pale face flush as she sipped the warm liquid.
“I can’t remember anything past dinner. I can’t picture what happened. The night’s a blank.”
“Same here.” Standing, Justin stood, pacing back and forth. “Damn it, my campaign is only just growing strong. This will destroy me.” As he mumbled to himself, Robin just stared at the floor.


“Maybe it’s not real. You know, maybe it’s not legal. Don’t we have to file papers or something?” Robin asked quietly.
“The Chapels file papers in the morning.” He glanced down at his watch. “It’s almost noon, but it is a weekend. That could be a possibility.” Swinging his arms, he strode towards the sliding door that led to the balcony. Opening it, the warm breeze blew through, ruffling his hair. The glow of the sun surrounding him, cast an ethereal image to Robin. She couldn’t hold back the shivers in her body at the sight of his wide strong shoulders as he moved through and onto the balcony. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled his phone out. Robin could hear him telling someone to cancel his meetings for today. Wobbly she stood, moving towards him. On another call, she overheard him setting up lunch with his attorney. As he hung up, he turned, almost running into her. His strong arms wrapped around her body, keeping her from falling. Her curves pressed against him, overheating his already rattled senses. Robin craned her neck, hand splayed across his chest. A sigh passed through her lips at the feel of his body beneath the white shirt. His neck muscles corded as he held her tightly to his body. She could feel the excitement between his legs growing. Her legs shook, as her panties dampened. She was slightly happy that she at least had panties on. It’s completely unlike her to jump into bed with someone, let alone end up married. Licking her lips, her eyes fluttered as her gaze moved up to Justin’s face.
“We can have lunch with my attorney at two, and see if this is legal or not and figure out how to cleanly back out of this mess. I can’t have a scandal ruin my campaign,” Justin whispered, his breath warm on her neck as he moved closer. Justin parted his lips, planting a kiss on Robin’s neck. She gasped, shifting her hips into his, grinding against his body. Electricity ran through her, coiling in her stomach.


“Maybe we can, I don’t know,” Robin trailed off mid thought. “Maybe for some stupid reason, this morning, I feel like changing my mind.”
“About what?”
“About not sleeping with you,” her breath burst past her lips. She turned her face, pressing her mouth against his. Their lips pulling at each other, a kiss that sent shockwaves to the libido. Robin’s hands moved up, shifting through his locks. He moved them towards the bed, still keeping their bodies joined.
“Yea, let’s, just waste some time until lunch.” Her legs hit the mattress and they fell back, Justin turning to not land his full weight on top of her. Their lips seeking out each other again, as hands roamed. Justin drew his fingers lightly up her leg, moving under the silk and lace dress.
“I mean,” Robin panted, “If we’re married, then it’s ok, right?” Justin didn’t bother answer, instead, he got up onto his knees, yanking off the white dress shirt and tank top. Robin’s eyes raked over his body. He threw his leg over her, pinning her body to the mattress. For a busy man that owned a casino and was running for mayor, he still had time to work out. She reached to pull on her dress, but Justin stopped her. Leaning down, he kissed her passionately as his fingers slowly pulled the material up, over her hips. She reached between them, pulling at his belt. As they fumbled around, pieces of clothing fluttered to the floor between kisses. Robin scooted herself up the mattress, giving Justin access to more of her body. He looked over her pale skin longingly. Every inch of her ivory body called out his name. He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath, pushing off the lightheaded feeling he got. Still feeling the after effects of the drugs, he swayed slightly.
“Are you ok?” Robin asked breathlessly. Her heart raced in anticipation. She hadn’t been with any man other than Darren.
“I’ve been thinking about this from the moment I first saw you,” his heated words rang throughout Robin’s body. “You have no clue, the effect you have on me, or what it did to my ego when you turned me down. No one turns me down,” he said quietly. Her hips thrust up, meeting his hardened shaft as he bent towards her. She wrapped her fingers around the large engorged member as he rained kisses down her neck and across her breasts, enjoying the quick intake of breath he had at her touch.
“I would have never known, Mr. Maddigan. You were a closed book last night. From what I can remember, who did nothing but insult me and make me feel like a child,” she chuckled quietly. Without answering, Justin shifted his body between her legs, which she quickly wrapped around his hips, pulling him into her. His quick thrust planted himself deep inside of her. He didn’t dare move for fear of ending things right there. Her tight warm channel drove his body insane, almost to the point of passing out. Her hands held on to his shoulders, pulling him in for more kisses. He vibrated at the feeling of her whole body wrapped around him.  He could kiss her all day, all night and never stop, and still be a happy man.


Slowly at first, building up momentum, Justin pulled himself out and shoved back into her slickened cave. Wiggling his hips each time he was fully buried in her, she moaned in excitement, feeling her orgasm build to epic proportions. The friction between their bodies built until both were panting and gasping for air. Robin screamed out, her body going rigid, holding his in place as he was pushed deep inside of her body. He could feel her channel tightening, milking him. His shaft throbbed, and as she mewled, he thrust a few more times, finding his release. As he twitched inside of her, they lay together, sucking in air as their hearts raced. A knock on the bedroom door had them flying apart.
“Yea?” Justin called out, laying on his side next to Robin.
“Are you two alive?” Char called out, half laughing.
“We’re fine, be right out,” Robin said, sounding like she had just ran a marathon. Char’s laughter filled the room as she stomped away, her heels clicking on the marble floors.
“Shit,” Justin jumped up, his bad mood returning. Stomping towards his clothing, he picked them up, each movement filled with anger.
“I’m sorry, I,” Robin stuttered, tears filling her eyes.
“Sorry for what?” Justin grumbled.
“Sorry I wasn’t good,” she whispered.
“What? That’s not, god, I’m sorry Robin,” he moved towards her, kneeling on the bed. He cupped her face, pulling her to look at him. As he wiped a tear from her eye, he shook his head. “You have no idea how good that was. You, your body, you’re just amazing. If I were in a different spot in my life, I’d love to see if there’s something here. Seriously. I’m just, I hope we can clear up this mess easily and quietly. From what you said, you just got out of a shitty relationship. I’m in no position for a scandalous marriage to happen. We have to fix this, then you can spend the rest of the weekend soaking up the sun, enjoying drinks by the pool and enjoy yourself. I need to get back to my board meetings and campaigning.” Robin nodded, slowing getting up from the bed. Her face was flushed and the pink was making her look more innocent than he had thought last night upon first meeting her. Her long hair was completely loose, flowing around her shoulders. She opened a duffle bag next to the bed, pulling out clean clothes and then locked herself in the bathroom. Justin sighed, turning towards the door. He scooped up his suit jacket and looped his belt through his pants as he went. The last thing he needed was to look freshly sexed while doing the walk of shame through his hotel. Thankfully there were clean clothes and a shower in his office for nights he worked too late and just crashed there.


“Hey, good morning,” Char said, handing a cup of coffee to Justin. He slid onto the stool at the bar in the kitchen. Looking longingly at the elevator door, he knew he couldn’t rush out just yet. Robin was in a vulnerable spot and they still needed to figure out what’s going on here.
“Care to explain to me how this happened Charlene?” He glared at her, holding up his hand. She just smiled, shoving her phone in front of him. She tapped the screen as a cued up video began playing.

I love you so much Robin, where have you been my whole life?”
Justin was saying as he held her face.
“Waiting for you, my prince charming.”
The two gushed and swayed drunkenly as they walked down an aisle at a Chapel.
“I can’t wait to kiss you, every morning for the rest of my life,”
Justin said as he pulled her towards him again.
“Hey you two, not until I say you can,”
Elvis said from the podium. From what he could tell, it was the Bleeding Hearts Chapel. With Elvis and Monroe. Just great. That place had a penchant for taking videos and posting them online. Shit. He whipped his phone from his pocket, quickly calling his attorney.
“Harley, please get Conner a message? Yes, Bleeding Hearts. Tell him to get the tape and destroy it before they post it.” He sat quietly as he listened to the other end. Char just smirked like she already knew what he was hearing.
“Are you kidding me? Tell him fix it. And lunch is at one. I’m showering now and will be at Resalia’s at one. He better be there or he’s fired.” Slamming his phone on the counter over and over, the device shattered, pieces flying all over the room.
“Everything ok in here?” Robin asked as she stepped lightly over the pieces. Her simple black heels, jeans and cream colored blouse sent his body stirring again. His erection began to rise, ready for round two. Her freshly washed hair hung in damp curls, wetting the blouse. She seemed oblivious to the fact that it made the shirt see through. Char noticed, jumping and grabbing a sweater from the stool next to him. Wrapping it around Robin’s shoulders, she finally looked down and cussed.


“Let’s go. I have to stop by my office and shower, change and we’re meeting my attorney earlier. Great best friend you have here. She has a video and let this happen instead of stopping us.” Glaring accusingly at Char, she just shrugged, smiling.
“Char, what the hell, could you not stop us? Couldn’t talk us out of it?”
“You looked so happy,” Char said, giving puppy eyes to her best friend. Robin frowned, as Justin tugged her arm, leading her to the elevator.
“Have fun you two,” she waved, spinning on her heel, and running scenarios through her head.
What ever would she do with her day? Pool, drinks, guys?

Chapter 6


In the elevator, Justin looked at Robin.
“Let me see your phone please,” he demanded in a harsh tone. She looked wide eyed at the man who just minutes ago was making her moan in pleasure. This beast beside her had her slightly frightened. His mood swings could be an after effect from the drug, but in reality, this could just be him. From sweet and seductive to angry in such a short time. She pulled the phone from her clutch, handing it to him. Justin yanked it from her hand, quickly pulling up her web browser. As the elevator dinged, letting them out on the executive floor, he shoved the phone back at her. Pulling her arm, Justin dragged her through the empty offices. He rolled his eyes, silently thankful that it was Saturday and the place was empty except his assistant. As the video played, he heard Robin gasp.
“Oh my god. It’s real isn’t it?” Her voice sounded strained.
“Yes, it’s real and worse, it’s been leaked to the public. The Chapel your friend let us go to, posts videos to their website, but someone, most likely my competing delegate for mayor. Released that video to the tabloids and the papers. The whole city now knows we’re married.”
“Well,” she said, trying to calm him down, “at least we look in love. You can barely tell we’re drunk or drugged or anything.” Justin stopped moving abruptly and Robin slammed into him, dropping her phone to the floor. She looked up, wide eyed and afraid. He took a step back, looking at how he was holding her arm. He let go, suddenly pissed at himself. He had never treated a woman like this, not even Sara when she berated him, cheated on him and left.


“I’m sorry,” he said, barely audible. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be so rough. I’m just really angry. I’ve worked so hard, to keep a clean image, to build this empire,” he spun around, arms in the air. “I’ve thought and dreamt of nothing other than being mayor in this town. I have great changes for the positives I want to do. And now, it’s gone.”
“We really do look in love, maybe they can spin it? I mean, has a lot of people really seen it? We can’t just quietly annul it or blame it on a prank?” Justin knew Robin was just trying to help, but it was getting him pissed off again.
“No, I don’t know what to do. My attorney will be here in an hour. I need to shower and clean up. Come in here, relax and I’ll have someone send breakfast up here for us.” He opened the door to his office and Robin oohed. The desk screamed power, big and mahogany, it took up a massive space in front of large picture windows. The view of the strip was impressive.
“Here, you can relax on the couch,” Justin pointed to the big brown microfiber in the corner. There was a loveseat and coffee table as well.
“Do you live in here?” Robin asked. He guffawed.
“Sometimes it feels like that.” Robin sat, rubbing her temples which still had a slight throb. Justin did something that caused the bookshelf to move, revealing a bathroom. She could see the brightly lit room, and hear him rustling around.


As the water began to run, steam filled the room. There was a knock on the office door.
“Get that please, it’s our breakfast,” Justin yelled out. Robin stood, walking over to the door. A man rolled a cart in, smiled at her and quickly turned away to leave.
“Mrs. Maddigan,” he said, with a thick Russian accent. “We so happy in the kitchen that you make Mr. Maddigan happy. He has been so lonely, eating here alone day and night, nothing but work.” The man smiled, leaving the room. Robin stood there dumbfounded, unsure of what to say or do. Her sight shifted to the bathroom where Justin still stood, naked, under the steaming hot water. Robin couldn’t’ see him, but she knew, knew that he was soaping his body up, lathering his hair, touching himself. She should be pissed at the situation she was in. Upset with how he acted this morning, but instead, her body betrayed her. Thoughts of the lines his muscles cut through him. The curve of his neck and shoulder muscles. Her insides quivered, and she shivered. Shaking her head, she crept towards the bathroom. Peering in, she watched as Justin emerged from the shower, water beading on his skin. He looked up and Robin gasped, pulling back from the doorway. She could hear Justin’s laughter as she hurried over to the food cart. With shaking hands, she tried to pour a cup of coffee.

“Didn’t get enough earlier? Mrs. Maddigan?” Glancing up, Robin tried to gauge if he was still being an ass or if he was just trying to be funny. The smile on his face relaxed her. “I heard the waiter and what he said.”
“I’m sorry, I was,” she stuttered, “I was just going to tell you the food was here. I just, I,” Justin cut her off. Stalking towards her with just a towel wrapped around his hips, her mouth watered and all thought left her head.
“Thanks,” he took the cup of coffee from her hand and moved back to the bathroom. Closing the door this time, he got dressed while sipping the burning liquid. Looking at himself in the mirror, he allowed a momentary pity party. His campaign is ruined with this video being exposed. He wasn’t stupid, his opponent was the current Mayor. He had almost bankrupted the city treasury. There was scandal after scandal with strippers, him cheating on his wife, yet the city loved this man! It was incredulous. Yet his campaign manager warned him that as a single man, if he wasn’t squeaky clean, then he would lose. Somehow, the city of Las Vegas with its old world views and gangster way of thinking, wanted a dirty Mayor instead of a clean young man with new ideas, new values.
“Everything okay in there?” Robin called out.
“Yes, be right out,” he straightened his tie, ran a hand through his hair and grabbed the coffee. Closing the book case on the bathroom, he headed to the cart, refilling his drink. Piling a plate with food, he sat on the couch next to Robin. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, sliding slightly farther away from him.


“Do I make you nervous?” Justin asked before shoveling a spoonful of eggs into his mouth. Robin just glared at him. “Because, you were just watching me get out of the shower and now you can’t even sit next to me?” He winked at her, continuing to eat.
“I just want this over. I want out of here. I shouldn’t be married to you. I want to go have fun with Char and get the hell out of this city. What a mistake this whole trip is.” Justin took a really good look at her face, realizing just how upset she was. Putting his plate on the coffee table, he wrapped his arms around her as she began to cry.
“Is it really that bad being married to me for a day? We’re going to fix this.” As she leaned her head onto his shoulder, there was a knock at the door. They jumped apart, Robin wiping at the stray tears from her face.
“Come in,” Justin said, as his attorney strode through the door shaking his head. The older man looked at the two of them like a disappointed father.
“Seriously Justin, I mean, you are the last person in the world I expected to do this. I never thought I would be cleaning up a mess like this from you.”
“Seriously Mr. Childress, could you please just calm down on the lecture a bit? I’ve never done this before. I’ve never been in trouble; now can we fix this?” The older man was slightly frazzled looking, his suit wrinkled as he huffed into the love seat.
“What a wonderful Saturday morning. I wake up, watch the news, and there you are, walking down the aisle, looking like the most in love man in the world. In a Chapel. A shady Vegas chapel. I thought you were smarter than that. If you were going to get married to raise your rating, then you should have had an elaborate event, with the media and everything.”
“We didn’t do this as a publicity stunt,” Justin sprang up from the couch. He paced the area near the couch, Mr. Childress frowned, watching his client move around.
“Sir, we don’t know what happened really. I mean, we see the video, but, we just met last night. I came to spend the weekend here with my friend, and I don’t know how or why, but my mother arranged for us to..” Robin hung her head as she began to laugh.
“What’s so funny, Mrs. Maddigan?” Justin asked sarcastically.
“Can we speak privately?” She glanced between him and the attorney.
“Anything we have to discuss can be done in front of him. He’s the one who’s going to help us out of this, and we have attorney client privilege. Right?” The older man nodded, leaning back in the chair.
“My mother, she set this up. Her and Char. They had to of.”
“Then how do you explain the roofies?” Justin moved back over to sit down.
“Those boys Char pointed out, were just that, boys. She likes well-dressed men, not frat boys. I have to say, this is just seeming to make more and more sense as I think of it. Come on Justin. My mother knows your old nanny somehow? Asks you to just keep an eye on us? We get roofied, but Char doesn’t? And, if she wasn’t drunk, why would she let us get married? It seemed she was encouraging us. I keep having these flashbacks of champagne and a limo?” She ended with a question, unsure, since she couldn’t remember past dinner. Justin leaned forward on his knees, holding his head in his hands.
“You think your mother set this up? To ruin my campaign?”
“No, to get me married off. She’s had the urge for grandkids ever since the Anderson’s got their kids all married off with some meddling.”
“And Julia has been asking me the same thing as well. So she’s been bugging me about settling down. Great, just great.”
“So,” the attorney interrupted. “What are we going to do? When you first called, I could have easily gotten an annulment. But since this is all so public, it would ruin you more to annul the marriage than to make it real.”

The laughter from Justin actually scared Robin. She scooted a little further from him on the couch and just stared as he cracked up, his face turning red.
“Make it real? Make it real. Hey Robin, it’s nice to meet you. Let’s be married for the rest of our lives even though we know nothing about each other and you have a life in, where? Where are you from?”
“Seattle,” she whispered.
“Seattle. And I’m in Vegas. Wow, this is great.”
“Justin, I was going to add, that I meant only making it real until the campaign ended and then we can do a trial separation where she returns to Seattle and claim unreconciled differences and file for divorce. You both leave with what you came with and Justin, you have a better chance at winning the election as a married man.” Waving his hands like a magician who just did a big trick, the attorney crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat again. Robin and Justin looked at each other silently.
“I couldn’t ask you to give up your life for my campaign.”
“It’s my mother’s fault, I won’t let you lose because she came up with some dumb scheme that has blown up in everyone’s face, even those of us who had no clue what was going on. I own my own business and can work from anywhere. I can just come down here, and I’ll get myself a room or something. We keep up appearances in events and the news. But otherwise, you run your businesses, I run mine from the hotel and that’s that.”
“We are not staying married, we can’t. I don’t even know you. Hell, we have no prenup, we’re strangers. And if I were to be married for real, I would be married. I would not allow any wife of mine to just live in a hotel room without me.”
“Fine, it’s your campaign, not mine. But just so you know, you sounded very controlling and chauvinistic right there, you jackass.” Robin slunk down into the couch cushion, crossing her arms. Even acting petulant, Justin could feel his excitement towards her rise.


Shaking his head, he tried to clear the cobwebs of desire from his brain. This woman drove him nuts, there was no denying that. Surely he could play house for a few months with her and it wouldn’t be such a hardship? His gaze darted over to her as she pouted, pretending to ignore him. But the hurt was written all over her face. What an insensitive bastard he was. She just found her fiancé cheating and now, he didn’t even want a fake marriage with her. Sighing, he moved towards her. As his arm wrapped around her shoulder, a sob burst from her lips.
“I’m sorry Robin, I know, you said what you went through that caused you to come here in the first place. I didn’t mean for what I said, to come across as rejection. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.” His hand rubbed her leg as he whispered to her. Robin cried silently against his shoulder, listening.
“I need you two to understand the ramifications of such a public concern. If you stay married, you have to act married and happy. If you choose to annul this, then there will be blowback and Justin, that will include not having a campaign anymore.” The attorney leaned forward, as if he was going to stand.
“He’s right,” Robin agreed, wiping her eyes. “We have to do this. Honestly, I think being here, instead of Seattle, would be good for me anyways. I’ll have less memories, and the break up transition may be easier. You know? New place, new city, new surroundings.” The three sat there silently for a few minutes, just staring off into space. Each in their own world of thought. Justin realized he was still holding Robin. As he looked over, the golden band glinted, glaring at him. He took his arm from her, standing. As he walked over to the cart and poured a new coffee, he spoke.
“Let’s do it.”

BOOK: Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Going to the Chapel (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Colter Family Book 1)
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