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Authors: Candace L Bowser

Memoirs of an Immortal Life (8 page)

BOOK: Memoirs of an Immortal Life
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Chapter Nine


Vladimir Dracul’s Journal

The Road to Hungary

6 October 1451


We flee now to Hungary and seek the sanctuary of Hunyadi. Many years
now, I have corresponded with him in secret through Ahbrim to express my distaste of the Ottoman Horde. Greatly impressed was he by my knowledge of the inner workings of their sect and mindset, the deeds carried to him of my valor in battle, and my hatred of my own brother who has betrayed me. Welcoming were his words that should any evil befall the House of Bathory, or the House of Bogdan, welcome we would be at his castle. My hatred was well conveyed by Ahbrim on his many visits to Hunyadi. For this, I am thankful not only to Ahbrim, but also God, for allowing Hunyadi to see the errors of his past judgments against me. He has assured me that Poenari shall be returned to its rightful Viovode and Princess.

Our journey will be a short one and our keep will not be long, for I wish to reclaim the castle as quickly as I am able. The Princess shall be returned to her rightful place, at my side and at my throne. She fears not the battle before us, for word comes in many correspondences my men have remained loyal and await my return.



Poenari Castle

14 November 1451


The first of many battles fought today to destroy the Ottoman Horde was blessed by God and victorious. With the aid of Hunyadi’s army, we have retaken the Castle and returned Elisabeta to her home.

Hunyadi has a better appreciation for the hatred I hold against the Turks and Radu. He was favorable in his mannerisms and embraced the victory with fervor. Far from the walls of the castle lies a forest of the dead; those who stood against me, be they friend or foe, now stand impaled as a stern warning to all who would stand against the chosen Soldier of God for Wallachia.

Tomorrow I leave for the smaller villages that lay on the outskirts of Transylvania who have welcomed the Horde into their homes and their lives to show them what happens when a Viovode is betrayed. Every man, woman, and child will be slain. The village will be ransacked, their worldly possessions becoming part of the empire, and whatever is of use to the village of Targoviste shall be delivered unto them for their loyalty. I have charged Nicolai and Velascon with dispersing the possessions of those who stand against me in Targoviste knowing they will make wise choices.

This battle will not be short-lived, for Hunyadi and my forces must push the Ottomans toward the Black Sea once more. Battle-weary I have grown in such a short period of time and desire only to be Viovode, to love my wife and make with her many children. But I understand that this cannot be, until Hunyadi and our armies have accomplished that which God has decreed.

Yet this day is not memorable for the glorious dispatch of my enemies. Today, God granted us with a son, my son. So dark is his hair and eyes he resembles his mother. How high my heart soared at his cries and at her deliverance from the clutches of death. A devoted mother, I have no doubt, she will be. I know not how long this war will take to win, but I have no doubt that with God at our backs we shall be victorious.




What darkness befalls
now befalls the world




Ahbrim Baserab’s Journal

Poenari Castle

25 December 1452


Frantically we searched for her, the Princess, without success. It was not till I caught sight of a torn shard from her dress at the turret, I realized what she had done. I held her note in my hand as I sent them to retrieve her, reading her words over and over again.

“My beloved, you are gone, and my life without you now has no meaning. The tears I shed will soon be cradled in your loving hands as I know you await me in Heaven. Forgive my weakness, but
I cannot live without you, for I would rather be reunited in death and live an eternity with you in Heaven than endure the torture of living without you and your loving caress on earth. I would rather rot and be eaten by the fish than fall to the hands of the Turks.”

The Priests carried her lifeless body to the cathedral and placed her before the altar. I wept before her.

“Elisabeta, you have condemned your soul, child. Why did you not come to me?” I whispered.

His screams I heard long before he entered the cathedral. His beloved, his Elisabeta, the woman he loved more than life itself was gone from this world. The agony of his cries caused me to cover my ears as he fell to his knees at her side.

From my hand, he ripped the note she had written. The anger on his face was evident to all who stood in the room as he glared at me. He brushed her hair from her face, kissing her before he drew her to his chest weeping.

“In Heaven, my love, I shall hold you once more and it will be as though we never parted.”

“This cannot be, Vladimir. She has taken her own life,” I said.

“Lies! Lies!” He screamed. Never before had I witnessed such anger, such hatred from him. “I curse you! I curse God. I despise you. You have betrayed me.”

“Recant your hastily spoken words, Vladimir. She broke God’s covenant. She has taken her own life. Pray with me for forgiveness and for her soul now in peril.”

“Pray? You wish me to pray? Pray for what? Pray that I might be granted the same fate so that I might see her once more?”

His screams echoed through the cathedral as he laid her at his feet. The Priests clamored behind me as Vladimir crushed the altar.

“Were the power within my grasp, I would take immortality by the hand, Ahbrim, and make him my bedfellow. I would see them suffer deaths so foul and horrid, even their God would flee from me!” He screamed.

His words were filled with hate and spite as he shouted. The air grew cold and my breath hastened when I saw what I knew to be an abomination, an affront to all that is holy; a red mist that crept through the room as though possessed by the devil himself. Yet it was not the devil I saw. It was what even he fears.

The mist swirled about Vladimir, calming his rage, soothing him, whispering to him the way a lover does when they are embraced. Her gown, flowing red, danced around him like water as her vision appeared.

“I can give you vengeance, Vladimir Dracul, and offer you a life without death, a life where love and pain know no bounds.”

I was so mortified at her appearance I could not speak at first as she drew her finger across his face. His eyes closed at her touch.

“Can you bring her back to me?” He whispered.

“I cannot give life where none lives. I can give only a life without death,” she said.

Her beauty even I found to be astounding as I averted my eyes. Her skin was like fine alabaster; her lips shone like rubies, and her eyes - those hauntingly beautiful eyes, were as rich as any mountain violet. Her scent was alluring, soft, and sensuous. I closed my eyes, clutching my rosary tightly as it hung at my side.

“This choice you must make, Vladimir. Place your hand in mine, and I shall grant your vengeance.”

When I opened my eyes, the infernal red mist had vanished along with my Vladimir. I had failed him. My faith had not been strong enough to save him.

“What was that abomination?” The Priest who stood alongside me asked.

I did not answer him. I could not, though I knew the answer. For if my suspicions were correct, my beloved Vladimir faced the greatest peril of his lifetime, and I knew not if he had the continence within him following Elisabeta’s death to resist what only she could offer.

Mihnea Rau I have taken to Mordecai and bid he finds
safekeeping for the child until Vladimir has come to his senses.






Only war matters now and their blood shall fall like rain…



Vladimir Dracul’s Journal

1 January 1453

Deep in the Carpathians


The pain of her death is not lessened. My anger has not diminished. I ponder at length if I will continue to record my thoughts, the events of my life, as it seems now that they are merely the motions of a day without meaning or substance without her. Then, upon further consideration, I have decided certain events I shall continue to record so that should this history of one man’s life ever be discovered, they shall know what the true depth of my character was, how it was betrayed by the one who was sent to save me, and that it was all because of what was denied to my beloved upon her death. In the shadows I remain, watching them move about the castle as though her death has no meaning, from my perch high above our once beloved home.



12 January 1453


The castle I found empty upon my return, all but Ahbrim who did not abandon me despite my rash decision and hurtful words. He did not speak to me as I passed him. I went directly to the cathedral and boarded it shut. Never again would worship take place in Poenari Castle.

For hours I sat outside in the snow as it fell, wondering what torment she faced in Purgatory. Was she in pain? Could it be true the words whispered to me, that my beloved would one day come back to me and our love would be reunited? How could such things as this be without witchery?

The Guard had moved to the stables and took refuge there during my absence, but did not abandon me. How well they know their Viovode and that war would next be waged upon my return. Two servants remained with them, Orislov and Loki as well as the Nasady Boyars. I am pleased greatly at their loyalty.

The Turks will, no doubt, move siege now toward the Danube, believing they have delivered a devastating blow to the Viovode of Wallachia. How sad they will be to discover my determination now is stronger than ever to see their blood run beneath my feet. I will ensure the name they have given me of Tepes is with good reason.

I spoke at length with Nicolai about our next campaign. Word shall be sent to Corvinus to seek passage through his country. A new and fearsome tactic shall be employed this time in battle. Troops shall be sent far ahead to burn all that the Turks would find valuable. For
this, I must have the blessing of Corvinus beforehand. For I would not trespass against him or his land without first having his consent. The path Radu shall take is an easy one to predict. It will be an easy pursuit. I intend to watch him slowly die for what he has done.

Ahbrim has sent our child away, fearful of what I have become and could inflict. I would never hurt my son, yet in some strange manner there is reasoning in his judgment. Mihnea will no doubt grow to be a fine ruler. Perhaps it is best if he never knows me, for I am no longer the man I once was
; now I am something else.

BOOK: Memoirs of an Immortal Life
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