Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish) (2 page)

BOOK: Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish)
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“Isn’t it…” Micky corrected him.
“You’re a disgrace to English grammar. Still I don’t suppose they have grammar schools in Somalia,” Micky added scornfully.

“You want some?” the leader asked squaring up to Micky.

“You’re not in Mogadishu now Son. I suggest you take your girlfriends and piss off back to Chalk Farm. This is my patch.”

“Since when?”

“Since three generations of my family spilt blood to take it. Go home, while you still can. If I see you in Camden again then I’ll kill the fucking lot of you.”

The gang leader produced a knife. Micky smiled. “You gonna cut me?” Micky asked. “Look at that lads. He’s gonna cut me with his pen knife,” Micky said and stared at the gang leader with a cold look. “This is your last warning. Go home.”

“You going to make me?”

Micky nodded. “Yes I fucking am.”

Micky produced a Glock, cocked it and shot the gang leader twice then pointed his pistol at the other members of the gang. “Now does anyone else want to argue with me?”

The gang shook their heads and backed off as the market descended into panic and anarchy.

“we should be leaving now Micky.” Billy said.

Micky scowled. “You fuckers. I don’t want to see you again. Any of you.”

Billy grabbed his arm and they ran with Danny through the back exit of the lock and away from the scene.

“For fuck’s sake. That’s far enough,” Micky said, panting out of breath. He shook his head. “Fucking bastards, that was a good patch today and all.” He looked at his watch. “We’ll give it a couple of hours and go back at seven.”

“I can’t do tonight,” Danny said, looking at his watch. “I’ve got to go.”

“Ah for fuck’s sake Danny boy. Today’s our busiest day. What happened to bro’s before ho’s?”

“I’ll see you later.”

Danny walked away.

“Don’t forget to give her a portion Danny boy. It’s a holiday, treat her,” Micky shouted after him.

Danny ran all the way down to Regents Park, arriving at nearly half five. Natasha was sat on a bench next to the park gates when he arrived out of breath.

“You said five!” she said annoyed.

“Sorry,” he said. Panting. “I got held up with Micky.”

Natasha shook her head. “He’s always causing problems is Micky. I’ve been waiting half an hour. I’ve got to be back for seven or my dad will ground me.”

“Sorry,” Danny shrugged.

“Well come on then,” she said, putting her arm through his and walking into the park.

“So how’s school?” asked Danny.

“It’s alright. My teachers reckon I will get straight A’s. I could get into Oxbridge.”

“Where the fuck’s Oxbridge?” Danny asked frowning.

Natasha shook her head. “Oxford and Cambridge.”

“Why the fuck would you go to two schools?”

“They are universities you dippy Mick.”

“I thought you could only choose one?”

“I could go to either.”

“Can’t you go to one in London? I’ll never see you.”

“And what makes you think we’ll still be together Daniel Emmett Finn?” she said then smiled.

“Of course. You’ll be wanting to be with some nonce lawyer or doctor Oxbridge sort then won’t you.”

Natasha smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Now why would I want that when I have Camden’s very own Shakespeare,” she said still smiling. Danny shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway you can come and visit.”

“I’m not going to Cambridge. They fuck sheep out there.”

“What about Oxford?”

“It’s full of murderers. It’s worse than Camden.”

“No it isn’t!”

“It fucking is I tell you. I’ve watched it on the TV. They are always killin’ each other in Oxford. And stealin’ cars. I don’t know what’s special about going to university in a town full of criminals.”

“I’m going to read law.”

“Can’t you read it at home?”

“Well someone needs to be a lawyer, keep your family out of prison.”

“That’s true. I hope you are better than the current guy. He couldn’t keep a priest out the dock, the useless fuck.”

“So are you coming to the party tomorrow?”

“Ah I don’t know. I’ve got things to do,” he replied. Natasha frowned before smiling and digging him in the ribs. “Of course I’m coming, it’s your fifteenth birthday party. I’m not going to miss that, but what about your old man. He’ll go berserk if he sees me near the house.”

“Don’t worry, he’ll be next door. You can sneak in.”

“What about Micky and that?”

“As long as they behave themselves and don’t steal anything.”

“Well I can’t promise you that. Your dad’s got some nice shit. He’s done well for a bricky.”

“He’s a property developer.”

“And what the fuck is that? A bricky in a smart suit? Sharky remembers when he used to lay bricks. He’s just a posh builder.”

“He’s done well for himself.”

“He ripped a lot of people off.”

“He’s my dad Danny, don’t be like that.”

“Well how do you want me to be? He fucking hates me just for being a Finn. Not good enough for his little girl, the brickie’s daughter. I can’t see him blessing our wedding”

“And why would I want to marry an eejit like you? Answer me that Danny boy.”

Danny stopped and grabbed her. “And why wouldn’t you want to marry me.”

“You want me to make a list? You left school without a single O-Level, you don’t have a job, you swear, drink, smoke, and your brother is a fucking maniac.”

“And why would you want to marry me?”

She smiled. “Because I love you. and I’m Irish. Irish girls are stupid like that.”

She kissed Danny.

“Well if you loved me then you’d, you know.”

“You know what?”

“I was just thinkin’ its your birthday an’ all, we could have a bit of

“A bit of what?”


“Wash your mouth out Daniel Finn! You dirty bastard. I’m not having sex with you. We’re not married and I’m not sixteen.”

“What does that matter, we love each other.”

“No I love you Danny boy, you are too much of a hard man to tell me you love me.”

“But you know I do.”

“Then why cant you say it?”

“Nobody in my family says it.”

“Well don’t expect to see my knickers then Danny. I’m not doing that with a boy who can’t tell me he loves me. I’m not having you get your wicked way with me just to abandon me for some other slut.”

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I bought you a nice present and everything.”

“And you’re not buying your way into my bed either.”

Danny started walking with her again. “You could at least let me feel your tits.”

“You’re a bloody sex maniac Danny. There’s something wrong with you.”

“I’m seventeen. It’s me fucking hormones. I get a hard on every time I see ya.”

“That’s disgusting. I don’t want to know.”

“I can’t help it.”

Natasha shook her head as they walked. She sighed. “Alright, let’s go in the bushes. I’ll give you a hand-job and let you feel my tits. But I hope you’ve washed it.”

“Now who’s the sex maniac eh Natasha Doyle?”

“Alright suit yourself…”

“I can give myself a handjob. What do I fekkin’ need that for? You do it too hard anyways.”

“Are you going to talk about anything but sex?” Natasha asked annoyed. “That’s all boys ever think about.”

“That’s because we don’t get enough of it.”

Danny stared at Natasha.


“I can’t help it. You’re beautiful so you are. I have strong feelings for you.”

“You have urges. You need to take a cold shower.”

“Will you at least think about it?”

“Of course I’ll think about it. You think I don’t want to have sex? I have urges too you know. But I want it to be right, with the right person. Besides how do I know I can trust you to pull out?”

‘I’ll wear a condom.”

“No chance. You might be a heathen Daniel Finn but I happen to take my beliefs seriously. You’re not wearing a condom.”

“How do you know I haven’t got anything?”

“Because nobody else wants to fuck you. You’re still a virgin.”

“How do you know that?”

“That would be tellin’,” Natasha said with a smile.

If he was honest with himself Danny didn’t want to have sex with Natasha. He was only two years older than her at seventeen, and even though he loved her he also wanted to wait until the time was right, despite his raging teenage hormones. But the constant ribbing he took from Micky was getting annoying so he just wanted to get it out of the way.

“SO DID YOU get anything out of her?” Micky asked, hanging outside the Camden Town Tube station dragging on a B&H King Size.

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “She offered me a hand job.”

“A fucking hand job? A blow job is what you want.”

“Like you’ve ever had one of those.”

“I’ve had

“Of course, I’m forgetting. Micky Finn, ladies-man. How many birds have you done then eh Micky?”

“Loads of em,” replied Micky boastfully.

“How Many?”

“Fuckin’ loads,” he said. “Anyway, you’re a year older than me. and you’re still a bloody virgin.”

“Did you tell Natasha?”

“I didn’t need to. It’s all round her school. Everyone knows.”

“Ah Fuck off Micky.”

“You got the money?”

Danny took out the roll of notes and handed it to Micky. “Where’s Billy?”

“He’s gone down to Kings Cross to bang that hooker.”

“She’s fuckin’ dirty.”

“He likes that sort of thing. You should go with him.”

“No chance.”

“Of course. Waiting for Princess Doyle to show you her wares.” Micky peeled off a bunch of notes and tucked them in Danny’s shirt pocket. “Here you go. Treat her to something nice.”

“I don’t know what to get her,” Danny said.

“Get her some sexy knickers. Suspenders and all that shit.”

“Do me a favour.”

“Come on, there’s a knicker shop on the high street. I’ll help you choose a nice pair.”

“I don’t even know what size she is.”

“She’s five-foot six.”

“I meant her bra and that you daft get.”

“They’re about this big,” Micky said holding his hands up to his chest.

Micky and Danny got back to the house just after ten.

“You missed Dinner. Ma’s gone to bed. She’s left it for you in the fridge,” Sharky called at them as they came in the hall.

“What about you then Sharky?” asked Micky as he took a beer out of the fridge and handed one to Micky then took one through to Sharky and collapsed into an armchair with his feet on the table.

“Alright lads. Staying out of trouble I hope.”

“Oh aye, we’re doin’ that alright Sharky. From what I heard you’ve had a spot of bother.”

“What you heard?” Sharky asked sharply.

“Some Turk kid down on the High Street. What the fuck is that all about?”

Sharky shrugged as he watched the snooker. “Usual.”

Micky nodded and swigged back the beer.

Sharky shot him a suspicious look. “You been dealin’ again Micky.”

“Of course not. Spot of this and that down the market, that’s all.”

“You need to stay out of that.”

“Well if we don’t do it Sharky the others will. We can’t spend the rest of our lives stealing TV’s.”

“You let me worry about that.”

“I’m just givin’ you the perspective from the streets. This isn’t the sixtie’s anymore. Times move on Sharky.”

“What would you know? Sixteen? You haven’t even got your cock wet yet.”

“Yes I fuckin’ have. More than you have, you old fecker.”

“Wanking into your sock over Men Only doesn’t count Micky.”

“Aye and neither does payin’ for it.” Micky smiled. Micky nodded at Danny.

“He’s as bad as you. Pretty young bird and not so much as a sniff of it.”

“I should think so. She’s fifteen. You behave yourself Danny.”

“Don’t say that Sharky. He needs to get on the job like.”

“No he doesn’t. She’s a decent girl. Don’t you go spoilin’ her you here? You want to take care of that. That girl’s going places.”

“She’s not going into his bed though is she eh? She could be a lesbian. Goes to an all girl’s school, bound to be.”

“Behave yourself Micky.”

“Anyways big party tomorrow. He’s bought her some fancy knickers and all.”

“What the fuck you doing buying her lingerie Danny? She’s fifteen.”

“Micky told me too.”

“Well don’t fucking listen to him. His idea of a bird is tucked under his mattress where he thinks Ma wont find it. And she did by the way. She burnt them.”

“Ah you’re fuckin’ kiddin’ me! That was my favourite collection an’ all!”

“You’re lucky she doesn’t give you a hidin’, bringing that filth into her house. You know what Ma is like.”

“I’m going to bed,” said Danny getting up.

“Well make sure you give those knickers a good sniff before you give them too her, it’s the last you’ll see of em’,” Micky said and grinned.

Sharky shook his head. “Don’t listen to him Danny. He wouldn’t know what to do with a bird if he caught one.”

“Fuck off grandpa,” Micky replied.

Danny left the room.

Sharky gave Micky a disapproving look. “Leave him alone Micky. He’s a good kid, she’s a nice girl, he needs to treat her right.”

“He’s wastin’ his time with that one, she’s too smart for him. She’ll be off to some university and that’s the last he will ever hear from her. He should have a go now while he’s got the chance.”

NATASHA LIVED IN a grand house on Chalcot Square in Primrose Hill.

Her father, Patrick Doyle, had run a building contracting firm that had made its fortune during the construction boom of the city in the eighties, he’d bought the house as a collection of run down bedsits that had once housed Irish families two to a room with shared kitchens and bathrooms, using his fortune he had been able to convert it back to its original period splendour.

He didn’t have much to do with the rest of the Irish community, and hated the Finn family with a vengeance. They represented the sort of people he considered had given the Irish such a bad name, and he had not forgotten the protection money his family had been forced to pay to ensure his building site wasn’t torched.

BOOK: Micky Finn: The Evildoer 1: A Sexy Times Crime Romance Thriller (The London Irish)
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