Midnight Under the Mistletoe (5 page)

BOOK: Midnight Under the Mistletoe
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“You can have them, Will.”

“No. You volunteered. You just need the right secretary to help
you. Sounds to me as if you don’t have a good fit yet and I should send

“No. She’s an excellent secretary. I’ve piled on the work and
she’s done it accurately and quickly. I don’t want to dump her because she likes
the box of old letters.”

“True. At least she may really read them.”

“Oh, she’ll read them all right,” Zach said, smiling as he
remembered Emma poring over the one, her head bent. Her red hair held gold
strands and a healthy shine. She had it pinned up, but strands spilled free and
indicated long hair. Long hair and long legs.

“We’ll leave in a few weeks for Colorado. If you change your
mind and want to come along, or to spend Thanksgiving with us, let me know.”

“Thanks, but I’m fine. My new secretary was a little shocked
when she learned I’m spending the holiday alone. She invited me to join her

There was a moment’s pause. “You two are getting to know each

“How can we avoid it? Remember, we work all day together and
there are just the two of us here except when we see Rosie or Nigel.”

“If you were Ryan, I’d ask if she’s good-looking, but I’ve
heard you talk too often about avoiding dating employees.”

“You and I have agreed that’s a complication no one needs in
his life. I don’t want any part of that kind of trouble,” he said, thinking
about her full lips and hearing a hollow sound to his words. “There’s no need to
bring emotions into the workplace—at least the kind of emotions that a
relationship would create. Common sense says no way,” he added, more to himself
than Will.

“It worked with Ava.”

“Yeah, but you hired her to work with Caroline—that was
different from an office situation and you know it. It’s not going to happen
here. I get looks from her like I’m from another planet with my feelings about
holidays, families and memorabilia.”

Will laughed. “I can imagine that one. There are times you get
those looks from me. Ryan is the baby brother and he accepts whatever we

“Yeah. I do get those looks from you, but I don’t know why
because you’re like me about sentiment. Or at least you were until Ava and
Caroline. Especially Caroline. They’ve mellowed you until I hardly know

“You ought to try it sometime,” Will answered lightly. “I’ll
talk to you before we leave for Colorado.”

“Sure, Will. Thanks for the invitation. Tell Ava I said
thanks.” Zach ended the call and swung his chair around to look out the window
without really seeing anything outside. Envisioning Emma, he wanted to be with
her again. He had just blown the sensible course. He should have let Will send
out another secretary, yet how could he get rid of Emma when her secretarial
skills were excellent and she wanted the job? He couldn’t send her back because
of the steamy chemistry between them.

“Keep it strictly business,” he whispered, lecturing himself.
Stay away from her except when working. Don’t share lunches or dinners or
anything else outside of the office and work. Willpower. Resoluteness.

Thinking of the problems on the project in Maine, the buildings
the company had bought and intended to replace with one large building, a
parking garage and a landscaped area, he tossed down a pen and returned to
thinking about Emma. He wanted to have dinner with her, but hadn’t he just
resolved to avoid her? He didn’t want to get involved with an employee,
especially a sentimental homebody who could barely leave her family and
especially an employee living under the same roof with him. It could complicate
his life beyond measure to have her expect some kind of commitment from him and
to have rumors flying at the office. He didn’t want tears and a scene when he
told her goodbye. Thoughts of any of those things gave him chills.

She didn’t look like a sentimental homebody, at least his idea
of one. Her full red lips, the mass of red hair that was caught up on her head
hinted at a wild, party-loving woman. The reactions she had to just a look from
him implied a sensuous, responsive lover.

“Damn,” he said aloud. Taking a deep breath, he yanked papers
in front of him.

Wiping his brow, he leaned over his desk and tried to
concentrate on tasks at hand. After two minutes he shoved aside papers and
stood. He should send her away, get her out of his life, but the chemistry he
wanted to avoid made it impossible to think about giving her up. No matter what
he’d just told himself, he wanted to be with Emma—what could a dinner hurt?

With a glance at his watch, he saw he had probably already
missed her and a hot dinner from Rosie. Annoyed he would have to eat alone, he
headed to the kitchen, hoping Emma was still there.

His disappointment when she wasn’t bothered him even more than
her absence. Since when had he started to look forward to being with her so


he evening was quiet and after dinner Emma
stayed in her room. She had eaten alone, experiencing a mix of relief and
disappointment that Zach hadn’t appeared. It was wiser that he had not eaten
with her. The less they socialized, the better, even though there was a part of
her that wanted to see him.

On Friday, he appeared wrapped in business and he kept his
distance. That afternoon, he told her to leave at one so she could get to Dallas
ahead of the traffic.

“Thanks,” she replied, smiling broadly. “I’ll accept that
offer.” Shutting down her computer, she was on the road away from the ranch
twenty minutes later. They had gotten through the first week, so she must have
the job. They also had kept a distance between them. He had been professional,
quiet, but there was no way she could feel she had imagined the chemistry
simmering just below the surface. Any time they locked gazes, it flared to life,
scalding, filled with temptation, an unmistakable attraction.

Now she could believe rumors she had always heard that he never
dated employees, never getting emotionally entangled with anyone on his staff,
never even in the most casual way. She intended to keep that professional,
remote relationship with him and this job would be a plus on her resume.

If she could just keep from dreaming about him at night—with a
sigh, she concentrated on her driving and tried to stop thinking about Zach
Delaney. Instead, she reflected on the fun she always had at home with the
family and with her nieces and nephews.

Monday when she returned to work, she dressed in jeans, a
T-shirt sprinkled with bling, and sneakers. Zach had said jeans were fine and
that’s what he had worn every workday. Even so, she felt slightly self-conscious
when she entered the office.

He was already there and looked up, giving her a thorough

“You said jeans are acceptable,” she stated.

“Jeans are great,” he said in a tone that conveyed a more
personal response. “Yours look terrific,” he added, confirming what she

“Thank you,” she answered, sitting behind her desk and starting
to work.

“This afternoon I’m going to Dallas to see my doctor.
Hopefully, I can toss this crutch when I come home.”

“You can return to your traveling?”

“How I wish. No. He’s already told me that I’ll have to wear
this and continue to stay off my foot except to get around the house. Still,
it’ll be an improvement.”

“Sure,” she replied.

He returned to whatever he had been doing and they worked
quietly the rest of the morning. When she left for lunch, he stayed in the
office. In the afternoon, she read more Delaney letters, occasionally glancing
at the great-great-grandson, continuing to wonder how he could care so little
about his history.

The next morning the crutch had disappeared. Zach remained
professional and slightly remote. She noticed he hobbled around and kept his
foot elevated when he was seated.

On Thursday afternoon she dug inside one of the open boxes of
memorabilia and picked up a small box and opened it. Yellowed paper was inside
and when she pushed the paper away, she gasped when she discovered a beautiful
pocket watch.

“Zach, look at this,” she said, turning to take the box to him.
He stood by a file cabinet. Today his T-shirt was navy, tight and short-sleeved,
revealing firm muscles and a lean, fit body. Dark curls fell on his forehead. As
he came around his desk, she handed him the box. Their fingers brushed, sending
ripples radiating from the contact.

“This is beautiful,” she said. She looked up from the watch,
meeting his gaze, ensnared, while tension increased between them. She could
barely get her breath. It was obvious he felt something as he focused on her.
His attention lowered to her mouth. Her lips parted, tingled while her
imagination ran riot. How long before he kissed her?

“Zach,” she whispered, intending to break the spell, but she
forgot what she had been about to say. He shifted, a slight closing of the space
between them. His hand barely touched her waist as he leaned closer. She
couldn’t keep from glancing at his mouth and then back into crystal blue that
held flames of desire.

The air heated, enveloped her, and the moment his mouth touched
hers, she closed her eyes. His lips were warm, firm, a dangerous temptation. Her
insides knotted, dropping into free fall. Protests vanished before being spoken.
Her breath was gone. His lips settled, opened her mouth. His arm went around her
waist tightly, holding her close against his hard body.

She spun away, carried on his kiss. A dream kiss, only it was
real, intensifying longing, burning with the impression of a brand that would
last. Her hands went to his arms, resting lightly on hard, sculpted muscles.

As his tongue probed and teased, her heart pounded. Passion
swamped her caution. She wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him in
return. Standing on tiptoe, she poured herself into her kiss. His arm tightened
and he leaned over her, kissing her hard and possessively, making her
light-headed. She wound her fingers in his hair as she kissed him, barely aware
he was tangling his hand in her own hair.

It was Zach Delaney she kissed wildly. The reminder was dim,
but gradually stirred prudence. “Zach,” she whispered, looking up at him. Her
heart thudded because the look in his eyes scalded, sending its heat to burn
her. His mouth was red from kisses, his eyes half closed. His expression held
stormy hunger.

“Emma, you like this,” he whispered, winding his hand in her
hair behind her head, pulling her head closer again.

She wrapped both arms around his neck, holding him and kissing
him back. Her heart raced as she gave vent again to desires that had smoldered
since she met him.

Their breathing grew harsh while he slipped his hand down her
back to her waist.

Again, she grasped at control and raised her head. “I wasn’t
going to do this.”

“I’ve wanted to since the first minute I saw you,” he declared
in a rasp. His blue eyes darkened, a sensual, hot look that melted her and made
her want to reach for him again.

Instead, she stepped away. “I came over here for a reason,” she
whispered, unable to get her voice. Her gaze was still locked with his and he
looked as surprised as she felt. His kisses had shaken her. Desire was a
white-hot flame. She wanted him in a manner she had never experienced before and
the attraction shook her even more than that first day she had met him.

“Zach, I should quit this job right now,” she whispered. He
gave her a startled look and she could feel her face flush.

“Over a few meaningless kisses?” he asked.

She didn’t want to answer him. He stood there looking at her in
that sharp manner he had while she struggled to get the right words.

“The kisses—” She paused. She didn’t want to admit more to him,
but he wanted an answer. “Kisses weren’t like others. This was different. We
have something—” She waved her hands helplessly.

He inhaled, drawing deeply, his chest expanding as longing
flared again in his eyes.

“Common sense tells me to walk away now,” she whispered. “You
have a reputation for never going out with an employee.”

“I never have,” he answered. “That doesn’t mean I can’t.”

“That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I want this job.”

“We’ll do something,” he replied, his voice raspy and quiet.
“Don’t quit. We’ll try to stick to work.”

She shook her head, looking at his mouth and feeling her pulse
speed as they talked. “I can’t. I’m quitting. I don’t think you need more notice
than that. You can find a wonderful, efficient secretary soon enough.”

“No,” he replied, jamming his hands into his pockets while a
muscle worked in his jaw. “I’ll double your salary and you stay.”

“Double my salary?” she repeated, shaking her head.

“You don’t need to pack and go because we kissed. We’re adults.
If we kiss, it’s not that big a deal. There’s nothing between us—no history, no
ties. If you don’t want to get involved, we can both exercise control. With my
offer, you’ll earn twice as much. Don’t walk out on that over a few casual

Exasperated and stung over his dismissal of kisses that had
shaken her, she stared at him. “There’s no relationship between us. There’s not
even any emotional bond. We’re practically strangers. But those kisses weren’t
casual to my way of thinking,” she whispered.

She stepped close, put her arm around his neck and placed her
mouth on his, kissing him with all the heat and fury she felt over his
dismissive attitude. After one second that probably was his surprise holding him
immobile, his arm banded her waist and he returned her kiss. Fully. He pressed
against her, his tongue going deep while she kissed him, trying to set him on
fire. In seconds she broke off the kiss and looked up with satisfaction.

“I’d say your body’s reaction isn’t casual.”

With his eyes darkened, his breathing was ragged. She had felt
the hard throb of manhood against her and his heart pounding.

“Okay. Kisses damn well aren’t casual, but I’m trying to get us
back there,” he said. A muscle worked in his jaw. When his attention focused on
her mouth, she stepped back.

“Do you still want to double my salary—or do you want me to

“I’ll double your salary,” he replied, grinding out the

“You’ll double my salary to get me to continue as your
secretary. You know I can’t turn that down.”

“I hope not. You’re a good secretary,” he answered in a more
normal tone of voice.

Inhaling deeply, she promised herself she would exercise better

“Against good judgment, I’ll stay. I can’t say no. I need the
money for my college plans.”

“That’s settled.” They stared at each other until she realized
what she was doing.

“I came over here for something,” she said, feeling foolish,
struggling against stepping into his arms again, yet determined to regain her
composure. She looked around and spotted the small box on the corner of Zach’s
desk. She retrieved the box, clinging to it as if it were a lifeline.

“Look at this.”

He was still gazing at her and his blue eyes had darkened
again. His expression no longer appeared as impersonal. Her heart drummed while
her lips tingled. The urge to reach for him tormented her. With a deep breath he
looked down, picked up the watch and turned it in his hand.

“This is a find,” he said, his voice deep, becoming hoarse, and
she was certain the husky tone was not caused by the watch he held. “This watch
is worth going through the box of stuff.” Turning it in his hand, he studied the
gold back. “These are my great-great-grandfather’s initials,” Zach said,
extending it to her and she looked down, stepping closer to gaze at the watch,
which she had already studied. “Warner Irwin Delaney,” Zach read. “This we’ll
keep, thank you, Emma.”

“It’s a beautiful pocket watch. I’m glad you’re keeping it.
I’ll research to find one like it to pinpoint how old it is. For the moment,
I’ll see what else I can find.”

“I’ll help for a while,” he said. “The watch makes poking
around in all the old stuff more interesting.”

She returned to her chair, mindful of him pulling one up
nearby. The awareness of him was sharp, intense and disturbed her concentration.
She wanted to take a long look at him, but she didn’t want to get caught
studying him.

She tried to focus on a letter and realized her concentration
was on Zach only. His kisses had been fantastic, setting her on fire in a blaze
that still burned. She wanted more kisses, wanted to dance and flirt and make
love—reactions that shocked her. Ones she had never experienced before in this
manner. The men in her life had always been friends, family-oriented guys she
had been comfortable with. Never anyone she had been very serious about either.
Why did he hold such appeal for her?

She could barely think about the jump in salary for thinking
about the man. Any other time in her life she would have been overjoyed at the
increase in pay, but now it kept slipping her mind, replaced by thoughts about

The wise thing to do would be to pack and go no matter what
salary he offered. She couldn’t do it. The salary was important. College—and her
classes on the internet—was expensive. This boost in salary filled a great need.
Without thinking, she glanced at him. He was studying her openly and she felt
her face flush as they looked into each other’s eyes.

The glance had the same effect as a touch.

They worked in silence. As he methodically shoved aside
letters, she realized he was looking for more things like the watch. She became
absorbed in her reading.

“I feel as if I know part of your family,” she said, folding a
letter. “After the Civil War, Warner Delaney started building this ranch house.
He brought his family out here. Earlier, he met a woman in Kansas City and is
going to ask her to marry him.”

“My great-great-grandmother? Her name was Tabitha, I

They heard a commotion in the hall and a tall man in Western
boots, jeans, a navy sweater and a Stetson entered the room. He held the hand of
a little black-haired girl who smiled broadly at Zach and then glanced shyly at

“Will. Caroline. How’s my prettiest and favorite niece?” Zach
asked, lifting her up and holding her to kiss her cheek. She laughed and giggled
as he set her on her feet. “Hey, Will. Where’s Ava?”

“Stopped to talk to Rosie and leave Muffy with her. Muffy is a
dog,” he explained, glancing at Emma.

“Emma, this is my niece, Caroline, and my brother Will Delaney.
Ah, here is Ava. Emma, meet Ava Delaney. This is Emma Hillman, my

As she shook hands with the adults, Emma gazed into warm
welcoming green eyes of a sandy-haired blonde. Caroline, holding a small brown
bear, could not stop smiling.

BOOK: Midnight Under the Mistletoe
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