Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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The doctor chuckled. “I should say so. She’s quite responsive for a new cow. She seems the perfect addition to your herd.”

“Temporary addition,” his lordship said. “She’s only under contract for one week, unless of course she decides to extend our agreement.”

Not on your life
, Julia wanted to say, but all that came out was a long, drawn-out moan as the doctor slid his thermometer out of her rectum.

“Oh, I have no doubt this one will want to stay on. Just look at her. She was practically born for this. Even her temperature is perfect: 37.9° C, the optimal body temperature for a good cow.”

He patted her ass, and Julia shivered.

I’m not a cow. I’m not a cow. I’m not a cow.

She wanted to scream the words out loud, but her ladyship had made sure she was painfully mute. Drops of saliva slid across her open lips while even more moisture dripped from her open pussy. She didn’t want this. She couldn’t want it, not mentally anyway. Her mind knew just how wrong all of this was, but her body…

The doctor stroked her inner flaps one last time, and she moaned again. His fingertip only lightly brushed the head of her clit, and it was all she could do not to scream out in rapture right then.

His hands roved across the rest of her body after that. He checked her limbs. He probed her breasts, though he didn’t milk them—why wouldn’t he milk them?—until finally he changed his gloves before peering deep inside her mouth to examine her teeth and gums.

Oh, God, what business did he have messing with her teeth?

“Good oral care,” he said. “She has a nice gumline, little to no tartar, and…oh, now this is odd.”

Julia squeezed her eyes shut.

Don’t let him know. Don’t let him know. Don’t let him know

He tugged gently at her front teeth, and she cringed.

“These all seem to be implants,” he said.

Lord Ashe stepped forward. “Implants?”

The doctor nodded. “The four top incisors and these two on the bottom. Odd for someone so young to lose so many teeth. A car wreck, perhaps? But if so, I haven’t seen another mark to suggest it.”

Not a car wreck
, Julia thought,
just a train wreck of a relationship

But these men didn’t have to know that. They didn’t have to know anything she didn’t want to tell them. She was a cow after all, and cows didn’t speak.

For the first time since this whole ordeal began, she was glad she’d lost her words.

The doctor finished his exam quickly after that.

Julia nearly swooned when Dr. Polliver attached the cups to her aching breasts. She needed to be milked. Oh God, she needed to be milked. She’d been so focused on the doctor’s forced exam that she’d barely noticed the growing girth of her chest, but now she did. Each of her breasts was so full, she thought it might burst. She needed relief. She needed…

The pumps whirred to life, and her breath caught as each cup pulled at her aching teats.

Oh, damn but that felt good.

Her eyes rolled back. Warm milk cascaded through her ducts all the way down into those wonderfully waiting hoses. She didn’t even notice when the doctor left or his lordship. She was so caught in her own pleasure she didn’t open her eyes until gentle hands slid the dental gag out of her mouth.

“My pretty new cow,” Lady Sybil said. “Enjoying ourselves, are we?”

Julia tried her best to moo, but her breast pumps transformed the sound into a deep moan instead.

“My brother seems to think you have a great deal of potential. Why don’t we see, shall we?”

The woman moved behind Julia. Her hand slid down Julia’s flank all the way down to her ass. Her ladyship gave Julia a light pat before dropping to her knees.

“Most men prefer to dine only on a cow’s milk, but I’ve developed a taste for other more…savory delicacies.”

Julia wasn’t sure what the woman meant at first until she felt her ladyship’s tongue lap at the lips of her pussy. Julia sucked in a quick breath.

Oh, shit!

Her ladyship’s tongue was warm and moist. It danced circles around her outer lips. Inside and out, it lapped up her juices before moving farther and farther yet, all the way to the head of Julia’s clit.


Her cries gave way to gasps and then moans. Her legs fought to pull themselves together, but the spreader bar kept her immobile. The cuffs, the manacles, her collar, everything kept her from moving hardly more than an inch as her ladyship taunted and teased Julia to the very brink of an orgasm only to pull back at the last possible moment.

What in the hell?

“Not yet, my cow,” her ladyship said when Julia’s body began trembling so violently with need that her breasts slapped against one another loud enough to be heard even over the sounds of her own gasps. “Once you reach quota you may have your release, but not before?”

Quota? What did she mean by quota?

Her ladyship’s tongue darted inside Julia’s pussy once more, and warm milk gushed from her breasts.

So that’s what the woman wanted.

Vaguely, Julia thought she should be insulted by how this woman was treating her, but all she could focus on was the burning need for release. Time after time, her ladyship drove her to the very brink of a climax only to deny her again and again and again.

Tears slid down Julia’s face.

This wasn’t fair. None of this was fair.

“Moo for me, my little heifer,” her ladyship said. “Show me what a good cow you are and I just might give you what you need.”

Shame burned Julia’s cheeks, but she was beyond disobedience at this point. Her body needed a release. She needed it so bad nothing else mattered.

“Moo!” she cried out. “Moo!”

“Again,” her ladyship ordered. “This is what you want. You need to moo just as badly as you need to be milked, now prove it. I want the whole world to hear what you are. Again, louder this time.”




“I said louder.”

Julia sucked in a deep breath. “Moooooaah! Ahhh! Ohhhh!”

Her moos broke into a fit of rapture as her ladyship’s mouth descended on her once more. Lady Sybil’s tongue reached inside her, all the way to the tender spot the doctor had touched before. Her bottom lip rubbed slowly against Julia’s clit, then faster, harder. The barn, the shame, everything melted away until Julia was aware of nothing but the blinding ecstasy burning between her legs.

The first orgasm washed over her just before her breast pumps kicked into high gear, and her ladyship propelled her to a second.

“Moo!” she cried out. “Oh…oh…moo!”

If this is what she got for mooing, she’d gladly do it all day long.

Whether minutes or hours passed, she didn’t know, but eventually her ladyship’s lips left her skin. A gentle finger stroked her pussy, and Julia shivered with longing all over again.

What was wrong with her? She’d already ridden through more orgasms than she’d ever known. Shouldn’t that be enough?

“I believe you might be right about this one,” Lady Ashe said. “She is quite the specimen.”

Julia turned as far as her collar would allow, and there, just behind her right shoulder, stood Lord Ashe. He knelt to remove the cups from her breasts, and she shivered as his fingers lingered on her tingling flesh.

“A truly fine cow,” he agreed.

“Maybe even as good as Belle.”

At his sister’s words, Lord Ashe’s hands froze. Julia could only see a slip of his face through the corner of her eye, but she thought she saw a darkness cross over his features, maybe even a hint of pain.

“No one will ever be as good as Belle.”

Then he turned and left the room.




“You’ll have two hours to graze. When then bell chimes, you’ll return to the barn for your midday milking. Don’t even think to leave the pasture. Should you even try, I can promise you, the punishment will be severe.”

Julia hobbled out of the barn behind her ladyship. Though the woman had freed her from her manacles and cuffs, she hadn’t removed the spreader bar from between Julia’s legs. All Julia could do was twist her hips and inch along as her ladyship led out into the bright sunlight.

“You will feed, and that is all. If I find you attempting to pleasure yourself without my leave, you will be wearing a spreader between your wrists as well as your knees, do you understand, cow?”

“Moo,” Julia responded.

Lady Sybil’s lips quirked into something almost resembling a smile.

“Good, now begin your grazing.”

Her ladyship pointed down at the soft grass beneath her, and Julia’s eyes widened.


The cattle prod shocked her into silence once more.

“What did I tell you about speaking, cow? Now eat. I won’t ask you again.”

Hesitantly, Julia lowered her face to the ground. She closed her eyes before taking a small clump of grass in her mouth and bit down with a grimace.

Her eyes widened when the taste of mint exploded in her mouth.

Her ladyship smirked when Julia looked back up at her.

“You didn’t actually think I’d have you eating natural grass, did you? We’ve bred this particular variety to be digestible by humans. Go ahead. Eat. You’ll need all the calories you can get if you want to make quota this afternoon.”

Julia remembered all too well what meeting quota entailed, and her pussy throbbed at the mere thought of the pleasure to come. Obediently, she lowered her lips to the ground and munched on the emerald-colored grass.

It’s not so bad. No, not so bad at all.

The more she ate, the hungrier she became. The long blades tasted like mint while the shorter clovers had an almost honey-like sweetness to them.

Her sweet tooth drove her from one bed of clovers to the next. All around her, the rest of her herd grazed with similar fervor. Only a short stone fence kept them all from running away.

You can slip out of that spreader and make a run for it, a little voice whispered. These people are sick. They’re just as bad as Matthew was. All you have to do is pry the cuffs off your knees and you’ll be free

But did she even want to be free?

Her eyes widened. She shouldn’t be thinking like that. Of course she wanted her freedom. His lordship had tricked her into playing this sick little game, but as soon as her week was up, she’d be gone. To hell with his lordship and England and all the rest. She’d go back to America if she had, but she wouldn’t be a slave, not to this man or anyone else.

Even in her own mind, her words sounded forced.

She shivered. She didn’t want this. She couldn’t want this, could she? Sure, the other women in her herd had seemingly accepted their roles, but surely they’d signed on for longer contracts than she had. After a year in his lordship’s service, even she doubted she’d have enough of her humanity left to desire her freedom. But after only a week? She’d have to be the most weak willed woman on the planet not to run screaming as soon as his lordship let her go.

If he let her go?

He will. He has to, he promised

Of course, Matthew had made quite a few promises of his own, but that didn’t mean he’d ever intended to honor them.

Her gut churned as she munched down another mouthful of sweet clovers.

“Hey, boys, come take a look at his lordship’s newest little cunt.”

Julia jerked her face out of the grass. She hadn’t realized how far she’d wandered from the barn, but when she looked up, she was grazing right along the edge of the paddock, only a few feet from where a group of his lordship’s field hands were taking a smoke.

A big man with biceps as big as her waist hopped the fence and dropped his cigarette into the grass in front of her.

“There you go, little cow,” he said. “Why don’t you try a taste of my fag? It’s bound to be better than the shit you’re eating.”

The man kicked his cigarette butt in her direction. She hissed in pain when a spark hit the tip of her elbow.

“Might want to knock it off, Jack,” one of his friends said. “His lordship don’t like us messing with his property.”

“Bugger off,” Jack said. “I ain’t planning to leave no permanent marks, and besides, what’s the little cow going to do anyway? Tell?”

Jack laughed even harder, but Julia didn’t find his behavior the least bit funny.

“Come to me, cow,” Jack said. “If you don’t like me fag, I’ve got me a bigger stick you can suck on.”

He opened the fly of his workpants and pulled out his cock. It was only partially erect, but still big enough to make her take a step back.

“Leave me alone,” she warned. “I’ll tell. Touch me, and I swear I’ll tell his lordship.”

“Oh, is that so? And tell me, little cow, just what do you think his lordship will do then? Us workers are allowed to sample the merchandise as much as we please, but you little cows ain’t allowed to talk. Might be you want to think about that before you go spouting out lies to his lordship.”

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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