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Authors: Alex Jordaine

Mistress Extreme (6 page)

BOOK: Mistress Extreme
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‘Yes,' Isabella replied simply. ‘Me.'

Chapter Ten

Isabella and Dee were in Isabella's luxurious living room. Its tall windows were curtained in heavy linen and net. Outside the sky was leaden with dark clouds and the rain was coming down in fierce grey sheets. Leaves clogged the gullies and lay in swathes across the pavement. The summer weather remained dreadful. It was definitely better to be indoors – for some people at any rate.

Isabella was seated in a black leather armchair. Wearing only a chain mail bra that barely contained her beautiful breasts, a tiny side-split mini skirt also of chain mail, and high-heeled shoes, she looked magnificent. Immediately adjacent to the chair in which she was seated was a side table that had a selection of whips, paddles, canes and other disciplinary implements neatly lined up on its surface.

Dee, the expression on her face as blank a mask as she could make it, was standing before the formidable dominatrix so that she could inspect her. Isabella noted the stubborn set of her jaw and the glint of disobedience in her big lustrous brown eyes. She was also struck by the almost perfect symmetry of her features and how lovely looking she was.

Dee had dark hair, which was shiny and straight and hung to her shoulders. Small earrings glittered at her ears. She had full breasts and tight tan legs. Her glorious figure was enhanced by the flesh toned mini dress she was wearing, which left nothing to the imagination. Her nipples were plainly visible beneath the dress and she was obviously nude underneath it. As well as being low cut, showing a large expanse of her ample bosom, the dress was miniscule and diaphanous. If anything it seemed to make her more naked.

‘That's a nice dress you're nearly wearing,' Isabella said with a throaty chuckle. ‘Mind you, I'm one to talk!'

Dee kept her expression impassive, thinking: What's she trying to do here? Just be friendly? Break the ice? Lull me into a false sense of security?

‘Dee, I know what you're thinking,' Isabella said suddenly, unnerving the slave. ‘Just stop it, all right.' She got out of her chair to stand in front of Dee and her dark eyes bored into her with piercing severity.

‘Undo the top of your dress,' she ordered brusquely. ‘Take your breasts out and be quick about it.'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Dee replied and immediately did as she'd been told.

‘They're nice and full, it's true.' Isabella stroked and lifted Dee's breasts approvingly. ‘But I see no sign of any recent discipline. That concerns me.' She shook her head in apparent dismay.

‘These are lovely too,' she continued, pinching Dee's pinkish-brown nipples, which protruded urgently in response. ‘Tell me, do you have sensitive nipples?'

Dee did not at first reply and kept her expression impassive. But Isabella saw the defiance that flickered in her eyes.

‘Well?' Isabella asked again, an edge to her voice. ‘Do you have sensitive nipples?'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Dee replied apprehensively, ‘I do – very.'

‘Good,' Isabella said, viciously squeezing the slave's engorged buds, ‘Then you won't like me doing this.' Dee gasped with pain and hunched forward, her head bowed, her dark hair falling across her face.

‘Don't slouch like that, Dee. Stand up straight,' Isabella told her as she herself returned to her seat. ‘Now lift up your dress at the front. I want to examine your pussy.'

‘Yes, Mistress.'

‘Mmmm, very nice,' Isabella commented. ‘No pubic hair at all … labia distended – lovely, like two petals … clitoris pronounced. Tell me, I've been reliably informed you keep your sex clean-shaven at all times. Is that so?'

‘Yes, Mistress.'

‘Well, at least you're doing one of the things expected of a good slave, but precious little else, I'm given to understand.'

‘But …'

‘No buts, slave. The only butt I'm interested in is this one.' Isabella gestured with an impatient twirl of her hand that she wished Dee to turn her back to her. ‘Lift your dress again.'

‘Yes, Mistress.'

‘You have a lovely round behind,' she told her. ‘It's eminently spankable.'

‘Thank you, Mistress,' Dee replied, looking over her shoulder at Isabella and smiling for the first time. It was an engaging smile, very sexy. Her brown eyes glittered seductively.

‘That doesn't mean I'm happy with it,' Isabella said, refusing to connect with that sexy smile, that seductive gaze, and fixing Dee with another sharp stare instead. She then looked back at the young woman's backside. ‘Where's the evidence of recent punishment to this lovely rear of yours? The bruises, the weals, and the welts? I'll have to put that right
tout de suite.
Come across my knee, slave, now.'

Dee bent over Isabella's lap, placing her hands on the floor in front of her. The cheeks of her backside tensed as the dominatrix flicked the bottom of her insubstantial dress out of the way to fully reveal her comely rear again. Isabella stroked its beautiful soft globes with one hand and moved her other hand to Dee's sex.

Her fingers slipped inside her slippery wet vagina and as she moved to touch the pink thorn of her clitoris Dee let out a moan of pleasure.

‘You're extremely wet down here,' Isabella said. ‘I hope that doesn't mean you're expecting to enjoy this.' Isabella suddenly squeezed Dee's clit hood, causing the slave to cringe in startled agony.

‘You must understand something, Dee,' the dominatrix explained, moving the hand that had been stroking the slave's rear to her breasts and squeezing hard on both her nipples for a second time, making her squeal. ‘We're here so you can be severely disciplined, not for you to derive pleasure. Understood?'

‘Understood, Mistress,' Dee replied, shivering with pain.

‘On the other hand,' Isabella went on, plunging her fingers into Dee's dripping pussy and starting to masturbate her, ‘if at any time you find yourself on the verge of climaxing, you must get my permission to come. Clear?'

‘Clear, Mistress,' the slave replied, gasping. She became increasingly frantic as Isabella's fingers worked more vigorously between the lips of her sex.

‘I … ah … oh … permission to come, Mistress,' Dee cried out suddenly.

‘Say “please”,' Isabella taunted, increasing even more the rough finger-fucking she was giving the slave.

‘Permission to come, please, Mistress, oh please …' Dee begged.

‘Permission granted,' Isabella replied and the young slave climaxed in great shuddering spasms.

‘See how good I am to you,' Isabella said next. ‘Here, lick.' She put her fingers, sticky with Dee's love juices, across her lips and the slave kissed and licked them. ‘Now suck them.' She slowly pushed two fingers into Dee's mouth and she sucked them greedily as Isabella slid them back and forth between her lips.

‘Look Dee, fair's fair,' Isabella said, withdrawing her fingers from the young woman's mouth. ‘You've just enjoyed some real pleasure. Now you must endure some real pain. Agreed?'

‘Yes, Mistress,' she replied uncertainly.

Isabella paused for a moment to admire Dee's backside again, all round and bare and vulnerable, before beginning her spanking. Smack! The crisp sound announced that the spanking had begun and the red palm print on Dee's backside bore witness to the cruel accuracy of that first stroke. Smack! Isabella's hand cracked down again on the curved cheeks with another harsh spank.

After many more robust smacks, when that luxurious living room rang with the sound of hand on naked flesh, Isabella told Dee that her backside was reddening impressively. She then increased the frequency and harshness of her blows. She continued unremittingly, cracking her hand down onto Dee's backside with relentless vigour, following one smack after another in swift succession. The cheeks of the young slave's rear smarted with a fire that made her tense and squirm in pain, and with each slap her tensing and squirming increased.

‘I can see a nice red glow now,' Isabella said, pausing briefly to admire her handiwork before returning to her task with a will. When she increased the momentum of the spanking still further Dee reached back with a hand to try and protect herself.

‘Stop that this instant, bitch,' Isabella snapped, brushing the hand away. She did actually stop beating Dee for a short time and gently stroked her backside but only to quickly resume spanking her, this time with even greater ferocity. She now also included her upper thighs in the thrashing and did not stop until that whole area of her body was coloured an even red. Dee let out an involuntary wail of pain as the full effect of the spanking spread through her body.

‘Ooh, poor baby,' Isabella cooed in mock solicitude. ‘Does that hurt?'

‘Yes, Mistress,' came the halting reply.

‘Tough shit,' her tormentor retorted, adding ominously, ‘For goodness sake, girl, I've barely even started.'

Isabella then suddenly pulled Dee off her lap by the hair. ‘Stand up and take off your dress and shoes,' she demanded. Isabella got to her feet herself once Dee was nude. She instructed her to turn round so she could examine her punished rear. When she'd done this Isabella told her to turn back and face her. She looked the young slave in the eye.

Dee looked back at Isabella, again trying to keep any emotion from showing on her face. But inside she remained defiant, repeating to herself over and over her own determined chant,
I won't let
her win, I won't let her win, I won't let her win, I won't …

Isabella interrupted this inner mantra: ‘You know, Dee,' she said, shooting her an incendiary look, ‘I can tell you – having myself just carried out an inspection – that you now have two lovely red cheeks.' Isabella had again noted the gleam of rebellion in the young woman's eyes that her expressionless face was unable to disguise. ‘No, sorry, three red cheeks' she added, suddenly slapping her round the face hard.

‘Look, I've told you before,' Isabella said in a patient tone as she watched the red rose of a bruise begin to bloom on the young slave's cheek, ‘I know what you're thinking. So, please don't kid yourself you can beat me. Oh, and talking of beating …' Isabella took hold of a red leather paddle from the selection of disciplinary implements on the side table, and weighed it in her hands. ‘See my paddle, slave?'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Dee replied, visibly shaken by the unexpected slap to the face that she'd received.

‘I'm now going to use it to beat your backside an even redder shade of red – until it's as red as this paddle. No, thinking about it, redder still – as red as the reddest rose in a bunch of red, red roses. What colour would you say I am aiming for, slave?'

‘Red, Mistress,' Dee muttered.

‘Well spotted,' Isabella mocked. ‘Now I want you to go over to that table.' Isabella gestured with the paddle. ‘Lean over it with your arms in front of you, your back arched, legs parted and backside in the air. That's right …Prepare to be punished further. But Dee,' she added, ‘before we re-commence, please note that I've thoughtfully left a nice soft leather cushion on the table for you to rest your head on. You see, I'm not entirely cruel, now am I?'

‘Yes, Mistress … I mean, no,' responded the flustered slave, who found that she couldn't stop trembling.

When Dee bent forward, the cheeks of her quivering backside were stretched open. They presented Isabella with an exposed view of her puckered anus and the open lips of her sex. Her rear bore all too clear evidence of her punishment so far, and her anus and pussy just as clear evidence of its effect on her. Both were pulsating uncontrollably and her labia were swollen and wet. Trickles of love juice were running down her thighs.

‘I'll start by beating your backside twenty times with the paddle,' Isabella said. ‘I want you to count off each strike and thank me for it in the proper respectful manner. Do you understand?'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Dee replied, her voice unsteady.

Isabella raised her arm up to shoulder height and brought it down vigorously.

Thwack! That first blow nearly knocked all the breath out of the slave.

‘One, thank you, Mistress,' Dee managed to pant.


‘Two, thank you, Mistress.'


‘Three, thank you, Mistress.'

Thwack! …. And on and relentlessly on.

‘All right, Dee, you can keep quiet now,' Isabella said once the young slave had gasped her way through the full twenty strikes. The scorched cheeks of her backside were now flushed an even deeper and angrier shade of red. Isabella continued: ‘Yes, you can keep quiet and you can stay quiet too. I don't want to hear another word out of you. From this point on you are to be obscene but not heard,
?' Dee nodded her understanding.

Isabella carried on using the red paddle on her backside and upper thighs, beating her ever harder until she raised her back as an involuntary reflex action. ‘Down, slave, down,' Isabella commanded, placing a hand in the small of her back and pushing her firmly down.

Isabella continued paddling Dee until she felt as if her backside and thighs were on fire. And then the dominatrix stopped, putting the paddle to one side.

‘That makes a lovely picture, slave. You can take my word for it,' Isabella commented. ‘But we don't want just a uniform red. Let's introduce some variety into the picture. I've just the thing – my braided leather flogger.'

Isabella picked up the vicious black and red whip from the top of the side table, positioned herself behind Dee again, and raised it. The whip hissed sharply when she swung it through the air and when it landed with a crack on its target the sudden pain that seared across Dee's backside nearly overwhelmed her. She was still trying to draw breath when Isabella brought the whip down again. It was even more agonizing. As the savage whipping continued, the furious pain Dee was suffering became almost unbearable. She raised her head and was about to register a protest.

BOOK: Mistress Extreme
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