Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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Morgan couldn’t say why he’d brought her to bed like this. It was what he’d done with his wife when she’d first been pregnant, before he’d gotten shipped out again. He enjoyed holding her against him knowing she felt comfortable enough with him to sleep. She trusted him, and that pleased him immensely. He dozed off and on for another forty-five minutes or so before she woke again. This time she seemed more relaxed. She buried her nose in his shoulder and sighed.

“You feel good.”

“I could say the same about you.”

“I’m sorry I was sick earlier. I wasn’t expecting it.” She talked into his neck.

“First time?”

“No. I don’t much like it.”

“Well, you best get used to it for a few weeks. We’ll get some crackers to put by the bed. If you chew on one as soon as you wake up, it might help stop the throwing up part.”

Morgan ran a hand through her now shortened hair. It was still just as soft and bouncy in his hands. She nodded against his shoulder, then started to push herself up. He rolled them over instead. He’d startled her. Her eyes had grown large as she looked up into his. Those bright blue orbs did look shocking against the sable brown of her hair.

“I’m going to kiss you,” he said.

She could only nod her head before his mouth was there on hers, questing for entrance. She opened to him, and he dove inside. She tasted of the mint-flavored toothpaste she’d used earlier. He ran his tongue alongside hers, then sucked it into his mouth to tease. The more he sucked, the more she moaned. He let go and drew in her lower lip to nip and tease with his teeth and tongue. He couldn’t get enough of her mouth.

His molded her ass with his hands as he pressed his hard cock against her belly. She had to know how turned on he was. His cock was hot and rock-hard pressed between them. He rocked his pelvis to emphasize his intentions. He definitely intended to fuck her. He didn’t want her to feel it was a surprise. There would be no mistaking what he wanted from her. But he wouldn’t just take. He’d give her the ride of her life. He’d make sure that she couldn’t remember what sex outside of him felt like.

He moved one hand from her ass to her breast, where he circled her large nipple with one finger, then palmed her entire breast in his hand, with enough breast for another hand as well. Pregnancy had obviously enhanced her size, based on the tight-fitting bra he’d removed from her the night before. Would she be one of those women who lost them after weaning the baby, or would she keep them?

He pulled back from her delicious mouth and worked his way down her neck to her breasts. He sucked each nipple in turn, nipping and sucking until she squirmed beneath him. He wanted her ready to go before he took her. He wanted to know she was wild with need—need for him. He wanted to hear his name on her lips as she came. Later, when it was all over with, he’d think about that need. Right now, he concentrated on filling it.

He rained openmouthed kisses down her torso and over her hips until he was near that hot pussy he so dearly wanted inside of. Once he had settled himself between her legs, he licked at her pussy like an ice-cream cone. Then he delved between her wet lips and fucked her with his tongue. She undulated beneath him, trying to get closer to his mouth. He chuckled and held her still with one hand on her abdomen. Morgan pushed a finger inside of her and gently explored until he found her hot spot. He added another finger and tickled that spot until she was pushing her pelvis against his hand.

Hell, he was hot for her. He wanted to ram his dick all the way into her, but wanted to feel her come on his face first. He latched on to her clit with his lips and sucked while all the time using his fingers on that spot deep inside of her. When she came, he licked and sucked every bit of her sweet honey he could manage. Then he pulled away before she was completely sated and plunged his heavy cock inside of her.

Morgan captured her scream in his mouth just in time. He felt her pussy walls contract around him and knew she was coming again. He plunged into her over and over again, hard and fast, then soft and shallow, until he felt cum boiling in his balls, ready to explode. When he did, he could have sworn the earth tilted out of sync. His cum filled her, and he held himself there while he caught his breath. Damn, he hadn’t come that hard since…the last time he’d come inside of her.

He rolled off her and went to the bathroom to clean up. Then he brought back a warm bath cloth to clean her up as well. She didn’t protest since she was still panting and trying to regain her normal breathing pattern as well. Her eyes remained closed, but her lips moved as if she were saying a prayer. He leaned closer and heard what was coming from her mouth.

She whispered “oh my God, oh my God,” over and over again. He grinned and dropped a kiss on her forehead before returning the cloth to the bathroom.

“Come on, sleepyhead. Time to get up. We have a long trip ahead of us.” Morgan swatted the side of her ass with a gentle pop.

“Hey. Don’t do that.” She slowly rolled over to the edge of the bed before pushing herself to a sitting position.

“It’s nearly eight, and we still have to get something for breakfast before we head out,” Morgan said.

“Fine. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.” She disappeared into the bathroom for all of five minutes, then returned and began dressing.

She repacked her clothes in her backpack and sat down on the edge of the bed to put her boots on. Morgan took them away from her and began putting them on for her. He wasn’t sure why he was doing all of this for her, but it felt good. Her murmured “thanks” made him feel even better.

“What do you feel like for breakfast?” he asked.

“I’m really not hungry,” she began.

“Wrong answer. You’ve got to eat, so either pick something or I will.” He used his firmest voice.

“I could probably manage some toast and jelly.”

After breakfast, they headed out on the road to meet up with Morgan’s biker friends. He hoped there wouldn’t be any trouble with his bringing her with him. He hoped it would keep her safe, but if they caused a scene or wouldn’t take no for an answer as far as sharing went, then they would be out of there.

He’d keep her safe on his own if he had to. Of course, he could trust Tyler to help him. Then there was Dodge. He would go to hell and back for you, and had. Dodge had lost part of his leg to shrapnel trying to save a kid. Dodge could be counted on.

They stopped at a little town in Texas for a sandwich. He had to push Amanda to eat, but she finally ate a little over half of it. Her lack of an appetite worried him. His wife had morning sickness like most pregnant women did, but she never lost her appetite. Morgan really wanted to see about getting her to a doctor as soon as possible. If she didn’t start eating more, she was going to lose weight. That couldn’t be good for the baby or her.

Around three that afternoon, they reached the outskirts of Riley, New Mexico. It was a little community on the edge of Albuquerque where the rest of the bikers would be waiting. He hadn’t talked to them in several days now. They wouldn’t know about Amanda. He only hoped it wouldn’t be an issue. Morgan pulled off the road at a little gas station to call and find out where they were all meeting.

“Something wrong?” Amanda asked when he cut the engine.

“No, going to call Andy and find out where everyone is meeting today.”

“Oh, um, could I run to the bathroom while you’re calling him?”

“Yeah, go ahead. Be careful.” He watched over his shoulder as she slid off the back of the bike and dumped the backpack on the ground next to the motorcycle.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Andy’s number.

“Yeah?” Andy’s voice came out muffled over the phone.

“That you, Andy? It’s Morgan.”

“Hey, you bastard. Where the hell are you? I expected you two days ago.”

“Got tied up. Sorry. Has Tyler made it yet?”

“Yeah, showed up yesterday. Said he left you at a truck stop back in Texas.” Andy’s voice grew stronger with less background noise.

“Where are you?” Morgan asked.

“Bar called The Ugly Duck. It’s on the south end of town, about a mile outside of the city limits,” Andy told him.

“I’m bringing someone with me,” Morgan said. “She’s off-limits. Make sure everyone knows that.”

“Like that, huh?”

“She’s off-limits,” he repeated.

“You know Rock ain’t going to like that.”

“I’ll deal with Rock, or we’ll leave.”

“I’ll tell him. You get your crazy ass on over here,” Andy said and hung up.

Morgan pocketed his cell phone and looked back toward the service station. Amanda hadn’t reappeared yet. That bothered him. What was taking so long?

She emerged from around the side of the building heading toward him. The bathroom must have been on the outside, he thought. When she grew closer, he noticed she looked as if she’d been crying.

“Hell,” he said.

“Did you catch up with your friends?” she asked as she picked up her backpack and put it back on.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, why?”

“You’ve been crying,” he accused.

“It’s just hormones. I can’t help it. Ignore me.”

His lips thinned, but he didn’t say anything. He knew from experience if he pushed it she’d start crying again, but he didn’t buy it that she’d been crying for no reason. Something was bothering her, and he wanted to know what it was. He’d give her some time and then press her about it.

“They’re at a bar called The Ugly Duck. It sounded rowdy over the phone, so stick close to me. You have any trouble, you bring it to me and let me take care of it. You can’t afford to get into a fight with anyone,” he told her.

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan to get in a fight.” She smiled a tremulous smile.

“Sometimes you don’t have to do anything to end up in a fight in a place like this.”

She climbed on behind him and hugged up close to him. The feel of her breasts pressed against his back stirred more than his cock. He couldn’t afford to become attached to her. She would be having another man’s baby and leaving soon. All he was doing was protecting her against the baby’s father until she could get somewhere safe and have the baby, nothing more. Right, he thought to himself. That was going to happen.

Chapter Eight

Amanda climbed off the bike and removed her backpack. She unbuckled the helmet and handed it to Morgan as soon as he held out his hand. She couldn’t help but tremble at the sight of so many bikes surrounding them in the parking lot of the bar. She’d never been around bikers before, much less a gang of them. There had to be thirty or forty people inside that little building. She’d never be able to breathe, much less walk, without touching someone. The tiniest of fears began to build inside her gut. She couldn’t do this. There were too many people in there.

“Whoa there,” Morgan said, catching her as she swayed. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think I can go in there,” she said in a small voice.

“Why not?”

“It’s too small, and there are too many people inside.”

“It will be okay. Just give it a try, and if you can’t handle it, we’ll leave and get a room for the night.” Morgan smoothed a lock of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“I’ll try, but I don’t do well in tight places, and I’m already antsy,” she warned him.

“Good enough. Let’s go. Remember, stay close to me.”

“Don’t worry,” she murmured as they approached the building.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)
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