My Anchor (Trio Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: My Anchor (Trio Series Book 1)
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“Gay or not I still didn't like seeing a guy with his hands on you. I'm not a sharing kind of guy you need to know that right now.” I'm really just drunk enough to not even care about the way this conversation is heading right now so I just say okay.

“Now, I'm taking you home lets go.” Putting his arm around me we walk around the block to the parking lot and get into his jeep. When we get to his place I'm so tired I really don't have the energy to tell him to take me to my home. I send a quick text to Shana to let her know I won’t be home tonight and follow him inside.







Waking up the next morning I find myself in a room that most definitely isn't mine. For one it’s actually clean, no piles of clothes, no dishes on the bedside table, and there is a guy in the bed with me. Yep definitely not my room. I roll over and groan. Must pee now. Sitting up I spot an open door and, inside… a bathroom. It’s like magic. I get up and go use the toilet, then set out to find a toothbrush.

Every drawer except one is empty but I find a package of toothbrushes. Score. I grab the green one and use the minty toothpaste sitting on the vanity. Then I find a washcloth and do something I wouldn't normally do unless at home. I wash all the makeup off of my face, and I feel good about it too. He doesn't have any combs or brushes so I re-do my messy bun thing and call it good. I'm going to be leaving soon anyway.

I go back out to the room and find Lee sitting up in the bed. He has no shirt on and this time, I can make out the tattoo on his chest, it’s a date. This reminds me that I now have my own ink. Lifting the tee shirt I dressed myself in last night, I check out the daisy on my hip.

“That’s sexy. Come here, let me get a good look at it.” Lee says from his comfy warm spot on the bed. I do remember it being cozy. If I hadn't needed to pee I would still be in it right now. Walking over to him I hold up the shirt so he can get a better look but he has another idea. Grabbing me by the hips he lifts me up and tosses me onto the bed. Then he is hovering above me in an instant.

“You have no idea how hard it was for me to lay in this bed with you last night and not touch you. Taking advantage of drunk girls isn't really my thing, though.” He says staring down at my face, then he drops to his side and lays next to me. Propping himself up on his elbow.

“What happened last night?” Oh great, I thought that maybe he would have forgotten about my little meltdown. “What? You freaking out about Rick?” I say in probably to snippy of a tone.

“No, get that part, what I want to know is what happened to make you turn white and start shaking like you saw a ghost.”

“Not sure what you are talking about.” A feign ignorance, that will work. Highly unlikely, though.

“Don't do that. I know something happened, was it what I said to you? I’ll admit it was a shitty thing to say. I was really pissed when I saw you two together. I flew off the handle. No other explanation.”

“I got that part,” I mumble.

“I'm sure you do but you still haven’t answered my question. What happened?” Okay, moment of truth. Do I tell him or do I dodge more? Run out of the room screaming fire maybe?

“You just reminded me of someone who used to talk to me like that. Just scared me a little is all no big deal.” There sugar coat.

“Who?” Knew that one was coming.

“My dad. I told you he was a prick, he had a tendency to say mean things to me.”

“What did he do to you?”

“Do to me? What?” My voice gets a little squeaky with that response.

“I know there is more, you can tell me when you are ready. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper back.

“Now. I have a tattoo to inspect don't I?” He smiles at me then without warning pulls the front part of my shirt up to my neck exposing my boobs, stomach, and panties. Having a pair of boobs I happen to be proud of. 36C. I have flashed my fair share of people but for some reason, I feel exposed. He stops my hands from trying to grab the shirt and pull it back down.

“You have some nice tits, Linn.” He says with a big grin on his face. I feel my face heat up, shit he is making me blush again. Sitting up more on his arms he leans down and gives my stomach a soft kiss right above my belly button. I bite my lip to keep from moaning, how does he make me feel like this?

“Is this okay?” He asks pausing to look up at me. I let out a breathy ‘yes’ then he asks again tugging on the top of my panties. I nod to him this time not trusting my voice to actually work. The words quivering mess have never applied to me before but I do believe they do now. He places a kiss on my still covered mound and I shudder. “Breathe Linn.” He whispers so so soft against the juncture of my thighs. “You want me to stop just say the word okay?”

“Okay.” I breathe out.

He starts pulling down my panties exposing myself to him. He places another kiss directly in the same spot as before only this time uncovered it feels ten times more amazing. Grabbing my legs and spreading them one on each side of him he settles onto his knees leans forward and puts my legs up over his shoulders. Then he grabs my ass cheeks and pulls my pussy up to meet his mouth. Oh, that mouth. He starts off with one slow lick then flicks my clit with the tip of his tongue causing me to buck my hips.

“So eager to get this pussy licked aren't you Screamer?” All I can do is moan back. I can feel him shaking with laughter. Fucker. “I got you. Scream loud for me. I know you can be loud.” And with that, he dives right in wasting no time. Licking, sucking and fucking me with his tongue. The man is a god. I’ve had a few men go down on me but never like this and never in the position. It’s a strange angle, but with his large hands clutching my ass he makes my pussy grind against his face controlling all movement. It feels amazing. I feel myself start to break and let out that scream that he has been talking about. Only this one is genuine and his name.

“Fuck that was hot.” He tells me still kissing my folds and bringing me down from one hell of an orgasm. My limbs are like jello and I can’t move so he pulls the tee shirt down to cover me back up. “Love the tattoo by the way.” He winks then gets off the bed and heads for the bathroom. That shit.


While he is gone I regain use of my extremities and set out to find my clothes which are folded neatly and placed on his dresser. Neat freak much? I throw them on just before he walks out the bathroom door.

“Going somewhere?” He says walking past me to grab a shirt, jeans, and boxer briefs out of the dresser.

“No… ah yeah home?” Without warning, he drops the shorts he has on exposing his semi-erect cock. I try everything I have in to look away but it just isn't going to happen. It’s long and thick already I can only imagine what it looks like when it’s rock hard. I faintly hear him clear his throat then finally snap myself out of it and look up at him. He has a smug expression on his face. One that says ‘yeah it’s big. You want to touch it?’ men and their penis’s.

“It ain't going to suck itself, sweetheart.” I gasp at him, that motherfucker. His whole body rolls with laughter. “I'm only kidding babe. When you suck my dick I want you begging for it.” He winks then goes about getting his clothes on. Ass.


“I guess.” My stomach chooses that particular moment to growl.

“Guess you are. You dressed for breakfast today?” Rolling my eyes at him I nod.

“Great because I want those waffles we didn't get last week.”


Everything is going great until we walk out of his room and past the kitchen where Clay is drinking coffee. Shit how could I have forgotten that he lived with Clay. Seeing my hookups again isn't something that normally happens. I look at him and he smiles. Then does a double take as if he suddenly realizes who I am.

“Leah? What are you doing here?” Clay asks.

“Linn.” Both Lee and I say at the same time.

“She’s with me, man,” Lee says in an unreadable tone.

“Well, shit thought that scream sounded familiar. Sure is a loud one isn't she?” Am I not here? “Takes a cock like a champ, though.” And with those last words Lee has him pinned up against the refrigerator by his throat.

“Now I'm going to say this one time. Yes, you may have fucked her but you don't get to again. And you don't get to talk about it again. She is with me now. You will treat her with respect. Alright?” Lee grits out. Clay can barely nod in agreement but Lee must take that as a good enough response because he lets him down. “Good.” He tells Clay then walks back over to me cupping the back of my head then slams his mouth down onto mine. Branded with a kiss. It nearly knocks the wind out of me. Can the guy ever kiss. Clay long forgotten, Lee pulls away from me nipping my bottom lip. “Now let's go get waffles.” Yes, lets.








“Waffle man?” I giggle at Lee as he piles the blubbery syrup on one of his waffles. He has ordered all you can eat waffles and so far has eaten three. Trying each syrup that is on the table with each new waffle the waitress brings, there are two more left so I imagine two more waffles are on the way.

“Hell yes, I am. You like yours?” He gestures to my one waffle that I’ve only eaten half of.

“Yes it’s good I'm just not much of a breakfast person I guess. But I do love waffles.” I smile at him. He really is quite adorable.

“What are your plans for the day? Do you have Dirty Sunday to get to?” We both laugh and I tell him what it all entails.

“That’s great you three have each other. I'm close with one of my brothers the other not so much which is weird since they are twins. You would think they would be similar.” Taking another bite the waitress comes by and drops off another waffle Taking his glass of orange juice to refill.

“How are you on coffee?” She asks me.

“I'm fine thank you.”

“Brothers hmm… I always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. I didn't meet Cris and Shane till we were in middle school.” He starts on his next waffle. Where does this guy put all this food?

“You still talk to your dad?” Where did that come from?

“No.” Now I really have no apatite.

“Sorry, I'm sure you talk about your shit with the girls but you know you can talk to me too. I'm a good listener.”

“My shit?” What the hell?

“Yeah everyone has some no need to get pissy about it.”

“Whatever. Are you done yet? I have things to do today.” I really don't but for some reason, he just pissed me off. Childish I know but if the shoe fits…

“Alright.” He looks annoyed but says nothing else.


There are no other words spoken on the way back to my apartment. That is until I'm about to leave.

“I'm sorry for prying. My relationship with my dad sucks but I still talk to him. I just wanted to… I don't know.”

“My dad used to beat the shit out of me and call me names whenever the house wasn't clean, bills weren’t paid, hell just because it was a Tuesday. So no I don't talk to him. Happy?” Shit, I can’t believe I just said that.

“Fuck no I'm not happy.” His expression has turned murderous. “Shit, you said he was a prick but fuck… Linn.”

“No, you don't get to do the pity thing on me. That part of my life is over. That is why I don't talk about it.” Fuck fuck fuck. Shana and Cris don't even know about dad hitting me.

“No pity here. Let's just. Come here.” He says then reaches out and grabs me, bringing my face to his. Kissing me softly. “Okay, it’s forgotten, babe. I’ll see you soon okay?”

“Yeah,” I whisper back then boldly bring my mouth back to his kissing him just a little harder. Groaning he pulls away.

“Babe you had better get out of this jeep before I lose my mind.” Smiling at him I open the door but before closing it behind me I turn around.

“Thank you for this morning never had head that good before. Maybe next time it can be your turn?” I don't even let him respond before I slam the door and take off to my apartment. When I get inside I feel my phone vibrate with a text.


Lee: Tease!





“So what’s happening next weekend? We have any plans?” I ask Shana and Cristal while we sit and watch TV eating pizza.

BOOK: My Anchor (Trio Series Book 1)
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