My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (8 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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I missed his warmth
, when he turned and walked away from me.

“Follow me
. We’ll hit the store on our way home.” His voice grew louder until he was shouting, as he got into his Jeep.

I was still standing there
, my mouth still slightly open, my lips wet and swollen. I looked at Bo. “Shit, change moods much?”

I grabbed two towels out of the trunk
, placed them on the passenger seat, and opened the door for Bo. He climbed in from my side, his huge body sinking into the seat next to mine.  I rolled his window down when I got in. I never thought I would have a dog in my car. My grandfather had bought it for me, and I thought about him every time I drove it. A Mercedes SL 350, it looked like a silver bullet and I loved it. It was fast and very comfortable. It was my favorite thing, so favorite I could never part with it. Now it was incredibly fun for me to look at Bo. He looked relaxed in his spot next to me. I smiled, and he looked at me. His look seemed to say “What?” He stuck his head out the window as we drove down the road, next time I would put the top down for him.

We pulled into the supermarket parking lot
, and I parked next to Jason. Bo lay down on the floor, head propped on the seat. I got out and yelled, “I’ll wait here with Bo.” But Jason clearly had other plans.

, I need you inside.” He came over, leaned into the car, said something to Bo, and slightly rolled down some windows. We headed inside. “I am thinking about something other than chicken.” He made it sound more like a question.

l right, but I don’t like fancy food.” I gave him a pointed stare. “And I eat a lot, so don’t let me down.” He smiled when I said this, but he had no idea how serious I was.

“It’s hard for me to tell when you’re joking,” he said
, already putting things in the cart.

Huh…I think I am easy to read, but just so we’re clear, I rarely joke about food.” I put my finger in the belt loop at the back of his jeans and followed him closely.

? Katarina, is that you?” a tiny man yelled from two aisles away. He was waving, trying hard to get my attention.

glanced at Jason, whom I immediately ducked behind. I slowly stuck my head around Jason to get a better look at the man. I smiled when I recognized the waving goofball moving toward me. I released my hold on Jason and giggled as I approached Blake.

“You get the meats and whatever and then come find me,” I said over my shoulder.
“Hey, Blake.” I threw my arms around him in a big hug. “You look great.” It was nice to see his smiling face. Blake was the funniest kid in school. He could make you laugh without talking.  He should have been a comedian, but he wouldn’t take my advice. Instead, he worked for my grandfather.  He was the only person I ever asked grandfather to hire.

From behind me
, I heard a very loud voice. “Hi, I am Jason.”

I turned around
, surprised, and Jason was in an eye lock with Blake. I didn’t hear him behind me, but now he looked ready to fight. I felt tension all over him.

Blake just eyed him carefully, up and down
, a little too long, then looked him in the eyes and smiled. “Hi, Jason.” He let out one of his famous nervous cackles that had me giggling.

Jason backed away
, slowly. “Ah, I am going to get the meat.”

I giggled
louder. I couldn’t help it.

Blake called over my shoulder
, in his squeaky voice, “I am sure you are great at handling meat,” followed by another signature cackle. Blake never hid who he was from others and that was what I respected the most about him.

I started laughing
. I put my hands over my mouth to stop the loudness, but I think it was too late. We were getting stares from all over. I talked to Blake for a while until I noticed Jason in line and went to stand next to him. I had a goofy grin on my face as Blake waved at both of us as he continued to shop.

“He wants your number
, you know.” I choked on my laugh as Jason shook his head. “Did you get everything?” I pointed to the overflowing cart.

He sighed, “I think so, but if there is anything you want to add?”

“I am not sure it will fit,” I said, eyeballing the cart.

“So who was that
?” He motioned toward Blake, who was now talking with someone else.

works for my grandfather or worked.” I corrected, remembering my grandfather’s passing. “We were friends in grade school.”

“What did you talk about?”

“You, mainly.” I smiled and raised my brow. He pulled my hair. “No, he was asking if I was going to this charity event. They are honoring my grandfather. He was telling me who was going. I mainly listened. Most of the people I didn’t know. He actually works for the foundation, so he was giving me the inside scoop.” I gestured over at Blake, who was deeply in conversation with a lady. “I am sure she will get one too.”

“I don’t think she will last as long
. She looks irritated.” Jason was studying the interaction.

, I think she just looks like that. Her husband is a plastic surgeon, I think? Or was? I haven’t seen these people in years.”

Jason just laughed under his breath.

“I did ask him to save me a table at the event for my own guest. I thought maybe you and your family would like to go? What do you think? Do you like charity events?”

He was silent
, and I wasn’t sure if he had heard me.

“You invited my family to something and you haven’t even met them?”

I watched him as his wheels turned.

“It’s no big deal
,” I was suddenly trying to downplay it. “If you don’t think they will enjoy it. It’s actually not for a month. I have to be there, so I thought it might be fun if you were there too.” I turned my head and looked away as I thought about what I was saying. The commitment I was making. I made those plans with Blake thinking about Jason and his dad that I met earlier. It was an effort to return their kindness. I wasn’t implying that we would be together in a month. My mind took the crazy-train until he interrupted my thoughts.

“My family would love to go
. Will your family be there?” He was looking at me, I could feel it, but I focused on the gossip magazines.

“Yes, but I will
probably sit with you if you go.” I glanced over at him, and he just watched me with his big green eyes. It was unnerving so I quickly changed the subject.

, you have a hard time believing I am friends with Blake.” I knew my diversion was successful when he glanced behind us attempting to find Blake.

“I just find it weird who you let in your bubble.  I watched you hug him.  It just surprised me.  You have this thing with people getting close to you. 
Plus, I find it completely random that he’s here. What are the chances of someone in your tiny circle being in this grocery store when you just moved here months ago?”

I shrugged thinking of something witty to say.
“You know they named a ride at Disneyland after this?” His gorgeous face crunched up in confusion. Damn, he was adorable.  “It’s called ‘It’s a Small World’.” I watched his mouth form the most perfect smile and a small chuckle left his lips, then his arm brushed against my shoulder.

“You’re a funny girl.”




I followed Jason to his house.  As I pulled down the long driveway, I realized I had been in a fog and didn’t even know how I had gotten there.

Bo jumped out behind me. I retrieved my bag and purse and headed up the steps
. I stopped before I entered the house and took a seat on the porch swing on the deck, gathering courage. My brain was going into over drive; What was I doing? Why was I here, again? I squeezed my eyes shut massaging my temples. I heard a voice, a loud one, “why the hell not?” I repeated those words. Jason finished carrying the groceries in, then came out and sat next to me.

“Are you tired?” he asked
, putting an arm around me.

I laid my back against his front and let out a sigh. “Yes, tired and hungry

e made a motion to move, and I turned around quickly to straddle him. I leaned my head against his chest, my hand moving over his large muscular arms.

“Just stay here for one minute before you leave.” I didn’t move
, just listened to his heart beating and smelled his smell. It was so comforting and quiet. I completely relaxed.  I placed my hand over his heart, my finger moving to the rhythm of his fast heartbeat; thump- thump, thump-thump. I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes. I could feel his reluctant arms moving around my back, his breathing was heavy and I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

“We better get dinner going and
get everything put away.” Jason was hesitant to move me, I could tell. He got up slowly, like he was sore.

“Did I hurt you
?” I was concerned because of his slow motion.

“Not intentionally
,” he said with a slight grimace. We walked inside together, and he disappeared.

I stepped in the kitchen like it was something I did every day. I put away the
groceries and started dinner. My mind started buzzing with nervous questions. What was he doing? Was he going to stay up there all night? What if he didn’t like tacos?  I kept my hands busy trying to divert my brain, but having little luck. Was I too forward on the porch swing? Did he not like my dress? I was relieved when he finally came back down stairs. I was almost finished, my hands still moving feverishly with last minute dinner preparation.

He had showered and was wearing jammie bottoms
, a faded gray sweat shirt—half unzipped—and no socks. I found him so attractive my stomach fluttered and I suddenly wasn’t very hungry. He studied me closely with his beautiful green eyes and he must have seen something he liked, because his smug smile took over his whole face and I blushed as I tripped over my feet trying to turn around to focus on cooking. He chuckled before he went out to the garage, and I heard Bo right behind him. I assumed it was Bo’s dinnertime too.

“So chicken it is,” he said as he came back into the kitchen.

“No, I made tacos with ground beef.” I stuck my tongue out. “I can eat things other than chicken. I just prefer not to.”

We made our plates and headed for our seats at the
counter. His upper leg pressed against mine. “You really look nice tonight. The way you look in that dress, I would love to take you out.” He flashed me a seductive smile.

“I only dressed up for you
. I really don’t care where you take me. I notice women see you and nearly fall over themselves to get your attention—I feel honored you want to spend time with me. I want you to feel that way about me.” As I said it, I felt as pathetic and desperate as it sounded. Jeez, need a compliment? My brain reprimanded itself, this is what happens when you don’t think before you speak. Ugh. “I mean…this old thing?” I smiled and looked away, trying to take back my previous statement.

was quiet. I felt his arm come around my back and pull me in for a hug. He kissed the top of my head. “Thank you,” was all he said.

After dinner
, we cleaned up and headed upstairs. I saw my luggage near the closet and began to search for my pajamas.

“If you need anything
, I will be down the hall. No leaving in the morning without waking me.”

I looked up
, ready to argue.

Then he finished, “

closed the door. I noticed Bo’s bed was in my room, with Bo curled up in it. I smiled and sat down next to Bo. He rolled over, and I rubbed his belly.

I showered but kept my hair up
. I didn’t like to sleep with wet hair and it seemed like too much work to dry it. My luggage was open just outside the closet and the things that were still on hangers were already in the dark closet hung up.  I pushed the suitcase against the door to keep it firmly against the wall, filling it with shoes and boots. I hated that I continued to fear the closet door, but some things I could never fully forget. I rummaged through my pajamas and found a white tank top and pink, plaid pajama bottoms. After I brushed my teeth I glanced around. Bo was wrapped up in his bed and it felt wrong to separate a man from his dog. I opened my door.  Bo jumped up and I snatched his bed.  My bare feet padded down the hall on the soft carpet toward Jason’s room. I pushed open the door and placed Bo’s bed in the designated spot from the night before.

Jason turned on the light and sat up
. “Everything all right?”

wasn’t wearing a shirt. I was paralyzed at the sight of him. He was very muscular and smooth, with a tight chest and abs. He was perfection. I stood there, unable to move.

“Katarina,” he said
, drawing me out of my haze.

I was stunned and spoke before I could stop myself.
“I really want to bite you.” I licked my lips, my mouth watering. I blushed when I saw the tense look on his face. Shit, what was I saying? “Not out of anger, I just want to taste you.” This sounded so much better in my head.

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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