Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

My Savior Forever (16 page)

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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Jesse and I clean up our breakfast mess
together. I go up to take a shower and get dressed while Jesse goes
into his new office down the hall to do some work.

I look at myself in the mirror. I don’t look
any different. Ok, maybe I am a little pale probably from my sour
stomach that I cannot get rid of. But I don’t really feel

Once I am done I tell Jesse I am going to go
do a little shopping and have lunch with Stella. He gives me a kiss
that we both don’t want to end. We both laugh after pulling away
from each other as he says, “We will definitely be picking that up
later. So don’t be too long.” He winks.

“Oh, I’ll hurry,” I say. “Can I have the keys
to the car?”

Jesse digs in the pocket of his jeans and
hands me the keys as well as some money. “Get what you want, baby.
Dang, that’s something else we need to go shopping for. A car for
you. Maybe we can do that later tonight or tomorrow, ok?” I nod and
kiss him on the cheek.

I park by the strip mall and find a shop that
has a lot of things to decorate with. I walk around inside looking
at all the different pictures they have on their walls. I want to
find some things to give our house a homier feel.

I find a few I like and pay for them. I am
hoping to get a camera and take some pictures of us and our new
life together to frame and place around the house too.

I get to the Café around 11:30 and find a
booth. Stella comes out from the back shortly after and tells
Brenda she is taking her lunch break. Of course Brenda sees me and
runs over to give me a hug. As Stella sits down she looks at
Brenda. “Ok, ok, you saw your girl. I will have the Turkey Club and
a Sweet Tea. Cassie?” She looks at me.

“I’ll just have the Salad with Chicken,
please. Oh, and a Diet Coke,” I say to Brenda. She writes down our
orders and walks away.

“Pumpkin, you need to eat more than that. You
are skinnier than a toothpick,” Stella says shaking her

I laugh. “I know. Geez, it’s not like you
haven’t told me that a gazillion times.” I roll my eyes.

I clear my throat and look around the Café.
Not many people here yet. We are pretty early before the lunch
crowd starts coming in.

I look at Stella and the tears start to form.
“Stella, I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared. I
know I will love this baby no matter what, but I’m so afraid that
when I tell Jesse, he’ll want nothing to do with me,” I say

Stella reaches over the table and takes my
hand. She looks into my eyes with a frown. “Pumpkin, it will be ok.
I can tell Jesse loves you. Didn’t you say he told you no matter
who the father is that he will love the baby?’

I nod at her with a tear rolling down my
cheek. “But, Stella. You know how my life has been. Something will
happen to mess it up, it always does.” I sniff. “It just seems like
when anything goes right in my life, something comes along and
ruins it. I’m scared that will happen. I-I can’t lose him, Stella.
I love him so much.”

“Hey, hey now. You stop this right now! I mean
it, Pumpkin. You’re a good person. You’re the most caring and
loving person I know. You are going to make a wonderful mommy and I
truly believe that Jesse will be a great daddy.” She smacks my hand
lightly. “Now, you go to the bathroom and freshen up. Go on!”
Stella looks at me with a smile. “Everything will be just fine.
Now, go on, go get cleaned up. I am going to write down my OB’s
name and number for you. You need to make an appointment quick,
ok?” I nod at her, get up and go to the bathroom.

I am feeling a little better when I get home
from lunch. Stella always has had a way to make me see things in a
better way, giving me hope.

I find Jesse asleep on the couch. I get on my
knees in front of him and quietly stroke his hair. He stirs, half
opens his eyes and looks into mine.

He grabs my other hand and pulls me up and on
top of him. I giggle as I get situated on him. He takes my hair
that is hanging down between us and wraps it behind my ear. Then,
he pulls me down and crashes his lips to mine. We both

As we kiss he starts to unbutton my shirt. I
tug on his t-shirt, trying to pull it up. He stops our kiss sitting
up enough to grab the back of his shirt, yanking it over his head,
and throws it on the floor beside the couch. As I start to finish
unbuttoning mine, he moves my hands away and finishes for

We are looking into each other’s eyes as he
pushes my shirt off one shoulder and then the other. He removes my
shirt and throws it by his.

We are still staring at each other as he
reaches behind me and unclasps my bra throwing it over his

My head goes back, and I close my eyes as he
cups my breasts with his hands. I moan and arch my back pushing my
breasts into his hands even more. With one hand on my left breast,
he takes the other and places it on my waist. He leans down and
sucks my nipple into his mouth. I moan as he nips and sucks while
kneading my other breast.

I grab the back of his head and pull him
closer as my body flames with desire.

“Ugh! Jesse!” I pull his head back and hear a
POP as he releases his mouth from me. I look at his eyes, mine
half-mast. “Now! I need you now inside me, please,” I

Jesse reaches under me and pulls out a condom
from his pocket. I lift as he pulls off my pants and underwear
while I am popping the button of his jeans. Anxiously, he removes
my hands and pulls his jeans down. Once he has the condom on I
slide down on his cock.

“Ohhh,” I moan. He is much deeper in me this
way and is hitting my soft spot each time I move. I lean over, my
hair is shrouding our faces, and kiss him passionately. Our tongues
move wildly as we both reach our climax. I am left panting on top
of him as I fall onto his chest. He pumps into me a few more times
as our blissful ride comes back down to reality.


Later that evening we are sitting around
watching TV. I have been very quiet all night, lost in my thoughts
of my pregnancy and how to tell Jesse.

When Jesse comes back from the kitchen with
popcorn, he turns to face me as he sits. “Ok, what’s going on?
You’ve been too quiet. I can tell something is eating at you. You
have this faraway look on your face, and I know you haven’t been
paying attention to the movie, or anything else for that matter,”
he says as he takes my hand.

I turn towards him with tears in my eyes. I
can’t stop them from running down my face. Dang, I’m such a crying
mess anymore. “Baby, baby. What’s wrong? You know you can tell me
anything. You look so scared,” Jesse says as he reaches up and cups
my face in his right hand.

My chin is quivering now. “I. I. I took
another pregnancy test yesterday.” I swallow hard. Oh, my God, help
me! I swallow hard. “Jesse? It was positive.”

I look into his eyes trying to gage his
reaction. He smiles. He smiles? Huh? Not what I was expecting at

“Wow! Baby! That’s awesome! I am so happy!” He
yells as he grabs me into a crushing hug. He pushes me away quickly
with his hands on my shoulders. “Oh, sorry! Did I hurt you? I guess
I am just more excited than I thought.” He laughs.

I am sitting there, tears still streaming, and
I am looking really confused. “You’re really happy about this?” I

Now Jesse is the one that looks confused. “Why
wouldn’t I be happy? You’re gonna have a baby. I’m ecstatic!!!” He
says searching my eyes. He slumps his shoulders and looks deflated
now. “You’re not happy about this,” he says as a statement, not a

I shake my head. “No, I am happy, truly. But,
Jesse? How will we know if it’s your baby or- or-or not yours?” I
ask him pleadingly.

He holds me close and tight. “Baby, we will
find out but either way, I will love this baby because it’s a part
of you. If it’s not mine, we will have other chances to have our
own. Now,” he says pulling back and looking at me with concern.
“You need to not worry about that, at all. You’re mine and there is
nothing in this world that can happen to change that. I mean it,

I am crying harder now, reaching for him and
putting my arms around his neck. “I was so scared to tell you. I
can’t lose you, I would die without you, Jesse,” I cry into his

“Baby, shhhh. You’ll never lose me. You’re
stuck with me forever. Don’t you ever forget that,” he says
laughing. He pulls back a bit, “Hey, now. No more tears unless they
are happy tears, ok? We need to get you to a doctor soon and have
them make sure everything is ok with you and the baby,

I am now wiping my eyes with my hands, still
sniffling. “Yes, I have a phone number for one that Stella gave me.
I’m sorry that I told her first, but I needed someone to talk

He shakes his head. “No, baby. I understand
and Stella’s like your mom. It was good that you went to her,” he
says as he hugs me again. “I’m so proud of you, my brave

As I move back I see his eyes now have tears
in them too. I put my hand on his cheek. “You’ve saved me again,
Jesse. I love you so much.” I kiss him lightly. He leans forward
and kisses my forehead. “I will always save you when you need
saving, baby. I am your Savior, Forever.”


The next morning I call Stella’s OB, well mine
now too, and they were able to get me in that afternoon. I am so
relieved. Jesse insisted that he go with me. Hell, who am I to
argue? I want him there so I definitely didn’t put up a


After peeing in a cup and being thoroughly
examined, we are sitting in a small office in front of Dr. Zellar.
He is an older man, gray hair, wide rimmed glasses, but looks like
a nice man, almost fatherly.

With a smile on his face he rubs his hands
together. “Well, congratulations are in order. It’s a little too
soon to determine a due date. I am going to have you come back in
two weeks to check you again. But if I were to guess due to what
you put in your paperwork,” he says looking at the paper, “I would
say sometime towards the end of December.” He smiles over to me and

Jesse looks over to me and smiles with a wide
grin. He takes my right hand and squeezes.

“Here are prescriptions for prenatal vitamins
and something for your upset stomach,” he says leaning over to give
me the scripts.

The doctor clears his throat and lays down the
paper. He pulls his glasses down a bit and looks at me with
concern. “I’m sorry I have to ask about this but I noticed in your
information that you have been sexually assaulted recently.” I nod
slowly. “Were you checked out after, was everything ok

“Um, yes. Everything was ok. Dr. Zellar, is
there a way you can test to see if the baby is Jesse’s?” I ask

Dr. Zellar looks at Jesse, then back at me and
smiles. “Actually, yes there is. We simply take a blood sample from
you and Jesse and run a DNA test. They are very accurate with the
latest technology. Also, at that time, I would like to do an
ultrasound. After all the stress you’ve been under it’s a good idea
to check and make sure your baby is doing ok.”

I look at Jesse and smile. Finally, I could
find out for sure who the father is. I am actually hopeful for

Jesse looks over to the doctor. “So, how far
along does she need to be in order to do this test?”

The doctor smiles at Jesse. “She needs to be
at least 9 weeks along in her pregnancy and by her test today and
her information,” he looks at the papers again, “she may be only a
few weeks along. You can just make an appointment on your way out
to have the test done in 6 weeks.”

I smile at him, then at Jesse. “Um, Jesse? Can
I have just a few minutes alone with Dr. Zellar?” He nods at me and
leaves the room.

“Ahem, doctor, um, Jesse and I have only had
unprotected sex once.” I am so uncomfortable talking about this.
“So, um, is there even a chance that the baby can be

He leans forward and rests his elbows on his
desk, clasping his hands. “Cassie. If you were ovulating at that
time and there was no protection, then yes, the baby could be
Jesse’s. But the test will tell us for sure. It is such a small
chance that it wouldn’t be because of the Morning-After-Pill you
took. Try not to worry.”

I am feeling more hopeful and relieved by the
time we get home. We have a quiet dinner and go to bed early. I am

I slowly awake to a loud banging. It sounds
like someone is beating on our front door. I look over at the clock
on the dresser. 3 AM? What the fuck? Jesse stirs in the bed behind
me and I feel his arm tighten around my body. “Who the hell can
that be,” he asks in my hair. I start to move to get up but his arm
pulls me back into him. “No, baby. You go back to sleep. I’ll go
get rid of whoever is knocking down our door,” he says

I sigh and snuggle into his warm body. “Um,
baby?” He laughs. “You have to let me get up.”

I groan, “But you’re nice and warm. I’m cold
and you feel so good.” He whispers in my hair, “I’ll warm you back
up when I get back.”

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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