Read My Secrets Discovered Online

Authors: Layla Wilcox

My Secrets Discovered (2 page)

BOOK: My Secrets Discovered
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I caught sight of myself in the full-length mirror on the closet door. My hair was not only mussed, it was streaked with gray, and I was way overdue for a haircut. Before closing the door, I took a moment to study my wardrobe. Plain and boring. I didn’t need to look at the underwear and nightgowns in my dresser drawers to know I had absolutely nothing sexy to wear to bed, either.

Maybe if I paid more attention to the woman in me, Mark would too. I decided to make an appointment at the salon and take a trip back to Secrets to use my discount coupon.

Chapter Two

The prospect of finally doing something to enliven my dull routine kept me up most of the night. In fact, I was so eager to get started, I showed up at Secrets before the store opened and sat in my car in front of the entrance. I could see someone inside, but the front door still had the “Closed” sign showing.

When the store finally opened, I was relieved to see a woman behind the glass. I headed inside.

“Good morning,” a tall blonde called out from the back of the store where she was hanging merchandise.

As much as I’d anticipated my return, I felt self-conscious once inside the store. “Hi,” I said, and quickly busied myself looking at items on the racks in front.

“Looking for anything in particular?”

I realized the saleswoman had moved in closer when I heard her voice right next to me. I looked up into a pair of big blue eyes. She looked so friendly. I felt as if I’d known her for years, and we were meeting today for a girls’ day out shopping.

“I’m Blondie,” the woman said. “Can I help you find what you’re looking for?”

I wanted to smile and give her hug. Instead, I found myself overwhelmed with a wave of conflicting emotion, like someone had just told me my dog had been hit by a car, but was going to be all right. I burst into tears—the big fat, roll-down-your-face kind, combined with chest-heaving sobs.

“What—? Oh, my goodness, honey, was it something I said?”

I had to laugh, even though I couldn’t stop crying. I hunched over, hands over my face, alternating between crying and laughing uncontrollably.

“Can I have a tissue?” I managed to get out between sobbing gasps. “My nose is running.” I tried to cover the flow by cupping my hands over my mouth and nose, but knew it was only a temporary stopgap.

“Yes, of course.” Blondie ran to the counter and came back with a box of tissues. “Can I get you a glass of water?”

I nodded my head as I grabbed a few tissues from the box. “Please.”

“Why don’t you come to the back of the store with me and set a spell?” Blondie motioned for me to follow her.

I blew my nose into the tissues. Finally able to catch my breath, I regained my composure and felt like an idiot. “Look, I’m sorry to have troubled you. I should go.”

“No, you should not go,” Blondie said. “I’ll fix us some tea, and we can talk about anything you want—except politics and religion.” She cocked her to the side and waited for me to answer. “Or is that why you’re crying?”

I smiled. “No, nothing to do with God or the President.”

“Good, then come on with me.” She headed toward the back of the store.

I had a split second to choose whether to flee out the door or follow Blondie. Something kept my feet rooted to the floor, and when I started walking, it was into the depths of Secrets. I saw Blondie disappear through a bead-strung doorway, and I followed her in.

She had an electric teapot going and was already pouring hot water into two mugs with tea bags. Without looking up, she pointed to a small wrought iron table flanked by two metal chairs with faded floral seat cushions. It was definitely a garage sale special.

“Sit,” she said.

I did. I had a moment to observe her close up while she busied herself with setting the table. I guessed she was in her late forties. Everything about her was a bit over the top, but not glaringly so. Her hair was a tad too blond, make-up heavy on the blue shadow, and clothes snug on a curvy body. Sort of a distant cousin of Dolly Parton with the same irresistible charm.

“Sugar or milk?” Her voice brought me back to the present.

“No thanks.”

Blondie set the mugs on the small table and reached for a box of cookies on the shelf above the table. “I’ve always found that tea and oatmeal cookies can solve any problem—or at least give you enough time to come up with a solution, that is.” She sat down across from me and offered me the opened bag. “Help yourself.”

I noticed the cookies were the supermarket brand. I could hear Mark’s voice in my mind. “Don’t eat that. They’re probably loaded with GMOs and trans-fats.”

I took two. “Thanks. This is nice, but don’t you have to be out front in the store?”

Blondie snorted. “Nah. No one ever comes in here before noon, but I gotta open at ten because the contract says that all the businesses in this plaza open at that ungodly hour.” Blondie took a long sip of tea, her eyes never leaving my face. “You’re the first ever.”

I looked down and swirled my tea with the plastic stirrer Blondie had left in the mug. “I was here before ten,” I admitted. “I waited in the car until you opened the store.”

“Forgive me for being blunt, but you don’t look or act like our regular customer. I’ve been around long enough, though, to know that folks aren’t always what they seem to be. So, why are you here, and what the heck was all that crying about?”

I sighed. Blondie sat there, looking at me expectantly, and I could see she was going to wait for me to make the next move. I took a bite of a cookie. It was dry and hard, and took several sips of tea to get it down.

“The tea is delicious,” I said. “I might want a second a cup.”

Blondie nodded and waited for me to continue.

I took a deep breath and plunged in. “You’ll probably think I’m some bored housewife, and maybe I am, but something happened to me yesterday, and it’s changed me forever.” I explained my unexpected trip into the store the day before, and how the mind-blowing orgasm I had with a vibrator made me realize that something was missing from life—something that couldn’t be filled with masturbation alone.

“I want to have wild, wonderful sex, and I want my husband to feel the same way. We are twenty years deep into a monogamous relationship, and we don’t even see each other any more.” I felt my eyes watering and dabbed away the tears with a napkin, wondering if my earlier outburst had left a trail of mascara down my face.

“I came here thinking some new clothes and underwear might help to get him to notice me again. When you asked if you could help me find what I was looking for, I became overwhelmed with the thought of what that might be.”

I looked at Blondie expectantly, hoping she’d have some words of wisdom, or at least be understanding.

Blondie nodded her head. “Want more tea?”

I was surprised to find my hands clenched around an empty mug. I didn’t remember draining the contents. “Yes, please.”

She refilled our cups and sat back down with her hands spread out on the table. “So you want wild, wonderful sex, and you want your husband to feel the same way?”

I nodded, sipping the tea. I felt oddly relaxed, considering I’d just spent a half hour pouring out the intimate details of my life to a complete stranger.

“And I’m guessing you want the sex to be with him, and that he’ll want to it have with you?”

My stomach sank. It never occurred to me that Mark might be unresponsive because there was someone else. “Oh, my God, Blondie. Do you think he’s having an affair?”

“Honey, I have no idea. But I’ll tell you what. I can help you outfit yourself with some new clothes and a new attitude. If you still get no response, then he’s either gay, dead, or bonking someone else.”

I downed the rest of my tea in a few long gulps and set the mug down on the table with a thump. I knew when I came here that I was on some sort of mission. Now I knew what it was. I would save my marriage from sexual mediocrity!

“All rightie, then,” I said. “Let’s get started, Blondie.”

“Good girl! Hey, what’s your name?”

“Jen Hauser.”

Blondie put our mugs in the small kitchenette sink and placed the bag of cookies back on the shelf. “Come on, Jen. Let’s have some fun.”

I followed her around the store as she held up various styles and colors of panties, bras, negligées, baby dolls, corsets, thongs, bodysuits, and some articles of clothing I couldn’t identify by name. I nodded yes or no. When she had an armload of items, she led me to a fitting room.

“Get started with these. I’ll see what else I can find.”

Like everything else so far about Secrets, the dressing room décor was a first for me. I hadn’t been in one so luxurious since I went shopping for my wedding gown. The room was the size of a small bedroom. To my right was a red velvet loveseat with glass top tables on either end.

On the wall straight ahead, directly opposite the curtained entrance, were wall hooks and racks to hang the items. Across from the loveseat, on the wall to my left, a three-way mirror with a carpeted platform in front furnished views of every angle. An entertainment unit nestled into the far left corner held a television and sound system.

I put my purse down on the end table at the far end of the sofa and started to undress. Blondie called to me from outside the curtain.

“Jen, I have something else for you. Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I said, and started to separate the items in the order I wanted to try them on.

My back was to the dressing room opening, but I heard Blondie put something down on the table at the other end of the sofa. By the time I turned around, she was gone. She’d left a tray with sliced cheese, crackers, and a bunch of grapes. There was also a tall glass with what looked like iced tea.

“Thanks,” I called out.

“You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything in a different size or if you need help fastening something.”

I grabbed a couple of chunks of cheese and some grapes before downing a swig of the iced tea. It was the same tea we’d been drinking before, but stronger. I felt lightheaded and slightly giddy as I tried on the first see-through nightie. It looked ridiculous over my bland bra and panties, so I changed into one of the lingerie sets Blondie had picked out and put the nightie back on.

Now we’re getting somewhere

The sight of myself in the mirror excited me. I’d put on a few pounds over the years, but the added inches were in all the right places. I had what you’d call an “hourglass figure.” I stepped up on the platform in front of the three-way mirror and checked the rear view. My thighs definitely looked better from the front, but my butt was nice and round. The fullness was in proportion to the rest of me. I put my hands on my waist and focused on the frontal view, the one I’d show Mark first.

The black demi-cup bra trimmed in red lace pushed my ample breasts back up where they used to stand by themselves pre-baby. The matching black thong had the same red lace trim along the elastic that stretched snugly across the curve of my hips. Both items had slits for easy access to my hot spots. The short sheer baby doll nightie had tiny black lace shoulder straps woven with narrow red ribbon. The entire thing would probably slip off in an instant.

I lowered my shoulder, and sure enough, the nightie fell to the floor. The feel of the smooth material against my skin stimulated my nipples, and they perked up pink and hard through the openings in the bra. I giggled, and tweaked them. A surge of heat traveled through my body, and I felt a bit unsteady, so I sat down on the sofa. I decided that it was probably hunger that was making me feel woozy and grabbed a couple of crackers off the tray.

The food steadied my queasiness, and I decided to try on the corset, thong, and garter belt combo. I was midway through changing when Blondie came back in.

“How’s it going? Need any help?”

“Um, yes,” I said, holding up the garter belt. “Should I have some stockings to attach to these?”

“I’ll get you some. Before I do that, though, let me help set the proper mood in here.” She stepped over the entertainment center to flip a few switches and turn a few dials. A scantily clad couple popped up on the flat screen television, and I realized it was a porn movie in progress. “I’ll be right back,” Blondie said, and disappeared beyond the curtain.

I was mesmerized by the couple on the screen. It took only a few minutes of watching them for me to realize how limited my sexual experience truly was. I thought the erotica I was reading was the work of some good imaginations, but clearly people really did do these things—and to each other. Although I was initially engaged with watching from an informational standpoint, I found myself getting highly aroused as I watched the woman drop to her knees to caress the penis of her lover with her hands, tongue, and lips.

The camera came in close, and I could see this couple was engaged in the real thing. I felt my own juices start to flow, and I realized I was standing there with no bottom on while I waited for Blondie to return with stockings. I sat down on the couch and began to stroke between my legs as I watched the man ejaculate in her mouth. The look on her face said she was receiving the best gift ever.

Within seconds of the two of them expressing their rapture, he lifted her onto the bed, and she fell back, legs wide open, bent at the knees. He spread her further apart with one hand, and the camera zoomed in close. He set his mouth down on her, and I watched as he worked her clit with his finger while licking and sucking her. Although the movie audio was turned off, I could imagine her screams of pleasure as she writhed up and down.

I was so engrossed in the visual, I barely realized I had my thumb circling my engorged clit with three fingers inside myself, moving in time with the couple. I stopped abruptly. Blondie was standing inside the curtain holding a package of hosiery in one hand and a long box in the other. I was horrified to be discovered mid-masturbation in her store, but Blondie smiled at me with the look of open friendship.

BOOK: My Secrets Discovered
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