Read Naughty Tonight Online

Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Naughty Tonight (5 page)

BOOK: Naughty Tonight
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“You on birth control?” he called out.

“Of course.”

“Good. I’ve got a condom on anyway.”

And then he was back, squirting butt-
cold liquid along the seam of her ass.
Satiny Smooth

Kim gasped, remembering those plugs, and ached in fearful yearning. Would he?

“Like being punished, don’t you,

She couldn’t deny it. Not when it was by him, like this.

“Answer me,
!” A broader, round paddle clapped against her ass, stinging, and Kim knew instantly it was the one with the holes in the shape of a heart.

His spanking agonized, in more than one way. Fingers explored her rectum, spreading Satiny Smooth.


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Hmmm…I like that.” His pinky slid inside the tight hole he’d been investigating, inverting her world. Kim shook, so ready to come but needing him inside her so intensely. “Tell me,
tell me how bad you are. You want me so much. Beg me to punish you.”

She’d do better than that. She’d
bad. “I told you not to call me
, dickhead!”

Thwack, thwack, thwack!
The paddle came down hard, spiraling pleasure-pain through her.

“I’m not crying mercy!” she threatened.
Thwack, thwack, thwack!
“Call me ‘Kim’!”

His growl seemed to echo off the walls and something cool and rubbery met her anus, shoving and demanding its wide way inside, and Kim nearly came. Struggling for composure, she held herself against collapsing.

The plug settled into place and Kim half sighed, half gasped in relief, only to realize the amount he’d entered was but a nub and bigger portions were yet to come.

Jackson pressed the plug even farther, this section wider, forcing her to open for him, and Kim couldn’t help the resulting cries that mewed from her. “I’m bad…so bad, Jackson…” she relented, whimpering with need. “Punish me.”

As if she could take any more!

Luckily, Jackson knew her limits even when she did not. “Two for now, but you’ll take more,” he promised and patted her butt goodbye, leaning forward to kiss either cheek.

Settling himself on his knees behind her, Jackson brought the cock she’d desired for what felt like eternity to her pussy, aligning with her slit. Hovering there, he tortured her with his presence, making her need balloon.

Fingers clenched her right butt cheek, digging in. The other hand rested atop that plug, applying pressure.

“Kim.” That was it, just her name, whispered as if he were in pain.

Seconds of agony passed and Kim began to worry that he was having misgivings yet again—fine time for that. Her clit throbbed in rhythm with the passing seconds.

Oh please, oh please, oh please! She needed him, needed him now.






Then out of nowhere,
That cock slammed into her and the hand riding that plug thrust, driving another nub deep.

Kim gasped in shock, in mind-blurring ecstasy as Jackson buried himself, nestling into her body as if he planned to stay forever. Pressure as she’d never known filled her ass, her cunt.
Fulfillment, her heart.

Purposefully, she swung her breasts, brushing tight nipples against soft cotton. Her body shuddered, her world spun.
She just wanted more…more Jackson.
More of this intense brand of love.

“I love you,” she couldn’t stop herself from sputtering on a whimper—for that, she knew, he would punish her. And she wanted him to.

“Damn you,
.” Pulling back, he
full force into her. “Damn you, you’re

And he proved it, driving into her hard and furious, without mercy, taking her to the hilt. Taking her—as if she weren’t given freely—over and over and over again, his bare hand thwacking her ass, spiraling fire through her.

Because it wasn’t enough—it could never be enough—again she vowed, “I love you.”

Again he damned her.

Her body recoiled with his every powerful thrust and Kim fought to stay on her knees, battled for the strength to ram
against him, smacking her clit to his balls as he spanked her ass.

As if he sensed her struggles, his free hand came up, gripping and tangling her hair. Tugging her head from the mattress, forcing her chin up, he suspended her in midair, holding tight. Her scalp prickled, pain pulled, and he propelled those hips faster, harder, giving her more.
Taking more.

More, more, more…

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Kim’s tilted world began spinning out of control, whirling and blurring with pleasure so intense, all manner of control tossed the way of her shirt back at the party and she was certain she was about to fly right off her axis. Hurtle into space.

She bucked and cried, shivered and tingled, and just when Kim was certain she could fly no higher, Jackson muttered, “Damn you,” and ceased his spanking, jamming fingers between her butt
and pushing the plug past the final nub.

Kim lost it. Went completely wild, sucked into a tunnel of ecstasy, her pussy rippling and squirting around his cock as she came and came. His thrusts never slowed, milking her orgasm for all it was worth until she turned to putty in his hands, replete.


Jackson lowered her to the bed, releasing his grip on her silky strands. His hand meandered down her back, worshipping.

How wonderful she was.

His heart tied in knots at the thought of losing her—unavoidable in time. Their friendship was solid. But love? Worse—as he’d surmised when she wouldn’t tell him where her internship was—long-distance love?

Love never lasted.
Was too ugly to chance.

They’d have a few great honeymoon days together.
Maybe months.
Maybe even years.
Then the fighting would start.
The cheating.
Worlds would crumble. Kids might even be involved. Be hurt.

No. To entertain the thought was as much torture as losing her right off. Jackson closed his eyes to the reality of the situation and molded his palms to the adorably round globes he’d spanked, flaming red and marked with his fading name, and inhaled the heady scent of their lovemaking. It wafted heavy in the air, thick with pussy. Her pussy, a fragrance he never wanted to forget.


If he was bound to lose her,
have her he would.
Thoroughly and completely.

On his knees between her legs, he edged his thumb to that plug, outlining it, and smiled when she whimpered at his touch and he witnessed the stretched ring of her anus clench in—

In what?

She had to realize what he was about to do, but though she’d never voiced it aloud, Jackson was certain no other man had taken her in this manner. A fact he relished.

She was ready for him—he’d ensured that—and
her this way he would. He wanted
to scream his name, to know that this part of her, this dirty side he’d never imagined, was his…all his.

Pulling her back onto her knees, he claimed the rubber stopper in his grasp, turning it inside her just for fun.

went wild, head and breasts thrashing on the bed. Jackson twirled it again and she cried out, clutching those handcuffed fists. Pounding them against her back as if it were so good she couldn’t stand it.
“Yes, Jackson!

As if she were answering him before he even asked.

“Good girl,” he murmured, giving the plug a small tug. “I know you want me to take you here, don’t you?”

With a gasp,
craned her neck, staring at him with those big beautiful brown eyes.

…” he encouraged, easing it from her body. “You want to be mine? Well, I’m not done with you yet.”

His other hand stroked her clenching butt cheeks, massaging her tense muscles, imploring her to relax as he removed the plug and took his time doing it, every once in a while giving it a twirl, loving the way she whimpered in delight.
All his.

Once it had slipped completely free, he smacked her ass hard in promise and crawled from the bed. To the closet and back he darted, depositing the plug on a tissue and regaining his Jackson paddle and lube and the sex clamp that would ensure her ultimate orgasm. Given he was about to spank and fuck the hell out of her ass, she deserved some pleasure too.

Taking one of the clamps in hand, he adjusted the tension, not wanting it to be too tight as he applied it to her clit, just enough so it was snug and wouldn’t fall off.

She moaned in wonderment, adding on a heated whisper, “The vibrating thing?”

“You know it.” Thinking about her earlier assumption—electrocution—he secured the second vise to the loose skin at the entrance to her vagina, just so, and left it hanging there, pulling at the hot flesh it would soon shudder into oblivion. “I’m curious. Would you?”

“Would I what?”

Oh right, she couldn’t read his thoughts—though sometimes it seemed like it. “Let me shock you?”

She was tensely quiet a moment, as if taking the time to let the question sink in. “Well, Jackson…I don’t imagine there’s anything I wouldn’t allow, not when it comes to you.”

Those words were the sweetest thing he’d ever heard. “Then maybe one day we will try a little spark with our sex.”

One day. The unintended promise made Jackson quake on the inside as he loosened the knot securing her hands, bringing them beneath her to the control switch.

Guiding her fingers, he explained, “You can turn it on…” And he did, making her jump and squeal as clit and pussy shuddered with little trembles. Bringing her fingers with him, he slid the dial higher, inciting raspy cries of delight. “And you can turn it up.
As you please.”

Then he was back between her legs, widening her stance on her knees and nestling his cock along her rectum. The bud clenched as he smeared Satiny Smooth along her crack, using two fingers to push the liquid inside her, spreading it around.

How tight she was on his fingers. How glorious she would feel around his cock.

Unable to wait any longer, Jackson slid free, replacing his fingers with his cock. With ease, he pushed into her one inch at a time. Ever so achingly slow, so not to hurt her.

Her little huffs of delight pleased him immensely, making some unnamed emotion well within him.
How compatible they were…through and through.

Never could he be more pleased at the way her body accepted him, gripping but opening up, permitting a deep entrance, and Jackson settled in her ass as if he belonged there.

Once he was as far as he could lodge, he stayed himself, just feeling the pressure the taut channel exuded. Little vibrations as she sought her own pleasure.
The way she twitched that bottom as if to say, “Where you at?”

He could have stayed like that, buried in her warmth, forever.

But as his cock reminded him, he had a woman to punish still—damn her.

“Turn it higher,” he commanded with a harsh slap of the paddle, realizing she’d dropped the control. And it wasn’t a request. “The highest it’ll go.”

reared up and cried out, making a furious rush to obey him as he smacked that ass again, retreated then sank deep.

Ah ecstasy.

Sheer oblivion.

That was how he took her, slow and easy and deep, his cock pushing in and out that transfixing tunnel as his paddle clapped trademarked flesh.

Thwack, thwack, thwack!

In and out…slow and deep…

Thwack, thwack, thwack!

In and out…slow and deep…

How intensely she clasped him. How powerful she made him feel.

How much he wanted the red name enflamed on her ass to signify something real.

That overwhelming desire only drove him to spank her harder. Harder and harder and harder, keeping his cock plunges careful almost impossible. He wanted to fuck her with all the passion he felt, welling up inside, taking over.

Damn her for dancing on that table.
Thwack, thwack, thwack!

Damn her for making him do this.
Making him love her completely.
Thwack, thwack, thwack!

Damn her for changing everything.
Life as he knew it.
Thwack, thwack, thwack!

Damn her for ruining everything. And for making it so exquisitely perfect…if only for a night.

Thwack, thwack, thwack! Thwack, thwack, thwack!

And finally—thank God, because Jackson was getting so carried away, he could hardly keep his head about him—
was mewing and quaking with a second orgasm. Her pleasure satisfied him intensely, knowing he’d given her double.

Only when she yet again collapsed beneath him, completely spent, did he let go and allow himself to thrust faster. To take what he really needed. Three quick strikes and he blasted with ecstasy. Buried deep and jerked with a mind-blowing orgasm that blurred the edges of reality. Darkness ebbed, satisfaction reigned, and somewhere distantly Jackson heard the cry, “Damn you,
! I love you!”

Chapter Four


“Get out.”

That was how Kim woke up, yanked abruptly from the most satisfying sleep she’d experienced since before college, when she was a teen who could sleep ’til noon.

BOOK: Naughty Tonight
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