Read Nero (Made Men #1) Online

Authors: Sarah Brianne

Nero (Made Men #1) (22 page)

BOOK: Nero (Made Men #1)
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he way he was skillfully stroking her nub had her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The pleasure Elle felt rocked her body and her hips began to thrust uncontrollably, wanting more and more.

grabbed Nero for support as she teetered on the edge, her lack of experience not letting her last long. Her head fell back in a moan. She was close.

She felt Nero’s control shake above her,
wanting his own release, but he continued to only pleasure her.

Elle started to feel the shuddering, and thi
s time, Nero covered her lips as she moaned into his mouth. She squeezed her thighs together as the jolts went off within her, making it even more powerful because Nero’s hand continued its rhythm.

Elle lay there limp as her body went through the aftershocks
. Shortly after, her heart started to calm along with the butterflies. She noticed Nero had to take a minute, as well.

Nero moved his weight off
her, rolling on his back and then pulling her to his chest.

spoke through his breath. “Baby, you’re more than enough for me.”

laughed. “Promise?”

Nero kissed her forehead under her bandage
. “Promise.”

She felt her heart start to glue itself back together. Elle gave up in fighting Nero
. Her whole instinct and being told her to trust him. He had seen to it that her pleasure came before his, and she figured that had to be pretty hard for him.

“Thank you.”

Nero lightly tugged her hair and pulled it back so she would look at him. “I’m not going to let you stay a virgin forever. I know you want my dick just as bad as I want your pussy, baby, and that’s why it isn’t going to last much longer.”

Elle smiled at his determination
. “We will see.”

She knew it was going to last for a while
. She was going to make Nero work for that after what he made her feel.
I don’t care if he just gave me… Holy shit! I just had my first orgasm.

Elle shoved her face in Nero’s chest, not wanting him to see her

” Nero tried to get her to look at him.

covered her face with her hands when Nero got her head up. It didn’t take long for him to remove her hands. She tried not to show she was blushing.

Nero laughed
, finally understanding. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with having your first orgasm. If it helps, that was fucking hot as Hell.”

Elle opened her eyes
. “Like that helps.”

“You’re going to have a lot
more, Elle, so you might as well get used to it.” Nero made it a fact.

Elle rolled her eyes at Nero, and he just laughed at her. Nero was convinced of them being together sexually, as well, and looking at the face that never gave up, Elle wondered how long she would last.

Elle’s head started to sting a little
, reminding her how she’d ended up here in the first place. She could still hear the sound in her ear before she had passed out.

Elle grabbed Nero’s hand to look at it. She could tell
he didn’t want her to see it, but Elle studied his hand anyway. It had been healing the last time she had looked at it, but now the whole hand was seriously messed-up. Every knuckle was inflamed and bloody looking. She had no idea how they weren’t broken.

“What did you do with him?”

Nero didn’t sugarcoat it. “I beat the shit out of him and left him there.”

Elle thought that
should have scared her or resonated with her; instead, she brought his hand to her lips and placed kisses over each knuckle.

“You should get someone to look at this
, Nero.”

“It’ll be fine
. I’ll go disinfect it and wrap it up later.”

Elle looked up at
him, pleading “Can you please quit fighting now? Trying not to doesn’t work for you.”

Nero waited a moment to answer
. “Yes, for you, I will.”

I’ve heard that before
. “That’s what you said last time.”

Nero shrugged
. “I mean it this time.”

Elle heard Nero’s phone ding.

“Chloe’s here.”

“She is?”

Yeah, so are Amo and Vincent.”


Chapter Thirty-

Not Even a Morsel Was Left


Elle went down the huge
wrought-iron staircase into the foyer. Nero had given her tiny shorts and said they were his sister’s.
They don’t look any different than my underwear, but at least I’m a little bit more clothed.

Nero had called Chloe from
Elle’s cell, telling her what happened and that Elle was going to sleep over at his house for the night. When he’d asked her to cover for Elle and say she was spending the night at Chloe’s, she had insisted on seeing Elle to make sure she was all right. The only thing Elle didn’t know was why Amo and Vincent had decided to show up.

Elle finally got to the bottom of the staircase where Chloe was waiting. She i
nstantly knew Chloe must have been at an important dinner by the way she was dressed. She wore a black, long-sleeved, Peplum dress with black tights and heels. Her outfit was meant to be business attire, but Chloe’s curves made it look like she was dressed to go on a hot date.

“You didn’t leave until it was over
, did you?” Elle was worried. She didn’t want Chloe to get in trouble.

Chloe silently shook her head.

Elle saw that Chloe was a little rattled at what had happened to her. She’d figured that would happen.

She tried to smile for her friend
. “I’m okay. Thankfully, Nero was there, and that’s all that matters.” Elle wished she could properly comfort her friend by giving her a hug, or anything, but she never could, having to use only her words.

Chloe nodded.

Elle whispered. “Do you think Mom will believe I’m spending the night over at your house?” Elle was going to have to think of a reason why because, after three-and-a-half years, Elle had never spent the night over there. She had almost spent the night at Chloe’s once right after they had become friends, but unfortunately, it hadn’t lasted very long until Elle left, asking Chloe to come with her.

Chloe finally spoke
. “I-I don’t know.”

Elle didn’t
, either. “What about if I told her we have a project due tomorrow?”

Chloe tried to ease up
. “It might work.”

“Come in here a second,” Nero yelled from the other room.

Elle didn’t know why Nero needed to yell.
Why couldn’t he come and tell me?
Then she remembered he was Italian.
Oh, yeah, right.

Elle and Chloe followed the voice
, leaving the foyer and going into a huge room that was the living room and kitchen combined. The space was ginormous. She wanted to see what the outside looked like because she was pretty sure it was a small mansion.

Elle walked towards Nero, only seeing the back of him, she also noticed Vincent, Amo, and Leo beside him.

She saw
Nero turn to look at her and behind him one tall-legged, golden blonde appeared. She was stunning and looked like a young Victoria’s Secret model, even in a floral, modest dress. Elle had remembered seeing her at school, but she had never spoken to upperclassmen or even met any of them. The kids in her grade were already bad enough.

watched her walk towards her and then the girl gave her a hug.

“You must be Elle
. It’s nice to meet you.” Her voice sounded sweet, which was the opposite of what she thought it would sound like.

“This is my sister, Maria.” Nero laughed
, looking at her stunned face.

Elle lightly hugged her back
. “Nice to meet you, too.”

Maria pulled away and went to hug Chloe, but Chloe took a step back.

Elle tried to laugh it off. “This is Chloe. She’s a little bit of a germaphobe.”

, sorry. I’m a hugger, and I haven’t learned yet that everyone else isn’t. Nice to meet you, Chloe.”

Chloe tried to smile
. “You, too.”

Elle quickly asked, “How many are there of you guys?” Elle wanted to know if she should prepare herself for another Caruso sibling.

Maria laughed. “There’s one more, Lucca. He’s the oldest. Then you just have me, Nero, and then Leo. Oh, and Dad, but that’s all of us that live here anyway.”

knew Maria was older than Nero, but she also knew it couldn’t be by much,
and another brother?
Elle admitted she wasn’t very anxious to meet the oldest brother. She had a feeling, if the two youngest boys were heartbreakers, she didn’t want to see the oldest.

“That’s a lot of

“You did know Nero was Italian
, right?” Maria pulled Elle over to the couch and waved for Chloe to come, as well.

Elle was taken off
-guard by her. “Um, yeah, he mentioned it.”

After s
he sat down on the couch next to Maria, Chloe sat down on the other side of her.

Maria whispered to her and Chloe, “I haven’t talked to anyone besides my family since last semester
. I just have to get through this week then classes start back again.”

Elle and Chloe both started to laugh
. Now Elle understood the poor girl; she was surrounded by guys and had been dying for female companionship.

“They won’t let you leave?”

“I go to college, and they still treat me like I’m thirteen years old.”

Elle knew at one look why they treated her like that
She’s the definition of a bombshell.
She just wondered what their parents looked like to create three knockout children—the fourth one remained to be seen.

“Do you go to the University here?”

. I didn’t have an option to apply anywhere else.” Maria shook her head.

“What are you going for?” Elle asked her.

“Business.” Maria looked over at Chloe. “I love your outfit.”

Chloe raised her eyebrows
. “Thank you.”

Elle knew Chloe was shocked
, not expecting or used to getting compliments from anyone. Elle started to like Maria. All the pretty girls at school were mean to her and Chloe, and none of them were even close to being as pretty as Maria. She felt bad for her, though; clearly they had gone to the next level in over-protecting.

“Maybe I
can talk Nero into us three going shopping?”

Maria’s face lit up
. “Yes! I am dying to go shopping! That would be so much fun.”

Elle smiled
, knowing how well they were all going to get along.

They spent some time talking and laughing about movies, clothes, and makeup while the boys talked about
God knew what. Nero had ordered some pizzas, insisting she needed to eat something. By the amount of pizzas he’d ordered, however, everyone benefited from her needing to eat.

Once the pizza
s arrived, Elle noticed how uncomfortable Chloe was getting in a group and different environment. She saw her eyeing two doors that led into the backyard, and from what she could glimpse, a beautiful garden.

“Do you think Nero would mind if I walked out there?” Chloe whispered to her when everyone got up to go to the table.

Elle shook her head. “No, he shouldn’t.” Elle smiled at her, knowing she needed some fresh air. “Go on.”

Elle and Chloe both stood but went in opposite directions
. Elle went to the table where everyone was around the pizza boxes, grabbing a slice, and Chloe walked out the back doors.

Vincent threw his arm around her
. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

Elle laughed at him
, remembering him asking that the first time she had gotten hurt. “I’m fine. Just another bump on the head.”

, I know you are.” Vincent laughed, dropping his arm to take a seat at the table.

Elle looked at the only seat left, which was beside Nero
. All the other chairs were spaced a little bit out, but this one was really close to Nero’s chair.

took the seat, her leg lying against his. She noticed he didn’t look very happy, though; he had obviously heard that
it was
just another bump on the head

She watched Nero take a
slice of pizza out of the box and throw it on a plate. He slid it in front of her. “Eat.”

Elle honestly didn’t feel hungry,
yet Nero’s face told her she better eat. She figured she could take a few bites to make him happy.

“Where’s Chloe?” Amo asked
, looking around.

Elle quickly responded, “She already ate
before coming over and had been dying to see the backyard.” She turned towards Nero. “I hope that’s okay?”

Nero nodded to her as he took a bite.

They all talked around the table, and she watched the boys throw back pizza like it was nothing. Elle had taken her few bites and called it quits; subsequently, she just sipped on her water that Nero had put on the table, waiting for her.

Nero draped his arm over the back of her chair
. “Aren’t you going to finish that?”

Elle looked at Nero and shook her head
. “I’m not that hungry.”
You lose your appetite when someone tries to kidnap you.

“You need to eat.” Nero looked like he didn’t want to be tested.

Elle looked around the table and noticed no one was paying them any attention.
I really can’t eat.

“I’m not

Nero’s other hand shot out to the high part of her bare thigh
. “Finish the pizza.”

Elle stared at Nero before she slowly picked up her
slice. She had no idea why, other than her body aimed to please him. She always got a tingly feeling under her skin when she did as Nero asked.

Elle took a bite
, the feeling of sickness strangely gone, and the taste was now delicious. As she felt Nero start to rub her thigh in agreement, Elle took another bite and licked at the little bit of red sauce left on her lip.

Nero rubbed her thigh higher under the table, and Elle’s heart pumped faster. Elle found it erotic as she continued to eat her pizza
that no one knew Nero continued to praise her by rubbing her thigh in different motions. After she had eaten every bite and even licked her fingers, Nero gave her a special touch, lightly grazing her femininity.

When not even a morsel was left
, Elle came out of her haze.

hat the fuck is wrong with me?

BOOK: Nero (Made Men #1)
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