Read Never Have I Ever Online

Authors: Alisha Rai

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

Never Have I Ever (2 page)

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The saliva in her mouth dried up. The command in his voice was so incredibly compelling, Ana found herself actually opening her mouth.

Until she saw a young mother and her children wheeling their way down the asphalt right toward them. “Taylor, I don’t feel comfortable talking about this out here,” she whispered.

He leaned in even closer, pinning her against the van. “I’ll let you get in the car. But I want you to tell me while I drive.”

Ana licked her lips. She knew he expected her to refuse or laugh it off as a joke. But instead she drifted closer until their mouths were a hairsbreadth away from touching. “Won’t that distract you? These roads can be dangerous.”

He scoffed. “Please. I think I can handle it.”

Her eyes narrowed, the gauntlet thrown down. “Let’s get in the car.”

Within the passage of a second, he snapped out of the grip of sexual tension which had surrounded them. Fingers relaxing, he released her and stepped back good-naturedly to allow her to slip into the passenger seat. A small smile played around his mouth as he rounded the front of the car, slid into the driver’s seat and revved the engine. He thought she was bluffing or joking, Ana realized.

Silly man.

Ana had always thought that this car model had a rather silent operation. It didn’t feel silent right now. The purr vibrated up her legs and ran through her body.

She cast him a sideways glance, taking in the hunter green down coat that regrettably hid his upper body, the jeans that clung to his powerful thighs. He leaned back slightly in his seat, and she could see the outline of his penis, not quite fully erect, beneath the worn denim. She made a sudden decision.

So her talking dirty wouldn’t destroy his concentration? Maybe she should up the stakes a little more.

She unzipped her jacket all the way as he turned onto the winding road that led to their cabin and left the lost-in-time Main Street behind. The zipper’s teeth sounded unnaturally loud in the car, louder than the low mumblings of the talk radio he loved and she tolerated. She wiggled to pull it off, unzipping and pulling off her sweatshirt as well.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m hot.” She was, but it was an internal heat more than an external one.

“Really? Turn the heater down.”

She blocked his hand from the controls. “No, no. It’s fine.” The heat source might be necessary later.

Ana stared out the window as he drove. Reason #789989 she loved Taylor—he didn’t mind silence. She was quiet by nature, and he was a man of few words as well. It worked.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed, but she shook off her daydreaming when the trees got heavier and the traffic lessened. After about ten minutes went by without another car passing them, Ana made her move. Before she could lose her nerve, she unzipped her jeans, raised her hips and shimmied out, lowering them over the curve of her bottom and down her legs. The car jerked slightly.

“Jesus, what are you doing?”

“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.” She calmly folded the pants and tossed them into the backseat and then leaned back there to grab the blanket that they kept in the car for emergencies. This qualified. She opened it and settled it over her legs to hide her near nudity.

“Anyone could see…”

She licked her lips.
Pretend you’re someone else. Someone who’s bold and brave and not at all mousy and timid.
“I…I like to touch my breasts.”


“You wanted me to tell you what I do.”


“Let me tell you,” she said, her tone sharp. She was watching his face, so she caught the quick glance he threw her away. His gaze dipped, and he groaned. That was when she realized she was fondling her breast through her long-sleeved shirt, teasing both of them. “Keep your eyes on the road, Taylor. If you look away, I’ll stop.”

His jaw was granite hard as he faced forward. “What kind of fucking game is this?”

“No game. You were the one who wanted this.”

“Because I didn’t think you would actually do it!”

“Let that be a lesson to you, sweetheart. You have no idea what I will and won’t do.”

A tiny muscle clenched in his jaw. “Apparently not.”

“Or I can just stop.”

I’ll watch the road. Just…talk to me. Tell me what you’re doing.”

“I like to stroke the sides first, just to get ready. Then I move to the centers.”

“To your nipples.”

“Yes.” She suited action to words and rubbed her hands over the diamond-hard points of her breasts. “I love the way that feels.”

“No surprise. You love it when I suck on them.”

The muscles in her thighs clenched. “I do.”

He shifted in his seat. “Keep going.”

“It’s usually not enough to touch myself outside my clothes.” She smoothed her hand under her shirt, and then pushed her bra below her breasts so she could get to her nipples easily. “I love pinching my nipples.” Suiting actions to words, she did just that and didn’t bother to disguise the moan that emerged.

“Does it feel good?”


“Is it enough?”

She shook her head. With one hand alternating stroking her hard nipples, she slid her other hand down to the elastic waistband of her panties. “No. It’s never enough. But you know what I need to come. So when I’m alone, I unzip my pants…”


“Huh?” She glanced at him to catch him, true to his word, with his gaze fixed firmly on the asphalt. There was a high flush of arousal on his cheeks.

“Tell me that sometimes you’re wearing a skirt. And you push it up to reveal your tiny white panties.”

Only Taylor could make her laugh during an illicit verbal peepshow. “Okay, a skirt. Do you want me to keep going or are you going to interrupt me?”

He shuddered. Flat-out shuddered. “Please.”

“Of course, right now, I’m not wearing anything. Only these lacy black panties under this blanket.”

Out of her peripheral vision, she caught him turning his head to look at her. “Nuh-uh-uh. I’m not wrecking. Eyes in front of you.”

He turned back, his throat working. She noted that he was very careful to stay under the speed limit. “You’re killing me here.”

“Like I said, you’re the one who started this,” she shot back. Yeah, he was the one who had opened this vault, unlocked her heretofore hidden desire to…

To masturbate in a car with him listening?

Okay, so it was a rather niche kink.

Though it wasn’t just the kinky aspect. It was a power rush to know that she held his arousal in the palm of her hand, to know that she was both shocking and arousing him while he was powerless to do anything about it.

She should have been cold. But between their combined breathing and the heat blasting from the vents, she felt like she was in some humid forest and not their boring old minivan. Caught up in the hazy, hot atmosphere, Ana pushed her hand under the blanket, stroking over the rapidly dampening silk of her panties.

They were a new pair, and she felt a trifle bad he wasn’t getting to fully appreciate them. But then again, this game of peek-a-boo was rather fun.

“Are you wet?” His voice was hoarse.

“Very much so.” She tipped her head back against the headrest and finally, finally allowed her hand to slip below the elastic band of her panties.

She’d waxed herself bare to give Taylor a nice little hands-on thrill for the upcoming weekend. That would remain something for him to discover on his own.

Generally, she ladyscaped her parts for Taylor’s enjoyment…but there was a definite bump in her arousal to feel her fingers smoothing over the bare mound of her vagina, nothing to impede access to her clit, which poked up through the folds as if it was begging for attention. “I usually just go for clitoral stimulation,” she breathed as she rubbed the tight nubbin. “Normally that makes me come the fastest.”

“Do you use a vibrator?”

“You would have come across it if I did.” Her fingers had traditionally worked well enough for her between boyfriends, and since she’d met Taylor, she’d always had him for penetration.

“I’m buying you a vibrator.”

She imagined that, lying on their bed at home naked while toying with a vibrator. Slowly using it to rev up her clit and then sliding it inside of her.

As Taylor watched from the edge of the bed. Or even better, used it on her.

This time, she shuddered.

“I want to see what you’re doing.”

“I know.”

He growled. “You’re getting off on this, aren’t you? First time you’re masturbating in front of me, and I can’t even watch properly.”

Yes, there truly was a lot they hadn’t explored. Hell, she hadn’t even shown him the dirty websites she peeked through when she was feeling particularly needy. That just wasn’t right. Things would most definitely be changing. She kept her tone light. “I thought the whole purpose of masturbating was to get off.” She spread her legs and scooted forward in the seat, canting her hips to get a better angle.


She rubbed her clit harder. “Hey, you—”

“I know. I started this.”

Some imp of seduction had taken over her usual circumspect mouth. “I’d like to finish it.”

“So do it.”

Freedom and power coursed through her as she allowed her fingers free rein, roving over her breasts and the slippery wet place between her legs.

“Does it feel good?”

“So good,” she murmured. “But I wish it were your fingers inside of me.”

“Give me two minutes, baby. It will be.”

“Mmm.” She stroked the slick folds of her labia, careful not to touch her clit. If she did, it would be all over, and she wanted to save it for him.

She didn’t know quite how long she rubbed up and over herself, the snow softly falling on the abandoned road to the cabin all around them. He must have been feeling the heat as much as she was, because she was vaguely aware of him flicking off the heater and switching it to defrost.

They’d fogged the windows up.

The jolt of the car halting pushed her back to reality, and her fingers fell from where they were lazily stroking between her legs. Languidly, she turned her head to find him watching her, his hand stopped on the key in the ignition, not quite turning it off. “Let’s get inside, you little wench.”

Oooh, wench. Note to self: possible pirate fantasy must be put on the to-do list sometime this weekend. She considered his order, and then shook her head. “Nope.”


She whipped the blanket off her legs and crawled over the center console to straddle his lap. “Here.”

“Are you…what?”

“Surely you can say more than that, sweetie.” She tried to scoot backwards to give herself room to unbuckle and unbutton his pants, but the steering wheel dug into her back a second before she heard the loud horn sound. “Oops.”

“You wanna have sex in the car? Let’s go in the backseat where it’s a little more comfortable.”

“No. Here.” Here was dirty and tight and spontaneous.

His lips set in a hard line before he reached down and adjusted the seat, pushing it back so the wheel wasn’t leaving an imprint on her ass. She stopped him when he tried to recline the back of his seat. “No, wait.”

“I don’t want you to bang the top of your head.”

“If I wanted to recline, I’d have taken you inside.” Though she had been doing this for a while, she fumbled unbuckling his belt. Oh good, there it went.

His zipper gave way next, and the bulge of his penis filled the opening, covered by a pair of fine knit boxers. A heartbeat later, the heated length of him filled her grasp.

He was fully erect and so big and strong in her hand that her mouth watered. If she hadn’t been quite so desperate for him to be inside of her, she might have been able to tease him further.

Luckily, he didn’t seem like he was in the mood for any more preliminaries either. Probably realizing that she wouldn’t be dissuaded, he gripped his cock with one hand and held her hips steady with the other, guiding her to him.

As always, she had to take him in small increments, his cock too thick to slam down on. This was possibly the first time she’d resented that, and she may have put extra force in her downward slide, despite the presence of his restraining hand on her waist.

Finally, finally though, she had taken him to the very root of his cock, and she began sliding up and down, bracing one hand against the roof of the van while she ground against his body harder and faster.

“Fuck, yeah.” He groaned, leaned forward and bit at the hard point of her nipple through her T-shirt. The scrape of the cotton, the muted feel of his mouth, was too much for her. She slammed her body down on him with a keening cry as she came, the hard club of his penis almost too intense for her to stand.

She came back to reality to find him kissing her neck with soft, worshipful licks and nibbles. The wetness between her legs told her that he’d had his own orgasm, which made her a tad gloomy she’d had her eyes closed, locked in her own pleasure. She loved to watch his face as he came.

She drew back from him. “Are we there yet?” she asked drowsily.

He laughed, a quick bark. “Yeah. We’re here.”

It took all of her energy to turn her head so she could stare out the window at the picture-perfect, deceptively rustic-looking home sitting in the middle of a clearing. Eli was loaded, so though she hadn’t been inside yet, she was certain that the sprawling vacation cottage was luxuriously appointed and filled with comfortable amenities. Shaky confidence bloomed inside of her.

A month ago, she would have said that Taylor’s and her story was already written—they’d fallen in love and gotten married. Honestly, what was left?

Their book was lacking, though, and it had taken a little shock therapy to make her see it. That little house would mark the scene of a new page in their relationship.

Quite possibly an extremely naughty scene.

Chapter Two

At some point, when he wasn’t looking, a pod person had crawled into Ana and taken over her body.

Granted, the pod person’s agenda wasn’t quite clear yet, but surely anyone who studied their society for long would know that a wild and sexy act was a good way to lull a male into a false sense of security. In order to eat his brains.

BOOK: Never Have I Ever
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