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Authors: Desmond Haas

Never Let You Go (3 page)

BOOK: Never Let You Go
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“I want to take you someplace special for dinner,” Sam said.
“You’ll see,” he said and waved for a taxi.

We got out on Piccadilly and walked up Swallow Street and down the stairs into a cellar restaurant, Fino’s. Inside the curved, grotto-like bistro, the brick walls and arches were lit with small sconces, looking like candles.

When my eyes adjusted to the mood lighting, a large man in a tuxedo—large as in height, almost two meters, and with an immense chest—greeted us. His black curly hair framed a serious face, which changed into a child-like smile upon seeing us. He walked up, looked me over and in a hoarse, almost whispering voice, said, “You must be Marisa.”

I looked at him, then at Sam, who said, “Marisa, meet a good friend of mine, Carlo. Carlo, yes, this is the beautiful, fascinating woman I told you about.”

“I’m confused,” I said.
“Let’s get a table and some wine, then talk.” Carlo said.
He escorted us to a table where he held my chair for me and then left to order the wine.
“Is he the Maître d’?” I asked.
“No, the owner.” Sam said.

Carlo came back and sat with us. A waiter brought three glasses and a bottle of wine. “A nice Cabernet or would you prefer white?” Carlo asked.

“Cabernet sounds sublime. Thank you.” I said. “How do the both you know each other?”

“I started coming to Fino’s when I arrived in London. Someone from the Piccadilly Hotel recommended this place, and I found it perfect. Carlo has a wonderful wine cellar and the food…well, you’ll find out when we get our order,” Sam said.

“I haven’t ordered yet.”

“I’ve taken the liberty to order for you both,” Carlo said.

“After I became a regular,” Sam said, “Carlo offered to place my order when I asked him to surprise me. It did. After that night, I’ve never looked at a menu.”

“One evening, Sam came in here and told me he met the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and then he told me about you,” Carlo said.

I nearly choked on my wine but recovered. I was able to swallow and laughed.

“Mia Bella, your Sam came in here infatuated like a school boy and wouldn’t stop talking about you. I made him promise to bring you to my restaurant. I wanted to see for myself what woman is so beautiful and smart enough to capture this man’s heart. And, by the way, I agree with him about your beauty for you make my little restaurant glow.”

“Carlo, if you don’t stop, I’m going to send Sam home and stay here with you.”
“Alas, while the thought fills my heart, my lovely wife may not feel it is in my best interest.”
“I needed someone to speak with after meeting you,” Sam said. “So, I came here and poured my heart at Carlo’s feet.”
“Poor Sam,” Carlo said. “He was struck by a thunderbolt, lifted off his feet, and lost his way, until we talked.”
In a daze, I said, “I don’t understand…”

“I told him about you and how my feelings were confused in regards with seeing you again, knowing I had to go back to the States soon. Carlo asked me to examine how I felt and whether I could walk away from you. I said no.”

Carlo told me, “Sam needed to hear himself. I was but an echo for him, and I believe he already knew the answer. However, I did tell him to prepare the path for the good Lord. All things on earth are possible, and sometimes we don’t know what’s good or bad when we think with our head, so let the heart lead the way.”

* * * *

Late on Sunday, before I had to leave, we sat on the bed talking. Sam told me about his mother, how she raised him as a single parent, and about growing up in Florida.

I asked Sam whether he thought we were compatible. I really wanted to know if I was doing everything I could to please him and told him as much.

“Marisa, you and I have the same values, like the same foods, and we enjoy pleasing each other. Where we don’t agree, we respect one another. If you’re asking if we are compatible sexually, after spending the time we have together, I know I am mad about you and only hope that I please you. If there is ever anything I can do to fulfill any need, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything to make you happy. I just want you to be open and honest…so don’t hold back.

“It’s all about trust,” Sam continued. “As long as we both trust each other, no matter what happens, we’ll be there for each other. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“I can’t think of anything, right now. There’s a lot I know I’ve never done, but if you have anything you want to do, I’ll try it.”

“Okay,” he said. “That’s fair.”

“Do you have anything you’d like to try?” I asked.

“I’m at a loss on how I could enjoy you any more. Our lovemaking has been sometimes intense, sometimes urgent, and always fulfilling. Whatever we have, let’s bottle it and get rich.”

“Have you ever had any fantasies?” I asked.
“Like what?
“The only fantasy I ever had was when I was in college and wanted to sleep with two coeds from my study hall…at the same time.”
“Did you?

“No, I never had the nerve to approach them, but I did sleep with them here,” he said pointing to his head. “For a time, I was so obsessed with them I couldn’t see either one without imagining her in bed. It was a terrible time. I couldn’t concentrate and was horny twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

After we laughed, we tenderly made love. I stayed with him until the last possible minute before I had to catch a train back to East End.

* * * *

One evening during that week, I was on the telephone with my mate, Linda. I told her about Sam. To be honest, I hadn’t stopped talking to her about him and how he made me feel. Linda asked for some of the juiciest details, and I told her. I told her when Sam made me come with his mouth it was so intense that I could hardly believe it. After a bit, she told me to stop as her boyfriend had gone on holiday, and she was quite aroused.

After we rang off, I remembered Sam’s old fantasy. I’ve known Linda for most of my life and thought about what it would be like to have her in bed with us. I wondered how I’d react, seeing Sam on top of her or going down on her. Would I get jealous? I thought about that for a bit and understood my feelings for Sam had grown over the weeks, and if I wasn’t in love, I was certainly on the way.

I wanted to do that for him. It was not about testing our burgeoning relationship, but more about wanting to give Sam something he, at one time, had wanted. I decided to call Linda back and see if she was up for an adventure.

“Linda,” I said, “I want to ask you a favor and it has to be our secret. If you don’t want to do it, it’s perfectly okay.”
“What? Tell me, tell me.”
“It’s rather sensitive, and it’s not something I would ask of anyone except you.”
“You’re driving me over the top. Just ask me straight out, no dilly-dally. What? What? What?”

“Last Sunday, Sam and I were sitting on the bed talking about what we both like. I asked him if he had any fantasies. He told me about one he had when he was in college.”

“Go on. I’m listening.”

“Sam used to obsess about two women he knew in college going to bed with him at the same time. If I could, I’d really like to make this fantasy come true for him.”

“Aren’t you concerned it would damage your relationship?
“I hope not, and based on our conversations, I really don’t think it will.”
“Am I understanding you are inviting me to be the other person with you?”
“Oh, gosh, Linda. I don’t want to do anything that would hurt our friendship.”
“Is sex with Sam really as good as you’ve said it is?
“More so.”
“Then count me in.”
“Linda, that’s so wonderful! But, what about Graham?”

“First of all, he’s on holiday. Second, what’s more important right now is you made me horny as hell, so it’s your responsibility to help me out.”

Over the past few weeks, I noticed whenever we spoke about Graham, she changed the subject or had quick answers. I knew by what she wasn’t telling me that there were problems, but I didn’t want to get into it with her. She’d tell me when she wanted me to know.

I was so anxious to tell Sam, I took an early train the next morning. Usually the other blokes didn’t come in before nine-thirty, and I knew Sam got in about eight.

I walked back to his office, and we greeted each other with a warm kiss. I stood next to his desk, while he sat, but in my excitement, I was having a problem starting the conversation.

“I’m not quite understanding what you said. Can you start again?” he asked.
“I was talking to my mate, Linda, about you, and I…I tell her everything.”
Sam’s raised his eyebrows and said, “What does she think?”
“Of course, she’s happy for us, but I told her about your fantasy.”
“What fantasy? The one with two women?”
“Did she think I’ve gone batty or so weird it’s scary?
“No, silly. She wants to be in bed with both of us, and we’re coming by on Saturday…if that’s okay by you.”
“How are you going to feel about this?” he asked.

“It’s Linda. She’s my best mate, and I’d put a bow on her if it would make you happy. I’m so excited she was willing to give it a go. When I was thinking about this, after she agreed, I dreamed how I would I feel seeing her with your cock in her mouth or watching you fuck her. My thoughts made me all wet.”

“I can’t wait to meet her,” he said.

We heard someone open the outer door and moved apart. All day that Thursday and Friday, I teased him by sending notes, saying that I wanted him to lick me or play with me. I knew I was getting him hot, so when Saturday came, he would be all worked up.

The one thing I had almost forgotten was that Sam would be going back to the States. That counterpoint to our relationship frightened me; I didn’t want to lose him now that we found each other. Late in the afternoon on Friday, I knocked on Sam’s office door and walked in. He was just packing up to leave, but stopped when he saw me and the look on my face.

He came to me and directed me to a chair next to his desk. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“When are you leaving?”

“It looks like late next week. I’ve managed to push it back as far as I can, but now the home office says that my work here is done. I have another request in for an extension, and I was waiting until that was decided before I spoke with you. Frankly, Marisa, I don’t give it much of a chance, and I’m going to have to go back.”

“What about us?”
Sam sat there with a smug look on his face and just smiled.
I was ready to let the tears fall, but then I got angry. “Why the bloody hell are you smiling?” I asked.

“I have a little surprise. At the beginning of this week, I sent my resume, excuse me, my c.v., to some agencies and also to a couple of companies here in London.”

It took me a few seconds to understand what he was saying, and then I got it. “You’re going to move here? Really?”

“Really…if it all works out. I should be back within a few weeks to a month…if I get a position, and if I can make arrangements for this American to work in the UK.”

I jumped up and hopped on his lap, planting kisses all over his face. Remembering we were in a business office, I got up and pulled him to me for a quick hug.

“I have to leave now, but Linda and I will see you in the morning.”

I left the office, walking on air and thinking about what it would be like to have Sam as a more permanent part of my life. Growing up, my mates and I discussed boys, and of course, we gossiped about who was dating. The reason I thought of that was I would always hear someone say how good-looking or well-built a certain bloke was or how big his cock must be. Sam looks like an average man, not muscular like a bodybuilder, but well proportioned.

While Sam is an attractive man, what mattered more to me was his gentle consideration matched against his strength and forcefulness, when needed. I never felt threatened by him or compelled to do anything I didn’t want to do. When we first met, his easy-going nature attracted me to him.

I couldn’t wait until the next day. More importantly, I really looked forward to Sam moving to London and seeing where our relationship would take us. I wasn’t ready to say he was my life-mate, but I believed we could be together for a long time.

Giving and Receiving


Linda and I met at the station and traveled together, nervously chattering about what it would be like to be with Sam. The night before, she had called me asking what to wear, and I started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”
“Do you really think you’ll be wearing anything most of the day?”
“I want to be sure when I meet Sam, I look nice. What does he like?”

“Be casual. The first time I visited with him, he wasn’t wearing any shoes and had just slacks and a black shirt on. So, wear what you want.”

All the way to London and walking to his flat, she kept up her anxious chatter, and I tried to answer her questions. When I rang him up, he told us to take the lift, and he’d leave the door open because he was shaving.

BOOK: Never Let You Go
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