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Authors: MJ Fields

New Love (50 page)

BOOK: New Love
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is he doing here?”

“He was king las
t year remember?” Jade held her hand.

Tessa shook her head no.

“Let’s go do this Tessa and then if you want to leave we can okay?”

Tessa stood on stage holding the crowns.

Lucas walked on stage, and she looked quickly away, everyone cheered.

“Alright let’s do this,
” Lucas yelled to the cheering masses and then turned towards Tessa.

His eyes bore into her, and she wanted to cry.

Tessa crowned the King and Queen and quickly left the stage.

danced with Pizza Boy, “Party at camp after?”

“Sounds like a plan.” The song ended, and she grabbed Kendall.

Kendall smiled, “You alright?”

Tessa rolled her eyes, “Of course!”

Ryan, Alex, Lucas, and Jose stood on the edge of the dance floor and talked.

“A few of us are going to camp after this if yo
u guys want to come.”

“Are you sure Alex?”
Lucas said.

Yeah she hates you, but would hate me if I wasn’t your friend. I’m not sure what happened, and I don’t want to know, just let her get through whatever this is.”

“Phoebe didn’t tell you?”
Lucas asked.

“Nope, Tessa is pr
etty closed mouth about things. Phoebe is her friend, and they are both very loyal,” Alex said.

Tessa rode with Cassidy and Pizza
Boy; she stopped at the house and got changed. They pulled in, and she got out. She walked up to the fire and saw Lucas there, “Perfect,” she whispered to Cassidy rolling her eyes.

They stood a
nd talked for awhile and Tessa went to camp to grab some chairs. Lucas walked in. She froze.

“Tessa sorry
… I was coming to grab some chairs,” he said and shoved his hands in his pockets. He had changed into jeans, an SU sweatshirt and a white hat.

“That’s fine
Lucas, we’re going to have to deal with each other someday,” she said, as if it were no big deal.

“I miss you

No. You don’t get to.”

“Tessa baby.”

“Or that,” she closed her eyes, “This is not going to work. More time, that’s what you need,” she said to herself and tried to walk out.

grabbed her and hugged her. Tessa started crying immediately. He stroked her hair and rubbed her back as she sobbed. He said nothing. He sat on the couch and held her. She stopped crying, and he looked down at her, she was asleep curled up in a beautiful little ball. He fell asleep wishing he could turn back time. Alex walked in and saw them and shook his head, he walked back out.

“Is she okay?” Phoebe asked.

“They’re asleep.”

“Oh,” Phoebe frowned.

“You don’t like him, do you?”

“I don’t hate him
, but I love her,” she looked down.

He hugged her, “Should I go wake them up?”

Jose walked up, “What’s going on?”

both asleep,” Alex pointed at camp.

“Good, that boy ain’t slept in two weeks,” Jose said.  “I n
ever saw anything like it man. He goes to class, goes to practice, he may close his eyes for twenty, thirty minutes tops. It’s crazy.”

“Good,” Phoebe sneered.

“You were with her that night, right?” he asked. “Why didn’t you girls go in and kick her ass?”

“Why hers?” Phoebe

“I walked in right after you all did, and it wasn’t him. He’s been telling her to back off since day one. He loves Tessa, thinks the sun revolv
es around that girl.”

“Easy for you to say you’re a man, she isn’t like that. He was her first, and she thought her always. He’s hurt her over and over,” Phoebe said, “Do you know how tha
t makes her feel?” she shoved Jose. “She would have waited until she was married Jose, she’s not like the whores you assholes play with,” she shoved him again.

Phoebe, that’s enough” Alex pulled her back.

“Alex, it’s
cool, I know she loves her. I’m with you all. I’m waiting too, Southern Baptist born and raised. If I thought he didn’t love her I would kick his ass. Your girl Tessa is cool.”

Tessa heard everything that was said and realized as comfortable as she was she could not put herself through this again. She quietly looked at the
clock; she had slept for two hours. She wanted to stay so that he could sleep but knew if she did, if she so much as kissed that boy again it would be over. She stood up, and he jumped.

“Baby, don’t go, please don’t go,” his eyes were glassy.

“Lucas,” she said quietly, “I have something in the Jeep for you, wait here please.”

She got up and walked outside past everyone.

Lucas couldn’t sit still; he walked out and stood by the pond. She took a deep breath and handed him a manila envelope. He opened it, inside was the ring, the bracelet, the earrings and the necklace he had given her at the end of hockey season last year.

“I don’t wan
t this Tessa, those are yours. Don’t do this to me, I promise you I’ll be better.” He sealed the envelope and tried to hand it back to her, and she stepped back.

Lucas, we’re not going to ever—work. I deserve better than this. I shouldn’t have to worry about what or who you may be doing,” she said quietly looking down.

“I won’t accept that,” he tried to give it to her again
and she refused. He took her hand and held the envelope in it.

Lucas, don’t.”

“No Tessa, NO!” he yelled and she jumped.
“Look at me Tessa, I LOVE YOU, after a year I LOVE you even more, everyday! I never stopped and I never will.” She looked down, “WHY! Why didn’t you come in my room that night, huh?” he tears started falling down his face “WHY! If it were one of your friends-- you would’ve stopped them, but you just couldn’t wait for me to fuck up!” She didn’t answer; he grabbed her and shook her, “Answer me Tessa.”

Tessa started to shake
as she tried to stifle her emotions.

“I was
asleep; you and I had been at it for three days, three perfect days. I certainly didn’t need that, are you listening to me Tessa!” he asked and grabbed his hair, “FUCK!”

She took a deep breath, “You don’t get it
Lucas I saw your face! I saw you enjoying it, I saw you grabbing her hair LUCAS!” she yelled and pulled his hand out of her hair, “You expected me to stop you? Seriously! I’m not stupid, stop talking to me like I am!”

“Fine Tessa you don’t want this FINE,” he waded up the envelope and threw it in the pond, “
I don’t fucking want it either! Jose, would you please get me the fuck out of here,” Lucas screamed. He grabbed her, “I’m sorry, I FUCKED up. This isn’t over! I’m not going to just stop loving you! When you can forgive me, call me because I can’t even talk to you, you changed your FUCKING number! I’m losing it Tessa… I hope you enjoy the show,” he walked away.

Jose walked
by, “Tessa you okay?” he asked as tears started flowing down her cheek. “I got him, okay?” she shook her head yes, and Jose hugged her.

Jose got in the car, and
Lucas sat in the passenger seat with his head buried in his hands. Tessa knew he was crying, and it tore her apart. The pain she felt now would someday heal.


Enough was enough
. They pulled up the driveway and out of sight.


Tessa fell to her knees and sobbed.


Songs that inspire

New Love Playlist

Fade Into You by Mazzy Star

Wonderwall by Oasis

Everlong by the Foo Fighters

Zombie by the Cranberries

Interstae Love Song by Stone Temple Pilots

It’s your love by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw

I Touch myself

Thank You by Led Zeppelin

Close My Eyes Forever Lita Ford and Ozzie Osbourne

Eternal Flame the

Shimmer by Fuel

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John

Daniel by Elton John

Crocodile Rock by Elton John

Whatever by Godsmack

Jane Says by Jane’s Addiction

It’s All Been Done by
Bare-naked Ladies

One Week by
Bare-naked Ladies

Zombie by the Cranberries


To all of you who enjoy re
ading my stories: thank you. I love that you fall in love with these characters when reading about them, just as much as I fall when writing them.

To RTTP for the cover work and photos. I am so
grateful for all you have done for the Love Series, from finding our Lucas and Tessa (R&A) to the photo shoot, and many hours on the phone. You’re amazing in everything you do and I know this is just one of your many many talents.

To Ellie N. for not only reading and editing my very rough drafts but for taking the time to understand
my vision for them and embracing it. Thank you for being not only my friend and cheerleader but for pushing me and my work harder than I could have began to imagine. You’re truly amazing.

To R and A, thank you, thank you, thank you!

To all of you on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads: thank you for reaching out to me… you inspire me, make me smile and laugh, and want to do better. I <3 U!

To my new virtual friends the ones who reach out to me, discuss OUR book boyfriends, ask me
“WHY???!!!” and make me proud of my dirty little mind, and to those who offer help and show their support: You are more valuable and precious to me than I can explain in words. Because of you and my rocking support team at home, this all moves to the next level very soon. I want to acknowledge you all and will as soon as I step off of this cliff and dive into this full time, allowing myself the ability to do so.

To those who take the time to review my books and those who are setting up book tours, thank you thank you, thank
you. Kari and Cara, Stephanie H, and Debra. This is very new for me and I am extremely excited!

To my girls at home, my family, my loves, thank you for
believing, pushing, and calming me always.

To my little girl….not long now!



Other titles By MJ Fields


Love Series

Blue Love book 1

Sad Love book 3

True Love book 4


Wrapped Series

Wrapped in Silk Book 1

Wrapped in Armor Book 2

Wrapped Always and Forever Book 3


Burning Souls


Coming soon: Forged


Men of Steel

Men of Steel Novella


Jase and Carly Summer Lovin

Coming soon: Cyrus



Connect with me

[email protected]




BOOK: New Love
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