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Authors: Tielle St Clare

New Year's Kiss (6 page)

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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The irritation in his gaze lingered as he returned his cock to her pussy and entered her, stretching her passage as he slowly pushed forward. Tight fingers held her hips, locking her in place as he filled her, relentless and seductive. Her moans turned to whimpers as she rested her forehead on the carpet. It hurt but it was so wonderful.

“You can take me, baby. That’s it. Relax, I’m almost inside.” His hand slipped around front and teased her clit. The caress distracted her long enough that she no longer tensed. Didn’t fight as he penetrated her.

She opened her mouth, gasping for air as his groin pressed against her ass. The tight curls around his cock teasing her skin. She was filled, stretched almost to the point of pain but loving him.

He moaned as he pulsed inside her, shallow little thrusts that touched a delicious place inside her. “Damn, she’s tight.”

Slowly he pulled back and she heard her own whimper, as if her body couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from him. But he withdrew until only the tip remained inside her, holding for one breath before he drove in again.

Taylor cried out and punched her hips back, trying to send him deeper. Oh she needed this. It was like her body was on fire and only Mikhel could ease the flames. Her fingers dug into the carpet and she moved, counterstrokes to the hard pounding thrusts. She would ache tomorrow but now it felt so good, that thick, hard cock moving in her, filling her over and over again.

His hand cupped her pussy, his fingers moving into her slit, teasing her clitoris. He lifted as she moved down, giving her a tiny platform to rub against, holding her in place as he pounded into her. The wicked little caress of his fingers multiplied the sensation of his cock moving in her, hitting the place over and over again until she couldn’t stand it.

Clawing at the carpet, she tried to hold her body together as the orgasm shot through her pussy. Mikhel shouted and rocked harder, deeper, one, two more times then the same delicious tension took his body.

The world around her faded as her battered mind and body struggled to return. Her muscles felt like warm honey, melted and pliable. Hot, firm hands rubbed her hips, urging her to move. With a whimper, she followed the guidance of those hands, rolling her onto her back. Mikhel leaned over her, his mouth covering hers, soft tasting kisses as he skimmed his hands across her breasts, her stomach, her pussy.

Petting her, whispering softly, telling her how pretty she was and how tight her cunt gripped him, how she was made for him. The seductive words were a perfect topping to the wicked orgasm that still pulsed through her body. A new surge of hunger filled her pussy and she groaned, arching her breasts up, offering her body.

Her clit tingled like it was being stroked but no hands caressed her.

“Hmm, Zach, I think she needs you.” Mikhel’s hand rubbed across her stomach, his fingers dipping into her slit, collecting moisture.

“Yes,” she moaned, pressing her hips up, trying to slide his fingers into her.

“Yes, she needs it.”

Zach stood above her. His shirt was open, his pants pushed down and that long, hard cock standing tall for her.

“Touch him, baby.” Mikhel’s voice invaded the lovely sexual haze that covered her mind and she stretched up, following his command, wrapping her fingers around Zach’s cock, leaning forward and stroking her tongue across the head. Zach groaned and his hips rocked forward. For a moment she considered sucking him off, letting him fuck her mouth as Mikhel had but her pussy ached too much. She needed him between her legs.

Part of her mind—a distant corner that was drowned out by the driving need in her veins—was stunned that she would behave in such a way. Not just allowing two men to fuck her but actively participating, seeking more.

She didn’t understand it but she couldn’t stop it. She wanted this.

Letting her fingers trail away from his cock, she sank back down, lifting her knees and blatantly baring herself.

“Come here,” she said, taking a little of the command away from Mikhel.

Zach shoved his pants the rest of the way off and tossed his shirt away, leaving him deliciously naked. Then he dropped to his knees, kneeling between her spread thighs. New power surged through her as he looked at her, his eyes trained on her pussy, open and wet.

With Mikhel she’d been dominated, her body instinctively submitting to his command.

With Zach, she felt in control. The power was hers.

“Come inside me.”

He grabbed a condom from the floor—she didn’t know where they’d come from but either Zach or Mikhel had brought them—and rolled it on his shaft, his movements quick and mechanical, as if he didn’t want to waste any sensation on his own touch. She held up her hands, opening her arms and he came down on top of her, holding his weight inches above her, the tip of his erection pressing between her legs.

“Taylor,” he whispered as he kissed her, her name almost worshipful. They lay, pressed together, renewing the desire between them. It was sweet and delicious but she needed him inside her. The orgasm that Mikhel had created was fading into memory and her body craved more. She rolled her hips up, pushing against his cock and he seemed to hear her plea.

He straightened and spread his knees under hers, sliding her hips up his legs as he placed the tip of his cock to her opening. Eyes locked on hers, as if he wanted to be sure she knew who was fucking her.

“Come inside, Zach,” she said, making his name clear and distinct. The edges of his mouth curled up as he slowly pushed in.

Taylor arched her back as Zach filled her, his long, hard cock disappearing into her cunt.

He held himself deep inside her for a moment—as if savoring the tight squeeze of her pussy—then he drew back and began to pump, slow, steady strokes.

Mikhel watched, his hand stroking his own shaft as Zach entered her. The hot, wet perfume of her cunt filled the room and Mikhel knew he could drown in it.

Strange emotions ricocheted in his chest as he watched his best friend fuck his woman. He loved her pleasure, watching her breasts bounce and shimmy with each thrust, hearing the very vocal cries she made. The serum in his cum that she’d swallowed would be heightening her senses—making the world a little brighter, her flesh more sensitive. It also improved her body’s ability to recover. He didn’t know how long the effects would last but for tonight she would be able to take them. Both of them.

The animal inside him growled and snarled, snapping at the thought of Zach fucking her, leaving his scent on her. He slammed a lid on the rage and focused his attention on her, on Taylor’s pleasure. He would deal with Zach later.

The tempting silk of her skin was too much to resist and Mikhel dropped down beside her, needing to be a part of this. Needing to touch her. She reached for him, drawing him over her and driving her tongue into his mouth, hungry and demanding. Biting his lip as he pulled back. He smoothed his hand across her stomach, long sweeping strokes, as he sucked on her nipples, played with her breasts. All the while, Zach fucked her. The thrusts were getting deeper, harder. Mikhel forced himself to move back. To let Zach have this moment and to watch Taylor come.

Her shout filled the room as her body bowed. Pink flushed her chest, making her nipples even darker. Zach’s cry followed moments later, pushing into her cunt one more time as he came.

Mikhel growled, wanting to grab the male and throw him off.
Mount the female and claim her, mark her.

The foreign desires pulsed through him and only Taylor’s eyes stopped him. As Zach dropped down beside her, she looked up and smiled, slow, lazy, totally satisfied. They’d done that to her. She started to raise her arm to him but then it sank back to the carpet like she was too tired to move. So he came to her, sidling up beside her and pulling her close. Unable to stop touching her, he cupped her breasts and placed kisses on her skin. Zach’s scent joined with hers but Mikhel let it go.

He needed more of this woman.

Chapter Six


Taylor took a deep breath and tried to recapture her mind. Thoughts were difficult to come by. They’d been thoroughly fucked from her body. Which was probably a good thing because if she thought about what she’d just done, she’d no doubt panic.

Mikhel lay on her right side. He was propped up on his elbow, his fingers stroking her skin. He couldn’t seem to stop touching her, kissing her. He paid special attention to her breasts, wrapping his lips around the tight nipples and slowly licking, keeping his touch light. His fingers slipped into her sex, skimming the edge of her opening.

She groaned, feeling her own moisture. She’d just come harder than she could have imagined—more times than she’d imagined—and her body still seemed to crave more.

Zach lay on her other side, his hand stroking her arm, his hard cock nudging her hip. A flutter in her pussy warned her that she was more than willing to take both of them again. Once she’d recovered a bit.

Feeling a need for more oxygen, she took a long, full breath, slowly letting her senses return to normal. The third climax, while Zach had been fucking her, had taken the last of her strength but the decadent sensuality wouldn’t release its hold on her.

Needing to touch them—both of them—she pressed one hand to Zach’s chest, letting her fingers test the tight muscles. With the other hand, she reached for Mikhel, her palm sampling the tight ridges of his stomach. And sliding down. She needed to hold him, wanted her fingers curled around that delicious shaft.

God, it had been incredible. Amazing. Who would have ever thought of it? Okay, she knew lots of people thought of it but she didn’t know any who’d actually done it—had two lovers at the same time. At least she didn’t think she did. She hadn’t asked any of her friends but they were a bit too straight for this sort of thing.

So are you.

Or she had been until just a short while ago. She had no idea what time it was. The noises of the New Year were long gone, silenced by the distance and the isolation of the suite.

“Do you guys do this often?” she asked casually, the words tumbling from her mouth without any conscious thought.

Mikhel lifted his head with a slow retreating lick to her nipple. “Do what?”

She felt her cheeks warm and knew she was blushing but hell, she’d opened the door. She might as well walk through. “You know…the two of you, one woman.”

Zach shook his head even as he moved to cup her other breast in his hand, as if seeing Mikhel’s treatment had intrigued him.

“You’re the first,” Mikhel said, his breath washing over her as he stretched up and kissed her mouth. “We’ve never wanted the same woman before.”

To be the first woman who’d had the both. Somehow that made her heart pound even more.

He pushed one finger into her pussy and the shallow penetration made her gasp.

“Sore?” Mikhel asked, the concern lurking beneath the hunger in his voice.

“A little.” His hand slid away, his finger slipping out of her, and she immediately missed his presence. “Not

Mikhel chuckled softly and kissed her again, his hand returning to her pussy, stroking and petting her wet skin. Zach’s lips teased her shoulder, reminding her that he wasn’t far.

“Maybe we should give her a break.”

Mikhel’s head snapped up and he glared across her body at Zach. The light from the room made his eyes appear red—bright red. Bright

She blinked and looked again and the phenomenon had disappeared, his eyes returning to their normal bright blue. He still stared at Zach as if he was challenged by the other man but after a long moment, he nodded.

“Maybe a shower?” Zach suggested, kissing her ear. Hmm, yes. A shower sounded good. It might give her a few minutes to think. Zach rolled away, giving her enough space to stand. It took Mikhel extra seconds to release her but finally she was free. Zach’s hand appeared and he helped her up, pulling her against his hard body.

“Shower’s this way,” he said, tipping his head toward the bedroom door. “I’ll wash your back.”

He said it with such teasing that Taylor knew she could refuse without hurting his feelings but the idea of showering with these two men…damn, it tempted her, just like having them both make love to her.

She didn’t understand it and tomorrow she would rethink, replay and rehash the whole thing to death, but tonight, she was going with what felt right. And that meant climbing into the shower with Zach.


Mikhel watched Taylor standing in Zach’s arms. Her rounded body warm in the low light. Her eyes a little dazed from the pleasure they’d given her. Not just him but Zach as well.

A red haze covered his mind and he felt the urge to growl. Tightening his throat to keep the sound inside, he stood up and adjusted his clothes.

“You two go,” he said. “I’ll join you in a second.”

Zach’s eyes widened for a second but then he smiled as if he couldn’t believe his good fortune. Taylor looked confused but Zach’s soft words and guidance led her gently from the room. When the bathroom door closed, Mikhel exhaled, finally releasing the vicious control he’d maintained for the last hour.

He started pacing the living room area. This was bad. Very bad. The light from the almost full moon shone through the huge bay windows and he stared at it. He didn’t understand what was happening to him. This was more than the power of the moon. It was even more than his wolf.

This was another beast entirely, clawing to get out. Wanting to fuck Taylor and dominate Zach.

Hell, the fact that Mikhel had almost fucked her without a condom showed how close he was to some mystical line. He’d never fucked a woman without a condom. Ever. In his life. It was ingrained in male werewolves from an early age that unless you wanted to be bound to a human woman for the rest of your life, you didn’t fuck without a condom. The serum in their semen acted as a catalyst, changing the woman, giving her werewolf characteristics.

It wasn’t as permanent or damaging as a bite. Just coming inside a human wasn’t enough to change her completely but it was dangerous. Even now, he wanted to return, to imprint himself on Taylor’s body, mark her as belonging to him. The serum had created a bond between him and Taylor. Just one time wouldn’t hurt her but if he did it again, and again, or came inside her cunt, she’d be connected to him. The bond could be broken but it was extremely painful. Mainly for the woman.

And he’d almost done it. Only Zach’s insistence at the condom had stopped him.

Coming inside her mouth was dangerous enough. He groaned, remembering the sensation of sliding between her lips, filling her mouth, stroking her neck as she swallowed his cum. His cock hardened at the simple memory. Even that was affecting her. She probably wouldn’t notice it but her body’s sensitivity would be heightened and she’d be able to take him and Zach several more times tonight. Her body was adapting to fucking a werewolf.

He knew Zach hadn’t approved of him coming in her mouth but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. He’d needed his mark on her, his seed and scent on her, warning others off.

The image of her, naked and kneeling before him, filled his head until it was all he could see. Even standing alone, his body wanted to thrust, shallow, pulsing beats between her lips.

He scraped his fingers through his hair and spun away from the window. This was not him. He was always in control. Too often growing up he’d seen other males in his father’s pack use the wolf as an excuse for stupid, reckless behaviors. They blamed the animal inside them. But they were more than just animals. They lived in the human world.

They were in control of the creatures that lived inside of them. Mikhel believed that. Or he had until tonight.

Tonight he was fighting a creature stronger than the wolf. The werewolves in his pack had three forms, human, wolf and
. The human and the wolf were always present, a symbiotic relationship that worked for both creatures. Mikhel was always conscious to give his wolf what it needed—freedom, places to run, almost raw meats. The animal was a part of him, helped him.

The wolf’s appearance was something the human could control, even when the draw of the moon was so strong.

But the
form…when the beast appeared, it was almost uncontrollable. He’d never turned into his
form before. He’d only ever seen it happen once, when he was a young man. The result had been bloody and violent, leaving one dead and two others damaged.

was the stuff of horror movies and nightmares. A true man-wolf that walked on two legs and craved blood and power. Keeping the beast contained was of the utmost importance. Even in wolf form, the human mind was present, maintaining some control, balancing the animal’s instincts. From what he’d heard, when the
took over, the human became a rider in the beast’s mind and nothing could stop the beast until it got what it wanted.

Tonight, the
was fighting to get out. To claim the female and subdue the male.

Needing to move, to do something besides brood, Mikhel scanned the suite. The remnants of his champagne flute lay shattered on the floor. Taylor’s dress was in a pile. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt the silk of her underwear, rubbing the material between two fingers. His cock, already hard and ready to fill her again, twitched inside his pants. She’d been so sexy in the ballroom, her cheeks red, her eyes glittering, her pussy wet. He groaned, knowing he had to have her again. Soon. He went to his overnight bag, shoved into the corner so neither man looked presumptuous, and pulled out the supply of condoms he’d brought. He put one in his pocket. He scanned the room and saw Taylor’s dainty purse sitting on the bar. He picked it up and carried it into the bedroom. She might want her things nearby.

He tossed it on the bedside table and put the condoms in the drawer.

That little bit of business done, Mikhel stood in the bedroom, listening to his own breath, listening to his body. The dark tension had eased a bit but he didn’t for a moment believe the
had disappeared.

As his breath slowed, another sound slipped into the room. Soft and subtle, a low hum. No, a low moan. Taylor. Without his command, his feet carried him toward the bathroom…and the seductive sounds of Taylor’s pleasure.

He pushed open the door. The shower door was open, giving Mikhel a clear view of their bodies, Zach standing behind Taylor, water dripping off their skin. Taylor gripped the shower door, holding it, using it to support herself as she rolled and circled her ass, pressed hard into Zach’s groin. Zach wasn’t fucking her. His cock was sliding between her legs but wasn’t inside her.

But his fingers filled her pussy and she moved against them, fucking herself on them.

That’s it, he thought.
Come for him, baby. Let me see you come.

As if she could hear him, she cried out. The perfume of her orgasm flooded the room and Mikhel and Zach both moaned.

She sagged in Zach’s arms but he caught her, easing her upright, leaning her back so he could support her weight. Her head was tipped backward against his shoulder, her breasts arched forward, an offering Mikhel wanted to accept.

Zach looked up and smiled—arrogant and cocky. And Mikhel felt the beast rise inside him. He tamped down on the creature, crushing it before it could break free.

Strange that seeing Zach with Taylor didn’t incite the beast nearly as much as Zach’s arrogance, the dare in Zach’s eyes as if he wanted Mikhel to prove he was stronger.

The sight of Taylor stepping out of the shower shook Mikhel free of his grim thoughts. He grabbed a towel off the heating rack and opened it, wrapping it around her body and pulling her into his embrace. She moved to him easily, languidly. The climax that Zach had just given her was clearly still affecting her body, giving it a sensual, sexual power that made Mikhel’s heart pound.

He pulled her close, letting her feel his erection through the thick material of the towel, smoothing the soft cotton against her skin and brushing away the lingering traces of water. Zach remained in the shower. It was almost like he was giving Mikhel a moment alone with Taylor.

“You okay, baby?” he whispered, letting the towel fall away between them and drawing her damp body against his. She made a little tired sound in the back of her throat but nodded. Damn, she was too tired to take him. “I guess I can let you have a break.”

She shook her head and pulled her arms up around his neck. Her eyes were hanging at half-mast but there was heat in them. “I want you,” she said.

The soft admission made his cock leap and the
growled its need. Mikhel picked her up, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist, and carried her into the bedroom. He would have her. Again.


Zach stood in the doorway and watched the two bodies on the bed—Mikhel’s dark hair striped with Taylor’s fingers as she held him in place, urging him to suckle those perfect tight tits. Mikhel’s mouth moved from one to the other, leaving each tip a delicious pink and clearly craving more. Taylor was delightfully vocal, letting them know exactly what she liked.

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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