Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (8 page)

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“Like an angel amongst demons,” Jane replied with a smile.

Scarlett twirled to face her. “Am I really about to be humiliated and spanked in front of all those people out there?” Panic began to set in as the weight of the reality began to compress the self-confidence she’d worked all evening to earn.

Grabbing Scarlett’s shaking hands in her own, Jane spoke with calm authority. “Listen to me, Scarlett. You need to realize that despite what perception others have of the Dom/sub relationship, the true power actually relies in the submissive’s hands, not the dominants.”


“Yes. Think about it, darlin’. The submissive is the one with the power to use the safe word. The submissive is the one who gives the dominant access to the multiple layers of their sexuality. If a sub wants their boundaries pushed further, they allow their Dom to do so. Should they not, one mention of the safe word stops everything immediately. Own that power, Scarlett, and never,
hesitate to use it.

“Don’t let the fear of what someone else thinks stop you from taking control of what you want going on in
sex life. There’s always someone to talk to in our community, and it’s rare to find a judgmental person among us, so don’t ever be afraid to speak up.”

Returning a smile, Scarlett found Jane’s words did seem to soothe much of her anxiety. Scarlett closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and a deep breath out as she slowly counted down from twenty. When she opened her eyes, Jane still stood there smiling back at her. “Ready?”

“As much as I could ever be.”

The two women walked out of the room, Jane locking it behind them. They walked down the hall and back to the front of the club. To Scarlett’s great surprise, the entire front of the club was vacant, eerily quiet compared to the lively crowd that had occupied the space just moments before. She didn’t need to ask where everyone was. She knew they were waiting for her.

She followed Jane to the back of the club as they held hands securely and affectionately. At the very back of the club was a wide door that almost resembled a vault. Jane easily pushed it open. A narrow stairwell leading down into darkness and the unknown.

“Come on, Scarlett,” she encouraged over her shoulder.

Scarlett held Jane’s hand tighter as they slowly and carefully walked down the steps. Tiny tea light candles lit their path only so much, and it was very difficult to focus on what was just a few feet in front of them.

It seemed like ages before they made it to the bottom of the steps. In front of them hung a thick white velvet curtain. “It’s showtime,” Jane whispered. Scarlett took a deep breath as she watched her personal concierge of the evening feed her to the lions. Jane pulled the curtain aside, and every head in the crowd behind it turned to look at them.

Just as Scarlett was about to turn to Jane for the next direction, the crowd parted, creating a long path that led to the other side of the dark stone dungeon. At the end of her path stood Devlin, her Master. He already dominated her heart, mind, and innocence. Now he was about to fully dominate her sexual identity.

In some unidentified way, Scarlett got her feet moving. She stepped through the crowd, feeling the countless sets of eyes all over her as they all ogled her body in the flimsy lingerie and robe she wore. She knew that with every step she took, her crotchless panties were opening to reveal her inner lips, which were sure to be sopping wet by then. There was no mistaking the arousal many of the men were experiencing as they watched her walk, a bright white candle in a sea of darkness. Their erections jutted toward her, and she noticed many were already palming their hard cocks.

Several of the women licked their lips in hunger as they fondled their own pussies and pinched their neighbors’ nipples. Soft moans of arousal tickled her ears, but she kept her focus on the treat of a man in front of her.

His face was stone blank, but her mating instincts detected a spark of pride in his eyes as she slowly moved toward him. He stood next to a St. Andrew’s cross. In one hand he held a black scarf, and in the other he held a white leather flogger.

“This is Scarlett,” Devlin announced loud enough for everyone in the large crowd to hear. “Tonight she accepts the role as my submissive. Who here wishes to watch as I initiate this gorgeous woman with the snap of my whip?”

The entire crowd roared with applause, startling Scarlett with the intensity of their eagerness. They all cheered as through they’d never seen a devirginizing ritual before.

Devlin nodded to the cross. “Step up, kitten.”

The crowd immediately grew silent, increasing her anxiety further. She stepped on the platform to join her Master as she slipped off the robe. The crowd purred with whispers, which she ignored. She stood in front of the black leather, padded cross and waited for instruction.

“Step up closer and spread your arms and legs out.”

It seemed her heart would collapse from its frantic beating as she moved to follow his commands. He took his time strapping her wrists and ankles to the cross as the crowd continued to watch from behind. Although she could no longer see the crowd, she felt they still watched her every move.

“I want everything you feel to be a surprise,” Devlin whispered seductively in her ear as he slipped the black satin sash over her eyes and tied it behind her head. Nothing but complete darkness consumed her vision. Then she felt him step away from her.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he greeted the clubgoers, “my mate, my sub, Scarlett, is a newbie within our Lifestyle.”

More applause and cheers from the crowd before they grew silent again.

“We’re starting her out slow,” he continued. “But there is one thing that
be done.” Several people began to whisper then quieted. Scarlett tensed, waiting for him to continue this fascinating torture. “My sweet little mate here needs to learn a little lesson. Earlier today, she discouraged me from being protective of her. She insisted on undermining me in front of others. I’ve decided she deserves ten lashes for her unacceptable behavior.”

Her throat grew dry at his words as the cold dungeon grew eerily silent.
Where did Devlin go?
She strained to listen for any sign of his presence—footsteps, his scent, the soft sound of his breathing when he became aroused. But there was absolutely nothing. She gasped when she suddenly felt the tickle of leather straps ever so lightly grazing over the sensitive tops of her ass cheeks. Her pussy ached with need, and at that moment she would have done just about anything for just a little more pressure. She hadn’t even realized how her hips bucked back instinctively to get him to graze her nether lips. That is, until the flogger slapped against her bare ass cheeks with a loud snap. Her body jerked, but she realized it was more from the sound than the actual pain level when the sting subsided much quicker than she’d expected.

“Count,” her Master commanded with an intimidating growl, his voice dark and gravelly with lust.

“One, Master.” Her voice sounded chocked and broken, hardly recognizable to her own ears.

She braced herself for the next whipping she expected to feel immediately after the first. Instead, she felt Devlin’s gentle, warm hands softly caress the tender areas on her ass. Her heart skipped when she realized one of his fingers was slowly making its way between her thighs. Knowing she had almost the entire sex club watching her, she knew her ripe pussy would likely be even more soaking wet than it was before she was bound for their entertainment. In fact, she was so wet and the room was so still quiet that the moment he touched her cunt, the wet sound of his finger swirling her juices around her clenching opening seemed embarrassingly loud.

Devlin grunted low, the tone pained, which was followed by several gasps throughout the crowd around her. She guessed his short horns had sprouted while he played with her smooth pussy. “Illusions” is what Master Brock and the other clubgoers called Devlin’s shifts.

“It looks like this punishment is not really punishment at all for my naughty little sub.” His hand pulled away, and another whip slashed against her ass.

“Two, Master.”


“Three, Master.”

Then a pause. Rough palms covered her hardened nipples through the sheer fabric of her white nighty, and she exhaled in the little relief it provided the fire in her pussy. Devlin’s hot breath tickled the baby hairs on the back of her neck, the unmistakable sound of passion in his low moan. “You’re doing great, kitten,” he whispered before the heat of his body disappeared again.

Her heart warmed at his words. His praises may have been few and far between, but when he gave them, they meant something special.


“Four, Master.”


“Five, Master.”

Heat rose to Scarlett’s cheeks as a thick trail of cream seeped from her cunt and down her inner thigh. With her crotchless thong panties, she was sure several people from the crowd would likely notice the embarrassing evidence of her intense arousal.


“Six, Master.”

Scarlett winced beneath the black silk blindfold, clenching every muscle in her body as she awaited her next paddling. Instead she felt one of his warm hands roughly grip her left hip. Then in a gentler manner, she felt the large head of his huge cock prod around her slick entrance from behind.

“Watching you clench your luscious little body so hard like that when I spank you has me wondering how good that pussy must feel when you squeeze so tight.” He pushed forward, and the spread position of her legs and the excessive cream from her pussy allowed him to penetrate her ready channel with minimal effort.

It didn’t take long for his incredibly long cock to bump the hilt inside of her, his incredible girth making her feel full to bursting. Devlin drew out a long, deep groan as Scarlett cried out. She had never been able to notice a significant difference between all her mates’ cocks, but going on feeling alone, Devlin had always managed to somehow feel just a little larger than his six brothers.

He took his time pulling his length slowly but not completely out of her pussy, the velvety rod seeming to take several moments before only the head remained inside of her. Spending the last week and a half having nonstop sex with her mates had taught her to easily and quickly recognize their individual patterns and mannerisms. Devlin would often pull almost all the way out before slamming his throbbing cock back in her pussy, and it made her scream out every time.


She squealed and jumped at the shock of the flogger coming down on her ass instead of Devlin’s cock pounding her cunt.

“Fuck,” Devlin drew out in pleasure. “Your sweet pussy just gripped the head of my cock so damn hard, kitten.”

“You’re teasing me,” she said in a tortured voice.

“I didn’t ask you what the fuck I’m doing to you. Now keep counting before that last one doesn’t count.”

“Seven, Master.”

Devlin pushed his length very, very slowly into her pussy, torturing her further as he took his sweet time giving her what she desperately wanted. She cried out when his cock finally bumped against the hilt. It was an exhausting struggle not to plead with him to fuck her hard already, but she knew it was absolutely necessary in their scene that she kept some level of control while he kept his expected level of control, as well. It didn’t seem like Devlin worked well with bossy people. There was only room for one boss, and that title belonged to her king, her Master.

He kept completely still for a moment before she suddenly heard the loud snap of the flogger against her tender skin, the pain shooting from the thick muscles of her ass straight to her puffy clit. The chain of surprising spankings almost caused her to fall over the edge of sanity at that point, but she needed him to fuck her hard, without any apologies, just the way she liked it with her Master cowboy.

“Yes,” he hissed out as he ran a gentle hand over the abused flesh. “Grip that cock, darlin’.”

“Eight, Master.”


This particular spank stung a little extra, and she felt her entire body tighten and hold, which caused her pussy to grip Devlin’s magical cock like a tight fist.

“N–Nine, Master.”

“Scarlett,” he growled. Then he began to fuck her like she was a cavewoman in heat, finally ending the torture for the both of them. He pushed up and in her roughly, and she barely balanced on her tiptoes as he fucked her body like he’d die without her. He gripped the back of her hair and pulled her head back until he was able to keep her torso still as he impaled the warm, wet depths of her cunt. “Damn, darlin’, you look so fucking gorgeous like this, bound for me to take advantage, your elegant back arched so sexily like this.”

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Devlin's Beast [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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