Newmar, Lola - Rhett's Branding [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (8 page)

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Rhett's Branding [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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As she came down from her orgasmic high, something odd began to play on the screen. She watched in disbelief as the cowboy suddenly sprouted horns.. As he fucked her, he let his head fall back then allowed his eyes to drift shut, but not before Alisa noticed they were glowing bright. The picture was black and white, so she couldn’t tell what color it was. Before her mind could really process what was going on in that room, she heard Todd call out the signal. She quickly closed the browser window she was viewing and hurried out the door.

She started as she ran smack into Master Brock, Whipped Cream’s very dominant—and very short—club owner. He wore a camel business suit, his gray hair in a clean-cut, slicked-back hairstyle. The only indication he was a Master at all were the three leashes he held on to, two of which were attached to a pair of very young blondes and one attached to a tall, muscular black man. All three of his subs were barefoot, wearing only white vinyl loin cloths. Both women’s small breasts kissed the cold air, their rosy nipples looking as hard as pebbles. With a snap of his little fingers, Alisa was on her knees, her chin tucked in her chest as she rested her hands palms up on her thighs.

“Lift your head,” Master Brock commanded, his voice much larger and more intimidating than his physical appearance. “I want to look in to your eyes when I ask you this.”

She looked up the length of his five-foot-three-inch frame, struggling for some sort of excuse as to why she was in the private office. His stare was so intense she had a very hard time maintaining eye contact with him. He was good at intimidation, but luckily, Alisa was even better at lying.

“What were you doing in the security guards’ office?” His hazel eyes bored in to hers, his arms crossed over his puffed-out chest as he waited for her reply.

“I heard a rumor from the other guests that there were certain members who used some kind of special effects for their animal-play scenes, so I just wanted to investigate it myself. So, i–is it true, Master Brock?” She held her breath, praying with everything she had that he would believe her. It wasn’t a total lie, so she hoped he saw some sort of sincerity in her face.

“And why is it that you never approached me directly? I have to admit I am a little offended that considering our extensive business relationship, with all the money you’ve donated to this place, that you would decide that sneaking behind my back would be a better choice than simply coming to me directly?” He held out his hand for her to stand.

She smoothed down her body-hugging, red vinyl pencil skirt as she looked down at him. With the matching red six-inch stiletto platforms she wore, his head barely met her double-E-sized tits. “To be honest, I was a little embarrassed about my interest in the subject matter.”

With that, Master Brock’s small head fell back as he roared with laughter, his three subs joining him in his humor. “Alisa Sokolova, queen of blood- and scat-play, is embarrassed over an animal role-play scene? That hardly makes any sort of sense, my dear.” He wiped a stray tear that had escaped his eye.

Todd stood beside them, his eyes nervously darting from her to Master Brock, likely wondering how in the hell she was going to get them out of this shit pile. She hated how it always seemed like everyone was always looking at her for an answer. She couldn’t wait to get the marriage with Charlie over with so that she’d be able to kick back and throw up her heels for once instead of worrying over how she was going to rescue everyone.

“You may laugh at me all you want, Master Brock, but this new fetish is something I’ve only recently developed. I’m afraid I was just a little bit uncomfortable is all.”

Master Brock took a step closer to her, and she struggled not to take another one back for more “personal space.” Since coming to America, she’d learned the value of such a thing. He looked her up and down before again focusing in on her eyes. She could feel her armpits begin to nervously flood with sweat from being under Master Brock’s scrutiny.

“Follow me to my office.” He turned and began to walk down the hallway, not looking back to be sure she and Todd followed. Of course, if they ever wanted to step foot in their precious Whipped Cream again, they had to.

Master Brock led them to his large study in the back of the second floor, and they followed in, closing the door behind them for privacy.

“Sit,” he commanded. All three of his subs took their kneeling positions next to his desk, head down, palms up on thighs. “You two, as well.” He indicated two chairs as he sat in the large one behind his giant mahogany desk. He looked so silly behind it. It dwarfed him in comparison, even more than he already was. “Now, from what you’ve obviously heard, we’ve had a few members visit us here at Whipped Cream that have certain illusionist skills, which have been a big hit with the other guests.”

Alisa perked up at the mention of others like the blond cowboy. “So it wasn’t just the scene that went on tonight in the glass-wall room?”

“There have been a couple of others. Several months ago, three brothers from South Africa flew in to check out the establishment. They’ve lived in Louisiana for the last year, so they aren’t too far from our home here. They were very interested in our hardcore dungeons. I watched from that room you were just in as certain body parts seemed to shift into parts of a hyena while they both took a sub twenty years their senior. As you can imagine, they were quite a big hit with the crowd.”

Alisa gave Todd a quick glance. He looked lost—
What else is fucking new?
—but she’d have to fill him in on what she saw later. “Does anyone have any idea how they were able to pull these illusions?”

Master Brock shook his head softly. “No. We’ve all reviewed the tapes hundreds of times, and we still can’t figure out how they performed these tricks. After much effort of trying, I decided it really didn’t matter in the end. The men were very wealthy, generous with their donations to the club, and they treated all the subs with the utmost respect. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by since that I haven’t been approached by other members wondering when they’ll be back.”

“Who are these men?”

“Alisa, you know that information is strictly confidential.”

“I’ll write out a check before I leave tonight for thirty grand if you give me a name and face.”

Master Brock inspected his nail beds as he casually said, “They are the Razo brothers.”

“And there’s only two, you said?”

“Actually,” he began as he stood from his chair to walk over to a large filing cabinet before opening the first drawer, “there are five in all. The other three weren’t able to make it at that time due to other obligations they had made.” He then pulled out a manila folder. “Here we are.” As he sat back down, he spread out its contents on to his desk to show her and Todd.

They both scooted closer for a better look. There were three color printouts of scanned driver’s licenses. They all had long, light blond hair and very broad shoulders, and Alisa guessed they likely had some sort of German blood in their family tree. The brothers were impossibly gorgeous, their faces like pieces of art with high cheekbones and strong jaws. Sparkling, cat-yellow eyes stared back at her, and their intensity caused a slight shiver along her spine. And a rush of moisture to her cunt. Her mind already whirled with all the possibilities should she ever get those three alone.

“The one on the left is the eldest of the clan, thirty-four-year-old Ricky,” he continued. “He’s a very smart man, but I admit he can be a bit of a hothead. Of course, that does come in handy during his Dom scenes. The other young man you see here is named Jones. He’s the middle child, but don’t let that tough guy look fool you. Give him some rope and leather, and he’ll purr like a kitten. And then there’s Gerald. He can be a pain in the ass, but he’s good fun.”

Alisa carefully picked up the printouts, inspecting them closer. It seemed they got more gorgeous the more she stared. “Do you have any contact information for the Razos?”

Master Brock rubbed his chin as he sat back in his chair. “Well, I suppose it would be okay to give you their e-mail addresses. Of course, I would need to check with them first. I can call the Razos right away then text you with their response.”

Feeling like she’d accomplished something big, Alisa clapped her hand slightly before dropping her head back down. “Do we have permission to be excused, Master Brock?”

“Go on, child.”

Alisa looked up and smiled at him before turning to exit the room with Todd at her heels.

“Alisa, dear?”

She turned back to Master Brock. “Yes, Master?”

He stood from his chair to stand in front of her until he had to tilt his head back to make eye contact. “You wouldn’t be up to no good now, would you?” His face roamed over the surface of her face as if looking for some kind of silent affirmation.

“Of course not, Master,” she replied with the best innocent smile she could manage. “You know I would never do anything to compromise the integrity of Whipped Cream.”

Master Brock nodded his head a few times before slowly circling her as he swaggered around where she stood. “Because I do hope you appreciate my silence for this past half year. I have given my word to each of my members that I will make sure their personal antics are kept confidential, and I’m sure you would hate for your aging fiancé to get word on what you’ve been doing here.”

Glancing at Todd, she noticed him shift uncomfortably at Master Brock’s heated threat. “You have nothing to worry about with us, Master.” Todd’s voice shook slightly with nervousness. They both knew that revealing their affair to Charlie would have dire—not to mention

Master looked from one to the other. “I’ll text you in a few minutes. Now go. I’m bored,” he said with a dismissive wave of his little hand.

They exited the room and found Mother standing by the door. “Anything exciting come from your little investigation, dear?” Mother pulled out her MAC makeup compact to look through as she reapplied her bright red lipstick through the mouth hole in her leather mask.

Alisa immediately began to fill Todd and her mother in on what she had witnessed on the security cameras in the small room. They both looked about as confused as she felt.

“Get your things. We’re leaving to discuss plan C. This time, we’re going to be absolutely
the job gets done. I won’t rest until Scarlett’s sweet blood is on my hands.”

* * * *

“Is something bothering you, honey?” Rhett couldn’t help but notice how strangely quiet Scarlett had became after coming down the steps of the second floor. She held his arm in hers as they made their way through the emptying parking lot and back to his white pickup.

She sighed softly before looking up at him and replying, “Kind of. It was those two women and that man at the top of the stairs. Do you remember? They seemed so…put off somehow. They just stared at me as if I belong in some circus freak show or something. It just didn’t make much sense.”

Rhett scoffed. “Oh, honey. Don’t take their behavior to heart. They were probably just awestruck by your beauty. I mean, all three of them looked like deer in headlights. Not like I could blame them. It seemed like every person in the club was following your every move all night.” He smiled down at her and pulled her hand to his mouth for a soft kiss.

“No, Rhett,” she softly protested as she pulled her hand away. “They weren’t looking at me that way. They were looking at me as if…they’d seen a
. There’s something going on. I can feel it.” Her eyes looked up in his, and the concern was apparent. In hindsight, he had to admit it was a bit suspicious, but that was hard to say in a place like Whipped Cream.

After opening the passenger door for her, he gently turned her to face him then held her soft face in his hands. No woman on earth could ever compare to what he was staring at. “Look at you, baby. There’s no doubt you must be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and that includes the chicks on TV.” His heart leapt when her thick eyelashes kissed her cheekbones as she giggled softly. “I don’t want you to ever worry about your safety when you’re with me, okay? Everyone is sure to stare at a woman like you. The only thing that surprises me is you’re not used to it by now.” He kissed the tip of her nose then gave her perfectly round butt a little spank. “Now get on in there. I’m not quite done with you yet, and that hotel suite is calling my name.”

BOOK: Newmar, Lola - Rhett's Branding [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
7.31Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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