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Authors: Maya Banks

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No Place to Run

BOOK: No Place to Run
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Table of Contents
Praise for the novels of Maya Banks
“Three hot men and one lucky woman. I absolutely loved it! Simply wonderful writing. There’s a new star on the rise and her name is Maya Banks.”
—Sunny, national bestselling author of
Lucinda, Dangerously
“Fascinating erotic romantic suspense.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Searingly sexy and highly believable.”
—Romantic Times
“This story ran my heart through the wringer more than once.”
S Kwips and Kritiques
“From page one, I was drawn into the story and literally could not stop reading until the last page.”
—The Romance Studio
“Maya Banks’s story lines are always full of situations that captivate readers, but it’s the emotional pull you experience which brings the story to life.”
—Romance Junkies
“[It] is the ultimate in pleasurable reading. Enticing, enchanting and sinfully sensual, I couldn’t have asked for a better anthology.”
—Joyfully Reviewed
“Full of emotional situations, lovable characters, and kick-butt story lines that will leave you desperate for more. I highly recommend
For Her Pleasure
for readers who like spicy romances with a suspenseful element—it’s definitely a must read!”
—Romance Junkies
“Totally intoxicating,
For Her Pleasure
is one of those reads you won’t be forgetting any time soon.”
—The Road to Romance
Berkley titles by Maya Banks
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A big thank-you to:
Kim Whalen, my biggest cheerleader and advocate.
Cindy Hwang, for her support of this series
and for believing I could do it
when I didn’t think I could pull it off.
Valerie and Lillie, for always being willing
to drop everything at a moment’s notice for me.
HE was waiting for her as soon as she opened the door to his hotel room. Sam Kelly watched as Sophie turned, watched the wash of desire that flickered in her expressive blue eyes as she found him.
Before she could reach behind her to tug at the tie to her apron, he had her in his arms, his lips crushing hers in that first sweet taste.
His name came out in a breathy sigh that he felt all the way to his balls.
He reached around and took the tie from her and pulled until the work apron she wore came free.
“Any trouble tonight?”
She shook her head even as he found her lips again.
that you work there.”
She paused in her kiss, and for a long moment they stood there, their lips barely a breath apart as she stared up at him. Her mouth turned down into an unhappy moue, and he was sorry for spoiling the moment by expressing his dissatisfaction with her job.
Who was he to say anything at all? She was working in a little dive in Bumfuck, Mexico—a place a girl like her clearly didn’t belong—but maybe it was all she could do to make ends meet. It wasn’t like he could offer to sweep her off her feet and carry her off into the sunset.
“Forget I said anything,” he murmured. “Come here.”
He tipped a finger under her chin and guided her mouth back to his. He was hungry—starving—for her. Even now his brothers and their team were doing the job he was here for because he wanted a few stolen moments with a woman he hadn’t been able to resist—a woman he’d known he had to have from the moment he walked into the bar where she waitressed.
A woman who made it too easy to forget duty.
She leaned into him, warm and unsteady. He lifted her just enough that she could circle his neck with her arms, and she smiled against his mouth.
“Better,” she whispered.
“I’ll be better when you’re naked.”
He carried her toward the bed and lowered her onto the mattress until he hovered over her, trapping her underneath his body. His mouth was just over her belly, and he looked up her body, meeting her gaze.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.
With slow, methodical movements that belied his urgency, he slid her T-shirt up, baring her slim waist.
Even as he raised it higher over her breasts, he tongued the shallow indention of her navel. She shivered beneath his lips and a fine smattering of chill bumps raced across her belly.
She arched her back almost as if she’d buck him off, but he left her shirt and gripped her hips, holding her in place.
She shuddered and let out a light whimper when he licked up her midline and caught his teeth on the band of her bra. He grinned and levered himself upward so that his knees were on either side of her hips, and she was effectively trapped.
Impatient to have her undressed, he grasped the hem of her T-shirt and ripped it up the middle until it lay in two pieces on either side of her. It hung from her arms, and he simply pulled until she was free.
Her nipples puckered and strained against the lacy cups of her bra. The material shielded nothing of the dark crescents. Idly he toyed with the nubs through the satin, touching and molding until they were hard points begging to be set free.
The swells plumped over the edge of the cups, and with a light flick, he pushed them free, baring her nipples so they peeked over the bra.
Her hands crept up his thighs, sliding over the rough denim of his jeans, but he reached down and grasped her wrists, pulling her away.
She started to protest, but he brought one hand to his mouth and kissed her palm before raising her arms over her head. He leaned until they were pressed to the mattress, and once again she was captured.
In a moment of inspiration, he gathered the tattered remains of her T-shirt and tied one wrist to the head-board. She gasped, her eyes going wide when he took her other hand and secured it as well.
Her breathing speeded up and her chest heaved. She licked her lips nervously, but her eyes darkened to sapphire. His smile was slow and predatory. She was like a drug. A high he didn’t want to come down from. She made him feel strong and invincible.
“Now what to do with you?”
He reached into his jeans and pulled out his pocket-knife. Her eyes widened slightly, but no fear shone in her gaze. He flipped the knife open and tucked the blade underneath the band of her bra. The material fell away, baring her breasts to his hungry gaze.
He closed the knife and tossed it aside, then turned his attention to the clasp of her jeans. He wanted to rip them from her, but he forced himself to take his time and to savor each inch of her flesh he unveiled.
He worked the jeans over her hips and then down her legs, moving so he could free her entirely. Her shapely legs drew him. He ran his finger up the slim lines and curves and then followed with his mouth, kissing and licking a path to the silky scrap of underwear that shielded her pussy.
He tucked one finger behind the lace, threading through the curls into the slick folds. She moaned and twisted restlessly when he found her clit. For a moment he played, stroking his fingertip over the sensitive nub. Then he slipped down until he rimmed her entrance, teasing her mercilessly.
With one push, he was inside. Liquid velvet closed around his finger, and he closed his eyes as he imagined his cock there, gliding through her tight, swollen heat.
Her agonized cry jerked him back to awareness. Her face was flushed, her eyes glittering with need.
“Please,” she begged.
He ripped the panties, no longer patient, no longer willing to prolong his seduction. He wanted her. Had to have her. Now.
His shirt came off and sailed across the room. He rolled to the side and yanked at his jeans, cursing under his breath when they snagged around his ankles.
Where the fuck was the condom? Pocket. Shit. He leaned over the bed to pick the pants back up and yanked several packets out. They spilled onto the bed as he rolled back over. He grabbed one and ripped it open as he straddled her again.
Her gaze was riveted on his groin. Her eyes flashed appreciatively, and in response he reached down, grasped his cock and stroked.
BOOK: No Place to Run
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