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Authors: Keisha Ervin

Nobody's Girl (2 page)

BOOK: Nobody's Girl
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Chapter 2
You give me reason for another day
–Tweet featuring Bilal, “Best Friend”
Twenty minutes later Mills pulled into the parking lot of Adore's office building, only to see Farrah angrily stomping toward her car. Her long hair blew in the wind as the heel of her Louboutins clicked loudly against the pavement.
“Bay!” He placed his car into park and hopped out.
Farrah stopped mid-stride and spun around.
“What?” she huffed.
“Where you going?”
“Where does it look like I'm going? I'm going back to work.” She resumed walking toward her car.
“Come here, man,” Mills yelled from across the lot.
Farrah rolled her eyes to the sky and strutted over to him. Mills's dick instantly got hard as he watched her small hips sway underneath the glow of the afternoon sun. She was the quintessential new-age Marilyn Monroe. Everything about her was timeless and unique. Farrah was a pint-sized beauty.
She reached only five feet three in and weighed only 105 pounds. Her sun-kissed skin reminded him of gold. Her light brown, slanted eyes, button nose, pink, pouty lips, and
Sports Illustrated
physique turned Mills on to the fullest. Being in the fashion industry, Farrah had an edgy swag to her that most women could never possess. She rocked both sides of her long, silky black hair shaved like Cassie and an array of small tattoos that only Mills had the pleasure of being able to find.
That day she rocked a black, sleeveless, studded T-shirt, which highlighted her black lace bra and the tightest pair of paisley-print skinny-leg jeans Mills had ever seen. His chick was the baddest and every time she stepped foot onto the scene, she murdered bitches. Mills loved her tremendously and couldn't wait until the day he made her his wife.
“What?” Farrah folded her arms across her chest and stepped into his personal space.
Mills had no place to go. She had him trapped. His back was pressed up against the driver-side door of his car and the death glare she was giving him had him sweating bullets.
“You mad at me?” He looked lovingly into her eyes and tried to pull her close.
“Is that what you called me all the way over here for?” Farrah snapped, slapping his hands away.
“I'ma take that as a
,” Mills chuckled.
“I don't see nothin' funny. Where were you?” Farrah rolled her neck.
“I told you. I was stuck in traffic.”
“You're lyin',” Farrah squinted her eyes. “You weren't stuck in no damn traffic.”
“How you figure that?” Mills tuned up his face.
“'Cause I checked and there was no traffic on highway Forty. Now tell the truth. Where were you?” Farrah asked sternly.
“Damn,” Mills cocked his head back. “What are you, the police?”
“I might as well be since you hiding shit from me,” Farrah shot.
“Trust me, I had every intention on coming. I just got caught up.” Mills took her by the hand and tried pulling her close again.
“Caught up doing what?” Farrah allowed him to hold her this time. “'Cause I know whatever you were doing wasn't more important than this.”
“If you must know, I was tryin' to plan a surprise for you li'l nosy-ass girl.” Mills lied to cover his tracks.
“A surprise?” Farrah looked at him sideways.
“Yeah.” Mills tried to sound convincing.
“Mmm-hmm.” Farrah pursed her lips, not fully believing him. “Well, you missed everything. I had to finalize the seating chart without you, so I don't wanna hear no shit about why I got yo' mama sitting right next to yo' daddy.”
“I promise I ain't gon' say shit,” Mills said, laughing.
“Do you see me laughing? You know, it's bad enough that I've been practically planning this wedding by myself. You could've shown up today, Corey. That's the one thing I asked you to do and you couldn't even do that,” Farrah said, visibly upset.
“You need to go head wit' all that. Who you think payin' for all this shit?” Mills snapped. “If I don't bust my ass doing all of these tournaments and fuckin' commercials and shit, there won't be no wedding.”
Mills was a pro-BMX rider. He was so good at his job that he had endorsement deals with Mountain Dew, Gatorade, and Nike. His dashing good looks only added to his success. He'd done print ads for the Gap and H&M. Women went crazy over him, especially Farrah. She loved that he towered over her. Mills stood at six feet two and possessed butter-colored skin. He donned a low cut, thick eyebrows, mesmerizing brown eyes, chiseled cheekbones, kissable pink lips, and a goatee. His entire upper body was filled with tattoos and every time he flashed his megawatt smile that exposed his dimples, Farrah melted.
“Are you sure you even want to marry me?” she asked suddenly.
“Don't talk stupid.” Mills looked at her like she was crazy.
“No, I'm serious, 'cause lately you've been actin' hella strange and I don't know what to think.” Farrah spoke a mile a minute. “I'm tryin' my best to make this wedding perfect, make sure all of my clients are happy, find a new house, and make sure that me and you are good, but I can't do everything—”
“Shhhh,” Mills stopped her mid-sentence and placed his index finger up to her lips.
“Nobody asked you to do everything. You gon' fuck around and make yourself sick stressing over this shit. The wedding and none of that other stuff matters. All that matters is that me and you are together.”
“But nothing, li'l hardheaded girl. Look, can we just take a minute and breathe?” Mills gazed into her eyes.
Farrah knew he was right. She had to calm down. With the deafening sound of the city streets behind them, she let all of her anxieties fade away and rested her head on Mills's chest. In his arms, she always felt safe. He was her best friend. She trusted him with her life. Being with Mills gave her a reason to live another day.
The love Farrah felt for him went deeper than mere words. When they took these moments just to relish each other's presence, she was reminded of why she was marrying him. He was her everything and without him she didn't know if she could go on, so she said a silent prayer to God, asking that he never take him away.
Mills and Farrah's wedding was only a few weeks away and it was the night of their joint bachelor-bachelorette party. They were having the event at the Jumping Jupiter, which was a live-entertainment performance venue. The Jumping Jupiter offered burlesque, fire-juggler, and acrobatic performances. As soon as their guest walked in they felt as if they'd been transported back in time to a place where liquor was illegal and being naughty was a sin.
Farrah couldn't have been more pleased with the space. Crystal chandeliers and velvet curtains hung from the ceilings. That night she and Mills, along with a fifty of their closest and dearest friends, had the entire place all to themselves. Everyone was mesmerized by the vaudeville decor and tantalizing men and women who hit the stage. While their guests enjoyed the mouthwatering food and breathtaking performances, Farrah sat off to the side by herself.
She slowly sipped on a glass of ginger ale while their guest sipped on chilled glasses of Perrier-Jouët that had been specially flown in for the event. With all of the laughter and music surrounding her, Farrah found it hard to fully enjoy herself. She couldn't take her eyes off of Mills. He was killin' every dude in the spot. His swag was impeccable. Mills was rockin' the hell out of a black custom Tom Ford fitted blazer, black T-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of Air Jordan 3's. To cap off the look, he got his 2 Chainz on and rocked two gold rope chains.
But his well-put-together ensemble wasn't what had Farrah trippin'; it was the look of fear that hid behind his eyes that had her shook. She could feel his energy from fifty feet away. She could tell just by looking at him that he had a lot on his mind and that it had nothing to do with work or their wedding day. Farrah wished that she could pinpoint exactly what was stressing him. But no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find the location of his agony. It didn't help that every time she asked what the problem was, he got upset and emotionally pushed her away.
All Farrah wanted was to fix him, because they couldn't go into their marriage with things the way they were. She'd already begun to make things up in her mind, like he was cheating or wanted to back out of the wedding, but didn't know how to tell her. Farrah took a deep breath and exhaled all of her worries.
Mills loves me
, she reminded herself.
No relationship was easy and she and Mills were just going through a rough patch. Things would get better. Besides, leaving him wasn't an option. Farrah was in it for the long haul. She just prayed that whatever the problem was wouldn't break him—or better yet, them.
“What's wrong wit' you?” London plopped down beside her.
“Nothing.” Farrah shot her a small smile.
“Who you think you foolin'?” London arched her eyebrow. “This is me. I know you better than you know yourself.”
“Ugh. I hate that you know me so well.” Farrah hung her head and laughed.
“Then stop frontin' and tell Mama what's wrong.” London nudged her with her shoulder.
“I don't know. I might be trippin,' but I just feel like it's something going on with Mills.”
“Like what?” London took a small sip of her drink.
“I don't know.” Farrah shrugged her shoulders. “He won't tell me, but I know it's something.”
“I personally think you're reaching. It's probably just pre-wedding jitters. All men go through it.”
“Nah,” Farrah said, shaking her head. “I think it's more than that.”
“I don't know. The only thing I can tell is you just pray and ask God for discernment. He'll show you what you need to know.”
“You're right. I will. Maybe it's just me. I have been hella stressed-out lately. Planning this wedding and dealing with finding a house is driving me nuts.”
“Then quit worrying yourself. We suppose to be kickin' it. Put a smile on your face, pretty girl, and let's go dance.” London moved her shoulders.
“You know, I love you more than Miguel loves a good enema, right?” Farrah joked.
“I love you too, friend,” London laughed.
While the performers took a brief intermission, the in-house DJ began to play A$AP Rocky's hit “Fuckin' Problems,” featuring 2 Chainz, Drake, and Kendrick Lamar. As soon as Farrah stood up she and London started to twerk it. Farrah loved to dance. When her feet hit the floor it felt like the only thing that mattered was her and the beat. Mills watched from afar as she did her thing. Farrah had no idea that in a matter of seconds he was about to give her a surprise of a lifetime. Although it was a last-minute idea, Mills came through in the clutch like always.
“Ay yo.” Mills's pot'nah, R & B singer Teddy, approached him with a perplexed look on his face. “There's a dude outside sayin' he got a package for you.”
“Bet,” Mills replied, excited.
“What's going on? You straight?” Teddy quizzed.
“Aww yeah. I just got Farrah an early wedding gift 'cause the other day we had an appointment with the wedding planner and I missed it 'cause I was with Jade,” Mills whispered so no one else could hear.
“My dude, you gotta get that handled,” Teddy said worriedly.
“I know. I just need a little more time,” Mills stressed.
“A'ight, you keep on waiting. She gon' fuck around and find out on her own,” Teddy warned.
“I feel you, but I'ma get everything straightened out as soon as we get back from the honeymoon.”
“A'ight,” Teddy replied, still unsure. “Now, what's up wit' this surprise?”
“I'm gettin' ready to show her now.” Mills eased his way through the crowd over to Farrah.
“You came to dance wit' me?” She beamed.
“Nah, I got something I wanna show you, though.” Mills signaled to the DJ to cut the music.
“Sorry to interrupt the festivities, but I wanted to take out the time to say thank you to all of you for coming and celebrating our pending nuptials. Farrah and I couldn't be happier or more grateful to have each and every one of you in our lives.” Mills paused as their guests began to clap and whistle.
“As you all know, the reason why we're here is because in less than a month I will be marrying my best friend, my biggest fan, my everything, the love of my life, Farrah.”
Never the one to be the center of the attention, Farrah buried her face in the crook of Mills's arm.
BOOK: Nobody's Girl
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