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Authors: Denise Townsend

Ocean's Surrender (8 page)

BOOK: Ocean's Surrender
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Tight, model-worthy washboard abs and chiseled hips met her tongue as she licked over his skin, feeling his cock jut between her hanging breasts. She purposefully brushed forwards and backwards, letting him feel her nipples at his groin. When he groaned, she lowered just enough that his cock was caught between her soft flesh. River raised her head to meet Fen’s eyes as she pumped him gently between her plump breasts. Fen couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of her, although his head did fall back on a loud moan when she tucked her chin to her chest in order to lick the tip of his cock as it peeked out at her.

River licked again, and again, moving as she did so, till she knelt between Fen’s knees. She raked her nails gently over the flesh of his inner thighs to encourage him to spread wide, giving her room to work. When he obliged her, she locked her eyes back on his as she licked up the underside of his long, hard cock. Fen moaned, and then he moaned again as she repeated the long, slow licks. Only belatedly did Fen realize she was treating his cock as he had her pussy, teasing him with those long strokes of her tongue when what he really wanted was that hot mouth wrapped around him.

“River,” he sighed, his hand finding her jaw in a soft caress.

Gathering his balls in her free hand to massage them gently, River finally gave Fen what he wanted and took him into her mouth, as deeply as she could.

Already at the edge, Fen nearly came as River’s tongue slithered against the sensitive underside of his cock, even as she pumped her tight lips around him over and over.

“River,” Fen warned, feeling her nail tickle over his asshole to find the sensitive place right behind his balls. “You’re going to make me come, lass. But I want to fuck you…I want to be inside you… Oh gods, River…” Fen’s own pleadings trailed off in a series of groans as River ignored him, continuing to slide him in and out of her mouth, her fingers wrapping around to stroke what her mouth couldn’t take.

“Please,” Fen begged, touching her hair. Finally, River stopped.

She gave Fen’s cock one last, lingering lick, before moving up his body. Her knees moved to plant themselves firmly on either side of his trim hips. Fen braced himself as River caught up his cock in her hand, moving it to her cunt where she started sliding the tip back and forth against her dripping wet sex.

“Oh fuck, Fen,” River moaned, inarticulate with desire. She rubbed Fen’s cock against her clit till she felt her pleasure rising sharp and sure in her belly for a third time. Only then did she move him to her slick opening, groaning as he pushed his hips upwards so he began, ever so slowly, to penetrate her.

Shifting forward to rest her weight on the hands that she placed just above Fen’s shoulders, River’s breasts hung in the selkie’s face as she slid her tight, wet heat over Fen’s rigid cock. They both moaned when River bottomed out, and they both moaned when she began to ride him.

“So full,” River murmured, as Fen took one of her nipples in his mouth to suck until River, practically sobbing with pleasure, urged him to give attention to her other breast. His thumb also moved to reclaim her clit, sliding through her wet lips till he felt her hard little nub. River’s thrusts down on Fen became rougher, less controlled, as Fen stroked. Eventually, his own pleasure rising, he began to meet her on the upstroke, pushing his cock into her even as she ground down on him.

“So close,” she murmured. “I’m so close…”

“Come for me, River. I want to feel you come all over me. Come on my cock.”

At his words River’s head fell back, her eyes shut as she rode him faster. Fen reveled in the sight of her seeking out her own climax, using him for her pleasure.

“That’s it, River. Come for me. I want you to come for me, now.”

And River did, breaking above him in a wave of bliss that sent his own orgasm building in his balls. He held her hips in his hands as he fucked upward with swift, rough strokes, pistoning in and out of her tight sheath. She gushed around him, clutching him spasmodically as she wailed out her orgasm. Feeling all that wet, grasping heat was too much and Fen came inside her in hot spurts.

When they came to their senses, River was lying over Fen’s chest. They were both sweaty, and trembling, and gloriously sated.

“You’re amazing, lass,” Fen told River pushing the hair away from her forehead for a kiss.

“And you’re not so bad yourself,” River said, with a sweet little giggle.

Then they lay in silence for a few long minutes, listening to their thundering hearts slow as the night air cooled their overheated flesh.

And then, as if a switch had been hit, River went cold in Fen’s arms. Not physically cold–she was still warm where she lay, but emotionally, it was like she pressed a button that snapped all of her emotional shields back into place.

“Well, that was fun,” River said, getting up off Fen like she was dismounting from a bicycle.

Fen watched her curiously. It wasn’t often that a mortal surprised him.

“I’m assuming from everything you said about ‘the sea is my mistress’ and you’re not for land-living that we don’t have to have any of those pesky ‘commitment talks,’” River said, making gratuitous use of air quotes with her fingers, in between pulling on her clothes.

“Because I’m definitely not into any commitment with another man, ever again. Not that I didn’t have fun. I did really enjoy that, and you’re a great guy. Er, great selkie. But I should be going.”

Fen let River go ahead and talk, not bothering to interrupt her. When she was fully dressed, she turned to him.

“Will you be hanging out here for much longer?” she asked, and Fen could sense the hope she tamped down even as he registered it.

“Yes, River,” he told her, calmly, “I’m definitely going to be here a little while longer.”

“Good. I mean, that’s cool. Whatever. I’ll probably see you again, then. Or not. But I have to go.”

Fen only smiled at the woman in front of him, an indulgent, knowing smile that made her decidedly uncomfortable.

“No problem, River. You have a good night.”

“You too,” River said, and then she bolted back to her house.

Shaking his head, Fen lay back on his sealskin with a contented sigh. He knew River wasn’t going to make things easy; she was still way too caught up in her own trauma. But thinking of River’s lush little body and her innate sensuality, he wasn’t worried.

The selkie definitely had his work cut out for him, when it came to getting River to accept she couldn’t shut the world out, let alone her own emotions.

And he was going to enjoy every minute of the job.

Chapter Nine

This is a mistake
, River thought, as she trailed after Jason toward their assigned lane. The bowling alley was crowded, what with the Thursday Leagues out in force and the usual crowd of teenagers, couples on dates and families.

There wasn’t a lot to do in Eastport, Maine, after all.

But Thursday Bowling was a longstanding tradition that Jason loved, especially now that they had a third.

“Hey, Jason. Hello, River,” Leo said, standing up to shake Jason’s hand and give River a hug.

For a split second, River imagined melting into Leo’s arms as she had Fen’s, but she restrained herself. Leo wasn’t Fen; he wasn’t married to the sea, and therefore safe.

Instead he was steady, and single, and gorgeous and here. Plus, she knew he liked her.

She couldn’t think of a more dangerous combination.

In truth, River would have avoided Leo like the plague if it hadn’t been for the paramedic’s relationship with Jason. And not only was it a solid friendship that was good for Jason, but it was a friendship that had started because River had failed, and pretty dramatically, to keep Jason safe. So River was well aware she owed Leo big time, and that she owed Jason this friendship, at the least.

All three made small talk as they changed into their bowling shoes, with Jason monopolizing the conversation. He told them about the art project he was making at his adult day care, and gave Leo updates on all of his beasts. Jason was very concerned about his honeybees after watching a documentary on Colony Collapse Disorder, and was monitoring them with as much love and care as a mother over her child.

While Jason talked, Leo couldn’t keep his eyes off of River. She was as gorgeous as ever, with her ripe curves, dark hair and eyes and strong, yet feminine, features.

But there was also something different about her.

“Did you get your hair cut or something?” Leo asked her, as they went to choose their bowling balls from the racks.

“No,” River said. “Although I probably should. Why?”

“You just look different somehow,” Leo said, his gaze brushing over her face with his customary watchful intensity that always unnerved her.

She considered telling Leo she was tired, having spent a goodly portion of that night fucking a mythological creature, but she thought that wouldn’t go over well on a number of levels.

So instead she did what she did best and gave him a cryptic smile, refusing to answer his implied question.

“So who’s up first?” she asked rhetorically, to change the subject.

“Me! Me! Me!” Jason hollered, jumping up and down, just like he always did.

And so the three bowled, as they had almost every Thursday since River was recovered enough. That Leo had been the one to take Jason bowling those Thursdays she’d still been in hospital, after her brother had been released from jail, was part of the reason she was here.

And as usual, Jason kicked their butts. He was a ferocious, fiercely competitive bowler with almost perfect form. River, meanwhile, was usually too busy furtively watching Leo, who was equally busy furtively watching River.

Jason had, of course, noticed their lack of attention to the game, as he noticed everything. But with his instincts that held more wisdom than a lot of people’s intellect, he never commented. He knew, somehow, that his sister and Leo needed to work out whatever it was between them, and that these silent musings were important. He helped them along by goofing off, entertaining himself and acting absolutely content, so that their attention could remain on each other even as they acted like it was really on him.

When they were nearing the end of their set, and it was River’s turn, she’d long since grown bored of bowling. Her mind was more preoccupied than usual. She couldn’t stop thinking of Fen, first of all, nor could she stop comparing Leo’s watchful strength to that of the happy-go-lucky selkie.

Which was why she was glad she wasn’t carrying her bowling ball when she heard Jason telling Leo about his new friend.

“He comes from the sea and he’s so nice. You’d really like him, Leo. He reminds me of you, kind of, although you’ve got different skin and hair, and he doesn’t have tattoos or anything. But he has a sealskin and when he puts it on he is a seal. Isn’t that cool?”

“You been reading about selkies, bro?” Leo asked, smiling. River’s heart fluttered.

“You know about them?” she asked, her voice sharp even to her own ears.

Leo looked up at her curiously, wondering why her words held such an edge.

“Sure I know about them. I majored in the history of folklore in college. Which is why I’m a paramedic, obviously,” he said, wryly.

“So you studied them?” River asked, carefully. There was a big difference between reading a book about them and doing the sort of studying she’d done last night. If Leo knew selkies really existed, they were about to have a much different conversation than if he’d only read about them.

“Yeah, they’re a really popular mythology from a lot of the northern cultures. I guess it makes sense; seals are oddly human sometimes. Although I think selkies were really just a handy excuse for explaining how somebody got knocked up when their husband was away at sea, without pointing fingers at Sven the Handsome Blacksmith.”

He thinks they’re a myth
, River thought, unsure whether to be disappointed or relieved. The fact was that it would have been nice to discuss Fen with another person, besides Jason. Not least because her brother’s acceptance of this magical creature from mythology was utterly complete. When she’d seen her brother the next morning, she’d been ready to talk about how it could be possible Fen existed, about the ramifications for the human race, and a thousand other things that were racing through her head.

But instead of those conversations, Jason had just said, “So, do you believe me now?”

River had nodded, saying, “He’s a selkie all right. But what does it all mean, Jason?”

She’d blurted out that question without thinking, still stunned at the implications of Fen’s existence. But Jason had looked at her like she was an idiot.

“It means he can change into a seal. Duh. Did you get more milk yesterday?”

Her brother had proceeded to pour himself a bowl of cereal and watch cartoons, obviously completely unfazed by the same set of facts that had made River’s world spin.

So River would have loved to talk to someone about Fen, and yet she wasn’t sure that person should be Leo. Not least because of the nature of her and Fen’s relationship. It was one thing to interact with a selkie, and another thing entirely to interact with a selkie, naked, all over the selkie’s face.

BOOK: Ocean's Surrender
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