Read Of Another Dimension Online

Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

Of Another Dimension (12 page)

BOOK: Of Another Dimension
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"Can I play your questions game too, mate?" he asked interestedly.

I nodded my head 'yes'.

"Hmmm," he humme
d, thinking aloud. "What is a year? And how many have you seen?" Kieve asked curiously, taking off his shirt to toss it on the floor.

It had s
haxna birthing goop on it,
over it, and I am
going to contemplate that right now.

"A year is a measurement of time. Like there are seasons and every summer that passes is one more year. I am twenty nine years old.
Does that make sense?" I tried, badly, to explain.

"Yes, we have seasons too, but we call our 'years' 'revolutions'."

"Oh," I said thoughtfully, trying to pay attention to the conversation while I openly ogled my handsome demon lover.

Kieve was eyeing me just as heatedly.

"Like what you see, baby?" He chuckled, giving me a sexy grin.

Sieren chuckled
too and I snapped out of it.

"You don't have to be here now
, Sieren. Babysitting duties are over. I'm sure you have something
more interesting to do now." I hoped he'd catch the hint and take a hike.

I have a sexy demon to play water tag with!

"Nope. I'm fine right where I am. Actually, Kieve, Lil was just telling me all about her home world."

Kieve stripped down in front of his brother, completely unabashed with his nudity and hopped in the tub, settling himself in behind me.

He pulled me up against his chest and I could feel his cocks, hot and hard, pressing onto either side of my spine.

"Now this is just awkward," I muttered, ignoring the twin chuckles at my blush.

"You turn pink when you are embarrassed, baby. It's adorable," Kieve teased.

look like a blueberry when you blush," I quipped.

"Do not be alarmed, chomcharra," Sieren smiled, "We aren't shy about nudity
in our own homes. Some Sodraden even share a mate."

Share a mate...

"If you think I'm going to share
with someone else, you can just think again, buster!" I informed Kieve, "And there will be no weird hanky panky between siblings! That is just

I shuddered.

Kieve and Sieren both looked insulted.

"Hey! Don't give me those looks! I'm on a strange planet, plane, whatever you want to call it and I have standards
, damn it! I am making them known!"

, hell! I don't care if they're insulted. I have to make myself very clear from the get go!

I don't want any
more crazy misunderstandings.

"Not between siblings and not multiple females. Males sometimes share one female
, baby," Kieve explained.

I shrugged like 'how was I supposed to know'.

"Well, not that it would be an issue, but that won't be happening either. Humans have one mate." I wrapped Kieve's arms around my chest. "You are more than enough demon, um, I mean, Sodraden, for me."

Kieve made a happy noise in the back of his throat and twined his fingers with mine.

Sieren frowned.

"Besides," I joked, "What would I do with four cocks anyways?"

Sieren looked at me funny, his face unreadable as he nodded to Kieve and grunted.

Kieve squirmed around for a minute under his brother's scrutiny, but that was it.

Sieren cleared his throat loudly and nodded at me meaningfully.

"What?" I asked
, feeling left out, my eyes darting back and forth between siblings.

Kieve's hands played with my fingers, his body tensing up, appearing slightly distressed all of the sudden.

"What? What is it?" I tried again, turning to stare at Kieve worriedly, "Is it bad? Tell me."

No one said anything and I
started to scoot away, hurt that he wasn't going to respond.

His grip tightened
and he pulled me back against his chest.

don't usually have two cocks, baby. I’m, uh,
," Kieve said quietly, stretching out the word ‘different’, his voice low and a little sad, possibly worried.

Why the sadness?

Why the worry?

I already know he has two anacondas.

"Really?" I asked curiously, surprised by this, unimportant to me, fact.

I don't care
how many cocks other Sodraden have... only Kieve.

I've already accepted his
twin winkies, so this is a non-issue.

My brow furrowed in thought.

Maybe he's self-conscious about it?

I didn’t care for that particular idea
, glancing up at Kieve again.

He wouldn’t meet my eyes.

self-conscious about it, I realized.

, I can't have that.

"So... it's kind of like I
’d won the Sodraden lottery when I met you." I grinned saucily, winking at my handsome Sodraden lover.

His expression immediately turned from w
eary sadness to the sweet bit of sunshine his happiness always makes me think of, his eyes snapping up to meet mine hopefully.

I reached up and ran my fingers caressingly over his cheek.

Kieve pulled me up and turned me so we were chest to chest, kissing the shit out of me, one hand clutching my rump under the water, the other in my hair, holding me in place for him as he nipped and kissed me hungrily.

"You don't care that he's
?" Sieren cut in, thoroughly interrupting us.

…And reality came crashing down around my ears.

Shit! He's still here?

We broke our yummy lip lock
as Sieren's voice penetrated my lust induced brain fog, mindful now of our current company.

"Why would I be upset he's a little different?" I rubbed Kieve's chest, staring
straight into his eyes.

Kieve eyed me
back hungrily, licking his lips.

Mmmm… mmmm… mmmm…

"Besides... the saying goes, double the pleasure, double the fun... well... something close to that. Either way, you catch my drift. And he couldn’t be any more different to me already. My kind don’t come in
red tones or possess a set of horns, in case you haven’t noticed."

What is a lottery?" Sieren persisted.

Good grief
, he's curious.

This is going to get old fast.

"It's where people pick random numbers and hope their numbers come up. The lottery people draw numbers at random and if yours match up, you win a lot of money, that's what we use to buy things. It's a sign of wealth. The lottery is something people only dream of winning."

"And I am your lottery prize?" Kieve asked tentatively, his big brown eyes showing a hint of disbelief.

"Mmmm, hmmm." My eyes twinkled as I grinned at him mischievously, laying my head on his chest above the water.

"Sieren!" Teivel bellowed
suddenly from somewhere in the house, "Is the meat supposed to smoke like that?"

"My food
!" Sieren shouted, popping up to rescue dinner, slamming the bathroom door shut behind him.

"Hey!" I cried happily, "That got rid of him."

I straddled Kieve and started to pull my shirt over my head.

Kieve gripped my hips and growled at me, reaching underneath my plastered shirt, peeling it off
my chest, just enough to ruck it around my neck as he plucked at my nipples.

His shafts rubbed against my sex and I gasped in delight.

There was a cursory knock at the bathroom door and then it swung open unexpectedly.

Teivel just waltzed right in, eating some kind of fruit, grinning at the uncomfortable look on my face.

"Don't you people knock?!" I shrieked, covering myself up.
Trying to, anyways.

Kieve pulled me against his chest, making sure all my good bits where covered.

"What do you want?" Kieve grumbled gruffly in a clipped voice.

"I was just going to tell you
that evening meal is ready," Teivel announced innocently, smiling smugly, taking a healthy bite out of his fruit.

Ass! Ass!
I wanted to call out.
You’re a big, giant, red ass!

"Then go away so we can get out," I bit out.

"Sieren seemed very insistent. He said you needed to come down
right now
," he persisted.

Kieve let out a heavy
put upon sigh and kissed my forehead.

"Come, mate, he's not going to leave until we get out."

"I am
getting out of
tub with
watching over me! He'll probably try to trip me and say it was an accident! Stab me with a toothbrush that's sharpened on the end, something vile and prison movie like and I am putting my foot down! NO. Hell no!
He goes
I stay!"

, Lil, no need to be so prudish,” Teivel grinned mockingly. “We’re family now.
it's not like you have anything
interested in." He snorted, giving me a look, as if I was something beneath him, acting like we were discussing the shaxnas or some other mundane thing.

I tensed up.

His insult hit home.


Score one for Teivel. Well played, ass wipe.

I discovered a long time ago that s
ometimes, no matter how hard you try, words just hurt.

Stung by him
, I flushed in embarrassment and looked away.

Kieve didn’t like it.

"Get out!" Kieve snarled, wrapping his arms around me protectively, sensing my distress.

Tievel noticed too.

"Kieve, I…" Teivel started.

"I said get out!" Kieve bellowed.

Teivel glanced at me, but I quickly averted my gaze, not ready for anymore of his stupid stares and unwarranted crap tonight.

He’d probably just take it as an opening to say something worse
, trumping what he’d just said.

The door snicked shut and Kieve pulled away from me, his hand under my chin, lifting my face up to his.

"Teivel is a fool. He doesn’t think before he talks. Don't let his words hurt you. Ignore him, baby. I do." He looked deeply into my eyes before he kissed me hungrily.

We kissed until we both needed to come up for air, laughing when we both gasped out at the same time for some much needed oxygen.

"I think I love you, Kieve," I admitted, holding my breath for his reaction.

He looked please
d and confused.

"What does that mean, l

"Oh. Uhm... love is when you care for someone deeply. You want to be with them and the thought of being apart causes you distress."

How do you explain love?

"Ummm... love is when you like the person for who they are, warts and all," I joked. "Love is hard to explain... it's a lot of things."

"And you feel this love...
for me?"
He shifted, clearing his throat.

He gazed at me hopefully.

Why is that idea so hard to believe?

"Yes," I said simply and gave him a quick kiss.

At first, I thought he wasn't going to say anything and started to feel stupid for admitting it, but then Kieve's face lit up like a kid at Christmas and he whooped out loud, sloshing water everywhere as he picked me up, standing up quickly in the water.

I shrieked and laughed, loving his exuberance.

He nuzzled his nose with mine, kissing my lips tenderly, then pulled back to look at me.

, I love you too. You have my heart, mate," he chuckled, capturing my lips again, putting all of himself into the kiss.

‘You have my heart’…

His words whispered back to me.

I think he’s been telling me he loves me too
, all along. So, yay me, technically, he said it first.

I mentally danced a little jig.
Woo hoo!

“You have my hear
t too.” I smiled, holding him tight, laughing happily.

Then Kieve was spinning me around in his excitement.

Whoa! Bad idea!

"Gah! Careful there
, lover boy! I threw up earlier and I'm just now feeling better. Let's not rock the boat any more than necessary," I warned.

BOOK: Of Another Dimension
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