On The Fence (Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas) (7 page)

BOOK: On The Fence (Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas)
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“I think I’ll go take a shower to get the rest of this food off. Meet you in bed in ten minutes?”

He stopped and tapped on the door. A shower. With Shellie. “How about in the shower in five?”

She winked. “Only if you’ll scrub my back.”

“Honey, I’m planning to scrub a hell of a lot more than that.”


From the Author—

Thanks so much for reading
On The Fence
. I hope you enjoyed the story and the small town charm of Apple Trail, Arkansas. This is the second novella in the
Uninhibited In Apple Trail, Arkansas

If you enjoyed
On the Fence
, check out the first in the series,
Through The Wall
. In that story you’ll discover the truth behind Parker and Stephanie’s relationship instead of those vague rumors Riley can barely remember. Some people. I tell
, they just can’t remember the good details!

Next up in Apple Trail is
In The Hay
. Drew and Nicolette are only visiting Apple Trail…but they might stick some roots in the ground after the small town charm pulls them in and holds them tight for one long sexy week.

In The Hay –

This wasn’t the first time Drew had been caught starting after her. He doubted it would be the last. It couldn’t be helped. Her god-awful dancing had first drawn his eye, but it was the realization she wasn’t drunk, or even drinking, that held his gaze. Moves like those should really only come after shots.

Eight or nine of them.

He wasn’t certain what she was attempting. Looked like a combination of the robot, chicken dance, and hokey-pokey. Bad enough, but made so much worse by the others rhythmically dancing on the floor beside her.

Drew could give her props. What she lacked in talent, she was more than making up for with enthusiasm and seemed to be having the best time. It was a refreshing since he was having his worst.

A cop leaned on the bar next to him and gestured at the girl with his fingertips. “She with you?”

Drew glanced at the red headed beauty. “Ah, no.”

The officer shrugged. “You’re both new around here. I didn’t know if you were together.”

“Nope. Riley Hamilton is my uncle. I’m in town helping him put up his new fence.”

“Good man.” The cop held out his hand and they shook. “Mike Gable.”

“Drew Hamilton.”

“All right.” Mike nodded, his brows pulled into a V as he searched the small bar. “Let me see if I can find who she belongs with. Want to make sure she doesn’t drive out of here drunk.”

“She’s not drinking.” Drew searched the crowd, his chest tightened when he couldn’t find her short, but very nice legs or her just barely long enough yellow skirt. He looked higher and caught a bit of red hair swinging around as she looked to be head-banging to the classic country tune.

Mike winced. “She looks pretty wasted to me.”

“Haven’t seen a drink in her hand all night, but I’ll keep an eye on her for you.” Because he was going to be watching her anyway, and continue looking to see if she was with anyone here.

Only a few had attempted to dance with her. One guy thought to get behind her and hump her, but in both cases, she laughed, scouted away and carried on with flinging her body about. She’d only stopped her attempts long enough to sip from a bottle of water before returning to the middle of the dance floor.

The cop flicked his fingers up. “Don’t want to trouble you, but was just checking.”

Drew smiled at Mike. “Really no trouble at all.”

The door to the packed out bar opened and two tall blondes walked in. They were pretty, but they didn’t draw his eye near like the redhead. She was just…bless her heart, she just didn’t have a dancing bone in her body no matter how hard she tried or attempted to mirror the girls next to her.

Mike straightened and cursed under his breath. “Thanks. I’ve got my hands full now.”

“No, problem.”

This was not only Drew’s worst night ever, but the start of a worst couple weeks and he didn’t want to lose sight of the little bit of entertainment he had for the evening. Or maybe had. Either way, come morning, it was time to straighten up his act, and help Uncle Riley install a new fence for his cows. Drew’s dad had the mistaken belief that once he proved he knew hard work, then he was ready to take over the company.

Drew wasn’t sure how in the hell being able to drive hundreds of fence posts in the ground and string barbwire meant he could manage their successful construction company. He’d do it though, to prove he was ready. Just one more step up his dad’s ladder.

Drew turned back to the bulk of the crowd for the dancer. Their gazes caught again. This time she stilled and stared back. He glanced down her body. Her heaving chest. Flat stomach. Shaped legs and little slipper looking shoes.

She took a step. He lifted his gaze back up her body, past her fisted hands, straightened shoulders and raised head as she crossed the small bar. Her stare never wavered from his face. As she drew closer, he could see the sweat that had formed on her brow and soaked into her barely covering white tube shirt thing. Her cheeks were flushed. Breath rushed out of her. She stopped before him, dark red hair clung to the sweat on her neck.

She stared up at him. Hmm. Not just simple brown eyes, so much more than that. Golden and bright and flecked with bits of green. “You’ve been watching me.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “I have.”

She pressed her lips together and glanced away for only a second before looking back at him again. “What’s your name?”

“Drew. Yours?”


She didn’t look like a Nicolette. She looked like honey fresh from a hive. “Having fun dancing?”

Her lips split to a wide grin. “I’ve never danced the night away before.”

“Ah. That makes sense.” Not really, but she liked the answer, so that was good enough.

She glanced around and bit her lower lip, kicked at the old concrete floor with her toe, and twiddled with her fingers. He started to ask if she wanted to get out there, but he wasn’t given the chance.

She grabbed the front of his shirt, tugged him forward, and planted her lips to his. No sooner did their lips touch and the tangy sweetness of what he thought was peach bubble-gum fill his mouth, she pulled away, red-face.

“I’ve never done that before.” Air gushed from her. “So sorry.” She spun on her heel and started away. Her heat and fire was slipping through his fingers.

“Not so fast.” He curled his arm around her waist and spun her around and brought her against him. “For your first time, it ought to be done right.”


Keri Ford was raised in South Arkansas on a farm surrounded by family, horses, cows, donkeys, ostriches, emus, chickens, ducks, Canadian Geese, and enough dogs one would think they were a pound…and then she bought a
when she was twenty-two. She doesn’t recall the fantastic sex tip that drew her to the magazine, but she vividly remembers reading an excerpt of Christina’s Skye’s
Code Name: Princess
. One elevator scene and quick thought of,
I didn’t know people wrote stuff like this…
and her life would never be the same.

Visit Keri at her website for the latest information about her, her books, extras (a free read or two!), videos and more!

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Coffee Time Romance

BOOK: On The Fence (Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas)
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