Read One Star-Spangled Night Online

Authors: Rogenna Brewer

One Star-Spangled Night (5 page)

BOOK: One Star-Spangled Night
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“I understand.” She glanced at her hands.

“I’m not sure I do. I’m treading into uncharted waters here.” There were no rules against unmarried officers dating. There were, however, rules against anyone dating while underway or within the chain of command.

When couples were caught breaking those rules one was removed and the senior of the two disciplined. The
couldn’t afford another scandal. And neither could he. He’d be right there at the top of the chain this time.

How did you tell someone—you weren’t dating—that you were having them removed from your command simply because the desire was there?

“What I’m doing is not fair and I know it’s not fair. I’m presuming a relationship that doesn’t exist. I’m flattered, more than flattered by your admission. And I want you to know the feeling is mutual—”

“Doug.” She stilled his hand as his name passed her lips for the first time. “You fidget when you’re nervous and you talk around your feelings. Both of those habits drive me batty, by the way. But I think what I’m hearing is you're trying to let me down easy.”

He frowned at their entwined hands. How did that happen?

“I don’t want to be let down easy,” she said. “Just give it to me straight.”

“I’m too old for you. And I’m having you removed from my ship before I do something foolish.”

“You’re neither old nor foolish.”

“Wanna bet?”

“Tell me something foolish.”

He studied her face. He pushed back the hair that had fallen free of her prim and proper bun.  He couldn’t help himself. “I’ve never in my life had anyone look at me the way you do.”

“That’s not foolish,” she whispered. “That makes all the other women out there foolish.”

He brushed his thumb across her full bottom lip. “I don’t want to dim that light. You’re the sunrise to my sunset, but we don’t belong in the same place and time. I’ve already raised two kids and as much as I love them, I don’t want any more children. I was married once and miserable. I like being a bachelor and I’ve spent the last ten years avoiding any serious entanglements.” He swallowed hard. “But then I look into your eyes and what I want or don’t want loses all meaning when what I really want is you.”

She laced her arms around his neck. “So what are you going to do about it, Captain?”

“That sounds like an invitation, Lieutenant.”

“It is.”

“Ten dates,” he said. “You’ll be ready to kick me to the curb by then.”

“Wanna bet?”

His mouth twitched at the corner. “In case you’re thinking I’m easy, I want you to know sex is off the table.”

“Ten dates, no sex? I did explain that I haven’t taken any vows of celibacy, correct?”

“I heard every word of that discussion, believe me.”

“What happens after ten dates?” She pressed against him and there was no more hiding his desire from her.

He dropped his forehead to hers. “That’s up to you.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Did you know that iconic love scene in
Top Gun
was added after test audiences found the movie lacking? It had to be filmed in soft lighting because Kelly McGillis had already dyed her hair brown for another film.”

“I find that all very fascinating, Doug. But I’m standing here waiting for you to
Take My Breath Away

“Well, then. Let me give you the full rockets red-glare.”

Her lips were soft and pliant. But he had the tactical advantage of experience when it came to the finer art of love and war. He knew when to press his advantage and when to withdraw. And when to launch from playful kisses into a full-blown passionate assault. He felt the hitch in her breath. Tasted it. Savored it.

Somewhere in the back of his brain, he was a teenager again experiencing love and passion for the first time.

The air around them crackled and she pulled back.

Fireworks lit up the night sky.

He molded her to his side as they watched the different patriotic displays around the bay. “You’ve got me rethinking that whole catapult launching into the sunset thing.” She broke out in nervous laughter and it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. “What are you thinking right now?” he asked.

“That we’re going to give our firstborn the call sign Charlie.”



Author's Note: One Star-Spangled Night is the second in a series of One Night novellas created from secondary characters of previous works. The
USS Enterprise
and Steve Marietta appear in the full length novel Sign, SEAL, Deliver.* You will also find One Star-Spangled Night in the multi-author anthology Celebrate!


I hope you’ve enjoyed One Star-Spangled Night. This is just the beginning for Lindsey and Doug. What’s to come takes on a paranormal twist in my new series, ‘Til Death, coming late 2014-early 2015. Trust me when I say these two go through hell before they get together.


If that’s not your thing rest assured they find happily ever after.



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Available Now:

One Night in Reno

Coming Next:

One Silent Night


Coming May 2014 From Harlequin Superromance:

The SEAL’s Special Mission


Harlequin Superromances by Rogenna Brewer

SEAL It With a Kiss

Sign, SEAL, Deliver

Midway Between You and Me

The SEAL’s Baby

The Marine’s Baby

Mitzi’s Marine

Marry Me, Marine



BOOK: One Star-Spangled Night
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