Origin of Angels: Elemental Legacy Book 1 (43 page)

BOOK: Origin of Angels: Elemental Legacy Book 1
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She is hiding her true emotions from me. In an attempt to calm her further, I lift my shoulders in a casual shrug that I do not feel. “You are gifted with the sight, you are of the blood, and, most importantly, you have no complications to distract you.”

Her brow creases as she studies me. She folds her hands in her lap, still staring. She’s good at controlling body language, which will be a great asset for her in the Dreamscape. “What if I don’t want to help? Do I get to leave?”

No matter how much I wish I could give her a different answer, I cannot. “I have no way of letting you go, Amelia. My power is now spent. With the interaction I face with the Erobos daily, it would likely take six hundred years to accrue enough power to enter the mortal realm again. You see, I’m trapped here, just like you. I was hoping that you would be willing to help me. When my prison was constructed, the Erobos created a portal that requires a key to open. I’m sure you noticed the elaborate doorknob.” She nods, frowning. “Although I have located the portal, I have not been able to find the key. In fact, I have discovered no matter how much I search, I will likely never find it. You, on the other hand, may be able to discover the key and in the process free us both.”

She cocks her jaw to the side, riffling her fingers through her dark hair. What follows is a swift smile. “For a while there I was pretty sure Cryptic was your middle name.”

Despite my efforts, a soft laugh escapes me. “I haven’t a middle name.”

She smiles completely now. “Ha. All right, do you have a first name?”

“You may call me Seth.”

Her smoky eyes lock onto mine. “What if I take the job and don’t like it, Seth?”

My fingers curve along the plush velvet armrests of my chair. Her skin is softer.

My pulse quickens with the thought of touching her, of loving her like I’ve dreamed so many times. I swallow, and make my body relax. “My offer stands. If at any time you can find the key, you may leave.”

I barely have finished speaking when she blurts, “What about time off?”

“You will not require time off.”

She gives me a once over. “Everyone needs time off.”

When I stand, she startles. Instead of moving toward her as I had planned, I take a step back. “Are you agreeing?”

She shrugs and joins me on the carpet as she says, “It’s not like I have anything better to do. Who knows? It might be fun.”


Note from the Author

Thank you for reading Origin of Angels. If you enjoyed this story, please leave a review where you purchased this book.

As an Independent Author, my commitment to you is to continue to write
stories the way I and the characters intend them to be without interference from outside sources. As a reader, you have more power to help me spread the word about my work than any other form of advertising could. If you’re reading this section, it’s likely because you want to know more about me.

The truth is I wouldn’t be where I am today without your willingness to tell other people about my stories. I appreciate your efforts more than you can know. My desire is to continue to give you books based on the demands of the story, not a cookie cutter formula where all is figured
out before the book begins. My hope is that you will be transported into the stories and live another life alongside the characters. I aim for this when writing and when reading, and I want no less for you. Thank you for reading my work and for your kind words and support. I am forever grateful and wish you the absolute best in your future endeavors.


Much love,


Christie Rich


As always, I’d like to thank my family for putting up with weekends where I’m MIA most the time. I couldn’t do this without your willingness to let me follow my dreams. To Max, I love you with all my heart and am grateful for your commitment to me and our children. You are my rock. Thank you for giving me wings. To my children, who I also love with all my heart, I am grateful for your bright smiles and encouraging words. You bring me more joy than I could ever name.

To my brothers, sisters, and parents: thanks for always being there for me and for always loving me. You are a huge part of my why, and I love you all.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Chase Nottingham for his work on this book. Your keen eye and thoughtful suggestions have once again helped me to create a work I’m proud of. I appreciate you so much and am honored to have you for my editor.

To Amber McNemar, who inspires me with your beautiful work: I count you among my friends and wish you joy and
love. Your commitment to helping me capture the feel of my novels leaves me breathless. Thank you.

And lastly, to you reader: thank you for taking this journey with me and my characters. I hope you’ll hop on board for another ride in the future. Until then, I wish you all the best your life can bring.

BOOK: Origin of Angels: Elemental Legacy Book 1
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