Read Out of Nowhere Online

Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #Interracial - BW/WM, #Interracial

Out of Nowhere (11 page)

BOOK: Out of Nowhere
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Chapter 2

It was the night of the party and there was a sense of excitement permeating throughout the house.  Miriam was true to her word.  She’d found Vicky a fabulous gown and had her own personal beauty team on hand to help with her hair and makeup.  Vicky was a little uncomfortable with Miriam spending so much money on her but Miriam had told her she got more benefit out of it than anyone since she’d always wanted to have a daughter but was unable to conceive after Jason.  This gave her an opportunity to fawn all over her and live out a dream she never thought she’d be able to live out.  Miriam had also hired a nanny to come over to the house to watch Angel so that Vicky wouldn’t worry about her and have a good time.  There was knock on the Vicky’s door.  There was just a makeup artist helping Vicky apply final touches.  Vicky politely excused herself for a moment to answer the door.  When she opened it there stood John Rutherford.  Vicky hadn’t seen him since they’d gotten in from the airport. “May I come in?” Vicky nervously stepped aside to allow John to come into her room. “I can understand why my son is so smitten with you.  You look extraordinary.” Vicky smiled and nervously bit her lower lip “Flattery will get you everywhere Mr. Rutherford”
. “Well, I’m hopeful that it does at least with you tonight. Otherwise, Jason may kill me.  I won’t say that you and Jason weren’t a shock because it was a shock. I’m sure you are aware that just a few short weeks prior to meeting you we thought Jason’s life was going to take a different path.  I’m not a man who likes change very much and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this one.  I also don’t know how much of the conversation you heard that night but there are some things you need to know.  First, I’ve had a background check done on you as I do anyone who comes into my life or of those that I love.  Honestly, I was pretty impressed with what I found.  You haven’t had the best hand dealt to you but you seem to have made the best of it.  Angel is a prime example of that let me tell you.  That little girl has stolen my heart.  Second, I don’t give a damn about your pedigree.  What I do give a damn about is that you make Jason happy. It seems like since he met you that you’ve done a good job of making him happy until the night you left.  He’s been miserable and making everyone around him miserable too.  Since I’m being honest, there will be people who think you aren’t good enough, there will be people who will question your motives, and yes, there will also be people who won’t approve that you are a black woman. Make no mistake if you and Jason decide to do this it won’t be easy.  He may lose friends and business acquaintances over it.  However, I’ve always taught Jason to do what he feels is right.  If you are his 'Ms. Right' then so be it.  Jason and I may fight….” John now turned to look directly into Vicky’s eyes then smiled at her.  We may even fight a lot but we are Rutherford men.  We take care of our own.  And it seems like that now includes you and Angel”.  He walked up even closer to Vicky, then bent over and kissed her on the cheek.” Mr. Rutherford then stepped back and pulled a small black velvet box out of his inside tuxedo jacket.  He handed it to Vicky “Please open it. Consider it a peace offering.” Vicky looked curiously at the black velvet box then back at Mr. Rutherford.  When she opened the box there was a beautiful platinum and diamond necklace with matching earrings. Vicky had to cover her hand with her mouth to keep from screaming.  “Oh my goodness, Mr. Rutherford this is too expensive there is no way I could accept this from you”. John took the necklace out of the box and began to put it on Vicky. “You can and you will”.  After he fastened the necklace around her neck he kissed her again on the other cheek. “Now, I have a date with the most beautiful woman in the world.  I’ll see you at the party”.  And with that Mr. Rutherford was gone.  Vicky sat starring in the mirror for several more minutes wondering maybe just maybe some fairy tales do come true.  She was starting to believe that maybe they do.

Vicky hadn’t realized that the makeup artist was still in the room until she asked if she’d like her to finish touching her up.  Vicky nodded.  She wanted to look her very best for Jason and she wanted to make him proud.

Chapter 24

Jason made it to the party.  If it had not been his parent’s anniversary party he would have tried to figure out a way to skip it.  Celebrating marital bliss was not his idea of a good distraction even if it was his parents.  It just brought on all the thoughts that he wouldn’t be creating memories with Vicky.  His plan was to be a dutiful and devoted son, stay as long as was necessary, then
, get the hell out.  Everyone he’d known from friends, to family, and business associates were at this party.   Jason heard someone call his name when he turned around it was Franklin.  “You are a little late buddy. I hope you brought a good gift because you know how your mother can be”. Jason smiled thinking about his mom “I’ll make it up to her. Your lovely fiancé April?” “April wasn’t able to make it. She had to fly home to be with her sister.  She’s ready to have that baby anytime now.”  “Well, I’m glad you were able to make it.  I don’t know if anyone would miss me anyway.  It looks like all of Georgia came out.” Jason put the timer on his watch. “I’m now on the clock. I better make my way over to my parents to let them know I’m here. Not staying any longer than I have to so I’ll catch you a little later. ”.   Jason grabbed a drink from the waiter as he walked into the main room where he eyed his parents.  They were standing with the Roth’s and the Reeds.  He walked over and gave his obligatory hellos.  Franklin’s parents were enthusiastic but Bridget parent’s were a cold.  He couldn’t blame them. Honestly, he was surprised to see them here.  Jason gave his mother a hug “You look beautiful mom”.  Miriam hugged him back “You look like you’re tired.” Jason put on his best smile for his mother and she whispered into his ear “Don’t pretend for me.  It doesn’t reach your eyes and a mother knows.  However, I’m hopeful things will change soon”.  Jason turned to his dad “So, you did it Dad.  You’ve managed to stay married to mom for 40 years.  That is amazing.  Congratulations”.  John hugged his son “If I’m lucky she’ll let me have another 40 years”.  John then reached over and kissed Miriam and their crowd of friends erupted into cheers. 

There was a tap on Jason’s shoulder.  When he turned around he was staring in
to the eyes of Bridget Reed.  “Hello Jason, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford”.  She then turned back to Jason.  I was hoping I’d see you tonight.  Is there a chance that I might be able to speak with you in private?” Jason finished his drink.  Why shouldn’t he meet with Bridget?  He was single after all.  Miriam had to think of something quick she didn’t want Vicky to see him with Bridget. She’d put too much work into this for it not to have her desired outcome. “Jason, could you be a dear and grab me a glass of champagne?” Jason hesitated for just a moment, “Of course” before he walked away to grab his mother a flute of champagne.  He swapped his empty glass for another.  After he’d returned Bridget was still standing there waiting for him.  To every other man in the room Bridget probably looked stunning.  And, as much as he wanted to drown his sorrows possibly with Bridget, she didn’t have the same desired effect on him.  Mr. Reed couldn’t help but comment “You two kids look really good standing together”.  No one said a word.  Jason downed his second drink in one gulp.  By the time Bridget asked him to dance he wasn’t drunk but he was good and tipsy.  Bridget took advantage of her opportunity and quickly grabbed Jason’s hand and led him to the dance floor before Miriam could think of another distraction. The dance required Jason to hold Bridget in his arms.  There wasn’t much space between them. “Jason let’s go outside and get some fresh air”.  There was a moment where Jason felt guilty.  He kept having to remind himself that he was single.  Then, he felt angry at himself, why shouldn’t he? What could it hurt?
Chapter 2

waited to get the text from Miriam to let her know when Jason had arrived.  She wondered what was taking so long.  Anyway, she was ready.  She was ready to face her fears with Jason and hopefully, if he hadn’t given up on her, fight for this relationship.  Miriam had made good sense.  She didn’t want to live in fear because she was afraid Jason would abandon her.  Finally, Vicky got the text.  Ok, the big moment had arrived.  Here goes. 

When she walked into the main room she immediately saw the Rutherfords.  They were such a striking pair.  They looked happy. 
One day she hoped that would be Jason and her.  She walked over to them.  “Hello Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford.  You both are positively glowing, congratulations”. Franklin managed to make his way back over to their table as well.  “Hi Franklin, it’s good to see you again”.  Franklin almost spit out his drink. My god Vicky was absolutely stunning.  He couldn’t believe that it was her.  “Wow. Vicky you look absolutely gorgeous. Not that you didn’t before…look gorgeous, I mean”.  Franklin was stuttering all over the place and it gave Vicky a little more confidence. Mr. Rutherford took over “Let me help Franklin out what he is trying to say my dear is you are a lovely vision”. Miriam hugged Vicky “Yes you are a vision.  Jason is one lucky man”. That brought a full on beautiful smile that lit up her entire face. That also brought on disapproving looks from the Reeds.  The music changed and that was Mr. Rutherford’s queue to take his wife onto the dance floor.  It was their favorite song, “Well, Mrs. Rutherford would you care to dance”.  Miriam beamed, “He can be so charming. Well, I’d love to Mr. Rutherford”. They left for the dance floor and the Roth’s followed.  Vicky leaned over and asked Franklin “Have you seen Jason?”.  Franklin took a sip of his drink before answering “I saw him earlier but I have no idea where he is now”.  However, Mrs. Reed was curious about what her relationship was with Jason.  She decided to tell Nicky or Vicky or whatever her name was that she’d seen Jason go out onto the balcony.  If they were just friends seeing Jason with Bridget should do no real harm.  And, if they were more, then hopefully seeing Bridget with Jason would nip that right in the bud. “Vicky is it?  I saw Jason head out onto the balcony.  He may still be out there”. Vicky smiled at her in return.  “Thank you so much.  I’ll see if I can find him”. Vicky headed for the balcony. 

Jason thought about having one more drink then thought better of it.  It would be unseemly to get drunk at his parents anniversary party.  He let Bridget get close
to him in the hopes that it would distract him from thoughts of Vicky but it wasn’t working.  This was crazy. He was miserable.  He needed to try and convince Vicky to give them another chance.  Bridget was wrapped around him so tightly and doing everything in her power to arouse Jason.  At the exact moment that Jason was getting ready to remove Bridget’s arms from around his neck he heard someone call his name. “Jason?” He turned around and all the color drained from his face. It was Vicky.  Oh, God he couldn’t imagine how this looked.  Vicky turned away and quickly walked back into main hall before Jason could move.  He was shocked but he knew if he had any chance with her he had to get to her right away.  Jason quickly removed Bridget’s arms and stepped away from her. “Bridget, I’m sorry.  I love her.” And, then he took off to find the woman he loved.

Everything was such a blur.  Vicky moved as fast as her legs could carry her without running.  She made it to her room and leaned her back against the wall.  The pain in her heart seemed unbearable. She needed to catch her breath. 
All her fears were confirmed.  He was back together with Bridget.  A few minutes later there was a knock on her door.  Vicky quickly wiped away her tears she didn’t want anyone to know she was falling apart.  She went to the door and there stood Jason. “May I come in?” Vicky’s pain stricken face was on full display, although, Vicky did her best to hide it. “Of course, it’s your parent’s home.”.  Jason was so nervous he couldn’t imagine what she must be thinking.  Well, actually he could “I didn’t’ know you were coming. Is Angel here too?”. Vicky smiled sadly, “Would that have made a difference.  Of course, it wouldn’t have.  Anyway, I didn’t know I was coming tonight either.  It was rather sudden.  And, yes, Angel is here.  This was your mother’s idea. She hired a sitter for Angel for tonight.  They’re in the other guest room if you’d like to see her?”. Jason couldn’t stop staring at her.  She’d been in his dreams so much that he couldn’t believe she was here in person.  He reached out and touched her face just to make sure this wasn’t one of them. “You’re beautiful” Vicky nervously touched the place on her face Jason’s hands had been “The clothes, the hair, and the makeup…again was the wizardry of your mom.” Jason repeated himself “you are so beautiful” as if he weren’t really talking to her.   “I..I..didn’t know you were seeing someone.  If I’d known I wouldn’t have come.  I’m sorry if I…” Vicky’s voice faltered.  Jason couldn’t believe she’d come back.  He didn’t care about anything in this moment except kissing her.  So, he did.  He lifted her chin and just kissed her.  This time this wasn’t a kiss of passion.  It was a kiss of love.  Vicky’s knees went weak.  He held Vicky in his arms and rested his forehead on hers. “I’m not seeing anyone.  Vicky, I’ve missed you so much. I haven’t been able to think straight since you left.  I’ve been doing some really stupid things to distract me from thoughts of you up to and including Bridget.  Nothing is going on between us.  I know you may not believe this but I’d just made the decision to take the jet tonight and convince you to give us another try. I love you and only you.  Whatever our issues we can overcome them.  I will spend the rest of my life trying to convince you of that if you’ll give me another chance”. Vicky tearfully nibbled her bottom lip before declaring to Jason “I love you too”.  Jason couldn’t believe he’d heard her correctly.  Staring into her beautiful eyes he asked her to say it again. “I love you too Jason and I’m willing to fight for us”. This time he kissed her and it was full of need. He was in the process of trying to lay her down on the bed when Vicky stopped him. “We can’t….not here in your parent’s home”. Jason understood but was anxious because all he wanted to do was make love to her.  He ran his hand through his hair.  “Then let’s go.  The sitter will be here till morning right?” Vicky nodded “Then, get your things and let’s go back to my place.  We can pick her up in the morning”.  Jason could hardly wait to leave.  As Jason started to help Vicki gather her things he went over to the dresser and stopped in his tracks.  He saw a box on the dresser and picked it up. “Vicky is this yours?” Vicky turned around and when she saw that he held the pregnancy kit in his hands her smile faltered “Yes, it’s mine”. “Do you think you’re pregnant?” Vicky walked over to him “I could be. I’m not sure. I’ve been having symptoms but I haven’t been brave enough to take the test yet.” Jason reached out and pulled her in front of him.  Standing in front of the mirror and admiring how they looked together Jason wrapped his hands around her waist “If you are I hope he or she has your eyes.” Then, he turned her again to face him and kissed her.  It didn’t matter whether she was pregnant or not. If not today, Jay knew it would only be a matter of time.  Jason knew that Vicky was going to become his wife and the mother of several of their children.  Yes, he was going to convince here that there could be a happily ever after.

BOOK: Out of Nowhere
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