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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Overcome (15 page)

BOOK: Overcome
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She scrunched her nose and shuddered. “I’m not gonna have to hunt, am I? I like to eat, but raw meat is something I stay strictly away from.”

“No.” Colton grabbed a slice and took a bite too. “Our marking you will alter your system somewhat, but no, you won’t shift. You’ll get over illnesses easier, if you get sick at all, you’ll heal faster, live longer. Things of a similar nature. But you’re still human. We can’t change your species. Our children, on the other hand, should be able to shift.”

She pondered the notion for a bit while she polished off one piece and dug into a second. Watching her eat mesmerized Marc. And added to his horny thoughts.

Damn it, he’d missed her while he’d been at school all day.

He waited until she’d finished and licked the tomato sauce from her lips, and then grabbed her. “I want you.” He found the edge of her shirt and tugged it up and over her head. Anna sucked in a breath, but instead of covering herself, she gazed up at him, her eyes big and one hundred percent willing.

Colton moved in behind her. His hands came to her front and plucked open the bra so he could cover her breasts while Marc teased the skin of her neck with his lips.

This was something they could do for her, to take her mind off what had been happening this past week.

He unbuttoned her jeans, pushed them and her underwear over her hips, and helped her out of them. She shivered at the sudden draft against her naked skin, and goose bumps pebbled her arms. Colton warmed her by moving his hands up and down her arms.

“You are so beautiful.” Marc tipped her face up to his. “Every inch of you.”

Her cheeks went pink, which told him she didn’t get complimented often. He’d seen the take-no-prisoners side of her, and now he saw her vulnerable side. Marc envisioned exactly what he wanted to do with her. Glancing over her shoulder, he told Colton without using words what needed to happen. Colton nodded once, completely on board.

They led her to the couch, where they eased her into a sitting position with her bottom on the edge and her legs spread wide. For a second, Marc thought she would balk, but then she sank into the cushion and opened herself even more to them. Her teeth tugged on her lower lip as she watched them with more than a little suspicion.

Marc knelt with her right leg between his, and Colton did the same on her other leg. Both remained clothed. This was all about her tonight. Marc leaned back and grabbed her foot. He dug his fingers into the arch and began to smooth away some of the tension there. Colton mirrored the action.

Anna’s head fell back, and her eyes closed on a drawn out moan. They worked their way up her calves to her thighs, her belly, her shoulders, and down her arms until she was a boneless heap on the couch. When she lay loose and sleepy, Marc parted her pussy lips and spread the moisture he found there. She’d gotten excited by their innocent touches. Colton took a nipple in his mouth and the other between his fingers.

Her hips lifted, seeking more. Marc obliged, sliding his third finger into her sheath, watching as her pussy sucked him in greedily. He found her G-spot, and curving his finger, stroked it. She came off the couch, fully awake now and doing her best to come on his hand. He used his thumb on her clit, circling it in tiny figure eights until her eyes rolled back and she shouted, her legs squeezing as she tried to close them but unable to as they held her trapped.

Marc worked her through the orgasm, gentling her but not letting her go or pulling out of her pussy. Colton lapped at her nipples, which were stiff and dark pink from their attention.

When she’d finally come down, Marc slipped his finger out and waited until her gaze met his. When they did, he licked the digit clean. Her nostrils flared and the tip of her tongue poked out to wet her lips. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. She tried to sit up, tried to reach for Colton’s zipper when he stood.

“No. Not tonight, Anna. Tonight was all for you.”

“But I—”

He put his palm on her mouth and shook his head, silencing her. When she’d given up arguing, he put an arm under her knees and the other behind her back and lifted her. Marc moved ahead of them to the bed they’d shared the night before and turned back the covers.

Marc knew they’d done the right thing not pushing her tonight when she snuggled into Colton’s pillow and her eyes never opened.

They stood in the doorway and watched their mate sleep.

“We have to find out what the fuck is going on, Colt.” He could still taste her on his tongue.

“Believe me, I know this.”


Saturday morning dawned bright and beautiful. Outside, at least. Inside, Anna lay in a Marc and Colton cocoon, their natural body heat keeping her warm without needing a blanket. She wondered when they’d joined her because, beyond the orgasm they’d blown her away with on the couch, she didn’t remember anything.

She stretched, dislodging a hand on her belly. The owner of the hand, Colton, growled and tugged her back closer against his belly, and then pushed his nose into the nape of her neck.

“Is this how you greet all your women?” She couldn’t help but taunt him.

“No, this is how I greet my mate.” He punctuated his greeting by propping her leg over his and thrusting his cock into her pussy. Her breath caught in her throat.

Marc’s eyes opened sleepily and then popped wide. “Mmm…”

“I could get used to this greeting.”

“I definitely could.” Marc palmed a breast, his long fingers tweaking her nipple.

Apparently they loved her boobs because neither of them could stop touching them.

With one hand on her belly, keeping her tucked up against him, Colton set a quick rhythm, which did nothing for her since he was behind her.

“Touch yourself.” The whisper fanned her ear and sent a shiver down her spine. Could she get off with Marc watching her?

Hell yes, she could. She skimmed her hand to her clit. The way Colton had her leg thrown back left her pussy open and her clit poking out, begging for attention. With her middle finger, she rubbed it. She knew her body, knew how hard to press, what direction to swirl. It didn’t take any time at all with the added pressure inside her channel.

She lifted her gaze to Marc’s and held it while she rocked into her hand. His eyes began to take on the glow she was becoming familiar with.

“Do the same,” she murmured to Marc. “Come with me.”

He did, encircling his cock and giving it a lazy pull. He ran his thumb over the slit, gathering the fluid there, then raising the drop to her lips and asking her to taste him without words. Anna wrapped her lips around his thumb and sucked the smear of come from his skin. The salty tang of him spurred her need forward.

She doubled her efforts at her clit. The motion was a bit awkward because on her own she would have lain on her belly and stuck her hand under her. The pressure always seemed better in that position.

Marc shortened and quickened his strokes on his cock, and she could tell by the way his muscles hardened that he was close to coming. The telltale tingle at her clit signaled how close she was also. If humping her fingers made her a wanton mess, then so be it. Colton grunted in her ear and held rigid against her while his cock pumped inside her. A splash of warm liquid hit her belly, and Anna stared at Marc’s cock as it spurted his release. She’d paused to watch until Colton tossed her hand aside and took over, asserting the perfect amount of pressure and finishing her off.

They stayed tangled in each other’s arms until their breathing returned to normal, and at least her legs un-jellified. Colton’s nose nuzzled the back of her neck again, and Anna laughed out loud.

“Please tell me you’re not ready to go again already.”

A smack to her ass rewarded her insolence.

“No, baby, I’m done for now.” He kissed the slope of the shoulder. “It’s showers and shopping on the agenda next.”

Little did she know how shopping would dip her into an even deeper circle of hell.

Standing at the register with several outfits, some interchangeable and some stand-alones, a few pairs of jeans, several T-shirts, underwear, bras, socks, and four pairs of shoes, Anna grudgingly took out her credit card and handed it to the attendant. The total came close to five hundred dollars. An amount she would never spend willingly at one time. Hopefully it didn’t take long to receive her insurance check so she could pay off the balance quickly.

The boy swiped her card and then frowned. He swiped it again, and a nervous flutter threatened to turn to vomit in Anna’s stomach.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. This card’s been declined. It says I have to cut it up.”

“What?” She was sure the shriek could be heard outside the store. Embarrassment and anger warred inside her. On top of all the things happening to her, she shouldn’t be surprised at all, but damn it, this hurt.

“What’s wrong with the card?” Colton’s hand circled her back in a calming gesture.

“I don’t know. It just says on here to keep the card and destroy it.”

Anna’s whole face twitched. This was the last straw. “I’m going to kill him.”

The boy’s eyes widened and he stepped back.

“Oh, not you,” she snapped. She rounded on Colton, the closest one to her, and thus the one to receive her ire. “It’s got to be him. I swear to God—”

“Anna. Breathe.” He pulled his wallet free of his back pocket and handed the man his card. “Use this one. And let me get the number off the back of her card so we can call and get this straightened out.”

The boy nodded vigorously, eyeing Anna warily. She couldn’t blame him. How often did a woman go ape shit in his store?

She started to cry. She couldn’t hold it in one more second. Every ounce of her life had been torn to shreds. Screw being strong.

Marc led her to a bench outside the store and held her while she sobbed into his chest. Things had gone too far. Every facet of her life, except her job, had been sabotaged, and she didn’t know why. Or who was fucking with her. Her only guess was Peter.

Why? Why would he wait all this time to destroy her? And what purpose did it serve when he was the one to have an affair and ruin what they had? It made no sense.

Colton appeared minutes later, her bags in tow, and sat heavily on her other side.

“You should call this number right now. I’d do it for you, but they won’t tell me anything since I’m not the card owner.”

Anna sniffed. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know anymore. Maybe she’d change her name and move to Fiji. Start over.

Colton lifted her face with a finger under her chin. “We’ll add it to the report. At some point, he’s going to slip. And when he does—”

“We’ll nail the fucker,” Marc finished.

“I don’t understand why he’d do this. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“I don’t know, baby, but I find it too convenient he’s out of the country and all of his contact information has changed so no one can get ahold of him. I’m guessing maybe he’s pissed you left him.” Colton wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “I need you to be strong for a little while longer.”

Jesus, she didn’t know if she could. “How can you want someone like me?”

Marc jerked her around. “This isn’t your fault. Not one bit of it. None of this defines who you are, who we know you to be.”

“But you’ve only known me since Monday.”

He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Our souls know yours, our hearts know you were made for us.” Colton linked his hand with hers and kissed her knuckles.

She suddenly felt very small. “How do I know?”

“You’ll know someday if you give us a chance. You’ll sense our implicit trust and faith in all that you do, and you’ll know inside what we feel isn’t a fleeting emotion. For us, you are the future. Without you, we’ll have nothing.”

She couldn’t respond. Didn’t know how to. Didn’t know if she could blindly fall into their arms and hope they were right. The sex was great, yes. Fantastic even. Better than she’d ever had. But she knew she couldn’t base a relationship on sex.

So look at what they’ve shown you already, Anna. The flowers, the notes, the sundaes, the flipping tree. They hadn’t done those things on a whim.

BOOK: Overcome
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