Read Owning His Bride Online

Authors: Sue Lyndon

Owning His Bride (10 page)

BOOK: Owning His Bride
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“Hunter, I—” She stopped herself and inhaled deeply, then started moving her hands around, until she was cupping her perfect reddened globes.

He waited, his desire returning full force as his cock thickened. He hadn’t enjoyed spanking her to tears, his earlier arousal from seeing her bare bottomed and standing in the corner fading after the first few spanks, even more so after she’d started sobbing. But this, this was an intimate chastisement, one that would push her limits and compel her to surrender completely to him.

“Becca, if I have to spread your bottom for you, I will fetch a larger plug to push into your tight hole.”

She pulled her cheeks apart then, exposing the dark pink flesh of her rosette, resting above the moist petals of her gleaming, plumped sex. His breath caught and he had to adjust his hardening cock in his pants. He reached for the lubrication and trickled the liquid down her crevice, watching in dark fascination as her puckered hole clenched against the cool substance rolling over it. He sat the bottle of lube aside and nudged at her snug opening with two fingers, rubbing the slickness around while she held herself wide for his exploration.

“You’re being so good right now, Becca. Such a good little girl,” he said, inserting his fingers into her tightness.

She shifted on the bed and moaned, but held position otherwise. Creating a slow pumping motion, he fucked her untouched hole, surging deeper with each thrust, until he managed to stretch her enough for his digits to slip in to his knuckles. Little mewling noises floated up from her, and she occasionally clamped down on his fingers, though he sensed she was trying to relax around the intrusion filling her.

“Most of the time when you’re naughty, Becca, I will just spank you. But sometimes, the times I feel you need an exceptional lesson in submission, I will tend to this tight hole of yours. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes, sir,” she gasped out.

“Time for the plug,” he announced, withdrawing from her backside and reaching for the dark blue object. He trickled more lube down her crevice and massaged it into her pucker before he pressed the small plug to her quivering entrance. “Relax and accept this into you, Becca, and it will hurt less.”

“It’s too big, Hunter. Oh, please, have mercy.” She clenched up and attempted to shield her back hole.

“Naughty, Becca,” he said, pinning her hands down at her back as he’d done during her spankings. “Do you want a larger plug?”

“No, sir. I’m sorry. I just really don’t think it will fit.”

“It’s going to fit just fine, and once it’s in your tight ass I’m going to pound into your sopping wet pussy, and you’ll feel the plug stretching you even more while I claim what’s mine, Becca. And you are very much mine, remember that. I care for what’s mine, but I also discipline what’s mine.”

He began sliding the plug into her bottom, and though she resisted it at first, after a few moments of careful prodding and encouraging her to open up, she accepted the bulbous tip. The rest of the plug went in much more easily, and he soon had the entire object seated fully in her ass. He stepped back to admire the vision of Becca with her pussy swollen and wet, her bottom red and punished, and the base of the plug snug in her ass. So lovely, and all his.

He unzipped his pants and freed his engorged cock, fisting his hard length as he approached his trembling wife. Breaths shuddered out of her, and she tossed her head back and forth when he stroked his cock along the slit of her dewy nether lips. She moaned his name and he almost lost control and came right then. He closed his eyes until he regained his senses, and once the moment passed he guided her hands above her head.

“You’re doing very well, Becca. The plug is all the way inside you. How does it feel?”

“It’s, um, not as uncomfortable as it was at first.”

“Good. I’m going to fuck you now, Becca. Hard.”

She spread her legs further and lifted her backside. Her slickness pressed firmly against his weeping cock.

He gripped her hips and pushed fully into her with one merciless, hard plunge that rocked the bed. Fuck, she was tight with the plug filling her. Without a pause, he started pumping into her in a rapid, endless series of thrusts. He was so lost in his lust for her that he couldn’t have been gentle if he wanted to. Bent over the bed while he held her down, she could only lie there and accept his cock, accept the brutal sort of lovemaking that had mixed with her anal punishment.

He leaned over her, grazing the soft lobe of her ear with his lips, all the while continuing with the harsh drives into her pussy. He traced her ear with his tongue and moved lower to nibble on her neck. When he reached her shoulder, he bit down hard enough to make her cry out, and then she was coming apart beneath him, rocking her center back against his cock as he slammed into her, crying out his name as she tore at the bedcovers. Her insides clamped down and contracted around his length.

He withdrew from her pussy and reached for the plug, pulling it from her ass with a slight twisting motion. Then, keeping her bottom cheeks splayed apart, he gripped his cock and came directly atop her pucker, spilling his seed right on her naughty punished hole.

“You will stay here, bent over the bed, with my cum dripping from your tight backside hole, until I say you can get up, Becca.” He wasn’t sure what possessed him to order such a thing, but he wanted her to stay there, just like that, with the evidence of his claiming covering her most intimate place.

She mumbled something incoherent and remained in position, with his release glistening over her asshole and trickling down to her swollen pussy lips and inner thighs.

He put his cock away and zipped up his pants, then put a hand on her back. He spoke his next words as gently as possible. “You are mine forever, Becca. All mine. Don’t ever forget that, and don’t ever think I’ll let you go. I can make you happy, if only you’ll give me a chance.”

Chapter Seven



A warm breeze ruffled Becca’s hair as she walked along the most pristine white sandy beach she’d ever seen. She paused and looked behind her at her footprints, not quite believing this beautiful island was her new home. She turned in a slow circle, taking in her breathtaking surroundings.

Trees that resembled palm trees, but much taller than on Earth and with larger branches, lined the edge of a lush forest. The bright blue ocean seemed to stretch to the ends of this planet. She saw no other islands, no boats, and no transports zipping through the sky. This island was untouched, and she wondered if this was how the early European explorers had felt when they set foot on North American soil for the first time, or the first space adventurers as they walked upon the surface of Bettian Prime, the first habitable planet ever discovered.

Some of the smaller trees in the forest, the parts near the clearing where their temporary house now rested, held orange fruits the size of watermelons. Hunter had promised to pick one later, claiming they were edible and quite nutritious. She lifted up her skirt and crept toward the water, letting the waves wash over her feet as her thoughts drifted to her new husband and their new life.

They had arrived at Merro just after sunrise to find their temporary house waiting, a white bullet-shaped five-room structure that Hunter kept referring to as small, yet it was substantially larger than her parents’ house in Eau Claire. The foundation for their permanent house was already laid, and a company that specialized in erecting homes on newly settled planets was currently working around the clock to complete it. Hunter, having spent many years working in construction, was busy watching the progress. He’d given her permission to walk on the beach after the builders assured him the only dangerous predators on this island were large nocturnal cats that never ventured out of the forest anyway.

She peered above the beach to the clearing and spotted Hunter staring at her. Even from this distance, his strong presence made her pulse quicken. She smiled and waved at him, waiting until he returned the gesture, before continuing her walk through the wet sand, keeping her skirt raised as the cool ocean water lapped at her feet.

Home. This was her new home now, this island paradise. She moved away from the water so she could once again feel the incredible sensation of hot sand between her toes, a delight she never thought she would experience again in a million years. After a year spent awaiting trial in the crowded Interstellar Port prison, two years on Kemmius, and three days on a transport, she was beyond thankful to be on this secluded island on Merro. She was starting to feel more thankful that Hunter had chosen her as well.

She ran a hand through her hair, trying to untangle the knots the breeze had whipped into her dark locks, and pondered her budding romance with her husband.

Romance. There was no other word to describe the delicious tension between them, the warmth in Hunter’s eyes whenever he looked at her, and the constant kindnesses he showed her. She glanced down at her pretty light blue dress, her face flushing at the memory of the day he’d brought her the boxes of new clothing. Her bottom tingled with the reminder of the punishment he’d given her after she screamed, cursed, and hurled shoes at his head.

After he’d removed the plug and spilled his seed on her backside hole, he’d ordered her to hold position bent over the bed. She hadn’t understood why at first, until she’d become aware of his cum trickling over her privates and down her thighs. Hunter had approached her and brushed her hair to the side, then he’d stepped back and she’d sensed him watching her for what felt like an eternity. The entire punishment, from the corner time to the spanking, to the scolding to the butt plug, had been an exercise in trust.

When he’d spurted his release onto her, he’d also been marking her in his own way, a primal way that still sent ripples of heat through her days later.

Her nipples peaked and her breathing accelerated. She didn’t resent him for punishing her. Not in the least. The act had brought them closer, and she melted when she closed her eyes and remembered the rest of that evening. He’d helped her up and folded her into his warm embrace, then he’d guided her into the bathroom and helped her clean up, drawing her a bath and running a soapy washcloth over every inch of her body. After rinsing and drying her off, he’d put her in a silky nightdress, carried her back to their bed, and hugged her to his chest while she fell asleep in his arms.

Even when she’d awoken in the middle of the night, he was still holding her, keeping a hand in her hair while pressing her head right over his heart, as if he knew the exact way she’d dreamed of being held.

The next morning he’d looked at her with a sort of reverence that stunned her, before he’d straddled her and sank into her, his thrusts slow and gentle, until the final moments of their coupling when he’d pounded her with a ferocity that took her breath away and made her cry out her release.

Her thoughts, combined with the midday sun, left Becca sweltering and parched. She lifted her hair from her neck and rushed up the beach. Noticing Hunter was busy conversing with one of the workers, she entered their temporary house and got herself a glass of ice-cold water.

Glancing around at the boxes, most of it Hunter’s belongings, she began unpacking, starting with the kitchen items first. She supposed most of the kitchen and other household items had been acquired at the Interstellar Port. The only personal items of Hunter’s seemed to be his clothing, a few photos, and his travel documents.

She found a long-expired Florida drivers’ license with his real name—Hunter Calloway. She supposed now she was Mrs. Calloway, and she grinned at his boyish image, probably taken in his late teen years. She also found several photos of a handsome couple she assumed were his parents, business flyers for Calloway Construction, and various news articles about his parents’ murder and his own arrest. Unsure of what to do with the personal items, she arranged them on a bookshelf in their living room. Once she put away the last of their clothing, she stacked the empty boxes against a wall in the spare bedroom and walked through the house, making sure everything was in its proper place.

Hunter claimed their permanent house would be ready in a little over a week. She couldn’t fathom a house being built so fast and thought all of this, especially the island, must have cost a fortune. She knew the Kemmius guards never had to work another day in their lives once their five years ended, and she respected Hunter for wanting to get his hands dirty, for wanting to farm and be productive rather than buy a fancy house in one of the cities in this sector and spend the rest of his days in leisure.

In her dark cell, Becca used to dream of returning to Earth. Now, as she peered out the window at the sun glinting off the ocean waves, she didn’t feel a pinch of homesickness. Though she was still getting to know Hunter, she had come to terms with her place as his wife. Logically she knew Kemmius was nothing more than a bride factory for the men adventurous enough to leave Earth. It wasn’t his fault she’d been a prisoner on the cold planet, and she couldn’t begrudge him for wanting to start a family, for wanting to fulfill his own dreams and find happiness after having all his rights stripped from him by a corrupt American government.

Night came quickly, the sun setting in a swirl of colors that stretched across the horizon. She watched the majestic display of nature while sitting on the beach next to Hunter. He had an arm wrapped around her, and the instant the burning orange sun slipped away, he turned her head and stared at her through the darkness.

“You did a fine job organizing the trailer, Becca. Thank you.”

She laughed. “Trailer? That thing is huge, and it looks nothing like the trailer homes on Earth.” The stars transpired one by one, and the night came alive around them. Two moons rose high in the sky, glowing bright amidst the stars. Humid air clung to her body, and as the screeching of nocturnal insects and animals swelled in the nearby forest, she instinctively leaned further into his embrace.

“I’m glad you don’t mind our temporary house, Becca. I suppose it’s not very small, though compared to the house being built it’s not even a cottage. I want our future children to have lots of room to run around inside during the rainy season.”

BOOK: Owning His Bride
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