Read Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Online

Authors: Bria Marche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One (9 page)

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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“Yes, my love, what is it?”

“I’m going to be promoted to National Sales Director next month and things will get even busier. Because of that, I want us to go away together before the promotion. Let’s take a week to celebrate, say to some exotic island in the Caribbean. We need to relax and appreciate our time together. We can indulge each other with our deepest fantasies. I want to spend all day in bed with you, catering to your needs, making your wishes come true. Would you like that?”

“That sounds delicious, Jack. I want you to make every inch of my body quiver with excitement.” She parted her teeth and slipped her tongue out slightly, while licking her lips.

“You’re such a tease, Sasha.”

“You’ll see what I can do when we get back to my place, and I guarantee it will be the real thing. But for now, you have to wait.”

She taunted and teased Jack throughout dinner. He could barely contain himself during the ten block cab ride back to her apartment. He paid the driver and led her inside, pulling her into the elevator. He slid his hand under her dress and caressed her buttocks while pulling her moistened panties down. The elevator stopped at the third floor and the door opened. They laughed and ran inside her apartment to continue where they left off. They made love for hours, pleasuring each other to a frenzy numerous times.

Jack knew he had to take the last train back to Tarrytown. This evening wasn’t planned, and he didn’t have a change of clothes or his toiletries with him. It was so hard to get Sasha out of his head once he had his mind set on her. She was his drug of choice, and had been for six years. He couldn’t live without Sasha. She felt the same, even though everything she thought she knew about Jack was a lie.

Chapter Eleven

Mia ate dinner alone hours ago. She lay on the couch with Reggie watching one of her favorite TV crime series.
What a jerk, now he doesn’t even make up some lie when he’s staying in the city. He just doesn’t come home.
The chimes on the grandfather clock rang out eleven times. “That’s it Reggie, bed time for both of us. Go on, get in your kennel. Good boy, night-night.”

She turned off the lights and went to bed. Mia was done catering to Jack. There wasn’t going to be any more staying up waiting for him to come home. There would be no more hoping the telephone would ring. She wouldn’t answer it if he did call. The porch light would be off, and there wouldn’t be any notes on the table. They were two people living together in the same house and nothing more. She wondered what Jack’s agenda was.
Why not just divorce me if Sasha means so much to you?

Mia woke up to the sound of the shower running. The illuminated numbers on the alarm clock showed it was seven-thirty. She was surprised she didn’t hear Jack come home last night. Mia slipped on her robe and started the coffee.
He’s running late. I bet he had an exhausting evening… how gross. I must be getting over him since I don’t even care what he does. I just want to ruin him, and soon.

Jack rushed past her and grabbed his briefcase and keys.

“What, no time for coffee and a side order of bullshit this morning, Jack?”

He grumbled on his way out and slammed the front door. He ran down the sidewalk to his car.

Trying to sneak in last night, huh? You didn’t put your car in the garage because the sound of the overhead door would have woke me. Nice going, asshole.
As she was about to take the first bite of her microwaved breakfast burrito, Mia’s cell rang out.
Kind of early for a phone call.
She grabbed the phone sitting on the granite counter top and looked at the number, realizing it was her brother Matt. “Oh no, this can’t be good… hello?”

“Mia, Matt here. Dad’s in the hospital. He had a stroke last night. I don’t think it’s life threatening, but it’s serious enough. Mom is beside herself with worry. I guess she tried calling you last night, but it went straight to voicemail. Can you make it to Tampa today? I can catch a plane on Saturday. Liz is in Phoenix at a work convention, but she’ll be back Friday night. I’m sorry, Sis, but I have the kids to watch until she gets home.”

“It’s okay, Matt. I have to make a few arrangements first, then I’ll fly out this afternoon. I’ll call Mom and get the hospital info and tell her I’m on my way. Thanks for calling. Text me your flight information so I can pick you up at the airport on Saturday.”

“Thanks, Sis, will do. Bye.”

“Bye.” Mia tried her mother’s cell phone after hanging up with her brother. It went to voice mail. “She must have the phone turned off if Dad’s in ICU. I’ll try again later. Thank goodness I don’t have any photo shoots set in stone. I have to call Vic and Karen and tell them everything is on hold until I get back. Crap! What in the hell am I going to do about Reggie? Jack isn’t concerned enough to take proper care of him.”

Mia took a gulp of coffee and started writing down the things she needed to do this morning. She had to check the airline schedules on the computer and purchase a ticket leaving this afternoon. Once that was taken care of, she needed to find someone to care for her beloved dog until she returned. Mia purchased a direct flight leaving at six o’clock from LaGuardia. She would arrive in Tampa at eight forty-five.
Oh yeah, I need a rental car too.
When Mia had those important necessities done, she printed her boarding pass and car rental confirmation, then tried calling her mom again. She walked Reggie as she talked.

“Mom, it’s me. How’s Dad? How long is he going to be in the hospital? How are you holding up?”

“Hi, honey, well he’s just lying in the hospital bed. His left side doesn’t work and he can’t speak.” Ann’s voice cracked.

“Mom, we’ll figure this out. I’ll be there tonight, and you can fill me in on everything. I’ve already got my airline ticket and rental car. Are you sticking around the hospital, or are you going home later? I won’t get to the house or hospital until close to ten o’clock.”

“I’ll be here, honey, at the hospital. Maybe after you arrive and see your dad, we can go home and get some sleep. I’m just a wreck right now worrying about him.”

“I know, Mom. What hospital are you at?”

“We’re at Tampa General on Davis Island, honey. There’s a rehabilitation center on campus too.”

“I’ll find it, don’t worry. I’ll see you tonight, and take it easy. Dad will come through this just fine. He’s a tough old fart. I’m going to talk to the doctors and get all the details over the next few days.”

“Thanks, honey. I’ll see you later.”

“Keep your cell handy, alright? I love you, Mom, bye.”

“Bye, Mia.”


Vic and Tina were too busy to watch Reggie, but she did have someone else in mind that would be perfect. Mia jumped on her bike and headed downtown. She walked into the familiar surroundings that always made her smile. The bell above the door rang out like always. This place was as warm and predictable as Aaron himself.
that so bad?
The more she thought about Aaron, the happier she felt.

“Mia! It’s great to see you, sweetheart,” Aaron said, as pleased as he could be at the sight of her. “What a vision.”

There never seemed to be a time when Aaron didn’t smile from ear to ear at Mia’s presence. There never seemed to be a time when Aaron wasn’t happy in general.

He’s got it made
There’s something Aaron has that I want too. He has that happy spark, and enjoys life to the fullest, no matter what.
“Hi Aaron, do you have a few minutes to talk?”

“Sure, Mia, I always have time for you. Do you want to sit and have a cup of coffee? I promise it’s fresh.”

“That sounds great. I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”

“Only daydreaming about you. But having you here in the flesh is way better than any daydream,” he replied, genuinely happy that she was sitting next to him.

“Thanks, Aaron, you’re the best. I have a request and I’m only asking because it’s urgent.”

“Mia, is everything okay? I’d do anything for you, seriously.” His response this time showed real concern as he reached for her hand and held it.

“Well, I got a phone call this morning from Matt. He said my dad had a stroke. Aaron, I just talked to my dad a few days ago, and he sounded fine.”

“Strokes happen, honey. Is he okay? What can I do?”

“I’m not sure if he’s okay, but I’m leaving for Tampa tonight. I have no idea how long I’ll be gone. The thing is, I can’t trust Jack to take care of Reggie. He’s unpredictable, Aaron, and sometimes doesn’t even come home at night.” Tears ran down her cheeks.

“Mia, that sounds like a problem we may have to discuss when you get home. I had no idea. I’m so sorry. Do you want me to take care of Reggie? He can stay right in the shop with me during the day. I’ll walk him at lunch time when I close up, and he’ll be fine at home with me at night. As long as it takes Mia, it’s no problem.”

“Are you sure? It’s such short notice. I can’t take him to a kennel since he doesn’t have a current bordetella vaccine. I’m so sorry to impose on you like this.”

“Mia, Reggie is a great dog. He already knows me. He’ll be our family dog someday,” Aaron said, with confidence.

“What am I going to do with you, Aaron?”

“Well, that might take a little time to explain. Anyway, you can either drop him off here, or at my house. What time do you fly out?”

“My flight is at six, but that means I need to catch the three o’clock train. I don’t want to park at the airport since I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”

“I’d be happy to take you to the airport.”

“No way, you’re already doing enough.”

“Well, you aren’t going to leave your car at the train station either are you? I’ll come by at lunch time and pick up everything for Reggie. We can drop him off at my house and go out for lunch. Then I’ll take you to the train station. It makes more sense to do it that way, sweetheart.”

“Are you sure? I hate imposing on you.”

“You could never impose on me. I’ll come by at noon, okay?”

“Thanks, Aaron, you’re my lifesaver.”

“I’m holding you to that, Mia,” he said, smiling. “I’ll see you at noon.”

Mia left, relieved that Aaron was always there for her.
He’s everything I want in a man, in a husband and partner for life. The only problem is, he’s my best friend. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
She had a few hours to kill, so she stopped at the salon to tell Vic and Tina what was going on. Saying goodbye in person was much better than a phone call. The plans they were making would have to be postponed for now. When she returned home, everything could continue where they left off. After explaining the situation to Vic and Tina, they hugged goodbye, and Mia headed home. Vic said she’d contact Karen and tell her things would be postponed for a while.

Mia packed a suitcase and got Reggie’s food, pillow and dishes together. She disassembled the kennel and had it waiting at the front door. At noon, the doorbell rang. Mia looked at the time.
That’s another reason I love Aaron. He’s someone I can depend on.

Aaron came in with his usual smile. “Hi, gorgeous. Let me get this stuff loaded in the car for you. Does Reggie need a quick walk around the block before we take him to my house?”

“That’s a good idea, let’s go.”

They laughed and talked as they strolled around the neighborhood with Reggie leading the way.
This is nice
All that’s missing is the baby,
Mia thought
They enjoyed lunch together and Aaron dropped her off at the train station at two forty-five.

“Mia, take care of yourself while you’re gone. Give your parents my love and let them know they’re in my prayers. I’ll take good care of Reggie. You don’t need to worry about him at all.”

“I know, and I can’t thank you enough. I’ll call you when I get in, that’s if you want me to,” she said, grinning.

“You silly girl, you know I do.”

They hugged each other and Mia kissed him on the cheek. They said their goodbyes, and she boarded the train to Grand Central Terminal. From there, she’d take the airport shuttle to LaGuardia and be on her way to Tampa soon afterward.

Chapter Twelve

Mia boarded the train and exhaled a deep sigh. She needed that time to decompress before transferring to the airport shuttle at Grand Central Terminal. After the whole day of arranging for her departure, she realized she hadn’t even called Jack or left him a note.
Wow… I guess this truly is a disconnect. He didn’t even cross my mind. I’ll call him from Tampa. I doubt if he’ll even be home by the time I get there.
Mia dozed on the airplane, then left Jack a message on his cell when she arrived at Tampa International.
I’m not going to spend much time worrying about him. Reggie’s in good hands and that’s all I care about.

During the short drive to the hospital Mia also called Aaron. He told her she was missed already, and Reggie was sound asleep without a care in the world. He reminded Mia to stay in touch and not to worry about anything back home. “Give your parents my love, Mia, and focus on them. I’ll be thinking of you. Good night.”

“Good night, Aaron, and thanks for everything. I’ll call you in a few days.”

The drive to the hospital was short, and within thirty minutes Mia was at her mother’s side at the front entrance.

“Mia, I’m so relieved to see you, honey.”

“Hi, Mom, how are you holding up? What floor is Dad on?”

“Follow me, he’s in ICU on the second floor. He’s still in the same condition, but we got here as soon as I realized what was going on last night. They gave him a clot-dissolving drug. The doctors think it will help reduce any chance of a long-term disability. He may be here for a while, and then spend time at the rehab center. I guess we’ll see.”

“It sounds like the doctors are keeping you well informed. That’s good. Dad is only sixty years old. Did the doctors say why they think he had a stroke?”

“Well, it turns out your dad’s carotid arteries were blocked, honey. We had no idea. They did an ultrasound, and he’s going to have surgery tomorrow.”

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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