Read Person of Interest Online

Authors: Debby Giusti

Person of Interest (20 page)

BOOK: Person of Interest
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“I never did.”

“I drove to Fort Rickman to stop you, only you weren’t at your apartment, so I had to kill your roommate, instead. I bloodied clothes that I pulled from your closet and threw them in the Dumpster. Video cameras were in the rear of the apartment complex, but I was careful not to show my face. I wore a stocking cap and one of your coats. I wanted them to come after you, and they would have if not for your boyfriend in the backseat.”

Annabelle glanced over her shoulder at Everett.

He closed his eyes.

Natalie screamed. “Watch the road.”

The car swerved.

Everett tried to think clearly, in spite of the hits to his chest and leg and his too-rapid loss of blood. His left hand throbbed where the bullet had grazed him, but his right hand was unscathed. He reached for the Smith & Wesson strapped to his ankle. The effort was too much for him. He gasped for air.

Natalie turned ever so slightly.

He signaled her with his good hand but kept it out of Annabelle’s line of sight.

Natalie nodded her head.

“Annabelle, you need to slow down on that upcoming curve,” she warned.

“I don’t have to do anything.”

Everett got the message. Mustering his strength, he raised up ever so slightly. Seeing the bend in the road, he lunged and grabbed Annabelle’s throat before she could react.

Natalie fought her for control of the gun. The left side of the car slammed against the boulders on the side of the mountain. The screech of metal crushing against granite was deafening.

The car swerved, throwing Everett back against the seat. The gun went off. Annabelle groaned and collapsed over the steering wheel.

Natalie grabbed the wheel, lifted her foot over the console and jammed down on the brake pedal. The car skidded across the road. She frantically pumped the brake. The car came to a stop. The engine died.

Raising up, Everett looked out the window. The valley hung hundreds of feet below. The right front of the car teetered over the edge.

“Everett?” Natalie’s voice, not more than a whisper.

“Get out, Natalie.”

“I...I can’t look out the window.”

“Push open the driver’s door. Crawl over Annabelle.”

“I...I can’t. You get out first.”

He stretched his hand and grabbed the door handle, but it failed to open. “The backdoor caved in when it hit the boulders. It’s stuck. You’ve got to climb out the front.”

She shifted her weight.

The car titled even more.

Natalie gasped.

“You can do it,” he cautioned.

Slowly and carefully, she reached across the collapsed woman and pushed on the driver’s door. It opened. Shoving Annabelle out of the car, Natalie climbed free herself and turned to look at Everett.

“We don’t have much time. Take my hand. I’ll help you.” Then she looked at the angle of the car, and her heart froze. How could Everett get out alive?

* * *

The car was poised on the side of the mountain. Natalie couldn’t upset the balance. “Everett, climb free.”

“I... I can’t.” He tried to move his injured leg, but it was deadweight.

“Then crawl to the front seat.”

“The motion will send the car over the edge. Call for help.”

She looked at her phone. “No signal.”

Shoving the cell into her pocket, she reached for the handle on the rear door and pulled. “It won’t open.”

“Pray, Natalie. We need God.”

“Lord,” she cried out. “Give me the strength of...” She looked through the door. “Who was strong in Biblical days?”


“Lord, make me strong like Samson.”

Again she tried the door. “Please, God.”

The car shifted again. She was dizzy just thinking of the huge drop-off and how high they were, almost in the clouds.

The wind increased, buffeting the car and making it shudder. The metal chassis groaned as the car rocked in the wind.

She glanced again at Everett. Blood soaked his clothing.

Despair overtook her. Tears stung her eyes.

She thought of the scripture passage the street preacher had used.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

She wouldn’t give up. Her life had been a series of setbacks, but she’d overcome them. She hadn’t let her childhood and her alcoholic father or her manipulative mother pull her into a way of life that was filled with darkness. She’d freed herself from their hold, thanks to the military. When that turned sour because of Mason, she’d chosen another course and pursued her education degree. Again, when she’d been close to achieving her dream, the evil surrounding Mason had returned, but she’d fought back.

God had sent her Everett. She knew that now. He’d tried to save her from Annabelle. He’d invited her into his family so she could feel the love and support from dear Uncle Harry.
O Lord, send him medical help. Don’t let him succumb to the gunshot.

Everett had sacrificed everything for her.

Please, Lord, don’t let the darkness win. You are Lord of the light.

The wind ripped past her. The car swayed. Even darker clouds seemed to be barreling down upon them. Any more wind would send Everett crashing over the edge to his death.

She leaned through the front door. “Everett, can you hear me?”

His eyes blinked open.

A rush of relief made even more tears flow. “We’ve got to work together. Can you use your leg, the one that’s not injured? Push on the door from the inside, and I’ll tug from out here.”

He nodded and raised his leg.

She grabbed the handle on the outside of the door. “I’ll count to three.”

The wind whipped up from the canyon below, but instead of rocking the car, it seemed to provide more stability.

A ray of sunlight broke through the clouds. When she glanced at the sky, she had a surge of hope. The storm seemed to be moving past them.

“One. Two. Three.”

Everett shoved his leg against the door. Using all her strength, Natalie pulled on the handle, her hands stinging from the effort.

Time stood still for a long moment as they both worked together and then—

The door flew open.

Natalie fell back. The car wobbled.

Scurrying to her feet, she grabbed Everett’s good leg and, while carefully lifting the injured one, she pulled him across the seat. He seemed to gather strength and helped scoot himself. Then with one last burst of energy, he was free from the car.

A rush of wind came round the mountain. The car groaned, teetered again and then slowly fell over the edge. The wind howled, and a huge crash sounded as the car hit the rocks below and burst into flame. Black smoke sailed upward with the wind.

Everett collapsed on the ground. Natalie knelt next to him and wrapped him in her arms.

The sound of a car engine made her turn, relieved help had found them. A navy blue sedan rounded the bend and braked to a stop.

Mason stepped from the car.

Her heart stopped.

“Natalie, are you all right?” he asked as if concerned for her well-being.

“Get away from me.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Annabelle killed that woman in Germany, and she pushed Tammy to her death.” He stepped closer. “I’m glad she didn’t kill you.”

Natalie scrambled away from Everett, wanting to divert Mason’s attention. “Don’t touch me.”

“You know I won’t hurt you.” He reached for her hand.

She scooted back, then glanced over her shoulder at the huge drop-off. Annabelle’s gun lay on a rock next to the overhang. Natalie stretched to reach it.

Everett moaned.

Annabelle stumbled to her feet, blood covering her blouse. “I... I told you I’d take care of her, Mason.”

His face clouded. “Why’d you do it, Annabelle?”

“Because she refused your love.”

“She won’t refuse me after we get rid of him.” He pointed to Everett, lying motionless on the ground. “We’ll say he shot you and hurt Natalie.”

“Shoot both of them, Mason. Then I can take care of you.”

He snickered. “Why do you think I’d want that, Annabelle?”

“Because I’m all you have.” She staggered toward him, clutching her side. With a low groan, she collapsed at his feet.

Mason pulled a gun from his waistband and turned it on Natalie.

“No,” she screamed.

“You caused this to happen.”

“It wasn’t me. It was your sister.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Everett claw at his leg.

She needed to keep talking. “Your mother loved you, Mason. She didn’t want to leave.”

“What?” Confusion washed across his face. “No.”

“She fell down the steps to her death. Did you push her?”

“I... I just wanted her to know how much she’d hurt me.”

“It was an accident, right?”

Mason nodded. “Annabelle took care of me.”

“She’s a good sister.”

He looked down at her, then aimed his weapon at Natalie.

She gasped. “You won’t get away with this, Mason.”

Everett pulled a gun from his ankle holster and fired.

Mason’s eyes widened. He grabbed his chest and fell next to his sister.

Annabelle reached out her hand and touched his cheek. “,” she whispered.

Natalie grabbed Mason’s gun, then ran to Everett and wrapped him in her arms. Hot tears burned her eyes. He was safe, but he’d lost so much blood and needed medical help.

Sirens screamed in the distance. Someone must have seen the car fire and called for help. Would they arrive in time?

She held him close. “Stay with me, Everett. Don’t leave me. I know we’re meant to be together. God sent you to take care of me when I couldn’t go on. Don’t slip away. I need you, Everett. I love you and I always will.”


essie Beyer gripped Natalie’s hand. “The doctor said Harry’s going to pull through.”

“Oh, Bessie, that’s such good news.”

“Actually, the doctor said he was too stubborn to die, which made me smile. Evidently he knows Harry better than I thought.”

“He’s a good man.”

“I hope this doesn’t mean he’ll move to Atlanta. I don’t want to lose him.”

Natalie squeezed the older woman’s hand. “Tell him how you feel. He needs to know.”

“He hasn’t gotten over his wife yet.”

“Her memory was all he had. Now, with you reaching out to him, he’ll find a new reason to live.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Bessie hurried back to Harry’s bedside while Natalie returned to Everett’s room. He’d been taken off the ventilator, but he remained unresponsive.

She slipped into the chair beside his bed and took up the wait as she’d done all night.
Please, Lord. I’ve only just found him. I need more time with him. More time with both of you.

Everett groaned.

She grabbed his right hand and squeezed. “Can you hear me?”

His eyes blinked open. His lips twitched into what she wanted to call a smile.

“You’re in the hospital. The doctor’s performed surgery on your side and leg.”


“You’ll have to recuperate for a period of time, but you’ll be fine.”

She was sure of it now that he had come out of the darkness. Sunlight poured through the window and bathed them both in light. She stroked his right hand and then leaned close to kiss his cheek.

“You’re going to make it, Everett. I won’t let anything happen to you. You saved me from Mason and his sister. Both of them were manipulative. Annabelle needed to protect her brother, but he abused women and knew she had killed Paula Conway in Germany.”


Natalie nodded. “That’s right. She almost killed me in front of Vernon Ingalls’s house. The stocking cap she wore made me think it was Mason driving the car. When Frank called to check on you, he said they’ll both stand trial and may spend the rest of their lives in jail. Plus, they located Denise’s boyfriend. A married guy who ran the restaurant where she worked.”


“Uncle Harry’s doing well. Bessie is with him. He seems to be enjoying the attention.”

Everett nodded and squeezed her hand.

“Are you trying to let me know that you’re enjoying my attention, too?”

Again, his lips quivered into a smile.

“I’m not planning to go anywhere if that’s what you’re worried about.”

She kissed his cheek again.

He sighed with contentment, closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.


essie’s car pulled into the driveway of Uncle Harry’s home. Natalie waved as she stepped from the house to greet her.

“How are the patients?” the older woman asked, climbing from her vehicle.

“Harry’s hard to keep down. He’s anxious to see you. Everett’s doing well. The doctor’s been amazed by his progress and said he’ll get the staples out of his leg a few weeks ahead of schedule.”

“It’s all the care you’re giving both of them.”

Bessie grabbed a large basket from the backseat. As she moved closer, Natalie spied the food, including roast beef and mashed potatoes.

“Dinner looks delicious.”

“I knew you needed to get back to post for your last class. I thought preparing a meal was the least I could do.”

“Do I see fresh-baked yeast rolls and apple pie?”

Bessie nodded. “They’re Harry’s favorites.”

“He’s going to want you to stay permanently with all those goodies.”

Bessie winked. “That’s what I’m hoping.”

Natalie laughed. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s on his mind, too. He’s been smiling nonstop and praising the Lord almost constantly.”

“I’m glad.”

Natalie nodded. “So am I. You’re sure you don’t mind checking in on them tomorrow morning? I should be back late afternoon after I finish my final exam.”

“Harry said you’ve almost completed your degree.”

“I’ll have student teaching, but I’ve arranged to do that in the local school here.”

“When will Everett go back to work?”

“The doctor said in a month to six weeks.”

They moved inside. Everett sat on a chair by the fire and reached for a crutch to try to rise.

“Stay where you are,” Bessie insisted. “I’m heading to the kitchen to find Harry.”

BOOK: Person of Interest
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