Read Phoenix Arizona Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Genre Fiction, #Gay Romance, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance

Phoenix Arizona (4 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Arizona
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Oh, hell!
Phoenix was going to pass out from the greatest sex he ever had, and the man hadn’t even penetrated him yet. A prayer went up that this wouldn’t be the only time with the stranger. The guy was turning out to be a keeper, even if it was just for sex!

Phoenix was lowered as fingers speared into his ass. He went wild, pushing back, fucking the fingers like his life depended on the deep assault. Pre-cum dripped from his cock as Phoenix cried out his pleasure in the bathroom stall. He was going to come just from having the man’s fingers inside of him.

The guy removed his fingers and then plunged his cock deep into Phoenix’s ass.

“No!” Phoenix tried to pull his body forward. The dumbass forgot a condom.

“Hold still.” The man pushed Phoenix’s shoulders to the wall and hitched his hips up higher.

“Stop. You have to stop. You’re not wearing a condom.” Phoenix began to panic. He was going to have to be tested now. What the hell was that man thinking? He
went bareback.

“You have nothing to worry about, mate. I promise you.” The man stilled, his eyes softening as he stared at Phoenix.

Oh, like he was supposed to jump for joy that a
promised he was clean? How easy was it to say that? Phoenix struggled to free himself. The guy may be a god, but Phoenix didn’t play with his life like that. He only had one, and he planned on it being a healthy one.

“I can’t catch human diseases,” the man whispered into his ear.


Phoenix forgot about trying to free himself as he looked over his shoulder. A cold chill ran down his spine as he saw sharp teeth peeking from under the man’s lip. “What the hell are you then if you’re not human?” Phoenix would hunt the guy down later and cut his dick off if he contracted something.

“I said you don’t have to worry, mate.”

He kept saying that. Angry, Phoenix freed himself from the man. The stranger didn’t protest as Phoenix pulled away, but Phoenix shouted when a searing pain gripped his shoulder. He whipped his head around to see the guy had sunk his teeth into Phoenix’s flesh.

What the hell?

He fixed his mouth to scream for help—like anyone in this damn club would—until his softening cock shot straight out and exploded against the bathroom wall, sending waves of seed splattering against the tile.

Pleasure like he had never experienced before ripped through Phoenix’s body and sent him spiraling into someplace he had never been before. His fingernails scraped the wall trying to grip something, anything, as the stranger grabbed Phoenix’s cock, stroking it quickly.

“Fuck me, damn it!” Phoenix shouted, pushing his ass back against the man’s body as he tried to reinsert that huge cock.

The stranger slammed into him, whines and growls ripping from his throat.

Phoenix bowed his back for the man to go deeper, to take more and give him another one of those cosmic orgasms. All thoughts of his earlier protest died to be replaced by mind-numbing eroticism.

The teeth left his shoulder as the man howled from behind Phoenix, his cock throbbing within his ass. Phoenix shouted as another orgasm ripped through him. He wasn’t sure who this man was, but damn, damn, damn could he fuck.

Phoenix began to re-enter his body, panting and sweaty as his forehead touched the nasty wall, but Phoenix didn’t care at the moment. His ass throbbed sorely, and his cock lay limp between his legs. His balls were hurting from the seed that had been retched from them.

Never before had he had sex this mind blowing. Phoenix was ready to beg the man to keep him. It was that good.

“Mine,” the stranger murmured in Phoenix’s ear. His arms came around Phoenix in a tight hold, as if they were in some damn bed cuddling in the afterglow. He was licking Phoenix’s shoulder and nuzzling his neck. Phoenix was too sated to stop the affectionate action. His head fell back onto a strong bicep, luxuriating in the feel of the god wrapped around him.

Phoenix, finally having some sense restored, pulled at his pants only to realize the guy was still seated inside of him, and he was still hard. He let his pants fall from his hands, not having the strength to care right now.

He’d drag the man down to the clinic in the morning, and then beat him senseless for even taking a risk like that. Right now, though, Phoenix was too damn boneless.

“What’s your name, pup?”

“Phoenix,” he mumbled as he pressed his sweaty cheek into the man’s strong arm. He wanted sleep right now. His body felt like it had run a marathon, sore and aching but in a good way.

“Phoenix.” The man repeated his name on a whisper. “Come home with me, Phoenix. Let me love you nice and slow.”

This pulled Phoenix from the postorgasmic exhaustion. “I can’t.” He renewed his struggles to free himself. The stranger finally released him. Phoenix felt a loss when those strong arms left him and that large cock slid free from his ass. He contemplated asking the guy to hold him again but waved off that insanity.

He may have wished the man would keep him while in the throes of his orgasm, but in reality, that wouldn’t work. As good as it had been, he wasn’t suicidal. Phoenix knew better than to go home with someone he just fucked in a stall. It was asking to get hacked up into tiny pieces like cubed cheese. That’s why he had sex at the club. It was safer than being trapped in someone’s home.

He pulled his jeans back in place and grabbed for the handle of the stall, but a firm hand curled around his wrist. Phoenix looked up at the man, his eyes questioning.

“Can I see you again?”

Phoenix didn’t know what to say. No one had ever asked to see him after a quick fuck in a bathroom stall. They always knew the score, knew it was a one-off, and left it at that.

He admitted to himself that he was interested. The guy not only just rocked his world six ways from Sunday, but he felt a strange connection as well, almost like they had known each other a lifetime.

Phoenix rolled his eyes at the corny way that sounded even to himself. It may sound cheesy, but that didn’t change the fact of it being true. He still played it safe though.

“Give me your number.” If the guy turned out to be a loser or some sort of stalker, he could always lose the number and go on with his life never having told the guy where he lived or worked.

It was a safe plan.

But if he found out the man gave him some sort of disease, Phoenix had a way of tracking him down and cutting off his jewels. The man may look clean and handsome, but that was a fool’s way of determining if a guy truly was.

The guy nodded and put his clothes right. He led Phoenix out by the small of his back and out of the bathroom, over to the bartender, and then asked for a pen. The stranger scribbled on a napkin and handed it to Phoenix, his eyes skeptical.

Phoenix looked at the napkin and saw that the stranger’s name was Matt. He liked it. Having the most bizarre name around, Matt seemed simple, nice. Phoenix shoved the napkin in his front pocket and looked up into Matt’s eyes.

They were totally beautiful and alluring. Phoenix swallowed when he noticed that they were glowing. It had to be the club lighting. Nobody’s eyes glowed that way. But they still drew him in like a moth to a flame. He moved closer and placed his hands on Matt’s hips. Matt dipped down and licked at Phoenix’s lips. “Mine,” he whispered against them. Phoenix breathed in the single word.


“There you are.” Armando appeared from the crowd, taking in the scene before him. He waited for Phoenix to acknowledge him standing there. Phoenix smiled. His friend always came to the rescue if he felt Phoenix needed it.

Matt growled and pulled Phoenix closer to his hard chest. Fuck if Phoenix didn’t want to lift Matt’s shirt and see what he had to offer. It felt as though he were leaning against a solid wall of muscle. Phoenix had an urge to lick the man from head to toe, and tell him yes to going home with him.

Phoenix shook his head. What the hell had gotten into him?

“Uh, you okay, Nix?” Armando stepped closer, his eyes darting from Matt to Phoenix. Armando’s eyes told Phoenix that he was unsure if he should pull his friend away from the possessive god. Somehow Phoenix knew he was safe, knew Matt wouldn’t harm him. He couldn’t explain how he knew that. It was just a warm feeling in the center of his chest that spread like a wildfire all through him. He was definitely going to call the number that was shoved into his pocket.

“I’m fine, Armando.” Phoenix smiled at Armando, but Matt growled again. Was the man jealous of his best friend? For some strange reason, that made Phoenix smile even wider. He may not be crazy enough to go home with the man, but he could bask in the way the god wanted him.

Phoenix was seriously contemplating insanity, and he knew it. For the first time in his life, he was ready to agree to go home with someone. The thought shocked him as he stood there being held tightly in the man’s arms.

He was about to tell Matt that they could leave when the man pulled away with a curse.

Chapter Three


Matt had been holding his mate in his arms, enjoying the feel of Phoenix’s slim body against his when Damonee walked through the door of the club. The man had piss-poor timing all around. Damonee walked in with his goons, his eyes appraising the young men writhing on the dance floor.

Matt had felt Phoenix’s will crumbling as he held him and knew his mate was going to go home with him. He had wanted the chance to show his mate his stamina as he fucked him all night long and in every position known to man, and a few that weren’t.

Fat chance of that happening now.
Matt wanted to take Damonee’s head off for this.

He knew he had to do something other than stare at the man from across the club. They had been after this bastard for months, wanting to question him in the deaths of two underage male prostitutes.

Evidence linked this scumbag to the crimes, and it was Matt’s job to bring him in. He didn’t want his mate anywhere near Damonee. Matt wasn’t sure what was going on with Phoenix and this guy standing here in front of him, but he had to trust Phoenix’s friend to get his mate out safely.

Making a split-second decision, he kissed Phoenix with all the passion he felt inside for his pup. His mate was panting when Matt lifted his head. He ran his knuckles down the side of Phoenix’s face, staring into his pretty blue eyes. “I need you and your friend to leave.”

“Armando,” Phoenix replied as he gazed up at Matt. “His name is Armando.”

The guy snorted as he raked a scathing look over Matt. “Just because Nix gave you some booty doesn’t mean you own him. Piss off, asshole.” Armando grabbed Phoenix’s arm and pulled him to his side, glaring daggers at Matt. “Get a little ass and men think they have the right to tell you what to do. I don’t think so.” Armando waved his arm up and snapped his fingers. “You go on back to whatever cave you crawled out of because if you think—”

“Now!” Matt growled into Armando’s face. He didn’t have time for a pissing contest with this male. Leaning down to his mate, he breathed on the shell of Phoenix’s ear. “Please, go. It’s not safe for you here.” He placed a soft kiss there before straightening.

Phoenix lifted his dazed eyes at Matt and nodded.

“What the hell, Nix?” Armando said as he waved his arms around and stomped his sandaled foot. “Was his cock that good?”

“Better.” Phoenix grabbed Armando and led him through the drunken mass toward the back door.

“Do you have a brother?” Armando shouted over his shoulder as he was dragged from the club.

Satisfied that his mate wasn’t anywhere near the bastard across the club, Matt made his way to the front. He needed to get to his trunk.


* * * *


Phoenix was staring at the mark on his neck in the mirror the next morning. It hadn’t bruised, but the holes were tender to the touch. Every time he brushed a finger across the healing wound, a shiver raced through his body and went directly to his cock. It made him want Matt all over again.

He thought about the man who had haunted his dreams last night. Matt had played a starring role in fucking him until Phoenix had passed out—or fell back to sleep, whichever the case may be.

But the dream had been so vivid.

Phoenix couldn’t ever remember dreaming in color or in such clarity. They had made love throughout the whole dream. He paused when he realized he hadn’t thought of it as fucking. What was this man doing to him?

He thought of the way that black T-shirt had stretched across Matt’s impressive and expansive chest or how his well-defined biceps showed off how fit Matt truly was. The guy wasn’t overly bulky. Chiseled would be a better description. Those damn arms held him off the floor while Matt sucked the breath out of him by licking him silly.

Phoenix sighed at the memory.

He wanted to run his hands over that eight-pack abdomen that the shirt had emphasized. He had sucked Matt’s cock, but really didn’t get a good look at Matt’s shaft. His lips had stretched wide around the dick, filling his mouth and then some. He thought about last night some more as he brushed his teeth and combed through his hair.

The last thing he needed was to fall for this guy. Phoenix didn’t need any complications in his life. And Matt was sure to be the biggest complication of them all. But that still didn’t stop Phoenix from wanting another shot at the hot stranger.

BOOK: Phoenix Arizona
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