Read Photo Finish Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Photo Finish (5 page)

BOOK: Photo Finish
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“Don’t you think it would have been wise to look for the tattoo before we nearly broke the table?”

His husky voice made her jump, and she slapped his shoulder as her heart hammered in her chest. The knowing wink he gave her didn’t help her mood any.

“I was a bit busy at the time,” she bit back.

She felt the rest of her voice leave on a gasp as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down, rolling on top before she had the chance to react.

“Not busy enough,” he said, rubbing his erection across her hip. “Looks like you’ve still got lots of energy left.” He lowered over her, keeping her pinned beneath him. “Now that we’ve taken the edge off, I’m in the mood to play.”

“Not until you tell me what the hell happened six months ago,” she insisted, determined to get some answers before she got lost in his touch again. “I thought I’d buried you, but obviously the joke was on me.”

Brogan’s eyes hardened at her words, and the vein in his temple pulsed. He sat back, still keeping her trapped beneath his legs, but distancing himself just the same. “It was never a joke. I needed to infiltrate Tate’s security, and I couldn’t do that the way things were.”

“So pretending to be dead was the only answer?” Her chin quivered at the harshness in his stare, but she bit the tears back, determined not to let him see how much he’d hurt her. How she wondered if he’d ever loved her.

He sighed and drew a finger along her jaw, before shaking his head. “It had nothing to do with you, Paige. I never stopped loving you, it’s just…” He turned his head away, taking a deep breath before meeting her gaze again. “Do you have any idea how many people have died because of that bastard? How many mothers have had to bury their sons because Tate sells death to kids whose only identity is being part of a gang?”

He tightened his jaw and she swore she heard it crack.

“Sometimes extreme situations call for extreme sacrifice. I did what I had to do…it doesn’t mean I enjoyed it, or that it didn’t kill me to leave.”

“But if you’d really loved me, you would have—”

“What? Made your life hell while I played the part of the very scum you’ve spent your life helping take down?” He made a sound that was part growl, part groan. “You’ve always been idealistic. Living a lie would’ve killed you.” His eyes softened. “Being dead was far kinder.”

“It didn’t feel kinder,’ she whispered, wanting more answers but aware he was still bound by duty. Shit, he’d risked everything just to save her ass, and for now, that would have to be enough. She tilted her head, watching him stare at her. “So where do we go from here?”

A devious look lit his face and he propelled himself off the bed, darted over to the table, then pounced back on top of her, his eyes glowing with renewed arousal. Her question died unanswered as he slid his fingers along her arm, lightly scratching her skin. Shivers wove down her spine, and she felt her skin erupt in a myriad of tiny bumps, each one more sensitive than the next.

“I’d like to show you how sorry I am,” he said, kissing a path up her arm, ending with a sensual lick to her wrist. “Damn, you have such small hands,” he said, caressing his fingers over them. “I’ve always wondered how you’re able to wield that camera with these tiny fingers.”

“It’s not that hard, I just—”

Her voice cut off when something cold encircled her wrist. She looked up just as Brogan snapped the handcuff shut and reached for her other arm, raising it over her head with ease. She cursed and tried to pull back, but he’d already threaded the chain around one of the metal spindles and clipped the bracelet around her other wrist.

“Brogan Spencer Johnson! What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

She’d intended for her voice to sound irritated and firm, but it’d come out as a breathy rasp, similar to the way she’d begged him to fuck her earlier. His roguish smile told her he’d recognized the tone.

“Really, Paige, if you’re going to complain, at least some bite into your words.” He sat back, smiling at his handiwork. “You sound as if you’re on the verge of climaxing.”

A naughty raise of his eyebrows engulfed her attention and she could only lay there, trapped by the cuffs and his body, as he inched a finger between her folds and drew it determinedly through her slit.

“I guess you are,” he teased, holding her gaze as he slowly licked his finger clean, his eyes falling shut as he appeared to savor the last drop. “I’m going to need more of that,” he confessed, shuffling back slightly. He surveyed the bed, then shook his head, brazing a look at her. “Are you going to keep those long legs of yours where I put them or do I need to go out to the Honda and grab that bit of rope you use to lash on your camera bag?”

Paige’s pussy creamed at the thought of having him tie her legs to the other posts, but she shook her head. All the time they’d been together, he’d never asked to play games before, and she wasn’t exactly certain what to think.

Brogan smiled at her apparent confusion, running his fingertip along her leg as he wedged them further apart. “Do you know how many times I dreamt of tying you to our bed and eating you until you begged for mercy?” He sighed, bending her knees so he could settle between her thighs. “God you’re beautiful like this.”

“So why didn’t you ask?”

His expression faltered for a moment, and she was sure she saw a flash of regret flicker through his eyes, but it left just as quickly.

“I didn’t want to scare you away. You’re always so in control. I didn’t know if you’d be willing to relinquish it to me.”

Paige searched his face for any hint of humor, but could only see the truth of his statement mirrored in the strong line of his jaw. She swallowed hard, watching him shift in the darkness, loving how the moonlight played off his features, hiding some while others were cast into sharp relief. He seemed content to just sit there, staring at her.

She snagged her lip, not sure if she wanted to know the answer to her next question but aware she still needed to ask it. “What changed your mind?”

An array of emotions glittered in his eyes before he pulled his lips tight, lightly brushing his hands along her inner thighs. “Time.”

It wasn’t really an answer but she knew from the way he furrowed his brow it was the best she was going to get. A sigh trembled past her lips. She either refused or gave him all she had left.

Brogan waited, watching her until she unclenched her fists and relaxed her thighs. He smiled at her visible surrender, inching closer to her pussy.

“It’s barely past two,” he said, drawing lazy circles on her skin with his thumb. “Plenty of time to work you up again and again before letting you come.” His gaze clashed with hers. “Pity you can’t challenge me in this position.”

He was more than smug, but somehow the sound of his gloating only made her body weep more. Fresh juice gathered along her sex and she felt some ease onto her inner thighs. Brogan inhaled as if he was aware of her increased arousal and dropped his gaze to her groin, moaning at the sight.

“Ah, fuck, baby, you’re dripping.”

He eased forward and teased her with a hint of his tongue along her slit. She arched under his seduction, but he placed a hand on one leg, squeezing it firmly.

“You promised to stay still, or should I get that rope after all?”

She wanted to speak, but her brain couldn’t seem to get the message out. All she could picture was him tying knots around the bedposts. A low growl sounded in the room before the bed dipped sharply. She tried to shake some sanity back into her head when she realized he’d left. Panic clawed to the surface and she was just about to start thrashing when he reappeared, a small length of rope and a bungee cord dangling from his hands.

His smile was nothing short of wicked when he grabbed one leg and bound it to the frame before repeating his efforts on the other side. The cord flexed when she tried to move, but was strung tight enough she couldn’t do more than wiggle. Brogan’s rough breath gained her attention and she glanced down at his predatory gaze. He looked every inch the dangerous man he’d portrayed tonight and for a split second, she wondered if he really was Tate’s guard.

“Brogan.” She paused to swallow again, wondering when the simple task had become so difficult. “I’m not sure—”

“That you want this?” he finished, raising his eyebrow at her. “Honey, if you wanted this anymore you’d already be coming.” He winked at her, relieving any remaining tension. “Now be a good girl, and let me torture you.”

He drew the last two words out making her giggle, as if he were a mad scientist and she his experiment. She relaxed, sucking her lower lip between her teeth when his mouth descended on the back of one knee. Shivers ignited along her skin, racing each other toward the apex of her sex. Every passing touch, every wet kiss built the fire swirling in her core until she was sure she was leaking molten lava. Her pussy felt swollen and hot, while her clit throbbed to the rapid beating of her heart. Brogan hadn’t even touched her groin and she was ready to burst.

A moan of appreciation drifted along the air as he finally reached her mound and placed a delicate kiss on the top. Her body trembled in anticipation, and she couldn’t stop from pulling against the cuffs, desperate to graze her hands across his short hair and hold him where she needed him most. He chuckled at her attempt as he rose up between her legs, moving farther away from her aching clit. She wanted to scream, but her voice stalled as he skimmed his fingers up her torso, palming her breasts.

“You’ve always had such beautiful breasts…so perky and your nipples get so hard. I can’t believe I haven’t sucked on these yet.”

Paige held her breath as he kissed his way up her body, licking at her bellybutton before tracing the line where the swell of her breast eased into her ribs. His tongue was warm and wet, the same erotic feeling as when he’d licked her nether lips. She tried not to moan at the sensation, but her body had other plans.

Brogan smiled against her skin, finally making his way over the gentle mound of flesh until he took the turgid point into his mouth, ringing it with his teeth until she bucked beneath him and squeezed her eyes shut. He repeated the gesture on the other side, sucking harder and drawing the nipple against the roof of his mouth. Fragmented streaks of white light splintered behind her eyes as a small orgasm crested in her core. Her body shivered and writhed riding the sharp edge as Brogan moved between her nipples, pushing her along until she begged him to stop…to move forward.

Satisfaction met her gaze when she finally opened her eyes, and if he hadn’t bound her limbs she would have smacked the smugness out of his expression. He sat back, resting on his heels as he swept his gaze along her silhouette.

“You’re so pretty with your nipples pointing straight up and your skin flushed a lovely shade of pink.” He inhaled. “Mmm, I can smell your arousal. It’s hotter and sweeter than before. I think you like being played with.”

“Then hurry up and finish playing,” she snapped. Her clit felt as if it was twice its regular size. She growled when he simply shook his head, trailing his fingers along her stomach.

“You’ve changed a bit.” He nodded at her head. “You cut your hair and you don’t wear make-up anymore. You shaved your pussy bare and you’ve lost some weight.” His eyes locked on hers. “Why?”

“I lost you.”

Paige cursed inwardly as the truth popped free before she had a chance to stop it. She’d already planned the perfect comeback, but somehow the message hadn’t made it from her brain to her lips and she’d blurted out her feelings instead. Brogan’s sigh greeted her confession, but he looked away before she could read his expression.

“Do you really think it was easy walking away from the life we shared?” He held her gaze, as if daring her to doubt him. “I haven’t felt that kind of pain since Christopher…”

His voice trailed into another sigh, but not before she heard the roughness in it.

“Look, if you’d like me to stop, I will, but…”

He circled her clit with his finger, smiling as her muscles strained against the sudden jolt of arousal.

“Good answer,” he praised, once again moving his head between her legs. “Now let’s see how long I can lick you before you explode.”

Paige sucked in a deep breath, holding it while he made himself comfortable, all the while staring at her weeping sex. He seemed to thrive on his control over her and took every opportunity to make her squirm.


This time she’d injected the right amount of authority into her voice to convey her frustration. He nodded and bent down, licking a path through her folds. Pleasure coursed through her veins, tearing a harsh ‘yes’ from somewhere deep inside her. She managed to tilt her hips slightly and increase the pressure on his next pass, straining her muscles as she pulled against the restraints.

Brogan seemed to sense the time for teasing was over and buried his face in her slit, lapping at her cream as two fingers found her opening, plunging inside in one firm thrust. Screams echoed off the walls as he pushed her higher, daring her to deny him the climax he’d built to painful proportions. Fire erupted deep inside, and all she could only was lay there and wait for him to push her over. She’d never imagined that being bound would be so hot, and she couldn’t wait to have him try other games.

Images of him turning her over his knee and spanking her bare ass until its color matched the deep shade of polish she used to wear on her nails filled her head, pushing her over the edge. She broke, shouting his name between wails of pure ecstasy. Her body stiffened, then contracted, jerking her against the ties until at last the heat stated to fade, draining her strength until she was lying in what felt like a puddle in the middle of the bed.

“That was fucking incredible.” He rose over her. “But I’m not finished yet.”

Paige blinked, trying to focus through the hazy thrall of her orgasm, numbly aware of Brogan’s actions. She felt something tug at each leg before a set of hands grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her over, flopping her onto her stomach. Her frantic breath whooshed out in an audible groan, but before she could push off the mattress, he’d secured the ties around her legs again. Then he lifted her up and shoved a couple of pillows under her groin, effectively presenting her ass to him.

BOOK: Photo Finish
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