Play Softly (The Devil's Share Book 4) (2 page)

BOOK: Play Softly (The Devil's Share Book 4)
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I cocked my head. “Nice show? You knew Lexi’s screaming wasn’t from labor pains?”

“I don’t know what labor sounds like, but I’ve fucked enough chicks to know a great lay when I hear it.” He chuckled. “But from the sounds of it, you were about done and letting Dylan barge in on you made me laugh.”

“You’re an asshole.”

He laughed the whole way down to the first floor. Three full floors of people. Of my people. My family.

They were all a part of this engagement, and I owed every single one of them a solid. Lexi loved loud and chaotic, and she would love what I had planned.

Chapter Two


Dash and I were walking—well, I was more like waddling—down the beach in Seaside, Florida. He’d asked me out on a date. It was really sweet, and honestly we didn’t get many chances to be alone anymore. It seemed like someone new joined our family every time I turned around.

We’d gained a new kiddo, a new chick, and a new puppy this summer. Not that I was complaining. I adored Landry, Bryan, and Crash. The beach house was at max capacity though. I guess it was a good thing we were all moving back to Texas soon. I knew I’d miss the chaos that a house full of people caused once it was gone. But as today had shown, the privacy would be nice.

“Hey, babe? I thought that was where we were eating?” I pointed to the white building we’d just passed, coming to a grateful stop.

“It is.” Dash tugged on my hand to get me moving again. “But I wanted to take a little stroll on the beach first.”

I loved my boyfriend. I really did, with all my heart. But I was eight months pregnant and hungry as shit. I didn’t feel like taking a walk on the beach. I felt like having a good meal and then an even better nap. “That’s so romantic, but my back has been bothering me today and I haven’t eaten since lunch.”

“Kitten, lunch was three hours ago.”

“And?” I raised an eyebrow, daring him to say something.

He smiled and kissed my hand. “Just a little bit farther, okay? There is something I want to show you.”

I let out a soft sigh and then let him drag me down the deserted beach. Everyone must’ve been tucked away in their cute little houses washing the sand off their bodies and fixing dinner. There was a slight breeze in the air making my linen pants flap around my legs, cooling me off, slightly. The sunset over the water had bathed the sky in oranges and purples. “I wish I’d brought my camera.” Dash didn’t say anything. He just kept on trekking. Maybe he’d carry me back to the restaurant. After another few minutes he stopped and turned to face me, taking both my hands in his. “Time for food?” God, I hoped he said yes.

“Kitten, I love you more than anything else in this world. More than I ever thought it was possible to love someone.”

I smiled, squeezing his hands in mine. “I love you too, babe.” I turned back toward the direction of the restaurant. “I think I’ll order the crab cake appetizer. I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to have crab but I have been crav—”

Dash grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me back around to face him. “I’m not done.”

“Oh. Okay.” If he’d wanted to tell me how much he loved me, he could have done it while I was sitting down in the air conditioning. But, whatever. I wasn’t going to be rude.

“You are beautiful and creative, and smart and witty and hilarious. You are the best part of my day, every day.” He put his hand on my belly, on our baby, instantly melting my heart. “You have given me the world. Loving you has changed me, changed what matters to me, and changed what I want out of life. I get down on my knees every night and thank God for you.” He dropped down on one knee and I gasped.

Holy shit. He’s really doing this.

Once he wasn’t blocking my view I could see the hundreds of candles burning in the sand. It was so beautiful, so simply perfect. I looked down, meeting his watery eyes. “Will you marry me, Kitten?” He popped open a black velvet box, and the candlelight danced in the ring’s diamond. This moment was something I’d never forget.

“Yes. Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.” I barely got the words out before I started sobbing.

Dash placed the ring on my finger and then took me in his arms. “I love you, so damn much.” I just nodded, emotion clogging my throat. From out of nowhere music started playing, “Crazy Love” by Van Morrison. I chuckled through my tears as Dash put his arms around me and started swaying to the beat. It was just the two of us, surrounded by the soft light and the sunset. The waves were crashing in, slow and steady. Everything about this moment was perfect. I was literally the luckiest girl in the whole damn world.

After the song ended, he pulled back and took my face in his hands. “You doing okay? It was a longer walk out here than I’d originally planned.”

I nodded, smiling. To be honest I was feeling a little flushed and overwhelmed. Dash was the most amazing man on the planet and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him by my side.

I was more than happy; I was ecstatic.

And head over heels in love.

But I was also hot, and my back hurt, and I was having some Braxton Hicks contractions. It was all just a little distracting. “This was so perfect, babe. Romantic and beautiful. And I love you. I love you so much it’s hard to put into words.” I looked down at the diamond on my finger; it was huge and round and bezel set. “And this ring… Dash, it’s exquisite, you did good.”

He smiled. “But…?”

I shook my head. “No but…” Then I winced. “I just really need to get into some cool air and sit down.”

He leaned in and kissed the top of my head. “Come on, Kitten.” He scooped me up in his arms and carried me until we were a few yards away from the restaurant. Told you, luckiest girl in the world. He set me down and held me until I was stable on my feet then he took my hand in his. “I have one more little surprise for you.”

I opened the door and let out a sigh of relief as I was blasted with cold air. “Oh yeah?” Surprises weren’t necessarily my favorite. I threw up once when my friend Amy gave me a surprise party.

He pulled me through the entrance and around a corner. The whole damn place was filled with flowers and the same candles that had been down at the beach. My throat clogged up again and my vision blurred. Wow, he was so thoughtful. And organized. Did I mention I was the luckiest girl in the world?

“Yeah.” He smiled.


“Holy shit.” I stopped short when the whole family came into view, scaring the hell out of me. I don’t know how I didn’t see this coming. My heart was beating a mile a minute and my stomach dropped to my feet. I couldn’t seem to move. See? This was what happened when people jumped out at me. It happened all the time at home. Jacks thought it was hilarious. He compared me to one of those fainting goats.

Smith and Dylan came over first, hugging and congratulating us then moving back so Jacks, Bryan, and Landry could take a turn. I smiled, said thank you, returned hugs and kisses. But I felt weird, like I was on autopilot. Something seemed off. Luke stepped up in front of me, a sad small smile on his handsome face. I knew he wouldn’t react like everyone else, I knew this was hard for him. I wanted to reassure him, I wanted to squeeze him and tell him I loved him and that would never change. But I couldn’t seem to do anything other than stand there. His eyes narrowed. “Lex? Are you okay?”

I shook my head. “No…I…uh…” I suddenly felt clammy and feverish all at the same time. I wanted to find a chair and a fan, but I couldn’t really seem to get my thoughts in order enough to convey them to the people surrounding me. And, as everyone knew, I rarely had a problem getting my words out. It wasn’t until I registered the liquid trailing down my leg that I realized what was happening. “I told you guys not to surprise a pregnant woman.”

Jacks wrinkled his nose. “Lex? Did you just piss your pants?”

I reached out and grabbed hold of his arm, my nails digging into his skin. “I don’t think so.” Seemed this was the first and the last time I’d get to wear these comfy linen pants.

“Holy fuck.” Luke took a step back, looking down at the pool forming at our feet. “Dylan. Fuck. Dylan. I think Lexi’s water just broke.”

Dash was at my side immediately. “Kitten? Oh my God.” He looked across the room. “Smith. Go pull my car around. Lexi’s in labor.”

Within seconds I was sitting in a chair and Dylan was next to me, checking my pulse and feeling my stomach. “Lex, how you doing? How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay. I think…my back hurts…it’s hot.” I shook my head. “What’s happening Dilly? It’s too early, right? She’s not ready. Is she going to be okay?”

Dylan took a deep breath then met my eyes, her confident smile firmly in place. “You know what? You’re right. It’s early. But she is going to be just fine. She’s going to be tiny, but she is going to be just fine.”

“Car’s here,” Jacks yelled. He’d been watching for Smith out the large bay window.

“Luke, can you carry her for me? I need you and Dylan to ride in the back with her.” Dash leaned down and kissed my head before rushing toward the door.

Luke looked panicked. “What? No. I’ll drive, you sit with her.”

Dash spun on his heels, shaking his head. “No way. I’m about to break every traffic law there is, and I’m not trusting anyone else behind the wheel but me.” He looked at me and then back to Luke. “She needs you, man. You calm her, and you know it. Now be her best friend.”

Luke closed his eyes for a second, then opened them and picked me up. “I got you, Lex.” He climbed in the waiting car, keeping me tucked close to his side. I was in labor, not paralyzed. I could have walked, but for the first time in my life I didn’t feel like arguing with anyone.

Dylan got in after us. “Lexi, I want to check you.” She scooted as close to her door as she could. “Luke, help her lean back against you, this is probably going to be uncomfortable.”

I felt Luke tense behind me. “Check her?” His voice sounded strange. “What do you mean check her?”

Dylan grabbed the waistband of my pants and started to pull them down. “I need to check and see how fast she’s progressing.”

“You’re going to do that right now? Right here?” Luke’s voice was a few octaves higher than I’d ever heard it. “Uh, Dash, I really think we should switch places.”

Dash kept his eyes on the road. “Man the hell up, and keep your damn eyes off my fiancée’s ass.”

Luke closed his eyes and held me tight.

Dylan was right. Turns out I was not a fan of having one of my best friends shove her hand up my freaking business. “She’s already dilated to a three.” Dylan shook her head, seemingly confused. “Lexi, have you been having contractions? Did you just not tell anyone? Have you been feeling bad? You had an appointment two days ago and everything was fine.”

I shrugged. “No, I’ve been fine. I mean my back has been bothering me since last night and I’ve had a bunch of Braxton Hicks contractions today.” Dylan helped me pull my pants back up. I sat up a little straighter, taking some of my weight off Luke. I looked out the back window; there was a procession of cars following us. The whole family was along for the adventure, just like always.

“Maybe you’ve been experiencing back labor all day. But usually back labor means slow-as-hell progression, and you’re already dilated to a fucking three.” Dylan shot daggers at the back of Dash’s head. “Maybe it was the bathroom romp this morning.”

“Is this it? Is this what labor feels like? Because if so, I have to tell you guys, it’s not really all that bad.” From those stupid birthing movies Dylan made us watch I assumed that labor was going to feel a lot like getting gutted by a dull knife. But this was just highly uncomfortable. “Are you sure the baby is going to be okay?”

Dylan nodded. “We’ll make sure she is. I already called Dr. Solomon. She’s meeting us at the hospital.”

I looked up. “Lukey? You good?”

He opened his eyes. “You’re in labor, a month early, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”

I smiled, nuzzling the hand holding mine. “I’ll always make sure you’re okay. It’s what we do.”

He kissed the top of my head. “I’m good, Lex.”

I put my hand on my stomach, “All right. As long as everyone’s good, then I’m good. And I’m telling you, labor is really overrrrrrrrrr… HOLY FUCKING SHIT. WHAT’S HAPPENING?” My stomach turned to stone under my hands and my breath froze in my lungs.

Dylan felt my tummy. “Now, that’s labor.”

“Oh. Wow.” I closed my eyes, tight. “This sucks. This sucks a lot.”

Luke put his mouth next to my ear. “Breathe, Lex.”

I nodded, taking a deep inhale. After another few seconds my body started to relax again. “Dylan?”

She gave me a small smile. “You’re doing great. Just listen to Luke and keep breathing.”

Chapter Three


“Why are you in here? I told you I didn’t like you.”

I held my hands in front of me, cautiously approaching my fiancée, the woman in labor with my child. “I know you did, Kitten. I know it hurts, I know the anesthesiologist is stuck somewhere else right now…but look, I brought ice chips.” I held the cup up, shaking it like a rattle, trying to distract her.

She narrowed her eyes. “Ice chips? I was craving crab cakes, and you think ice chips are going to make me smile? You’re on crack.”

Jacks stood up, flexing his fingers, “Okay, Lex. I’m going to go check on Landry and Bryan. Try to be nice to your baby daddy.”

Lexi scoffed. “Yeah, you should go.”

Jacks looked at me with wide eyes. “Good luck, bro.”

I sat down in the chair he’d just vacated. Lexi’s contractions were just a few minutes apart at this point, and everyone was annoying her. Most of all me. She’d kicked me out after I petted her head during a particularly strong one, telling me she wasn’t a dog.

Smith hadn’t even lasted five minutes. He came back out and said she was going to drive him back to drugs. Lexi asked for Jacks next, claimed he was funny and he’d make her feel better. Turns out, he didn’t. I passed Luke on the way in; he was sitting with his back against the wall next to her door. But whenever I asked him if he wanted to come in, he said no.

BOOK: Play Softly (The Devil's Share Book 4)
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