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Authors: Courtney Summers

Please Remain Calm (11 page)

BOOK: Please Remain Calm
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I like the first coat of polish to be thin enough to dry by the time I’ve finished the last nail on the same hand. I keep my touch steady and light. I never drag the brush, I never go back into the bottle more than once per nail if I can help it. Over time and with practice, I’ve learned how to tell if what’s on the brush will be enough.

Some people are lazy. They think if you’re using a highly pigmented polish, a second coat is unnecessary, but that’s not true. The second coat asserts the color and arms you against the everyday use of your hands, all the ways you can cause damage without thinking. When the second coat is dry, I take a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover to clean up any polish that might have bled onto my skin. The final step is the top coat. The top coat is what seals in the color and protects the manicure.

The application of lipstick has similar demands. A smooth canvas is always best and dead skin must be removed. Sometimes that takes as little as a damp washcloth, but other times I scrub a toothbrush across my mouth just to be sure. When that’s done, I add the tiniest amount of balm, so my lips don’t dry out. It also gives the color something to hold onto.

I run the fine fibers of my lip brush across the slanted top of my lipstick until they’re coated and work the brush from the center of my lips out. After the first layer, I blot on a tissue and add another layer, carefully following the outline of my small mouth, smudging the color out so it looks a little fuller. Like with the nail polish, layering always helps it to last.

And then I’m ready.

Also by Courtney Summers

Cracked Up to Be

Some Girls Are

Fall for Anything

This Is Not a Test

About the Author

Courtney Summers lives and writes in Canada. Visit her online at

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

PLEASE REMAIN CALM. Copyright © 2015 by Courtney Summers. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover design by Lisa Pompilio

eISBN: 978-1-4668-7590-6

First Edition: January 2015

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BOOK: Please Remain Calm
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