Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11) (7 page)

BOOK: Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11)
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Immediately, his heart began coming back to life.

“You can’t blow it, so make it look good. Johanna has yet to be approached by the frat boys. Your job is to watch, protect, and find out if they’re killing these women.”

“You think she’s in danger?”

She nodded. “Four women are dead or missing, and they all came from the same sorority. Johanna has been digging, and all the victims had some sick fascination with a frat boy named Arman Smithfield. Apparently, he’s the dick in charge of this mess.”

Brody wanted to rush out of there. His Joey was all alone with some sex crazed frat boys.

“When you get there, don’t blow her cover. She’s been under for three weeks. It was easy to get you in, but her cover was a lot harder.”

“Okay, I can do that.” He was going to see her, so that’s all that mattered. Plus, he knew why she pushed him away. Now he didn't feel so empty.

He could get her back.

This was fixable.

“We have your cover. The papers are filed, and you’re transferring from back east. My boss planted your ID in a college there, and while there, you were in the same fraternity. He was able to pull it off because the school owed the FBI a little favor.”

“Will they check?”

“Likely, but you have to trust the FBI. Your cover will hold. I was running it on the way here. It looks to be on the up and up for a Fed, so it should pass the scrutiny of a bunch of hornball rapists. We have a few people on the inside to watch your back. Don’t stress it.”

He was ready to get moving. The sooner he got there, the sooner he could get to Johanna.

“Go in, get set up at the frat, and then find Johanna. It’s going to be up to you to keep her safe.”

“No gun?”

She shook her head. “Nope. You’re going to have to do this without a weapon. If they find that, and use it, we’re screwed. I suggest you hit the nearest store and buy shit for a frat bedroom. Keep the receipts.”

He jumped up. “Thank you, Elizabeth. I won’t ever forget what you just did for me.”

She pointed at him. “You take care of her.”

Brody saluted. “Yes, ma’am. I promise I’m going to help her solve this and get her back in my life.”

She smiled as he raced past Ethan Blackhawk, who appeared in the door.

“You told him.”

She looked shocked at his accusation. “I didn't do any such thing. I know better than that, and besides, this isn’t my first day at the rodeo, Cowboy. You know that.”




She snorted. “Hell no.”

Then he saw the file. “Oh, no. You didn’t. Please tell me that you didn't allow him to snoop in her personnel file. That’s worse than just telling him! That’s the total opposite of what I told you to do!”

“Oh, shit! Is it? What was I thinking?”

He stared at her.

Elizabeth’s icy blue eyes sparkled as she tied back her inky black curls.

“What am I going to do with you?”

She grabbed her gear and headed out of the office. “Well…let this be a lesson. When you tell me not to do something, you know I’m going to do it up in grand fashion. We’ve been married long enough for you to know that. Someone lost his mind, and it wasn’t me…”

He grabbed her by the arm and whispered in her ear. “You’re just lucky I’m still turned on from you recertification today.”

She laughed. “Yee haw. Take me home and tell me all about it.”

“This better not blow up in our faces, Cupid.”

She rolled her eyes. “Have some faith.”

“In what?”



For some reason, that wasn’t reassuring.





* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *





Two Hours Later

Greenridge Reservation





Inside his hotel room door, he dropped everything. Callen Whitefox had been working on some land negotiations with angry Natives for about twelve hours. It was like a mental tug-o-war, and he was done for the night.

His head hurt.

His ass was numb.

Plus, his mood was on the wrong side of shitty.

What he really needed was two aspirin and a long shower. So, that’s what he did. After ordering takeout, he stood under the hot spray of water to get his muscles to loosen up. If the tension would leave, he might be able to salvage his night.


The heated water was amazing, and yet it would have been so much better if he wasn’t alone.

Callen missed the two people he loved, and being apart was weighing on his nerves. This was a shorter assignment, and he’d only been away for a few days, but it was too many for his liking. Any time he had to kiss Elizabeth goodbye, he was edgy.

He wanted to be home.

He wanted to be holding Charlie and Cat. There was nothing like cuddling his girls.

Honestly, Callen just wanted his family.

As of late, therapy had been healing him. Doctor Gaines was brutal in session, forcing Callen to talk about everything. No stone was left unturned, and at first that shamed him.

He was a man, and when they started talking about the abuse he’d tolerated to survive as a child, he’d get sick.

Once, he even began throwing up as she forced him to relive that first time in his mind. It wasn’t easy admitting it, but he’d been raped.

It changed his life.

It changed him.

But, his family had been at his side. Despite Elizabeth being out on maternity leave, she’d come in and sit in session with him.

Her hand never left his.

Once, she even sat in his lap, letting him bury his face in her hair. The familiarity, scent, and love he felt, was enough to get him through it.

It wasn’t easy, but Callen was forgiving himself. Already, he’d begun forgiving that scared, hungry boy who let himself be hurt to survive.

He no longer believed any of this was his fault. What happened to him, all the sexual abuse, was put on the man who hurt him. Callen was free from it.

And it felt damn good.

But, there was still one lingering issue. He really hated sleeping alone. The dreams were there, despite what he’d reaffirmed in session. Sometimes, he could feel the sick slide of his abuser’s hands, and it woke him in a cold sweat.

Being there alone was torture, and he couldn’t wait to be back with the ones he loved.

Mainly, it was about holding onto his Elizabeth as they slept.

She saved him.

As did Ethan.

They were the best medicine for his damaged heart and soul, and he needed to get back home.

Getting out of the shower, he dried off before pulling on his pajama bottoms just in time to hear the knock at his door. He’d grab his food and make a video conference call. If he was lucky, they could all have dinner together.

At the door, he paid the young girl for the pizza. He couldn’t help but be amused when she stared up at him. She was sprite-like and here stood a large Native man covered in ink.

“Thank you,” he stated, giving her a tip.

She simply nodded and raced away.

Laughter filled his eyes. He really needed that. The simple act of humor lightened the load. Now seeing his partner’s in life and work would do the same.

Hopping onto the bed, he rested the tablet beside him. Callen made the call, hoping that they were back home and safe.

When they answered, it was odd.

The room was dark.

“Hey, Cal,” came Ethan’s voice.

Whitefox knew why it was dark. It was the deep husky sound of a man in the midst of passion. Elizabeth and Ethan were having sex, or gearing up for it.


He wished he was home.

“Am I interrupting something?” he asked, grinning wickedly. From the angle of the tablet, he could only see Ethan. Then he turned the device, and it wiped the grin from his face.

There sat Elizabeth in some lacy number, perched across his brother’s hips.

“Holy shit! I’ve never seen that one before,” he muttered, feeling his own body going hard with need. What she was sporting barely contained her truly amazing breasts. They were practically spilling out.

“As you can see, I’m being accosted by Elizabeth,” Ethan muttered, as she stroked his erection.

“I hate you. I really, really hate you.”

She laughed. “I love you, Callen James. Stay and watch,” she purred, offering something that would get them hot and bothered. Elizabeth knew that both men loved watching the other being pillaged, and that was her plan for the night.

“Are you sure?” he asked, praying his brother wouldn’t turn that tablet off. This was new, and frankly, the sexy peep show was getting him heated. Callen glanced down his body at the tenting in his pajama bottoms.

Yeah, he wanted to watch.

Elizabeth took the tablet from Ethan and placed it on their nightstand. It gave Callen the best view of his brother trapped beneath her body.

“Jesus, I wish I was home,” he muttered.

“Join us,” she purred, running her fingers down the lacy lingerie. A light was on in the background, giving Callen a better view of them.

Ethan moaned as her fingers tightened around his erection. As she stroked him, she stared at the tablet. “Touch yourself for me, Callen. I wish I could be there to do it for you but I can’t, so you’ll have to help me out.”

He didn't hesitate—never before had Elizabeth offered to play this kind of game, and he wasn’t about to say no to ‘phone’ sex.

He wasn’t stupid.

Slowly, she lowered her mouth to Ethan’s erection and began worshipping his body. With long licks, she teased him, until he was ready for her.

“Baby,” he muttered, when she slid her teeth up and down the sensitive flesh. It drove him wild. Having his brother watch wasn’t exactly a bad thing. It was almost like having him right there.

When she was pretty sure that Ethan couldn’t take much more, she stared over at Callen. She could see he was just as hard and horny as his brother. “How bad do you want it?” she asked.

Both men moaned, knowing she would give them that and so much more.

“Bad, angel. I need this really bad.”

Ethan stared up at her as she tormented his flesh. When his wife fondled his balls, giving them a squeeze, his body arched in pleasure.

“Shit!” whispered Callen. He loved when Elizabeth touched him like that. She was using Ethan the way she always took him, compensating for him not being there. It looked like his brother was getting twice the pleasure meant for both the men.

As Callen stroked, and Ethan lay trapped beneath her, Elizabeth started stripping out of her lingerie. Unlacing the front, she unveiled their prize.

Callen felt the heat build in his gut as Elizabeth’s breasts fell free from the restrictive garment. Immediately, Ethan’s hands went to them, teasing her.

She dropped her head back, moaning as he squeezed and tormented her. All the while, she rubbed her panty clad body against his erection.

Oh, they were both wet and ready.

Pulling off the rest of the lace, she sat perched on his hips with nothing between them but some racy thong.

“Please tell me you have heels on,” Callen whispered.

She shifted, showing him her long legs. They were indeed punctuated with stripper red heels.

They were Callen and Ethan’s favorite, and ones the men picked out for her last time they went shopping at the fun store.

Blackhawk ran his palms up her leg, relishing the silky feel of skin beneath his fingers. “So soft,” he murmured, wanting to run his lips across all of her. “She feels so amazing, Cal,” he offered, knowing his brother was missing out on something pretty awesome.

“Is she wet?” he asked, dying to know.

Ethan let his fingers wander further up her leg, across her thigh, and then disappear behind the thong.

Elizabeth moaned as he teased the most sensitive part of her body.

“God! Yes, she is.”

Callen wanted to explode just watching. This was pretty damn hot, because it was like watching some interactive porno with their woman as the star.

“Should I make her beg?” Ethan asked, as he buried his fingers in her body. The wetness made it easy. She was more than ready for him, and he was feeling exactly the same.

“Yes! God, yes!” he begged, watching as the pleasure swept over their wife’s face. “Make her beg for us.”

Ethan took her body with his fingers only, and his woman didn't complain. In fact, she rode them to the very edge. With a flick of his thumb, she fell.

BOOK: Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11)
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