Plunge (Alpha Athletes #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Plunge (Alpha Athletes #1)
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Chapter Seventeen

onight was
Opening Ceremonies and tomorrow was my first event. I had one final day to warm up before competition started. And I wanted Ava here.

I couldn’t explain it, but she fed something in me. Calmed my soul. Energized my blood. Fueled my strength. It had only been a week since I had found her again, but it felt longer than that.

Jim hovered over the edge of the pool. “Ready for the butterfly?” he asked.

I snapped my goggles into place and splashed water over my shoulders. I saw Ava walk in and I grinned.

“I’m ready now.”

She waved at me as she took a seat in the bleachers.

Jim dropped his arm and I dove into the water, ready to plow through and kick ass on this lap. By the time I touched the wall at the other end of the pool I knew I had done exactly what we wanted. I had cut time off my first turn.

Jim laughed. “Son of a bitch. You’re going to blow the other chaps out of the water. Now if you can do that on every turn, it’s going to be incredible.”

“That’s the plan.” I pushed out of the water and dragged my body over the side of the pool.

Ava watched as I walked around the wall separating the swimmers from the fans. I didn’t give a shit who saw me. I planted a rough kiss on her lips.

She licked her lips. “Mmm. Wet.”

“Thanks for coming.”

“That looked amazing. How did you do that with the turn?”

I admitted it was fucking hot as shit my girl knew what she was talking about when it came to sports. She never got tired talking about swimming or any of the sports at the games. She was a better listener than Jim was sometimes.

I realized how hot it was she was mine. Only mine.

“I don’t know. I’ve been working on it all week and it suddenly clicked. I couldn’t get it down in Sydney.”

“If you’re going to make a change like that, this is the time to do it.” She smiled.

“I have to hit the showers. Want to go get lunch?”

A fan leaned over Ava’s shoulder and shoved a phone in her face. I glared at him, but saw Ava’s warning expression before I grabbed the phone and threw it in the pool.

“Which lunch is this for you? First, second, or third?”

I cracked a smile. “I thought I dispelled those hobbit rumors with you. And it’s second lunch.” I winked.

“I can’t.” She shook her head. “I don’t have anything to write today and I really need to get something to my boss.”

I scratched the back of my head. “Dinner is out because of the ceremony. That’s going to take all night.”

“I’ll be here tomorrow,” she piped up. “I’m going to watch you swim.”

“That’s not enough,” I growled. “Fucking dictators keeping us in the village. It sucks.”

“Think of it this way. You’ll get more sleep.”

There was truth there, but I’d rather fall asleep naked and inside Ava. I didn’t like that someone regulated when and where I could sleep. Not with the biggest games of my life in front of me. I needed her.

She was my release. She was my calm. She was fucking everything to me.

I kissed her quickly. “I’ll figure something out.”

She eyed me. “Blaine, what does that mean?”

“Don’t worry about it, love.”

She stood to leave, but I could see the hesitation. “Please don’t do something stupid. Call me tonight and have fun at Opening Ceremonies. I’ll be here tomorrow.”

“Me stupid?” I felt Jim’s hand on my back.

“Hi, Ava,” he greeted her.

“Hi, Jim.”

“Blaine, we’ve got press in an hour.”

“All right. Bye, love.”

He shuttled me to the locker room, but I wasn’t content. I had to see her tonight. Tomorrow was going to be my greatest swim, but I needed Ava Gold tonight if I was going to make that happen.

* * *

on the hotel door with my bag slung over my shoulder.

“Hold on,” I heard Ava call on the other side.

I knew she would be surprised to see me. It was late, but I came straight from the ceremony. It was an advantage walking in as one of the first countries. I carried the Australian flag proudly. Took the pictures. Waved to fans. And as soon as the fans focused on the dance show, I took off.

I wouldn’t head back to the village tonight. I had everything I needed for the swim tomorrow.

Ava cracked the door, banging it against the chain lock.


She closed the door, unlatching it to let me inside.

I looked around the room. Something was off. She was wearing a T-shirt slung off her shoulder and a pair of panties. Her hair was twisted into a bun on her head.

“Are you okay?” I asked. I felt as if I needed to pull her into a hug, or tuck her into bed. I couldn’t figure out which.

She nodded. “I’m fine. I just didn’t expect you. Aren’t you supposed to be at the ceremony?” She pointed to the TV. The commentator had a strong Portuguese accent. There were fireworks shooting across the screen.

“You don’t look fine.” She was pale as a ghost.

There was a gallon of water on the table where she usually worked. I also saw two cartons of plain crackers.

“That’s not very nice to say.” She sat on the bed, but I saw her eyes close.

“Are you sick? Do you want me to take you to see someone?” The insensitive bastard in me wondered if I needed to get the hell out of this room. What if she infected me with something and I couldn’t swim?

“No. I’m fine.” She waved me off.

I sat on the edge of the bed, knowing I was taking a chance with my health. I prayed like hell I didn’t catch some fucking stomach bug.

“Would you stop watching that damn fire dance and tell me what’s going on?” I barked.

“I told you, it’s nothing.” She turned up the volume as another burst of flames lit up the sky over the Olympic stadium.

“Ava, I broke curfew, left the opening ceremonies, and blew off the entire Australian team to come over here tonight. The least you could do is fucking look at me.”

She turned toward me and I saw something I’d never seen in her eyes before—fear.

“What is it, love?” I softened my tone. Why was I such a bastard sometimes?

“You have a big swim tomorrow, don’t you?” she asked.

“God, what is going on with you?” I shoved off the bed. “I’m here because of the swim. You’re the person I want to be with before I swim tomorrow. Haven’t I said that in every way possible?” I felt the irritation under my skin.

“Blaine, I’m fine. Focus on the swim. Focus on the world record. Don’t worry about me.”

“How can you say that? I came over here for you.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that.” She covered her hand with her mouth.

I picked up my bag. “Fuck, if that’s how you feel, don’t worry about it.” I pulled the handle of the door as she scampered off the bed.

“Blaine, don’t leave like this.” She tugged on my arm, but I was done with these games.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” she pleaded. “I was just—” But before she got another word out she ran to the bathroom, and I cringed as I heard her vomit.

“Shit, Ava.” I rushed over to see if she needed anything.

She steadied herself, brushed her teeth, and washed her hands.

She turned off the bathroom light and walked toward the bed.

“You can’t tell me you aren’t sick.” I glared at her. “I can at least get you to a doctor. Maybe I can call someone in the village. They’re already programmed into all our phones.”

I reached for my cell when Ava grabbed it from my hand.

“I’m not sick.”

“Like bloody hell,” I raised my voice. “Stop being stubborn. You just threw up.”

And then it hit me.

I saw the tears well on her bottom lid. “Blaine, I’m pregnant.”

Chapter Eighteen

stared at him
. He hadn’t spoken a word since I dropped the bomb between us.

“I didn’t want to tell you like this. I was trying to let you swim. Don’t you get it?”

“How long have you known?” He hadn’t blinked.

“A week,” I whispered. I suddenly felt ashamed for keeping it from him.

He turned from the bathroom and sat on the bed. “You’ve known all week and didn’t tell me?” He looked hurt.

I sat next to him. “I couldn’t let this pregnancy ruin your chance at gold. I’ll still be pregnant after the games. I was going to tell you then. I swear.”

“You’re carrying my baby?”

I nodded. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not what you expected. I didn’t expect it either. I—I thought it was jet lag, but it wasn’t. It’s some kind of twisted morning sickness that comes and goes all day.”

His hand pushed my T-shirt from my stomach and he cupped my belly with his palms. “My baby is in there?”

“Yes. It’s your baby.”

My heart ached. I had just done everything I didn’t want to do. I wanted him to sweep gold. I wanted him to achieve all his Olympic dreams. And with one little word I had undone all of it. How was he going to concentrate after this?

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m okay.” I smiled. “Really. We can deal with it later. I don’t the baby to ruin your career, Blaine. You’ve worked your entire life for this.”

His hands pushed the T-shirt over my breasts. He stared at them hungrily.

“I’m not running away from this.” He leaned toward me, clasping a nipple between his teeth.

“Oh, God,” I moaned, pressing his head harder to my chest.

He laid me on the bed, raking the shirt over my head. “Do you know how fucking gorgeous you look with my baby inside you?” he growled.

Everything in me trembled. I felt the wet heat between my legs. My nipples perked.

“You’re not mad?” I asked.

He flicked his tongue over my breasts. Shit, everything was sensitive and highly alert. I was a live wire in his hands.

“Love, I’ve never been more turned on in my life.”

My eyes widened. “You are?”

He grabbed my hand and guided it between his legs. I gasped when I felt how hard his cock was.

Shit. I wanted him too.

I eagerly shoved his pants over his legs.

His kisses landed on my mouth with hungry fever. He massaged my tits until I moaned with pleasure and pain.

“Is it okay if I fuck you, love?” he growled in my ear.

“God, yes.” I climbed against his body, needing to feel him inside. I needed to know he was okay. I needed to know that we were going to make it through this, whatever happened.

His fingers circled between my legs before he slid the panties over my ankles.

“Let me look at you,” he breathed.

My chest rose. I knew my breasts were already larger than before. He spread my legs open and I sighed.

“Fuck, you’re sexy.”

I tried to look away, but he gripped my chin.

“And you’re carrying my baby.”

I nodded. I was. I had Blaine’s baby inside me. A baby we made on a rash, impulsive, stupid night. A night when I thought my career was over because I was fired. A night when I didn’t have a friend. A night when I turned to a sexy playboy for comfort. A night when we made a baby.

My hips tipped forward. “I want you inside me, Blaine.”

He grinned, nudging my legs wider.

I sighed as he sank deep inside me. I wrapped my body around his as he plunged in and out of me with rapid thrusts of pleasure.

He kissed me. “I love fucking you knowing I made this baby with you.”

His words melted me. I was scared he would resent me, or not want anything to do with the baby, but Blaine was full of surprises. He pushed inside me, loving me to the edge of the cliff.

I gripped his shoulders. “I’m going to come. Oh, God.”

He held me, pumping harder. “Come like this, come all over my cock, baby.”

And I felt the sweet rush spread through my veins and tingle to my toes as the orgasm rocked me with spirals.

“So fucking hot.” He tensed and then slammed into me, filling me with his own orgasm as he pulsed inside me.

He kissed me and nuzzled into my neck. “Thank you, Ava.”

“How are you going to swim?” The panic returned.

He laughed. “See, what happens is I dive into the water and then start kicking and moving my arms.”

I bit his fingers playfully. “Did I ruin it? Did we ruin it?” I finally felt as if I could acknowledge the baby.

“No, you didn’t ruin anything. You made it perfect.”

I sat forward. “This is crazy. We barely know each other. We had a one-night stand six weeks ago and now I’m pregnant. You realize this is… Well, there aren’t words for what this is.”

“This is you and me.” His palm flattened over my navel. “This is us now.”


“Shh. Stop worrying. I’ve got you now. It’s going to be okay.”

“You know I don’t expect you to do anything for me, right? I can take care of the baby on my own. I’m not saying you have to be involved.”

“Would you shut up?”

My mouth clamped closed.

“Listen to me, you stubborn she-devil. You’re not scaring me away. You’re not raising my baby in another country. You’re not doing this alone. Do you hear me?”

I nodded slowly.

“Good. That’s settled. Tomorrow you can tell our baby how he was there when his dad won two gold medals.”


He rubbed my belly and put an ear to my stomach. “Definitely a he.”

“Wait, we’re not going to live in two different countries?” My mind raced with everything Blaine had just said.

“No, we’re not.” He eyed me.

“Then who’s moving?”

“Ever thought about living in Australia?”

I blinked. “No. It’s on the other side of the world.”

He kissed my neck and I settled back on the bed. His lips traveled to my throat and over my collarbone.

“How would you like to wake up to this every morning?”

His hand slipped lower from my stomach and I found I was already eager to accept his fingers as he pushed them inside me. My breath hitched.

“Yes, please.”

“Then it’s settled.” His thumb circled my clit and I bowed off the bed. My body was firing out of control.

“I have no idea what I just agreed to,” I moaned. My muscles gripped at his fingers. How did he always find my G-spot so quickly?

He laughed. “You agreed to be happy and to let me make you come every day.”

“Oh yes,” I whimpered. “Okay.” I looked into his eyes, knowing I had no control.

My body was his and he knew how to play it perfectly.

BOOK: Plunge (Alpha Athletes #1)
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