Read Poppy's Picnic (Poppy's Place Short) Online

Authors: Stephanie Beck

Tags: #romance, #Poppy's Place, #contemporary, #menage

Poppy's Picnic (Poppy's Place Short) (3 page)

BOOK: Poppy's Picnic (Poppy's Place Short)
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She glared at him. “Give it back.”

“Not until we talk.”

“About what? Anything at this point is just filler because you already butted your big nose in where it didn’t belong.” She whacked her palms against the steering bar. “Ugh. You make me so mad sometimes. Why do you have to be so overbearing? This was not your problem to fix.”

It was a problem that had the potential to creep up on them and make her cry again. Rose was a user; he’d seen her kind before. She might act like she wanted to care for herself, but she wanted to be taken care of—and since Doug was her husband, that was his job. Talking over the phone with him had solidified Trevor’s desire to keep Poppy as far away from the situation—and the couple—as possible. He had unloaded a company he no longer enjoyed, Doug got what he wanted, and Rose ultimately got the alimony she’d demanded. So many problems were demolished with one move, yet he hadn’t talked to his wife about it. Now he would pay.

“Give me the keys.” She held her hand out.

He shook his head. “No.”

“Fine, I’ll walk.” She swung her legs over the seat and jumped off, putting the vehicle between them.

“You know you don’t want to walk away,” he called after she took two steps. “You’d rather yell at me.”

She spun and pointed her finger. “This was out of line. My family is my problem. You can’t just throw your money around to fix things. Don’t you get it? They aren’t fixable. You wasted money, wasted your business, and wasted your time.”

“It was my money, business, and time to piss away,” he replied, trying hard to not match her heated tone. “It’s not like I gave him the company. He paid out the nose for it, and part of the deal was his agreement to settle with Rose. Your family, at least Rose, shouldn’t bother us again.”

“The ends justify the means? Really? She is my family and my problem. My family will always be my problem.”

He stepped toward her, careful of the rocks jutting out around the foot-wide rut. The last shot hadn’t been as angry. He’d dealt with her family issues before, especially in moments when he messed up. He’d spent the last seven years trying to be more considerate—and finally having met her father a few months back, he’d redoubled his efforts. How far they’d come from the early days when she’d been mired in guilt and confusion, and he’d been too selfish to know how to help. She didn’t run from her pain any longer, but he was tired of watching her close herself off from him.

“Babe, you know you don’t have to fight this battle alone.” He slowly closed the distance. “I would take them on by myself if I thought it would help.”

“Nothing helps.” She stomped her foot, anger in her flashing eyes. “They are broken beyond repair. You could throw all your time and energy and money into them, and they’d still suck. No more. You have to promise you won’t give them anything else.”

“I didn’t give Doug my company.”

“You gave him an opportunity in exchange for a benefit for my sister,” she said. “That counts.”

He didn’t see it, but hell, he didn’t have to. “You have my word.”

She frowned. “Just like that?”

He reached for her, gently rubbing her bare arms. “Yeah, just like that.”

Her shoulders fell. “But you sold part of your company for them. You worked so hard for what you have. I feel sick that you sacrificed even a little to help them.”

He’d been waiting for an opening to come clean for years. He’d seen Michael struggle with work identity before him and figured only one of them could have a meltdown at a time, so had stayed quiet. If she was going to feel guilty, and her big, teary blue eyes said she was swimming in it, he needed to tell the truth.

He leaned back against the four-wheeler, hauling her against his body. “Listen, my decision is not entirely selfless. I’ve wanted to sell out for the past six years.”

“Hold still, you have a smudge of dirt.” She rubbed her thumb against his cheek. “What do you mean about wanting to sell for so long?”

“I mean, when I stayed home after the twins were born, I seriously considered selling out my part in the business and talked to my partners, but they wouldn’t go with it at the time. I’ve phased back enough over the years to make this transition as painless as possible. It’s done. Everyone is happy.”

“But you enjoy your work.”

He sighed. “Not in a long time. Even before I met you, I was searching for other challenges. That’s how I got into racing.”

“And I made you get out of it.” She winced.

“No, you did not. It didn’t make sense to do it any longer.” He tucked his knuckle under her chin and lifted her face. “Meeting you was a serious game changer. I’ve been fucking domestic since then and damned if I don’t enjoy it. I love doing canning shit with you. Getting the girls ready for school on the mornings you want to sleep in is in the top ten for my favorite things. It’s…yeah, it’s the shit for me.”

“Why have you never mentioned this before?”

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Because, hell, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to be done with my other stuff just because I enjoyed something new. Now, I know. Selling to Doug was the easiest decision I ever made. I made it hurt for him—no worries there. Money is not going to be an issue.”

She rubbed his cheek but no longer scrubbed. “I’m not worried about money. I’m worried about you being happy.”

“I’ve been ecstatic since I signed on the dotted line. I don’t know if Dougie is; he jumped into a creative trash pit. It was getting ugly, and I’m happy to be gone. I can always, you know, do balloon animal shows or something if finances get tight.”

She smirked. “I don’t think the other moms would hire you…all those f-bombs. Not very clown-like.”

“Are you going to be okay with me around more? We can still travel. I would just, you know, be able to be with you instead of in meetings all the damn time.”

“So, you’re saying you’ll be fulltime with me? At my beck and call?”

He squeezed her ass. “Damn right. I’ll be your cabana boy.”

“I would rather have a laundry boy, but we can hammer the details out later. I still wish you’d consulted me. I know it’s petty, but I really hate that Rose is going to end up getting what she wants because of a deal you made—even in a roundabout way.”

“I understand, and if my business runs into yours again, I’ll be more open. I might not always do what you want, but you’ll know before I do it.”

She leaned into him, his chest hard against her breasts. “I prefer that without the disclaimer, but I understand and appreciate it. And you. I love you so much.”

He lifted her onto the front rack. She drew her legs up and around his waist, welcoming him closer. When she nibbled his bottom lip, he mentally apologized to his brothers who would have to finish weeding by themselves.
Ah, screw ‘em.
They’d do the same thing if given the chance.

She gave his lip another little tug. Though he hated to let go of his soft prize, he moved his hands from her butt to the fly of her jean shorts, making quick work of the button and zipper. She lifted up, and he shucked them down, leaving them dangling on her left foot.

“Hmm.” He looked her up and down before stripping off his shirt. “This is good.”

While she laughed, he sank to his knees and parted hers. She grasped the bars, holding tight as he licked her vagina. The breeze picked up, and she shivered. He blew on her beautiful pink opening, earning another shiver before he laved her pussy and darted his tongue inside.

When he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked, her breath drew in with a sharp whoosh. He pulled away and tapped her silky button. She looked down with wide eyes. He grinned.

“You are such a tease,” she said.

“Yep.” He tapped her again. “I want you to come, and then I want to fuck you until you come again.”

She relaxed again. “Keep that up and you’ll get your way.”

He slipped a finger inside her and returned to licking. Sweet. Soft.
She tilted her hips, begging for more without words. He squeezed her thigh with his free hand to keep her in place. She started to protest, but he pressed a fraction deeper and rubbed her very happy spot. The firm muscles under his palm tightened. If he could get her off, she’d forget about being in the woods in broad daylight long enough for them to really make up. He darted his tongue around her clit before sucking it hard. The tight string of her muscles snapped, and her gasps turned to deep moans.

“Nice,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her clit. “You must have been pretty wound to come that quickly. Let’s see what we can do about releasing a little more tension.”

Trevor eased to his feet, keeping his fingers in their warm, wet place while one-handedly wiggling out of his shorts and boxers. It had been way too long since they’d had sex outside. The leaves filtered the sunshine over Poppy’s body. He wanted her shirt gone, but when he reached for the hem, she swatted him.

“Someone might come,” she whispered, shimmying to sitting up.

“Someone already did and will again shortly.”  

She shook her head and caressed his hard cock. When she squeezed, it took all his control not to groan. The ATV offered a steady brace for his hands on either side of her hips while she worked him, paying special attention to the tip. Pre-cum shot out. She smoothed it over him, the added lubrication making her strokes even better. The breeze hit again, but even that wasn’t enough to cool him off. Whether their open location made her nervous or hot—speeding up her usual approach—Trevor didn’t give a shit. All that mattered was getting inside her and making her scream again. She scooted forward. Trevor grabbed onto her hips, lifting her just high enough to align.

They moaned together as he slid in. His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass, but as good as she felt, he didn’t have the strength to maintain the position. The four-wheeler’s height put him at a disadvantage. His arms strained to keep Poppy at the right angle while he perched on his tiptoes. She held tight to his shoulders, her face buried in his neck, sexy little whimpers emerging with every thrust.

Trevor looked around for some assistance. Stopping now would be the worst fucking thing that could happen. Worse than pulling peas. Worse than fighting with her. The rocks he’d nearly tripped over now offered inspiration. He grinned, stepped onto one, and slid into Poppy at the same time. With the added traction, he dug his feet in and thrust harder. The sexy whimper turned to a moan. He gritted his teeth and pushed again. When she’d been teasing him with the hand job, he hadn’t realized how close she’d gotten him to the edge.

Poppy rolled her hips, taking him deeper. Her pussy tightened all around him as it always did the moment before she came. The ATV rocked under their momentum. He held her hips tighter, so she wouldn’t send them in motion, but her wild movements drew at his dick, killing his good intentions.

He thrust faster as she screamed into his neck then shuddered as cum shot out, almost painful. Poppy’s screams dimmed to whimpers once again. Trevor wiped his forehead against the shoulder of her shirt, grateful she’d kept it on.


The ATV bars bit into her butt. Cold, hard, and, with Trevor’s weight against her, uncomfortable. She squeezed her legs around him, his cock no longer stiff, but he gave an extra thrust before pulling out and helping her sit up. With a groan, she threw her clothes on before shifting to the cushioned seat.

“I never want to be too old to do that, however, next time, we need pillows.” She enjoyed the view as he dressed.

He pulled up his boxers and shorts, but left the top of his shorts unbuttoned. She found his shirt hanging off the side roll bar and held it on her fingertip. He took it, his grin reappearing after he pulled it over his head.

“Aw, I was enjoying the view,” she said.

“I know it. I suppose if I do the laundry, I could cut back on it by going shirtless more often, huh?” He stood between her feet, close enough to touch without firing up again. “I bet the other guys are wondering what’s going on.”

She ran her hand up his chest. “Yeah, probably.”

He’d bared his soul. She’d planned to tell them about the new baby all together, but this was their moment.

“Listen, I really did have something to tell you, and given your new occupation, I hope you’re as excited as I am.”

“I’m listening. I can do laundry, but I don’t mind helping with the farmer’s market stuff. More canning? Is that why you wanted the peas? You and Mom have plans for them—other than us eating them? I love you, but I fucking hate peas.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the peas. I really regret asking for those, by the way. It’s not related at all. Well, kind of related if you think about it in an abstract—”

He tugged her hair. “Babe, you’re killing me.”

“We came home from San Antonio with a stowaway.” Her heart slammed against her chest.

His eyebrows drew together for a long moment then his face cleared. “Are you kidding?” He lifted her off the ATV and spun her around. “Holy shit, this is perfect. I can’t believe it. I can, but that’s the best news ever. I had no idea.”

She held onto his shoulders for balance and giggled, his joy doing away with any last bits of apprehension. “I took a test two weeks ago. I was so surprised. You promise you’re excited?”

He stopped turning and hugged her. “Yes. I promise. I was hoping maybe we could talk about having another baby, but now it’s right there. It’s perfect. You are so damn perfect. I love you. How are you feeling? Doing okay?”

She wiped a tear from her cheek, relieved when no others joined it. This wasn’t a time for tears.

“I feel fine. Tired way too often, but nothing too unpleasant so far. I made a doctor’s appointment for next week, so we should be good to go.”

“I’m the first one you told?”

She nodded. “Well, your parents already know. Thomas said Paul is a pregnancy spotter and probably noticed before I did, but you are for sure the first I told.”

He hugged her. “The opposite of when you were pregnant with the twins. I found out last then.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize.”

“Michael found out from the detective in San Antonio and then told Cody, and finally they both told me. So, I think it’s fair I know first for once.” He smirked. “Now we can go tell the other two.”

BOOK: Poppy's Picnic (Poppy's Place Short)
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