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Authors: Violetta Rand

Possession (8 page)

BOOK: Possession
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Chapter 14

Vincent drew a deep breath before he knocked on Tina's front door. The day's events had definitely influenced the decision he'd made. He wanted to see her again—maybe even needed to. Though the bitter past still haunted him, she'd renewed his hope for something better. Maybe not a full-scale relationship, but a chance to feel alive again. Only a woman could provide the kind of companionship and relief he'd craved since the night he met Tina in the parking lot at Valhalla.

Yeah, she'd conjured old feelings like a magician. Confused him. Made him stir-crazy whenever she refused his sound advice. But her smile, penetrating eyes, girlish laughter, and mischievous streak sucked him right into her world. He combed his fingers through his hair. Would she reject him? How many times had he pushed her away, begging her to understand why he wouldn't surrender to their mutual attraction?

Vincent knew this could go one of two ways. She'd either send him packing or do what he'd grown accustomed to where Tina was concerned, devour him with enthusiasm. He pounded on the door.

She met him with a warm smile, eyeing the single white rose and bottle of red wine in his hands. “I'm glad you're here,” she said.

Vincent's gaze traveled slowly down her body in deep appreciation. Dressed in silky shorts and a white tank top, her curves popped. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “So am I.”

He followed her into the living room and couldn't believe the song playing on the stereo: Cutting Crew's “I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight.” The tune from Lang's wedding reception. The night he choked like a high school boy and retreated behind the defensive walls he'd so carefully constructed after his second divorce. There'd be no repeat tonight.

He set the wine on the table, then offered the flower.

Her soft smile said it all. “Thank you, it's beautiful.”

Then he did something surprising: he tugged her into his arms and started to sway to the beat of the music. Hands locked behind her back, he sighed as she nuzzled close and kissed his chest. For the first time in years, excitement swirled inside him, the nervous anticipation of what came next.


“Hmmm?” She looked up.

There were so many things to say. “I can't make any promises. But I can tell you how I feel right now. Since the night you showed up, I've been in a fucking daze, unable to concentrate on anything but you.”

Tina studied his features, her green eyes narrowing. “I've wanted you since the first time we met, Vincent. I'm not afraid to admit it. And if tonight is all you can give me, so be it.”

The song ended, then restarted. “Did you…”

“Looped it,” she finished on a sassy grin.

He slowly backed her against the wall near the end of the sofa. Music affected Vincent in ways he couldn't express, and knowing she'd picked this song for him, it gave him a fucking erection. He plucked the rose out of her hand and dropped it on the end table. When he turned back, she hadn't moved an inch.

Damned if he didn't want to claim every part of her, in the way only an outlaw biker could. They'd discussed wearing his patch, and he'd used it as a weapon against her.
Stupid fool.
Tina deserved the best of him, not the side that fucked pass-arounds and sent them away in the middle of the night.

He tilted her head back, then cupped her throat. She gasped, not in shock or fear, but like she understood his intent. Vincent didn't make love just to get off. Not with Tina. He'd fantasized about this for close to a year; what he'd say, how he'd move, where he'd fuck her the first time. And though none of this had played out quite the way he'd imagined, the feelings were raw and real. Too absolute to ignore.

He pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, breathing in her soft perfume. All of her, that's what he hungered for, her body

Without needing to say a word, she raised her arms above her head and Vincent stripped off her top. The skimpy lace bra she wore served no purpose but to tease him. He buried his face between her tits, while his right hand snaked behind her back and unsnapped the metal clasp. She guided the straps down her arms and let it fall on the floor, her breasts as beautiful as he remembered, her hard nipples begging to be sucked. Trying to control his rushed breaths, he circled her areola with his tongue, pinching the other nipple at the same time.

He raised his head then, in search of her naughty mouth. Even in the dim light he could see the glow on her cheeks. She wanted him. The throb between his legs intensified as he slanted his mouth over hers. Pure desire. Their tongues spiraled together and he lifted her off the floor.

“Tell me where to go, Tina.”

“My bedroom.”

He carried her down the hallway, frantic need driving him. After he deposited her on the queen-sized mattress, he removed his cut first, then stripped naked. Tina's hungry gaze moved over him and she crawled to the edge of the bed, sitting on her knees. Hard as steel, the moment her tiny hand wrapped around his shaft, he arched his back and growled in ecstasy. Tina's touch made all the difference; that raw attraction meant so much more. He might never get an opportunity to say it, but he could definitely let it be translated by the way he touched her.

She released a frustrated breath. “Your skin is so smooth,” she praised, smiling up at him. “And you're so big.”

Soft, wet kisses on the tip of his dick made him crazy, but when she licked its length, then closed her lips tight around it, pumping her hand at the same time, his legs quivered. Pleasure jolted through him.

“Shit,” he yelled by the tenth stroke. “You're going to kill me.”

She ignored his complaint and sucked harder and faster. He didn't want to come in her mouth, but wanted to bury himself inside her. And after she had her first orgasm, he'd suck her clit until she screamed.

“Conserve that energy,” he advised. “I have plans for you.”

Once she was spread underneath him, he made it a point to take his time, lingering over each breast, tickling and biting her bottom lip, and nibbling the tender spots on her neck. He kissed a trail down her toned stomach, his fingers skimming over her pussy still hidden beneath her shorts.

She squirmed as he lowered them to her ankles. He sighed with appreciation when he didn't find any panties underneath, just her trimmed little pussy, the thin strip of dark curls hot as sin. Hit by a sudden wave of carnality, he plunged two fingers inside her, followed by his tongue. She dug her fingernails into his scalp, signaling her approval. It fueled his need for more, and he inhaled her wetness, circling his tongue over her clit, suckling lightly, then nipping. Nothing would satisfy him until he had all of her.

Then he ripped his hand away from her core and reached for her breast. Vincent didn't know where to focus; every inch of her deserved worshipping. After several more hard licks, she yanked his head up.

“Remember how you stopped me earlier?” she asked.

He nodded.

“It goes both ways. I'm running out of patience.”

She didn't need to ask twice. He spread her legs wide, stealing a last look at her luscious center before he crawled over her, wedging his cock between her legs. Scorching heat and wetness welcomed him. Why had he deprived himself of her body a year ago? It didn't matter anymore.

She cradled his face with both hands, giving him a tender look. “I don't want any latex barriers between us. I'm on the pill and my papers are in the top dresser drawer if you want confirmation I'm disease free.”

Should he laugh or take her seriously? He remembered the condoms in the back pocket of his jeans. He got screened twice a year and hadn't been with a woman since his last blood test. “I trust you.”

Like supermagnets, their mouths slammed together and her hands moved frantically down his spine. “I love your ass.” She squeezed it hard.

He chuckled. “You've made that abundantly clear.” For some reason he couldn't resist her neck, which seemed to be one of his favorite spots on her body. Every time he caressed her there, she moaned.

Another deep kiss followed, and Vincent thrust inside her at the same time. He pumped his hips violently, filling her as she clung to his shoulders.

“I can't believe we're finally together,” she whispered.

“Believe it, baby.” He pulled out, then drove in deeper, repeating the motion until her pussy clenched around him as tight as a fist, her orgasm building.

“Vincent,” she strangled out.

“I want to feel you come first.”

She sighed, and every inch of her glorious body stiffened underneath him. Her skin flushed and her lips trembled as she let go, pleasure taking over. Damned if she didn't look like some ancient sculpture of a goddess come to life. Instinctively he ground against her, desperate for his own relief. He'd proven himself worthy of her body in the moment, but wondered what it would take to keep her forever. Something special resided inside her heart and mind. Tina wasn't like the other women he'd fucked; far from it. And in a perfect world, he'd marry her.

A man could fantasize…

Her warm breath tickled his neck. “Amazing,” she said.

“You're perfect, Tina.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her tender lips. She tasted so sweet. Every time their tongues twirled together she gave delicious gasps of pleasure. Another thing he couldn't resist, all those little sexy noises she made.

As soon as she relaxed, he flipped her over. Appreciation of a nice ass must be contagious. He invaded her again, massaging her swollen clit as he hammered deep. Their sweat-slicked bodies slapped together as he sought his own release. Fucking her from behind was only the beginning. Tomorrow he'd suspend her from the ceiling if she let him.

Chapter 15

Tina knew the moment Vincent was ready to explode; his ass cheeks clenched under her palms. She was every bit as eager as him to feel him climax. Once he did, he tugged her down, collapsing on top of her. Trapped between the mattress and his muscular frame, she didn't mind the added weight. It reminded her how real everything was. She'd conquered whatever kept him from surrendering to their mutual attraction before.

Only now, deep emotions were involved. No matter how hard she tried to push them aside, she couldn't deny the truth. Typically her mind and body didn't align. She slept with men for selfish reasons, never for emotional fulfillment. But Vincent had changed that in a matter of seconds. One deep kiss and she was addicted. One orgasm and she was ready to commit—to risk her heart for the only man that had ever intrigued her beyond the bedroom.

What did that make her? She prided herself on being an independent woman.

“Do you feel that?” He nuzzled close to her ear, the rumble of his low voice sending a chill down her spine that curled her toes. “I'm getting hard again, baby.”

She moved her hands above her head, gripping the lacquer rails on the headboard. She didn't crave tender lovemaking; she wanted him to ride her hard. All that teasing and flirting she'd done must have taken its toll on his patience. His unwavering resistance had pissed her off a number of times. Now she wanted to work some of it off.

She felt his cock swell to life again.
So fucking thick and long.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked.

Anything you want…
“Stay this way,” she breathed out. “I like it from behind.” Truth be told, she didn't want to waste a moment. The idea of him pulling out scared her.

She bit her lower lip as he shifted, spreading his legs wide, and encouraging her to close hers. He circled his hips mechanically, their bodies reanimating. Her heart began to pound harder as he sank deeper inside her, hitting that secret spot most men didn't know existed. She'd never been so hot and wet, so ready to engage in sex immediately after she'd already come. Something about Vincent made her insatiable, electrified her from head to toe.

she reminded herself. The kind she'd shielded herself from after suffering a couple of heartbreaks when she was young. Not the same pain Vincent had experienced with two failed marriages, but enough of a bitter taste to keep her wary and afraid of long-term commitment.

“Do you like this?” He ensnared both her wrists with one of his hands, keeping her stretched tight. Then he tucked his other one underneath her pussy, stroking her clitoris while he moved tantalizingly slowly.

Oh the benefits of long arms…

She bucked her hips in retaliation, silently begging him to pick up speed.

“No,” he chastised. “I'll set the pace this time.”

There was the side of him she admired most—the alpha who seized control. She rolled her hips with his, the sensations different from their first encounter, sweeter perhaps, and definitely more soul-baring.

Was that his new strategy? Hard and fast first, then fuck her painfully slowly until she lost all control? Did it matter? What could she do with a two-hundred-pound body on top of her except yield to the pleasure?

In and out, over and over again. Methodic and precisely measured movements that left her in a daze. The moment she felt her orgasm building, he'd pause just long enough for the feeling to fade a little, then he'd resume the tempo, forcing it to the surface again. His lazy pace left a hollow pain between her legs. She wanted to come
—needed absolute release.

She snapped her hips. “Give me what I want.”

He clicked his tongue. “Are you in a position to make demands?” He gripped her wrists tighter.

She tried to wiggle free but knew she couldn't. He chuckled, obviously enjoying his power trip. “You're not playing fair.”

Again he buried his face in her long hair. “Did you have mercy on me every time you tried to manipulate me into having sex with you? Do you know how many times I went home with a hard-on and masturbated in the shower?” The tip of his tongue found her inner ear, then he nipped the lobe. “I think you're enjoying this more than you'd care to admit.”

Oh God, how did he know what she liked?
A little psychological warfare made sex more gratifying. “You made me wait months before you gave in. Anything I ever did to get your attention serves you right.”

His thrusts increased in intensity before he let go of her hands and pulled out. He rolled onto his back, letting her straddle his midsection. “I can't argue with that, darlin', so I cede control to you.” He plumped the pillow, then crossed his arms underneath his head, an arrogant smile splitting his face.

It all happened so fast she didn't know what to say. But there were things she wanted to do, naughty things. “Bet we can find a better use for that mouth.” She pushed forward, her center mere inches from his lips.

He raised his head and his expression changed dramatically as he eyed the prize in front of him. “Don't get too close—I'll bite that little thing.”

She laughed, liking the idea very much. “What doesn't kill you…”

His hands moved in a blurry flash. He parted her folds with his fingers, and his other hand clamped onto her right ass cheek, forcing her closer to his mouth. “You're going to scream my name before I stop, Tina. Someone needs to discipline you properly.” His tongue sank deep and she arched her back, giving in to the all-consuming pleasure only his experienced fingers and tongue could elicit.

She fisted the bedspread, biting her tongue to keep silent. Somehow this had turned into a challenge. She refused to make a sound. But when his tongue feathered over her sensitive nub, she lost it.


Then his fingers found her nipples. He pinched hard, working her pussy with his tongue at the same time.
Damn it
—she couldn't hold back and came in his mouth.


How could she possibly sleep after living something she'd dreamed about for so long? Vincent was asleep in her bed.
Her bed…
It still hadn't sunk in completely. Tina watched the rise and fall of his chest. It had the same hypnotizing effect as a pendulum or ticking clock.
Three orgasms.
And she already wanted more. But she couldn't wake him; he looked too peaceful and happy. His sensuous lips were curled upward in a half smile. How long had it been since he felt completely satisfied? Probably as long as it had been for her.

She eased his arm off her stomach and folded it gently across his chest. She wanted a glass of water and a late-night snack. Out of bed now, she padded down the hallway to the kitchen. Two o'clock in the morning and her stomach growled like it was dinnertime. She rummaged through various Tupperware containers in the fridge and found leftover mashed potatoes and cream gravy.
She shoved it in the microwave, then filled a glass with ice. After sucking down cold water, the micro dinged.

Before she could taste the first forkful of one of her favorite indulgences, her cellphone rang. Who would be calling so late? Worry threaded through her. Were her parents okay? Her brother? She rushed to the dining room, where she'd left her purse, and fished her cell out of the inner pocket.
Private name and number
flashed across the screen.


“What are you doing up so late?”

She absolutely recognized Kline's voice. The fucking snake didn't know when to stop. “Stop calling me.” She lowered the phone from her ear, ready to disconnect.

“Wait!” he screamed.


“I know a piece-of-shit biker spent the night at your house.”

Her hands started to tremble. “Where are you?”

“Don't worry about that, Ms. Bethel. Don't you know we're judged by the company we keep?”

Before she could respond, he hung up. Afraid he might be outside, she dropped her phone on the table, then rushed to the sofa to grab the quilt off the arm. She wrapped it around her center like a towel, then headed for the front door. Right or wrong, she refused to be held prisoner in her own home. The bastard would pay for his criminal behavior. All she had to do was catch him.

She yanked the door open, anger building inside. Her apartment was located close to the parking lot, so if she stepped into the breezeway, she could see several parking spaces.

“Where are you going?” Vincent asked.

Oh God, she didn't want to involve him. She twisted around, finding a very naked and intimidating figure standing close by. He rubbed his eyes, looking confused.

“I heard a bang outside.”

“So you were going to creep around in the dark draped in a blanket?”


“Don't lie to me, Tina. I heard your cell ring.”

She closed and locked the door.

“Did Kline call again?”

“Yes.” She faced her inquisitor, feeling a little guilty for fibbing. “Please don't worry about it.”

He blew out a breath. “Too late, baby.”

Her eyes traveled down his front, stopping on his magnificent cock. Maybe she could convince him to do something else…

“Hey.” He waved his hand. “Up here.”

She met his penetrating gaze. “Sorry.”

“Don't try to sidetrack me with sexy looks. After what we just shared, and this last week, I'm involved. Understand?”

“Sex doesn't change the way you felt before, Vincent. I offered a no-strings option, remember? I'm prepared to accept that. Please let me take care of Kline on my own.”

“No,” he growled. “Not with the look of fear in your eyes.”

“That's not fear, it's irritation.”

“Bullshit.” He closed the distance between them and gripped her shoulders. “I changed my mind, Tina—I want to spend more time together.”

She didn't know what to say.

“You don't want that?” he asked.


“Good,” he said, then pulled her into a hug. “What did the asshole say?”

“He knows you're here.”

Vincent withdrew, cursing under his breath. “This is getting out of control. Now he's stalking you at home.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “Give me some time to come up with a solution. I need to catch him in the act. Maybe another meeting at work with one of my bosses sitting in will scare him off.”

Vincent laughed savagely. “If my patches didn't intimidate him, some dick in a suit won't. Trust me.” He rubbed his chin, looking more dangerous than any man she'd ever seen. “One more phone call, one more late-night episode where he follows you, and I won't hold back, Tina.”

His threat frightened her more than Kline did. Vincent couldn't know the kind of dark energy he gave off when he was angry. “Can we go back to bed?” She forced a yawn, determined to defuse the situation.

He nodded. “Tomorrow doesn't change anything, baby.”

“I know,” she said, capturing his hand with hers. “But sleep resets the brain.”

He followed her down the hallway and pulled her into his arms after he climbed into bed. “Good night,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

“Sweet dreams.” A real yawn escaped her this time. Maybe if she prayed hard enough, Kline Barnes would simply disappear from the face of the earth.

BOOK: Possession
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