Read Prince of Pleasure Online

Authors: Mandy M. Roth

Prince of Pleasure (4 page)

BOOK: Prince of Pleasure
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She swayed slightly and then gasped, her eyes snapping open. The look upon her face worried him. When she said nothing but merely continued to stare at him with something close to shock in her gaze, his body tensed.

Rossi waggled his brows, hoping to laugh away the heaviness that had settled over the room. “Tell me I die in battle after fucking my fill of harem girls.”

Aeson slapped him in the back of the head.

He grunted. “What? Like that was not a dream of yours before you mated.”

Aeson’s expression grew smug and he began to nod only to stop when he noticed Shelby with her hand on her hip, watching him closely. “Uh, no. Never was a dream of mine.”

“Mmmhmm.” Rossi snorted.

Shelby focused on him. “You have a true mate—a destined one, Rossi. She’s human. And believe it or not, you’re set to meet her

He laughed and relaxed more. “My thanks, Shelby. I was worried you truly would tap into your line of communication with The Oracle.”

She stiffened. “I did.”

He laughed again. When she didn’t join in, his stomach sank. “You do not jest?”

She shook her head.

Panic assailed him. He stepped away from his brother. If he was destined to meet his mate today then he needed to put as much distance between himself and possibly meeting her as possible. He would not permit himself to be chained to one female for all eternity. No. He would lock himself in his chambers before he allowed such a thing to happen.

An idea hit him. If he was not within the realm, he could not possibly meet his chosen one. His brilliance amazed him. The Oracle and its seers could not stand against his cunning skills. He would outsmart them and avoid the dreaded mating his brothers had been subjected to. “I need to go to the outlying area, near the Vulture Kingdom. I’ve neglected my check-in duties there with our guard garrison. There is a matter, of, um, great importance there I should attend to.”

Aeson groaned, obviously seeing through Rossi’s plan. “Think you can outrun fate?”

“I do no such thing,” Rossi lied, smiling innocently.

Shelby cleared her throat. “Let him go. It’s for the best. He’s not ready to meet his mate. It’s better he be far from here. No sense forcing something upon him that he couldn’t possibly handle.”

Rossi nearly took offense, but let his sister-in-law speak on his behalf, especially if it got him away from the realm and far from this mate of his.

Aeson watched his mate carefully before nodding to Rossi. “Go.”

Chapter Five

Lucy’s head felt heavy and full as she forced her eyes open. She remembered the birdman mentioning a portal crossing and practically expected to see she was over the rainbow. Much to her disappointment, the area didn’t look altogether that different from the woods she’d been in earlier.

Though, the trees surrounding her were certainly bigger. As she looked up, tiny, needle-like pinpricks of pain raced through her extremities as feeling came back to them. She muffled a curse, her gaze upwards as she looked upon the two moons.

Two moons?

Whoa. I hit my head hard. I’m seeing double.

Waiting, she expected her vision to clear and right the two-moon situation. It did not. Two moons remained. Her eyes widened and she tried to sit up. Her body wasn’t quite ready yet and she flopped to the hard ground with a grunt.

“Ah, looks like our toy is awake,” said a familiar, deep voice.

She stiffened as the man who’d held her while he flew appeared in her line of sight. He wore a smile that said he had things on his mind that she wouldn’t like. She pleaded with her body to get it together. To stop reacting slowly and to realize her life was in jeopardy.

“Listen, mister, I just wanted a photo of you to prove I’m not crazy,” she said, hoping to stall him and his nefarious plans.


The other nudged him. “The humans are fond of them. They are small pieces of paper with imprints of likenesses upon them.”

Was this guy for real?

Lucy held her tongue as she stretched her legs, wiggling her feet in an attempt to get everything in working order again. The pin-prickle pain intensified, but she kept going. She’d expected angel-like beings to be angel-like. Not dicks with wings.

Homicidal dicks at that.

If she got out of this, which she fully planned to do, she was going to give some serious reconsideration to her hobby. She was also going to need to learn to fly herself, because if she guessed right, that portal thing they’d crossed with her wasn’t exactly ground level.

Manyer took a step in her direction and bent, reaching his hand out to touch her. Lucy pulled on everything she had and found the willpower to move. And move she did. She surprised herself even as she kicked him in the kneecap, making him drop before she kicked rapidly again. He grunted and cupped his groin as his buddy came at her with a blur of speed.

Rolling, she just missed being snatched by him. She scrambled to her feet, feeling as if she could run a marathon, her adrenaline was that high. She pushed through the brush and ran deep into the wooded area.

She paid little mind to foliage around her, but she saw enough to register that she was no longer in Mississippi. That was for sure.

“Go. Go. Go,” she chanted to herself, hoping the mini-cheer would somehow make her a sprinter rather than a woman who didn’t think she’d run even if being chased. She leapt up and over a downed tree, coming down hard on her left ankle. She winced and her speed slowed. Turning, she glanced over her shoulder to gauge how far back the birdmen were.

She smiled. She’d done it. She’d gotten away.

“That’s right. I’m no bird man’s—”

The words fell away as did the earth, so it seemed. One moment she was running on solid ground, and then it was gone, as if someone had yanked the rug out from under her. She flailed her arms and kicked her feet, understanding quickly that she’d been foolish to stop looking ahead. Had she kept her gaze forward, she’d have seen the cliff’s edge.

, she thought, as her gut rose into her throat.

Chapter Six

Aeson, of the royal hawk family, waited until his brother was long gone from earshot and turned to face his mate. He’d not wanted to comment in front of Rossi, yet curiosity held him in its grip. “Want to tell me what is happening? Why would you encourage him to run if he is to meet his destined on this day?”

A sly, sexy smile slid over her face. She was up to something. He knew that look well. “His mate is here, my love. In this realm. And if my vision was correct, she’s with the vultures as we speak.”

Aeson paused, taking in what she was saying and what she’d done. His mate had sent Rossi directly to his own woman, with Rossi being none the wiser. Pride welled in him at how quickly his mate had dealt with his younger brother. The more he thought upon it, the funnier it became. He tossed his head back, laughing. “So, he rushes headfirst
her rather than from her?”

“Yep,” said Shelby with a sparkle in her eyes. “I figured it best to let him think he was getting away with something, since he seems to pride himself on being a rule-breaking hellion.”

He dragged her against him and kissed her, never tiring of her taste. His cock hardened and he glanced around the room. Throw pillows and high-end linens adorned it, giving comfort at nearly every turn. His cock continued to stir with desire for his woman. “Wife, I have a request.”

She giggled and pressed her hands to his chest before slinking them down him, to his groin. “Oh, I can already guess what you want. No seer skills needed at all, buddy.”

Waggling his brows, Aeson picked up his wife and carried her to the nearest pile of pillows. He laid her gently upon them and stared hungrily down at her. He undid the front of his trews, letting his cock spring free. He stroked it as he continued to look upon his wife.

So beautiful.

So brave and so special.

She was his everything. Though, there had been a time when he too had scoffed at the idea of settling down with one woman for all time. The very thought had seemed to go against his nature.

Once he’d met Shelby, all of his fears and worries had fallen away. She and their little ones were what he lived for. He had never been happier in his long life and knew he could not go even one day without her walking by his side.

He went to his knees before her, his hand finding her long dress. He eased it up more and more, exposing her pale, creamy thighs to him. Her hands found the back of his neck and she tugged. Lowering his head, Aeson locked gazes with her before his lips found hers. His cock head pushed against her wet core and he wasted no time thrusting into his own version of paradise. She fit him perfectly and his body never tired of her, nor would it ever. For she was his mate and theirs was a bond that could not be broken.

Something his baby brother would learn soon enough.

Chapter Seven

Rossi came to a landing within the hawks’ territory, but close to the border. So close he was able to see one of their outer guard posts with ease. That meant, should any sentries be there, they would see him too. His hand went to his hip, to his sword handle. It gave him great comfort and, if he had to admit, he’d come to the edges of the lands in hopes of finding a fight. He was spoiling for a battle. His fingers itched with the anticipation of getting to cut through his enemy.

He needed something to take his mind from swirling thoughts of a human mate he was supposed to meet today. He went out of his way to avoid humans. He could count on his fingers the number of run-ins he’d had with them in his long life.

The only time he even thought humans worth a second glance had been when he and Aeson had stumbled upon an older gentleman out with a small human child. Rossi and his brother did not make it a habit to be seen by humans while in shifted form, yet the older human male had been close to the end of his days. They could sense the death upon him. And Aeson had seen the man often enough on his trips to the human realm to know the man’s one wish to meet one of them.

A hawk shifter.

They’d given him his wish. The young child with the man had called Rossi pretty and had asked the older man something. Rossi could not recall what it was now, but it had caused the older man to laugh.

Thinking on it all calmed Rossi somewhat, but the panic of possibly meeting his mate on this day won out. The nervous energy that had built before his abrupt exit from the castle had only intensified as he’d taken to the skies. While he’d had a destination in mind, he realized it was a fool’s errand. He knew his end goal was to get into a scuffle. To cause trouble and to be what his brothers always claimed he was—immature.

He did not care.

He needed to be far from thoughts of mates. Of prophecies, of sister-in-laws with links to The Oracle, and of the judging eyes of his brothers. The border was just the place to achieve it all. The vultures too enjoyed a good fight. And this guard post often held the seediest the vultures had to offer as far as men.

He surveyed the area and sighed. Once beautiful, the region was now unkempt, overgrown and the few guard posts that littered the area were in need of repair. With war looming, the focus had moved from what had only seemed important, to what truly was—protecting the kingdom.

The vultures were friend to none in the realm. They were the lowest of the lows. The hawks held the falcons in higher regard, and that was saying something.

His thoughts continued to race over his sister-in-law’s words. He had a mate? She was human? Panic continued to well in him. He didn’t want a blasted mate and he surely did not want one who was human. Kabril and Sachin may have been fine with sharing eternity with a human, but Rossi was not. If he were to be tethered to a female, not that he wanted to be, he wanted the female to be of his species. He was proud of being a bird shifter. He wanted full-blooded offspring someday. Though Kabril’s young ones were not full-blooded, they had all the same traits as their kind. Rossi was in no hurry for children.

He touched his stomach absently as his belly protested the idea of commitments of any sort. He was not as his mated brethren were. He was not made for one female. There were simply far too many out there, ready and willing to service his needs. He would not limit himself to merely one.

Grinning, he reflected upon how he had outwitted The Oracle. Unmated humans did not walk freely about the realm. They could not access it without the aid of a shifter male or wings. And humans did not have wings.

Simple creatures.

He laughed softly at his paranoia. It was not as though humans fell from the skies.

No sooner had the thought processed through his mind than his gaze drifted upward to the cliff running on the left side of the border. There was movement there and then something took flight from its edge.

His chest tightened and the urge to fly as well pushed over him. His wings emerged once more and he flapped them with fury, leaving the ground, his destination the cliff’s edge, even though he did not know why. The only other beings this far out would be the enemy.

He touched his sword handle once more, ready to slice through his opponent. It took him a moment to realize what he had assumed was a shifter taking flight was anything but. It was a woman and she was not flying.

She was falling.


Too fast.

he whispered, though he wasn’t sure why he’d say such a thing. He did not know the woman, let alone think of her as his love. Yet the word his people used, meaning “my love”, had fallen with ease from his tongue. Worry for the woman spiraling to her doom pressed harder on him, as did the urge to call her his love again.

BOOK: Prince of Pleasure
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