Read Protecting Rose Online

Authors: Cheryl Yeko

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

Protecting Rose (10 page)

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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Rose flipped her sun visor down and opened the mirror. “Where are we?”

“Just leaving Illinois,” Nate informed her through gritted teeth. He cleared his throat. “We should be there in about half an hour, barring any unforeseen traffic delays.”

From his peripheral vision, he watched as she fluffed her hair where it had pressed against the seat. She reached into her purse and pulled out lip-gloss. His body tensed when she puckered her lips and applied the gloss. He turned and watched in fascination when she pressed her moist lips together with a soft smacking noise, before running her little finger across them to smooth the gloss. Nate groaned and tore his gaze away, imagining the pleasure those lips could provide.

“Is everything all right?” Rose snapped the mirror shut and flipped the visor up before she glanced over at him with concern.

He glued his eyes straight ahead on the road, “Uh, yeah...everything’s fine.”

“Are you sure? It sounds like you’re in pain. Was the Tiramisu too rich? We could stop and get some Tums or something?”

Nate almost laughed at the concern in her voice. If she really knew what he was thinking, he’d probably get slapped. “I’m fine. How about you, are you hungry? He glanced over at her. “We could stop and grab a bite. Or, if you prefer there’s leftover pizza from last night.”

Rose blushed and looked away.

Nate chuckled. Was she remembering
she’d missed supper the prior evening? He found her quickness to blush sweet and appealing.

“I’m pretty tired. Let’s just head back to the condo and have some pizza.”

“All right.” He turned off the freeway toward the lakefront. “You should put the wig back on, Rose.”

She sighed and retrieved the black wig and put it on, followed by the baseball cap.

Nate picked up his cell to call Joe for a spot-check on security before they arrived.

Chapter 6

Joe met them at the back door when they drove in. He gave Rose a nod and smile. “Did you guys have a nice time?”

Nate raised a brow. “Did we, Rose?”

She laughed. “Yes, we had a very good time. It’s too bad the day had to come to an end.”

“Great,” Joe said. “Go ahead and go on up. I’ll take care of the car and have someone bring your bags up later.”

“Thanks.” Nate tossed him the car keys.

Rose had taken a nap in the car and wanted the evening to continue. Her emotions still ran high from the excitement of the day. She glanced around the lobby and spotted the baby grand.

“Nate, I’d like to play the piano for a while before we head up. My hands aren’t as sore now, and I’d like to see what I can do.”

He flashed a dimpled smile and held out his hand. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s go. I’d also like to see what you can do.”

Those very same words, out of Nate’s mouth, sounded erotic to Rose’s already overloaded senses. Her cheeks heated as she placed her hand in his outstretched palm. Images of him, and what she would really like to show him, flooded her mind.

He chuckled. “I meant with the music, Rose.”

Now her cheeks blazed, and she gave a frustrated snort. How did he do that? He was able to look past her defenses and read her every thought and emotion as easily as taking candy from a baby. It seemed with no point of reference to control what she felt, her emotions splashed across her face for all to see.

Nate’s eyes glinted with humor, and...something else.

The sound of his husky laughter filled the room, the sexy timbre sending a jolt of pure excitement through her. A blast of heat exploded between them and left her dazed. Nate’s eyes darkened.

He stepped forward and caressed one of her cheeks with the back of his hand. With the other, he reached around her and pressed firmly at the small of her back. His eyes burned under hooded lids. He pulled her close, until their bodies touched and her breath caught on a gasp.

“This is such a bad idea,” he said huskily. His eyes grew warm and tender as he leaned down and lightly touched his mouth to hers.

A soft feather of a kiss brushed across her parted lips. More like an exchange of warm sweet breath than an actual kiss. The tenderness of it took her breath away.

Rose closed her eyes and leaned into him, her body eager for his touch. A shudder rolled through him and he gripped her tighter, before lifting his lips from hers. His hands slid up her body to cradle the back of her head, tilting her face up until she met his heated gaze.

He leaned forward and placed his forehead against hers. “Rose.” His lips feathered cinnamon kisses down her cheek to just below her ear.

“You are so sweet,” he whispered.

Suddenly the lobby door opened and two young children ran inside, followed by a middle-aged man with an armful of packages and a harried look. The man gave them a curious glance as he passed on his way to the elevator. Nate abruptly stepped away from her, his eyes losing all warmth, growing hard and watchful. The children’s giggles and calls of “Papa” drifted through the lobby until the elevator door closed.

“That was a dumb thing to do.” He glanced toward the main entrance with a frown.

Rose felt as if she’d been slapped. It had seemed perfect to her, and it hurt that Nate regretted the tender moment that passed between them. She turned toward the elevator on shaky legs to escape to her room.

Nate stepped in front of her to block her path, his hands held out imploringly. “Rose, I didn’t mean...I only meant...”

“What? What did you mean?” Her voice trembled.

“I’m supposed to keep you safe, and I let my guard down. That can’t happen again.” He fisted his hands at his sides, then lifted his head and scanned the lobby. When he glanced back at her, his gaze softened. “But my mind gets clouded when I’m with you. I can’t let that happen and protect you effectively.”

Rose’s heart swelled with hope. He did want her after all. “Why—” she started to argue.

Nate reached out and touched his finger to her lips. “Hey,” he said, with a shake of his head. “This is not the time or the place for this conversation.” He gave her a reassuring smile, although his face was etched with tension. “Did you still want to play the piano for a while before we head up?”

She reached up and caressed his cheek. “Yes, I would.”

Relief flashed across his face. Her mind raced as she walked to the piano. There was no reason why they couldn’t act on what they felt. Maybe he held back because he was a cop? But she didn’t care about police protocol. She wanted him.

Her heart raced when she remembered the heat in his eyes just moments before. They were adults, after all. She was certain she wasn’t married. Well, as certain as anyone could be considering she had no memory.

Rose glanced down at her hand. No wedding ring and no lines to indicate there’d ever been one. Besides, wouldn’t she just know if there was someone important in her life? Wouldn’t they have been looking for her? Have already found her?

Nate sprawled onto an overstuffed armchair that faced the piano. He casually cradled the back of his head into the palms of his hands where his fingers intertwined, flung a leg over the arm of the chair, and arched a sexy brow in her direction.

Her breath caught at the flash of desire she saw in his eyes. She wondered if he cared for her beyond just the sexual attraction that sparked between them.

She faced the piano and placed her hands on the smooth ivory keys. Closing her eyes, she let instinct take over. The sweet sound of the music flowed through her and washed away everything but the peacefulness of the song. A soft classical tune that started slow and increased to a pounding crescendo that vibrated through the air, before dropping to a mere whisper of music and then rising to an exciting dramatic finish. She wasn’t sure about the name of the song, but she must have played it often to know it so perfectly. She sat quietly for a moment and let the memory of the music wash over her.

She glanced at Nate and froze. He was no longer relaxed in the chair. Instead, he leaned forward with his hands clasped together, his forearms resting on his knees. He watched her with an intensity that stole her breath and left her knees weak.

Her heart fluttered wildly.

“That was amazing.” He stood up and held out his hand. “You are amazing.”

As her heart pounded, Rose placed her hand in his and he tugged her to her feet and led her to the elevator. When they stepped inside, Nate punched the top floor button and the doors closed. She glanced at him. He watched her with heavy, lidded eyes. The sound of silence, and the charged emotions that flowed between them, filled the small space.

When they reached the top floor, the elevator came to a sudden halt. Rose stumbled, and Nate wrapped his arms around her and held her firmly against him.

His erection pressed at her back. He groaned and tightened his grip. Her knees turned to jelly, and her breath came in short gasps as desire took control. Rose wanted him. Wanted him to hold her and make love to her. She wanted to feel like a normal woman and not some pathetic fragile victim.

As the elevator doors opened and they stepped out, she turned and met his stormy gaze. His eyes raged with his internal struggle. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. His lips met hers in a soft kiss. Nate tensed and a shudder shook him. He tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her hair.

“Rose, we shouldn’t do this,” he murmured. His voice infused with need.

“Why not?” She wanted him and wouldn’t let the moment die. He wanted her, even if he tried to deny it.

“You’re not yourself. You’ve been through a terrible trauma and need time to heal. To get back your memory before...before we can see what this thing between us is about.”

“I don’t want to wait. I want you now.” She gripped the back of his head and brought his lips back to hers.

With a soft moan, she pressed her tongue against his mouth seeking entrance. A surge of triumph swept through her when his resistance gave away.

Nate went all in. He opened his mouth and captured her tongue with a growl. The sound of his capitulation was music to her ears.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and deepened the kiss as he lifted her up against him. His other hand moved up her back in a tender caress until stopping at the base of her neck. Her soft curves molded to his hard lean frame. Her feet floated just above the floor as he held her tightly against him. The feel of his erection pressed against her filled her with breathless anticipation. She felt like a beautiful, desirable woman in Nate’s strong arms.

He took command of her mouth with a kiss that seared her with its heat. All coherent thought vanished as his mouth devoured hers. The taste of him sent waves of desire to her center. Her body tingled and moisture pooled between her thighs. Her need for him grew, kiss by fiery kiss. Her tongue met his in an ancient dance of passion and she trembled from the fierce rush of emotions induced by his fervent demands.

Nate propelled her backward until she came up against the condominium door. With a soft moan, she wrapped her legs securely around his hips. Her skirt slid up over her thighs and put her in the perfect position for his erection to grind against her in just the right spot, dispelling any lingering doubt about how much he wanted her.

He swallowed her lusty moans and with an impatient groan, fumbled with the keys. She giggled against his mouth at his desperation, until he was finally able to open the door and they stepped inside.

Nate lifted his lips from hers, met her gaze and grinned. He gave her bottom a playful smack before he turned back to lock the door. “Think that’s funny, do you?” He held her against him and kissed her nose and then her lips. His breath softly fanned over her face to her ear. “Are you sure?”

Rose trembled, clung to him, and breathed in his heady masculine scent. The musky aftershave he wore, the hint of cinnamon on his lips. “Yes...please. I need you.”

With a husky laugh, he swung her up into his arms and carried her to his room. His eyes blazed hot as he lowered her onto the bed.

“Last chance.” He stood and pulled the Glock from his waist, placing it on the nightstand. His eyes remained locked onto hers, but he didn’t make a move toward her.

Rose was entirely caught up in her emotions. The only possible answer was to reach up and pull him down on the bed with her.

With a deep growl, he covered her body with his and reclaimed her mouth. The hunger in his kiss sent shivers of desire racing through her. His hands moved down her body in a slow, sensual exploration.

Rose moaned. She wanted more, wanted to forget about everything but the incredible man in her arms. Her hands found their way under his shirt, and he shuddered as she stroked the hard-corded muscles at his back.

Nate reached between them and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, his fingers caressing the soft swell of her breasts. He seared a path down her neck with hot, wet kisses and back up to claim her lips.

Rose blushed...shivered in anticipation. She longed for the sexy black underwear purchased that afternoon, instead of the plain cotton briefs she wore.

Nate chuckled. The husky sound sent a jolt of heat straight through her. The desire to be taken by him pushed all shyness aside and she waited breathlessly for his next move. He unsnapped the front closure of her bra, allowing her breasts to spill out.

“You are so beautiful,” Nate murmured.

He leaned down to kiss her breasts, first one...then the other. She sucked in a quick breath when he cupped them in his palms and pinched sensitive nipples between expert fingers, until they stood taut under his touch.

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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