Read Pure Passion Online

Authors: M. T. Stone,Megan Hershenson

Pure Passion (7 page)

BOOK: Pure Passion
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“Well, I’m not sure I can show you yet,” I replied, feeling
my cheeks burning up. 
I really hate blushing! 
“Anyway, I’ve got to get
home and sort through some of my clothes and figure out what needs to be

“Sorry, Lara. I didn’t mean to scare you off,” he said,
grabbing his t-shirt.

“You’re not.  I just need to get home and get a few things
done.” Poking my head around the corner, I said, “I like the color of my
bedroom Derek. You’ve got good taste.”

“Thanks. It’s all ready for you whenever.”

“Sounds good.  I’ll slowly move in over the next week or
so.  Hopefully, we’ll have a bathroom and kitchen by the time I’m moved.”

“We will if Max actually helps me,” he replied as Max came
gimping back from the bedroom.

Getting into my car, parts of me were aching like they had
never ached before.  I casually put my hands to my face breathing in the scent
of Max.  The guy smelled really good on me.  I just needed to stay calm and not
lose my head.

Chapter 8



Something strange was going on, like a battle waging inside
me.  There were times when Lara really turned me on, but other times she felt
more like one of the guys.  She was definitely cute, but so much different from
what I was used to.  Part of me wanted to throw her on the bed and ravish her,
while another part wanted her as a drinking buddy.
  Is it possible for her
to be both?

Since Derek took vacation the entire week, the two of us
worked our asses off.   By Monday evening, we had a new sink and toilet
installed in the bathroom, and we were halfway done with the tiling.  Both
girls were at work, so after we finished for the day we went to Longhorn Steak
House to visit Hadley and have a much-deserved meal.

“We need to get that kitchen together so you and Lara can
start cooking,” Derek commented to her.

“Well I’m good at breakfast, as long as everyone likes
cereal or toast.  Other than that, it will be up to Lara,” she said as she
jotted down our orders.

Hadley was cute, sweet, and spunky. She also made it clear
that she fully intended to rely on those assets.  She despised housework,
rarely did laundry, and was content eating cereal or protein bars for every
meal.  Lara, on the other hand, couldn’t see moving in until she had a proper
kitchen. With any luck, she would be the one feeding us once in a while
.  I
think I’m going to stop by The Deuce after this for a drink.  Yeah right, I’m
just dying to see her.


Walking into The Deuce, I was shocked to hear blues legend
Tag McCoy cranking out a great riff on his electric guitar.  I snuck up along
the edge of the stage and was shocked to find he was playing one of Granddad's
old guitars.  I recognized it immediately, since it was a custom turquoise and
white, based on the look and feel of the Fender Telecaster.  It was one of the
guitars that made Maxwell Keegan famous, and I played one just like it.

“He’s playing one of ours,” I told Lara, pulling up a seat
at the bar.  I could feel myself beaming with pride.  It is one thing to see
someone playing a new custom guitar, but it’s another to see a music legend
playing one that’s over 40 years old. 

The place was packed, and Lara was busy as hell.  She was
dressed for the blues, with her tight fitting jeans tucked into her leather
boots.  It was a perfect night - having a beer, watching her work, and
listening to the blues. 
It’s amazing to think that Granddad made that
guitar 15 years before I was born, and it’s still being played.  Hmmm, Lara
looks really sexy in those jeans. She definitely has a great ass in jeans.

As the show wound down, Lara came around the bar, “Hey, Max.
You wanna meet Tag?”


We went back to a smallish room, just off the side of the
stage.  We could hear the room buzzing as the bouncer cleared Lara and me.  Tag
was standing with other band members, talking to a group of young ladies.  Even
though the music and atmosphere were much different than rock, the groupies
still looked the same.   After patiently standing off to the side for several
minutes, Tag gave me a look that said, “Who are you and what are you doing

“Hi, Tag. I’m Max Keegan,” I announced, reaching out my hand
to shake his.

“Max Keegan?” he said bewildered, slowly shaking my hand.

“Yeah, you were playing my grandpa’s guitar.”

Needless to say, Lara and I were treated like royalty the
rest of the night.  The experience solidified my desire to change my name officially,
and was the best night I’d had in months.  Even the bar manager lightened up
and had a beer with us after he came looking for Lara.  Tag told everyone who
would listen how he got his guitar as a gift directly from my grandfather.  It
was one that Maxwell had played himself for years before giving it to Tag, so
it was extra special.  Even though I was broke and had been through some tough
times, for the first time in a while I was truly proud of who I was.

“It’s only a matter of time, Max,” Lara assured me as I
walked her to her car that night.

“I think you’re right, Lara.  Everything suddenly feels like
it’s falling in place.  Tag gave me the number to his manager, so I can talk to
him about endorsing my line.” 
MY line. I really like the way that sounds.

Gazing at her in The Deucelight, I could see her eyes
shimmering as if she were proud of me.  I couldn’t stop myself from taking her
head in my hands and giving her one of the most passion-filled kisses of my
life.  I had always heard about fireworks but hadn’t really experienced them
before.  Everything about it was perfect; her soft moist lips, the smell of her
perfume, and the way she softly moaned.  It was the type of kiss that you only
see in one of those chick flicks. 
Despite any reservations, my body keeps
telling me that Lara is definitely my type!

“Wow, that was incredible,” Lara said with her coy smile. 
“But it’s late, I better get home.”

“Yeah, Derek’s gonna be on my ass first thing tomorrow
morning, too.  Thanks for a great night, Lara. I definitely owe you one.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” she smirked as she got in
her car.

Standing there as she pulled away, all I could think was,
really like this girl.



Thank God, I was able to get away.
  I was so tempted
to go over to the house, but I really needed to take things slow.  He needs to
want me as badly as I want him.  That’s the only way I’ll win with a guy like
Max.  As I passed the same old familiar houses, everything seemed fresh and
new.  My life finally seemed to be blossoming.  I was making more money at The
Deuce than I could as a full time music teacher, I was having fun, and best of
all, Max was becoming a central part of my life

My wildest dreams were
actually coming true!

Lying in bed, my mind raced with thoughts about moving into
the house I would share with Derek, Hadley, and Max.  Then my elation with Max
took a sudden fearful turn. Questions of uncertainty and doubt flooded my mind.
What if Max finds out who I really am? That weak, twisted girl who let herself
obsess over him for years.  What if Brea tells Derek?  Derek would tell him, I
just know it.  If I move in, there will be no turning back.  It will be do or
die. The way he kissed me tonight was incredible, though.  Maybe I should focus
on that instead.



The next few days were non-stop.  Derek was determined to
have the house in shape by the end of his vacation week.  It seemed that Hadley
was insistent upon perfection before moving in, which didn’t really jibe with
the fact that she’s kind of a slob.  Derek wasn’t his normal self either. He
was being so damn nitpicky.  Even though I liked doing a good job, it drove me
nuts the way he was obsessing over trivial details.  By Friday afternoon,
though, the bathroom was complete, and the kitchen put together.  It still
needed baseboards and some trim around the backsplash, but other than that,
everything looked great and was 100% functional.  We sent Hadley and Lara a
text to pick up some rugs and a shower curtain on their way over.  Then we
planned to make our first dinner together in the new kitchen.

There was a slight change of plans when the girls said they
would be late.  Derek and I could burn stuff on the grill, but we didn’t have
one yet. Neither of us was comfortable with the new gas stove.  So we hit the
grocery store for a rotisserie chicken, pre-made mashed potatoes, and a bag of
veggies we could throw in the microwave.  Once we warmed them up and put them
in regular bowls, it looked like we had actually cooked.

About 6:30 p.m., Lara pulled up with a carload of stuff. 
She had Friday night off, so she planned to get everything put away.  After a
semi-awkward greeting, I started helping her unload her things.  The house had
come with some furniture, so I helped her fill up her dresser and closet. 
That’s when I stumbled across the fun box.

“Score!  Holy shit, you wear thong underwear?” 
Damn, I
love those tiny things!

“Max, get out of there.  You aren’t supposed to be

“I wasn’t snooping. I was helping.” 
Big frickin’ smile

At that point, Lara relegated me to the closet, with the
task of hanging up her shirts and pants.  Apparently, she didn’t want me rating
her bras, panties and lingerie on a scale of one to ten.  The stuff I saw was
definitely crushing the upper end of the scale! 
Was this stuff new or was
there always a bad girl underneath her old, boring clothes.  I’m thinkin’ it’s
the latter.

“Now, all you need is a bed,” I mentioned as my thoughts
headed back into the gutter.

“Yeah. My brothers are coming over to my parents' tomorrow
afternoon, so they’ll help me.”

“We can take Derek’s truck and go pick it up now.”
I want
you to stay tonight!

I’m not sure why, but Lara seemed hesitant, struggling for
the right words.  She obviously wasn’t having second thoughts about moving in,
but she didn’t seem to want me to help with her bed.  Did she not want me to
meet her parents or see where she lived? 


Ok, I can’t tell him that I don’t want my parents to know
he lives here.  I don’t even really want them to know about anything that we’re
doing.  But I can’t think of any other good reason for not letting him help
me.  After all, my parents won’t be home for at least a couple of hours.  What
the hell…

“Alright, let’s do this!”

“Alright.  You were weirding me out a little there.”

Taking off with Max in Derek’s truck, it felt like I was
truly embarking on a journey.  After all, once we moved my bed, it would be
official.  I guess I could always sleep in my parents’ guest room, but that
would definitely raise some questions.

Luckily, everything went totally smooth.  My parents were
gone, so I showed him to my bedroom and began stripping the bedding.  Seeing
Max in my bedroom brought on another flashback from high school.  I spent many
nights dreaming of Max being in this room.  A mixture of memories, feeling
naughty, and Max’ good looks led me around to his side of the bed.  Catching
him by surprise, I slipped my hands around his waist and gave him a kiss like
the one we had shared on Monday night.  This time however, he even moaned as he
ravished my lips like a long lost lover.  As I pulled him toward me and fell
back onto the bed, my head was spinning.

During our free fall, Max never let me out of his grip.  He
only increased his passionate advance once we made the transition to
horizontal.  My intention had been to give him a nice, hot kiss, but now we
were thrashing around in my bed.  He had my head in his hands, but mine were
free to roam and grope.  For years, I had dreamt of his body being over mine. I
tried to drink in the feeling of his weight on me.  I ran my hands along his
sides and attempted to cup my hands around his ass. 
Damn! My arms are a
little too short!

“Do you need me to move up a little so you can reach?” he

“Would you?” I asked with a giggle.

Choking back the words I had always wanted to say, I simply
enjoyed kissing, touching, and feeling Max in my bed.  As he moved up my body
and gave me yet another full, passionate kiss, I felt his wood against me for
the first time. 
I can’t believe I turn him on like that!
  Even though
we were fully clothed, it felt like a surge of electricity that started at my
core and shot right up my spine.  He slowly moved his hips as we continued to
make out, our tongues hungrily lashing out at each other.  I found myself
moving my hips in unison to his…
Oh my god, he’s hitting my clit.
felt so incredible.  I wanted him to stop, but I didn’t want the feeling to
end.  So against my better judgment, I wrapped my legs around his, and we
continued to go at each other.

After a couple more minutes of his rhythmic movements, I
began to shake in a way I’ve never shaken with anyone else before.  A wave of
pleasure burst from the core of my being and washed over me.  I literally felt
as if I was sinking into the bed, falling away from everything that had ever
worried me.  It was my first real orgasm, and it was with Max.  By the way Max
was grunting and throbbing toward the end, I knew I wasn’t the only one with a
mess in my underwear.  But honestly, neither of us cared.

We were both completely tripping on endorphins as we got up,
finished stripping the bed, and hauled the mattress out to the truck.  Max
seemed impressed by how easily I could handle the mattresses saying, “You’re
pretty strong for a girl.” 

“Oh, yeah? Well, you’re pretty hot in bed for an old guy,” I

Old? Really?
  It was a horrible comeback, but my mind
was completely scrambled.  I was actually impressed that I could even function
so quickly after Max did that to me.    Best of all, it happened in my old
room, in the bed where I dreamt about him being in my life. 
I can only
imagine how good it will be naked!


BOOK: Pure Passion
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